Episod 371 My #Qurantime Isnin 23 Ogos 2021 Surah Al-Nahl (16:94-102) Halaman 278

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Episod 371 My #Qurantime Isnin 23 Ogos 2021 Surah Al-Nahl (16:94-102) Halaman 278
00:00 [Music]
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01:00 [Prayer]
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01:31 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:33 We meet in My Quran Time to read the understanding of deeds today.
01:37 On Monday, we continue to delve into the Surah An-Nahl, the 14th Juz.
01:44 We are here to continue to see the blessings that Allah has given us.
01:51 We are grateful to believe and perform tawakkal to Allah SWT.
01:58 Surrender to Allah, not to the enemies of Allah SWT among the servants.
02:10 Today, we are here with Ustaz Tarmizi Abdul Rahman.
02:14 Alhamdulillah, Ustaz. How are you?
02:15 I am fine, Alhamdulillah.
02:16 How is your spirit today?
02:17 Today is Sunday.
02:18 Alhamdulillah, we are sure that everyone who is watching this on TV is very energetic.
02:23 If anyone is not energetic, we pray for them to be energetic again.
02:27 When we can read, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,
02:31 we can read Al-Fatihah, which is a sign that Allah has taught us the Quran today.
02:37 And that is the highest blessing that Allah has stated in Surah Al-Rahman, the 55th Surah.
02:45 Today, we start with our short prayer.
02:48 Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma.
02:57 O Allah, increase the knowledge for us, inshallah.
03:00 We would like to see the synopsis of the short verse of page 278.
03:05 Starting from verse 94 to 96, we will see how Allah perfected the promise,
03:14 guidance and also the investigation to those who ask for an investigation.
03:20 This is what we see in verse 94 to 96, we will see together.
03:24 And then followed by the most complete verse, the most comprehensive,
03:29 which tells the opportunity of Allah's gift to every man and woman to do righteous deeds.
03:36 And there is a great benefit from that.
03:40 Followed by verse 98 to 102, we will see the relation with the Quran.
03:45 Why we have to read the da'us, which is,
03:48 A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim.
03:50 And also, the relation with the term "nasakh",
03:53 something that is cancelled or replaced in the Quran.
03:59 And the Quran is in Arabic.
04:02 Insha'Allah, we will start reading from verse 94 to 97.
04:07 So, you who are on Facebook, you can share with your friends,
04:11 share your friends' tags.
04:13 Let's read together, because there is an amazing explanation about the Quran.
04:19 It is amazing that we will see the benefits of the Quran and its impact on our lives.
04:27 With Ustaz Tarbis.
04:28 Insha'Allah. Thank you, Ustaz Fazrul.
04:30 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
04:31 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
04:34 Alhamdulillah.
04:35 Wa salatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah, wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa man walahi wa ba'da.
04:39 How are you, ladies and gentlemen, and all the Muslim women and men?
04:43 With us today, we hope that we receive healing and mercy from Allah SWT.
04:51 [Al Quran recitation]
04:59 We hope that the Quran will purify our hearts, heal and care for our hearts,
05:06 and continue to invite mercy from Allah SWT.
05:09 Ameen, Ya Rabb.
05:10 We want to start our recitation, starting from verse 94 to verse 97.
05:17 So, I think all the ladies and gentlemen of the Quran are ready.
05:21 Let's start our recitation.
05:23 We will recite with the recitation of Murat al-Bayati, insha'Allah.
05:26 [Al Quran recitation]
05:34 [Al Quran recitation]
05:56 [Al Quran recitation]
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08:01 [Al Quran recitation]
08:21 [Al Quran recitation]
08:39 We have recited verses 94 to 97.
08:42 There are four verses, as we said earlier.
08:44 Alhamdulillah, I would like to congratulate the ladies and gentlemen at home, who have read the Ustaz Talmizy's book earlier,
08:51 which explains to us how Allah explains, if we look at yesterday, the misguidance and guidance that are conveyed in verse 93.
09:05 Verse 94, Allah says, "And do not make your oaths, i.e. the agreements that have been made to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him,
09:15 our agreement with Allah, one of the terms of faith, is referring to the two words of our Shahadah.
09:23 When we say, "I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger."
09:27 Do not make it as a 'dakhwalah'.
09:29 What does 'dakhwalah' mean here?
09:31 It is a form of deceit. In the time of the companions or the Prophet, they used the two words of the Shahadah to say,
09:37 "I am a Muslim, but I am not a believer."
