Episod 565 My #QuranTime Rabu 9 Mac 2022 Surah Yasin (36:55-70) Halaman 444

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Episod 565 My #QuranTime Rabu 9 Mac 2022 Surah Yasin (36:55-70) Halaman 444
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31:55 Allah Ta'ala has reminded us,
31:57 "Do not follow the verse here,
32:00 'Ta'budu sh-shaytan'
32:02 which means, 'Worship the devil'.
32:04 But if we look at today,
32:06 there are two interpretations.
32:07 The first one, which we can't ignore,
32:10 there are people who worship the devil.
32:13 That is, people who worship physically,
32:16 they worship things that they don't see,
32:19 other than Allah Ta'ala.
32:21 Whereas the second interpretation is,
32:23 'Ta'budu sh-shaytan' is worshiping himself,
32:26 other than Allah,
32:28 that is, to the evil elements.
32:30 Worshiping the devil,
32:32 'Ta'budu sh-shaytan',
32:33 it doesn't mean that he prostrates physically to the devil,
32:37 but he follows the whisperings of the devil,
32:40 which the devil whispers into his heart.
32:42 This is what Allah Ta'ala says,
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32:47 Right, Ustaz?
32:48 It means, there is in our midst,
32:50 something that makes his soul,
32:52 his soul as a God,
32:54 higher than what is commanded in the Quran.
32:58 In the Quran, Allah Ta'ala says this,
33:01 but he puts his higher soul,
33:04 which makes him to ignore the Quran.
33:07 What is the Quran's command to ignore?
33:10 The Quran says, "Don't eat unlawful food,
33:12 don't take bribe money,
33:14 don't feed people when there are various holidays,
33:17 and so on. He does these things,
33:20 then he will ignore the Quran.
33:23 So, we don't want to be in such a group.
33:26 It means, the meaning of 'Ta'budu sh-shaytan'
33:29 is not only to worship the devil,
33:32 but to make the whispers of the devil
33:35 as the whispers that violate the command of Allah Ta'ala himself,
33:40 so that his actions will be contrary to what Allah Ta'ala commands,
33:45 while Allah Ta'ala reminds us,
33:47 "Indahu lakum 'adu mu'bina"
33:50 "Indeed, the devil is a real enemy."
33:52 That is the first.
33:54 They are separated from the people of heaven,
33:57 because they follow the devil a lot.
33:59 They follow the whispers of the devil a lot.
34:01 They follow the evil actions a lot.
34:03 In the month of fasting,
34:06 people are busy fasting.
34:08 This means, people do a lot of worship,
34:11 until the door of heaven is opened,
34:13 because a lot of rewards are given,
34:15 and the door of hell is closed,
34:16 because people do a lot of evil,
34:18 until the door of hell is closed.
34:21 But, there are some of us who follow the whispers of the devil,
34:25 and in the middle of the day,
34:27 they are already following the whispers of the devil.
34:30 They invite their friends to eat,
34:32 sit behind the shop, and so on.
34:34 We don't want these things to happen.
34:36 Our preparation, ladies and gentlemen,
34:38 soon, we will celebrate Ramadan.
34:41 So, don't follow the whispers of the devil.
34:44 Hold on to yourself,
34:45 if you are longing for the blessings
34:48 that Allah Almighty will give in heaven.
34:51 Then, Allah Almighty said,
34:53 the second thing,
34:54 first, they are separated,
34:56 they cannot enter heaven,
34:57 because they follow the devil.
34:59 The second thing, Allah Almighty said,
35:01 "Wa an'i'buduni"
35:03 "And worship Me."
35:04 This means, our worship is only for Allah.
35:07 If we live,
35:09 our life is only for Allah.
35:11 We have always said in our prayers,
35:13 "Inna salati wa nusuki wa mahya'ya wa mamati lillahi rabbil 'alamin."
35:19 We always say this.
35:21 Even if we work,
35:23 we intend to do this work,
35:25 to provide for the family members,
35:26 is for Allah.
35:27 Because Rasulullah likes a man
35:29 who is tired to provide for his family members.
35:33 That is also a group that is liked by Allah Almighty.
35:35 It means,
35:36 his actions,
35:37 everything he does,
35:39 is only for Allah Almighty.
35:40 "Wa an'i'buduni hadha suratun mustaqim."
35:43 That is the second source,
35:45 which causes us not to enter heaven,
35:49 and is separated from the people of heaven.