09:40 They tried to gain wealth among the hypocrites at that time.
09:45 They tried to gain wealth or to gain the effect of 'extra mile', something that is the desire of the world,
09:53 by using the oath, the agreement of the two words of the Shahadah.
09:58 Although in Mecca, this is not so popular anymore, but it is a reminder.
10:05 "In your midst, there will be a sign of a man who will be deceived by Allah."
10:10 That is the sign when we have an agreement with Allah, with the Prophet,
10:14 we try to make a lie, not to believe.
10:18 Then Allah will make that person be deceived by the certainty or the certainty in his life,
10:26 and he will feel bad, he will be insulted.
10:30 "Bima sadaqtum ansabilillah"
10:32 Because not only they do not believe, but they also finally prevent others from being on the path of Allah.
10:42 "Wa lakum aza'abun a'adhim"
10:44 And this is a great torment.
10:46 This is the role.
10:47 Why if we see, to make it easier to tell,
10:50 there are people who read the Quran, then they fight for the Quran.
10:56 That is one.
10:57 The bad thing is that they do not read the Quran,
11:00 but they also prevent people from practicing the content of the Quran.
11:04 This is what is said in the 94th verse,
11:08 a continuation of the 93rd verse.
11:10 They do not get guidance, but they also prevent people from going to "sabilillah"
11:16 on the path of Allah.
11:18 The torment is very, very big, as Allah said in the 94th verse.
11:23 And more than that, Allah reminds us,
11:25 "Wa la tashtaru bi-ahdillahi thamanan qalilah"
11:27 Do not exchange promises to Allah with cheap prices.
11:33 Exchange with status, with popularity, with money, and so on.
11:41 Only to be replaced with a promise to Allah SWT.
11:47 This is what we need to remember.
11:49 "Innama 'inda Allahi huwa khairul lakum inkuntum ta'lamun"
11:53 What is on the side of Allah is better if you know.
11:57 What is on the side of Allah?
11:58 On the side of Allah there is everything.
12:00 But in the human level, if we feel we want to be high,
12:04 finally when we are popular,
12:06 after being high, people no longer respect us.
12:09 Some people become celebrities,
12:11 but when people give two or three compliments,
12:15 and it is true, people immediately leave.
12:19 So, to look for something from this human side,
12:22 it does not last, but it lasts when we are with Allah SWT.
12:28 That is why Allah said once again,
12:30 "Ma'indakum yamfid"
12:31 "Yamfad"
12:32 What is on your side will disappear,
12:35 but what is on the side of Allah will remain.
12:39 And Allah will give back to the patient people,
12:42 the best treatment they have ever received.
12:47 Interesting, the word "bi ahzani maqanu ya'malun"
12:51 Why?
12:52 Because sometimes, if we have an exam,
12:56 there is a first, second, third exam.
13:00 The first one I got B,
13:02 the second one I got C,
13:03 the third one Alhamdulillah I got A.
13:05 Sometimes at school,
13:07 they take B, C, A, and get B for example.
13:11 But Allah sees us,
13:15 in our life, Allah said,
13:17 "Wa lana jaziyanallathi naswabaru ajrahum bi ahzani maqanu ya'malun"
13:23 That is, Allah will give back what is best.
13:27 If we had a prayer at B, C, A, Allah will give back at A.
13:34 Allah can forgive B and C.
13:38 We try, the important thing is to recite the Quran.
13:41 For example, some people recite the Quran at the best level,
13:44 some people recite it at the worst level.
13:48 So, if you are like me,
13:50 you recite it at the worst level,
13:51 but there is only one time,
13:52 only one time you recite it at the best level,
13:54 Allah can give back the best.
13:57 That is Allah's offer to us.
14:01 What is important?
14:02 What is important is that we are always patient when doing good in our lives.
14:08 So, that is why, once again, Allah reminds us of this offer in verse 97.
14:13 A big offer,
14:14 an offer for a man and a woman,
14:17 the same, no difference.
14:19 Let's read once again verse 97,
14:22 to appreciate the importance of faith and the importance of deeds in our daily lives.
14:28 We are with Ustaz.
14:29 Thank you Ustaz Fazlul.
14:30 SubhanAllah,
14:31 very much.
14:32 Thank you very much,
14:33 Allah's verse is very important to us.
14:35 Although, many times we say "Khokat Khokat"
14:38 "Wa Yata Ta' Ta'"
14:41 SubhanAllah
14:42 "Al-Mahiru Bil-Quran Ma'asafratil-Kiramil-Barar"
14:46 "Wa Lilliya Qur'ulu Qur'an"
14:47 "Ila Akhirat Hadith"
14:49 Whoever recites the Quran,
14:50 the one who is good at reciting the Quran,
14:51 is the same as the one who is given by Allah.
14:53 But the one who is shy,
14:54 "Wa Yata Ta' Ta'"
14:56 He is shy in his recitation,
14:58 but he still wants to be serious,
15:00 "Lahu Ajaron"
15:01 He gets two rewards,
15:02 the reward of reciting the Quran,
15:03 and the reward of struggling with the Quran.
15:05 But,
15:06 that is the meaning,
15:07 that is among the path of Ustaz,
15:08 the motivation that the Prophet gave,
15:10 and he added it earlier.
15:12 "Bi Ahsani Ma'akanu Ya'manu"
15:14 SubhanAllah
15:15 Let's see,
15:16 the verse 97,
15:17 we will read it once again,
15:18 InshaAllah.
15:19 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim"
15:25 "Man 'amila salihan min dhakarin
15:33 "Au untha wahuwa mu'minun
15:40 "Falanuhiyannahu hayatan tayyibatan
16:02 "Wala najziyannahum ajrahun
16:19 "Bi ahsani ma'akanu ya'malun"
16:31 "Sadaqallahu l-Azim"
16:38 "Sadaqallahu l-Azim"
16:39 The verse 97,
16:40 "Barang siapa ber'amal salih
16:42 "Bai' lelaki mahumpun perempuan
16:43 "Dalam kadaan ber'iman
16:45 "Wahuwa mu'min"
16:47 "Maka pasti kami akan berikan kepadanya
16:49 "Kehidupan yang baik
16:50 "Dan akan kami berikan balasan
16:51 "Dengan pahala yang lebih baik
16:52 "Daripada apa yang telah mereka lakukan"
16:55 If we notice,
16:56 from the verse 95,
16:57 Allah said,
16:59 "In kuntum ta'lamun"
17:01 "If you know the importance of knowledge in this life,
17:05 "Only then can we appreciate
17:07 "What is important and what is not important"
17:10 If we don't have knowledge,
17:11 then we know from the verse 96,
17:13 whatever is on our side,
17:15 rank, wealth,
17:18 or even difficulties,
17:21 such as COVID-19 and so on,
17:23 it will be gone.
17:24 It will be erased.
17:26 It will be gone too.
17:27 What remains is what is on Allah's side.
17:30 That's why when we face trials,
17:32 we still read the Quran.
17:34 Because reading the Quran remains.
17:35 COVID-19 will be gone.
17:37 In this world, there is no COVID-19 in heaven.
17:40 So, COVID-19 is not in the hereafter.
17:42 So, what I want to say is,
17:43 if we have knowledge,
17:45 if we have a little knowledge,
17:46 we practice reading the Quran,
17:49 we make an effort,
17:50 we try to bring our family members
17:54 to read the Quran together.
17:56 We do good deeds at home.
17:59 Hopefully, like Ustaz Tar.
18:01 We pray.
18:03 We do good deeds with prayers.
18:06 This is what remains.
18:08 What remains are trials,
18:10 wealth,
18:12 our work,
18:13 our busyness,
18:14 whatever it is,
18:15 it doesn't remain.
18:16 So, we have to be wise with the knowledge we have,
18:19 to change all these things
18:21 into a permanent practice.
18:24 If we are patient to practice this,
18:27 Allah says,
18:28 "Give a reward for the best deed."
18:31 "Bi'ahsanimaa ka'anu ya'malut."
18:33 And it is repeated in the verse 97.
18:36 This time, Allah gives a corner.
18:38 "Man amilaa salihaam min zakarin ar-unza."
18:43 Allah gives a corner to the man and woman.
18:46 Because someone said,
18:47 "Women can say, 'Oh, men can do it.'"
18:50 "He can pray all month."
18:52 "He can pray only a certain prayer."
18:55 "Men can say, 'Women can do it.'"
18:57 "They are pregnant."
18:59 "They can be a martyr if they die."
19:02 "They can take care of their children."
19:04 "It doesn't matter."
19:05 "Women want to be men, men want to be women."
19:07 Each of us has a gift from Allah.
19:10 As long as we do good deeds,
19:12 a man, a wife,
19:13 looking for a livelihood,
19:15 a mother,
19:16 will educate,
19:17 take care of her child.
19:19 Each of us has a chance
19:21 to do good deeds.
19:23 And the condition of doing good deeds
19:25 is with the condition of "Wa huwa mu'min."
19:28 Continue.
19:29 Each of us, men do it in a man's way,
19:31 women do it in a woman's way.
19:33 Both of us have a chance
19:35 to make ourselves a slave.
19:37 Doing good deeds is based on faith
19:39 in Allah.
19:40 What is Allah's promise?
19:42 "Fa la nuh yiyan nahu hayatan tayyibah."
19:46 "A good life will be given to them."
19:50 This is Allah's promise.
19:52 In this world,
19:53 he will have peace,
19:54 he will have prosperity.
19:56 Even more than that,
19:57 "Wa la na jizyan nahum ajruhum."
19:59 "Their reward will be in the hereafter."
20:01 Allah will repeat,
20:02 "Bi ahsanima kanu ya'malun."
20:04 Once again,
20:05 the important thing is
20:07 women,
20:08 if they do good deeds,
20:12 Allah will take the best.
20:15 "Baiki."
20:16 In the past, we read "Kokak"
20:18 but today we will read more.
20:20 We will learn Tajweed after the break.
20:22 Allah will take the best.
20:24 Interesting.
20:25 But if we are static,
20:27 not doing good deeds,
20:28 that is not good deeds.
20:29 That is good deeds
20:31 but not good deeds.
20:33 Because good deeds are related to
20:34 reforming,
20:35 we are improving our lives.
20:37 So, if we want to have
20:39 a good life,
20:41 Allah says,
20:42 continue doing good deeds,
20:44 deeds that are continuously being improved,
20:46 not necessarily perfect,
20:48 that will give the best reward
20:51 from what we do.
20:53 This leads to our choice today.
20:56 Let's see.
20:57 Our words are,
20:59 "Yamana"
21:00 which is,
21:01 right or swear,
21:03 this is what is said in verse 94.
21:05 This word is repeated 71 times in the Quran.
21:08 "Yamana" means swear,
21:10 "Aiman" means to swear,
21:12 in the Sahabah
21:14 or in our tradition,
21:16 "Aiman" refers to two words of "Shahadah"
21:19 We have sworn,
21:21 that we will follow Allah,
21:24 follow Rasul SAW,
21:26 we will not deny,
21:28 we will not take lightly,
21:31 because that will cause
21:33 in our lives,
21:34 "Wa tathu kusu"
21:36 will be given
21:37 a difficult life,
21:38 a bad life,
21:39 because our swear,
21:41 even though it looks light,
21:42 these two words of "Shahadah",
21:43 but this is our loyal promise to Allah,
21:47 that every day,
21:48 it must be made perfect.
21:52 So, InshaAllah,
21:53 we will take a short break,
21:54 we will be back in a moment.
21:55 After this, we will continue with Runtime,
21:56 reading Faham Aman.
21:57 InshaAllah.
21:59 [Music]
22:17 [Music]
22:44 [Reciting]
22:47 [Reciting]
22:51 [Reciting]
22:55 [Reciting]
22:58 [Reciting]
23:23 "Original" Subhanallah...
23:27 That is one of the prayers of Allah SWT that I have delivered before
23:33 from the brothers of Al-Anwar group
23:36 when I am reading the Quran before
23:38 I remember we have talked a lot about Al-Quran earlier
23:41 Hopefully, Allah SWT will continue to make it easier for us
23:44 for the ladies and gentlemen of Al-Quran
23:46 that Allah has given with Al-Quran
23:49 "In the morning, afternoon, and evening, and night, and with the Quran"
23:54 And what is interesting is that when we talk about deeds
23:57 Allah has chosen the best
23:59 If we always read the Quran, Allah will give us the best Quran that we can read
24:03 That is what we want to read after this
24:06 Subhanallah...
24:08 So, dear brothers and sisters of Al-Quran
24:10 Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to give my respect to you
24:13 As usual, we would like to see a little
24:16 of our re-study and our sharing about Tajweed
24:20 And inshallah, we would like to see more about Madlazim
24:24 We would like to see the rule of Mad
24:26 which is Madlazim Kalimi Mukhaffaf
24:29 Madlazim Kalimi Mukhaffaf is
24:32 The letters Mad meet the original Sukun
24:35 And the letters of the Sukun are not added to the next letters
24:41 What was the name of it?
24:43 Madlazim Kalimi Mukhaffaf
24:45 It is light in weight
24:47 We do not need to add it to the next letters
24:50 For example, if we can see
24:52 It is in Surah Yunus
24:54 The 51st verse
24:56 The beginning is
24:58 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
25:00 It is light
25:06 It is not like Madlazim Kalimi Muthaqqal
25:09 It is heavy, right?
25:10 This is light
25:11 Al-Ana
25:17 Right?
25:18 In the 51st verse
25:20 For example, the second one
25:22 In the 91st verse
25:24 It is the same
25:25 Al-Ana
25:42 These are two examples
25:43 What was the name of it?
25:44 Remember
25:45 What Mad?
25:46 Madlazim Kalimi Mukhaffaf
25:51 It is light
25:52 What were the words?
25:53 The two examples
25:55 The word Al-Ana
25:57 There are six movements
25:59 Al-Ana
26:03 It is light
26:04 It is not like Waladolin
26:06 It is heavy because it has a subdu
26:08 That is the explanation
26:10 Madlazim Kalimi Mukhaffaf
26:14 This is the best way to read the verse
26:18 We have tried a lot
26:20 We are on the page 277
26:24 If we look at it
26:26 If we look at each page
26:28 There are the words that we have shared
26:32 When we flashback
26:34 There are only two places
26:36 The two places
26:38 Both are in Surah Yunus
26:40 We have shared it many times before
26:43 But today we want to add some
26:45 Because when we talk about Al-Ana
26:48 Now
26:50 Now we want to tell you
26:52 In Surah Yunus
26:54 It reminds you
26:56 It is too fast
26:58 You want to make a mistake
27:00 Now
27:02 If you want to be patient
27:04 Or make a change
27:06 Don't be too hasty
27:08 If you want to learn
27:10 Or your child wants to be taught
27:12 Or you want to do anything
27:14 Don't be hasty
27:16 Don't be angry
27:18 In my village, we say "Caduh"
27:20 Don't be too hasty
27:22 Don't be hasty
27:24 The important thing is now
27:26 If your child wants to learn
27:28 Or you have a team that wants to work
27:30 Appreciate the present
27:32 Al-Ana
27:34 Don't be hasty
27:36 I want to finish this 604
27:38 Be patient
27:40 Because if we are hasty
27:42 Allah will be angry with Prophet Yunus
27:44 If you don't believe in my people
27:46 Allah will punish you
27:48 Prophet Yunus
27:50 He is following us
27:52 As a guide
27:54 We don't want to be a fool
27:56 Prophet Yunus is an example
27:58 If not, we don't have an example
28:00 How
28:02 Our psychology is fast
28:04 But
28:06 Because it is fast
28:08 It is easy to cause damage
28:10 I remember one verse
28:12 "Li takjalabi"
28:14 Prophet Muhammad also remembered that
28:16 So, be patient
28:18 Little by little
28:20 Our friends may be slow
28:22 Some are fast
28:24 Slow and fast are different
28:26 Some are slow, some are fast
28:28 We continue
28:30 Because the important thing is now
28:32 You read a little
28:34 It is more meaningful than we are fast
28:36 But sometimes it ruins
28:38 Because anything that is fast
28:40 It can ruin
28:42 So, that is the lesson
28:44 When I think back
28:46 Two times
28:48 In Surah Yunus
28:50 And the content
28:52 "Tashtakjilun" and "Mufsidin"
28:54 That is what we need to learn
28:56 So, Ustaz
28:58 Alhamdulillah, we want to continue
29:00 "Ma'uzum bilahi minashaytanir rajim"
29:02 Verse 98 and up to 102
29:04 Sahaba al-Quran
29:06 Ladies and gentlemen
29:08 Our reading from verse 98
29:10 To verse 102
29:12 We will meet
29:14 Verse 98
29:16 "Fasta'idh billahi minashaytanir rajim"
29:18 "Fa'idha qura'tal qura'ana"
29:20 "Fasta'idh billahi minashaytanir rajim"
29:22 Scholars
29:24 How many sides of the opinion
29:26 The beginning of reading the Quran
29:28 Is it obligatory to read?
29:30 There is a view that the public
29:32 Scholars have an opinion
29:34 The law is only Sunnah
29:36 There is no understanding of the words
29:38 "Kerja suruhan fasta'idh"
29:40 Meaning
29:42 According to this view, reading the Quran
29:44 Is not sinful if you do not read
29:46 "Isti'aza" when starting reading
29:48 There is also the second opinion
29:50 It is obligatory
29:52 There is another opinion
29:54 Ibn Sirin said
29:56 It is enough to read once
29:58 "Summa hidu'a"
30:00 To abolish the obligation
30:02 To read "Isti'aza"
30:04 "Yumuhur"
30:06 "Sunnah mu'akkad"
30:08 It is very good if we start reading
30:10 "A'udhu billahi minashaytanir rajim"
30:12 It is about the law and value
30:14 There are many laws
30:16 "Summa hidu'a" is enough
30:18 Or "Sunnah mu'akkad"
30:20 But the value is the opposite
30:22 That's what we want to see in a moment
30:24 Allah Allah
30:26 Let's read together
30:28 The next reading
30:30 Verses 98
30:32 To verse 102
30:34 We will try with the reading of
30:36 Murtal Jiharkah
30:38 "A'udhu billahi minashaytanir rajim"
30:40 "A'udhu billahi minashaytanir rajim"
30:42 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
30:44 "Fa'ista'idh billahi minashaytanir rajim"
30:46 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
30:48 "Fa'ista'idh billahi minashaytanir rajim"
30:50 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
30:52 "Fa'ista'idh billahi minashaytanir rajim"
30:54 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
30:56 "Fa'ista'idh billahi minashaytanir rajim"
30:58 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:00 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:02 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:04 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:06 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:08 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:10 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:12 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:14 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:16 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:18 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:20 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
31:22 "Innamaa sultanuhu"
31:30 "Alaa allatheena yatawallaunahu"
31:34 "Waallatheena hum bihee mushrikoon"
31:42 "Waitha baddalnaa ayatan makana ayatin"
31:58 "WaAllahu a'lamu bimaa yunazzilu"
32:12 "Qaalu innamaa anta muftar"
32:26 "Bal akhtaruhum laa ya'lamoon"
32:36 "Qul nazzalahu ruuhul qudusi min rabbika bilhaqqi liyuthabbitallatheena amanoo"
32:54 "Liyuthabbitallatheena amanoo wahudaa wa bushraa lilmuslimeen"
33:14 "Sadakallahu alazim"
33:20 "Sadakallahu alazim" ayat 98-102
33:23 This tells us how we should be with the Quran
33:26 "Fa'idha qara'atal qur'ana"
33:29 "When you read the Quran"
33:31 "Ask protection from Allah from the cursed devil"
33:36 This is a guidance as you know earlier
33:38 "Sunat mu'akkad" or "Once in a lifetime"
33:41 But the value behind this saying is
33:44 If we look at it just now
33:46 Allah gives the best reward to what we do
33:49 What becomes our habit
33:51 What becomes our habit in our daily life
33:53 And one of the highest practices
33:56 The highest, and the best, is to read the Quran
34:00 It's already good
34:01 But Allah says, when we read the Quran
34:04 We also need to ask protection from Allah
34:09 From the cursed devil
34:11 Why?
34:12 Because when we do the best activity
34:14 This is the best place for the devil to chase us
34:18 To make sure we don't focus on the Quran
34:23 And also don't take the blame from the Quran
34:29 So one, don't focus
34:31 Sometimes we read the WhatsApp
34:33 And then we connect back
34:35 And then we hear the disturbance in the middle
34:39 That's what Allah tells us to focus on the Quran
34:43 This is as a custom
34:44 And more than that
34:45 When we focus, it's not easy to be disturbed
34:49 By the devil who will try to disturb us
34:52 To do the best thing, which is to read the Quran
34:55 To read the words of Allah, the best
34:57 So that's one
34:58 The second, when we read the Quran
35:00 The devil doesn't want
35:01 If we focus, focus until we read it well
35:05 With the best Tajweed
35:06 But don't take the benefit from the Quran
35:09 Because "Qaraqta" means
35:11 To read or combine several things
35:13 To become something meaningful
35:15 "Qaraqta"
35:16 Not just reading without understanding
35:18 But reading with understanding
35:20 So when the term "Qaraqta"
35:22 We've seen it in the first Wahyu
35:25 It's not that the Prophet told us to read
35:27 From the words of the Arabic alphabet
35:30 The Prophet can't read
35:31 Not just listening and reading
35:33 But to understand
35:36 At least if we read the news
35:38 If we read the news
35:39 If we read the news in Malay
35:41 Do we understand it next year or now?
35:45 Now
35:46 Now
35:47 Not next year or in 20 years
35:51 So when we read the Surah from Allah
35:54 It's a bit strange if we say
35:56 Some say I read Yasin today
35:59 In 20 years I'll understand
36:01 It's a bit strange
36:02 But the devil will make us not strange
36:05 He will say, just read
36:07 Read Yasin every Friday night
36:09 If you don't understand, it's okay
36:11 That's actually from the devil
36:14 He doesn't want us to learn
36:17 So we ask for protection from Allah
36:20 From the devil he has cursed
36:22 And finally we have the Quran time
36:24 There are classes that we can learn a little
36:27 Oh, I read "Qaraqta"
36:29 It's not that no one goes to school
36:32 Learns to read, doesn't understand
36:33 No, I haven't seen school so far
36:36 What did you read?
36:38 Oh, this is "Pinyin"
36:39 This is Chinese, I just learned it last night
36:41 So, you can read, you can read
36:43 If you just read and don't understand
36:45 Until when, that's not learning the language
36:48 So, this is a surah from Allah
36:51 Who loves us so much
36:53 Verse 99 explains
36:55 "Indeed, he is not the wronged sultan"
36:58 Who is he?
36:59 Referring to the devil
37:01 "There is no power over those who believe
37:05 And those who do not believe"
37:07 When we read "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
37:10 The value is, we say, "O Allah, I believe in You
37:13 You are the Greatest, the Powerful
37:15 And I do not believe in anyone but You, O Allah"
37:19 When there is a lot of trouble, problems, etc.
37:22 We believe in Allah
37:23 When we read the Quran, we open it
37:25 Just directly, depending on Allah
37:28 These two things, gentlemen, don't worry
37:30 If someone says, "Oh, I'm afraid I'll get lost
37:33 When I don't study, when I understand
37:36 When I read, I'm afraid I'll get lost"
37:39 When we read "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
37:42 With faith, with the foundation of Tawakkal
37:45 Allah will not allow the devil to disturb us
37:49 Some people say, "I used to think,
37:52 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
37:53 It's easy to read
37:54 But it's not as easy to remember and read at all times
37:58 At least, we want to read when we read the Quran
38:02 So, if you're tired of reading the Quran,
38:03 Where is "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
38:05 It's rare, right?
38:07 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
38:09 It's not there
38:10 When he reads the Quran, he reads "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
38:13 So, this is an important lesson
38:16 And it's continued in the 100th verse
38:18 "Innamaa sultanuhu 'ala lari'ina yata wallahu nahu
38:21 wal lari'ina hum bihi mushrikun"
38:24 That is, the influence is only on the person
38:27 Who makes the devil the leader
38:29 And against the person who is in the way of Allah
38:33 You have to remember that
38:34 Read "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
38:36 There is a chicken at Mount Jerai, for example
38:40 So, don't get involved in such activities
38:44 Because of what
38:45 If "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
38:47 There is also "Bumuh"
38:48 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
38:49 Smoking
38:50 Smoking to the liver and so on
38:53 This also causes the devil to control someone
38:57 Because of two things
38:59 Because he made the devil the leader
39:01 And he also did the evil things
39:04 Next, what is in the Quran?
39:06 Verse 101
39:07 We want to read again with Ustaz Tarmizi
39:11 In the Quran, it is termed as "Nasah Mansuh"
39:14 "Nasih Mansuh"
39:16 What does it mean?
39:17 We read first, verse 101
39:19 Insha'Allah
39:20 Interesting, right?
39:22 When I read the Quran, there is "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem"
39:25 "Nasih"
39:26 We don't read "Ayam Goreng"
39:30 We read "Bismillah"
39:31 We also don't read "Bismillah" sometimes
39:34 "Subhanallah"
39:35 I mean, hopefully
39:37 I agree with what Ustaz Fazl said
39:39 We read the Quran
39:41 Ask Allah to protect us
39:44 Because sometimes, I myself ask Allah to keep me away
39:48 Sometimes I feel "Oh, I don't want to read this"
39:50 That's what I'm most afraid of
39:52 You're afraid of "Tawakkal" to yourself
39:54 Then you can make mistakes
39:56 Yes, I can make mistakes
39:58 I feel "Oh, it's good to read this"
40:00 "It's high, breathes a lot"
40:02 We pray together
40:04 If not, it's nothing
40:06 It's just a loss to read
40:08 So, hopefully, we ask Allah
40:10 We always ask for protection from Allah SWT
40:13 We read together, verse 101
40:15 Verse 101
40:17 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
40:23 (Reciting)
40:25 (Reciting)
40:47 (Reciting)
41:11 (Reciting)
41:35 (Reciting)
41:36 Verse 101
41:37 It's connected to verse 102
41:39 It's the knowledge of the Quran
41:41 The knowledge is related to the highest blessings
41:44 Other than the blessings in Surah An-Nahl
41:46 About birds, clouds, shadows, water
41:50 There are many blessings
41:52 Allah explains the highest blessings
41:54 In verse 101, it's related to
41:56 There is a place
41:58 If we read it now
42:00 Arabic is forbidden when you want to pray
42:03 There is a verse that says
42:05 Arabic is forbidden continuously
42:07 So, some people say
42:09 What are these changes?
42:11 There are times when it's forbidden here
42:13 When you're drunk
42:15 Actually, Allah changes it
42:17 Not just a change
42:19 Because the Muslims say
42:21 You are just doing it
42:23 But actually
42:25 That's the nasih mansuh
42:27 Because it's related to human psychology
42:29 Allah tells a little
42:31 About the forbidden of Arabic
42:33 If there is no knowledge, we will say
42:35 The Prophet did it
42:37 There are many knowledge related to the Quran
42:39 Including the function in verse 102
42:41 For us to surrender more
42:43 To Allah
42:45 (Reciting)
42:47 People who are more with the Quran
42:49 He is always positive
42:51 And this is what we want to continue with the Quran
42:53 Bring to our resolution today
42:55 That is, first
42:57 Make our oath as a witness
42:59 To the bad things
43:01 Not to make more damage
43:03 And secondly, we must be patient
43:05 Because Allah will give a big reward
43:07 And always ask for protection from Allah
43:09 When interacting with the Quran
43:11 (Reciting)
43:13 (Reciting)
43:15 (Reciting)
43:17 Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, wa salatu wasalamu 'ala Rasulillahi Al-Amin, Sayyidina Muhammadin, wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
43:27 Ya Allah ya Tuhan kami, ampunkan dosa-dosa kami Ya Allah, ampunkan dosa ibu dan ayah kami Ya Rahman.
43:35 Kasihanilah mereka seperga mana mereka kasih buat kami sejak kami kecil lagi Ya Allah.
43:41 Ya Allah wa ya Rahman wa ya Rahim, saat ini kami bersama dengan Al-Quran.
43:48 Anugrah daripadamu Ya Allah kepada kami, dapat kami bersama mempelajari kalamu Al-Quran Ya Allah.
43:56 Mudah-mudahan Ya Allah kami terus dipermudahkan untuk bersama mendalami Al-Quran,
44:03 membacanya, memahaminya dan berusaha sedaya upaya kami mengamalkannya Ya Allah.
44:10 Ya Allah ya Rahman wa ya Rahim, Al-Quran ini penenang jiwa kami Ya Allah,
44:17 mengeluarkan kami daripada bermacam kesalahan Ya Allah,
44:20 mengubat hati kami Ya Allah, menyuburkan iman kami Ya Allah.
44:26 Mudah-mudahan Ya Allah bersahabatnya kami dengan Al-Quran ini Ya Allah,
44:31 menjadikan kami ini hamba-hamba yang senang tersepatuh tunduk sujud kepadamu Ya Ar-Rahman Rahimin.
44:39 Wa sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam
44:45 walhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin
44:49 Amin Ya Rabbul 'alamin, moga Allah mengabulkan doa kita menjadi umat yang sentiasa membaca Al-Quran,
44:55 dengan itulah kita akan baca banyak A'udhu billahi minashaitanir rajim, terjauh daripada cara fikir syaitan,
45:01 ini yang kita ingin gerakkan dalam tabung gerakan Al-Quran.
45:04 Sumbangan Tuan-Tuan untuk memastikan masyarakat dipimpin oleh hidayah Allah SWT,
45:10 tidak diganggu oleh cara-cara berfikir daripada musuh syaitan yang direjam.
45:15 Kita bertemu dalam ulangan pada malam ini pada hari esok, 6 pagi.
45:19 InsyaAllah kita akan sama-sama meneruskan pada halaman 279 esok dalam My Quran Time,
45:25 baca faham amal InsyaAllah.
45:28 [Music]
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