35:52 The third interesting thing,
35:54 which Allah Almighty told in the 62nd verse,
35:58 Allah Almighty said,
35:59 "Wa lafad adhallaminkum jibillan kathiro afalam takunu ta'kilun."
36:05 Allah Almighty said,
36:06 "And indeed, Satan has misled a great part of you.
36:11 So do you not understand?"
36:13 When Allah Almighty mentioned about jibillan kathiro,
36:16 there are many groups,
36:18 sometimes we are confused.
36:20 We see a lot of people doing this,
36:22 it's okay to do that.
36:24 Because we see a lot of people,
36:26 but we don't investigate first,
36:28 is it true what they are doing?
36:30 Is what they are doing,
36:32 is it really done by Rasulullah?
36:35 Because we see a lot of people doing this,
36:38 we also do the same.
36:40 While we are not sure,
36:42 what they are doing,
36:45 is actually,
36:46 is being manipulated or
36:48 being manipulated by the devil's whispers.
36:50 Until Allah Almighty reminds us,
36:52 "Afalam takunu ta'kilun."
36:55 The most prominent.
36:57 If Allah Almighty gave the most prominent salam to the people of heaven,
37:01 Allah Almighty showed this to them through the angels.
37:05 Allah Almighty said,
37:06 "Hadhihi jahannamul lati kuntum tun'adun."
37:09 "This is the hell of hell,
37:11 which you were reminded of."
37:14 Allahu Akbar.
37:15 This is frightening us, ladies and gentlemen.
37:17 If we read about the characteristics of hell,
37:20 in this Al-Quran,
37:22 actually, it's already mentioned.
37:24 Imagine, in Surah Tahrim,
37:26 Allah Almighty said,
37:27 "Wa quduhan nasu wal hijarah."
37:30 "The fuel of hell is stone and man."
37:35 Some people say, "Stone is burning."
37:37 But, let's think about it together.
37:40 How can stone be the fuel?
37:42 It means, to show that the fire of hell is too hot.
37:47 In a hadith,
37:49 Rasulullah said,
37:50 "Every time a man is put into hell,
37:53 he asks, 'Hal min mazid?'
37:55 'Is there anyone else who wants to enter hell?'
37:57 'Is there anyone else who wants to enter hell?'
37:59 He is describing the hell,
38:01 accepting the people who will enter it.
38:04 In another hadith,
38:06 Rasulullah told about the depth of hell,
38:10 the distance of 70 years of time.
38:13 It's not mentioned how long the time is.
38:16 But, imagine, if the Prophet said,
38:18 "Itha rumiha hajarun."
38:20 "If a stone is thrown into hell,
38:23 for 70 years, it won't reach its bottom."
38:27 What is the bottom?
38:29 It's the base of hell.
38:31 The lowest level is the hypocrites
38:34 who are deceiving and deceiving Islam.
38:38 Imagine,
38:39 the depth of hell,
38:40 the depth of hell,
38:41 the heat of hell.
38:42 If we repeat this every week,
38:45 won't our hearts be touched?
38:48 If we are touched by reading the verse,
38:50 "Salamun Qawlaam Mir Rabbir Rahim."
38:52 Won't we be touched when Allah says,
38:55 "Wa Hadhihi Jahannamul Lati Kuntum Tua'adun."
38:58 "This is the hell that you have been reminded about."
39:03 The hell that Rasulullah told about,
39:05 the lightness of the burden,
39:07 or the lightness of the torment of hell,
39:10 is worn by the shoes of hell.
39:12 These are not shoes,
39:14 but the shoes of hell.
39:16 When the shoes of hell are worn,
39:19 the mind is relieved.
39:21 The mind is relieved when Allah describes it.
39:25 It's scary.
39:26 Actually,
39:27 this page alone,
39:29 this page alone,
39:31 is enough to make our souls tremble.
39:36 The verses that Allah talks about heaven,
39:39 the verses that Allah talks about hell,
39:41 then Allah says,
39:43 "Islauhal yaum."
39:44 "Include them all."
39:46 "Bima kuntum takfurun."
39:47 "For what they deny Allah."
39:51 These are two different categories.
39:54 One category is those who are brought to heaven,
39:57 enjoying themselves in heaven,
39:59 enjoying themselves with their family members,
40:02 after they have struggled in this world.
40:04 While the second category,
40:06 those who are oppressed by the devil,
40:08 those who do not worship Allah,
40:12 and those who follow those who are oppressed by the devil,
40:16 they are thrown into hell.
40:19 This is what we do not want.
40:21 Finally, Allah gives us another situation.
40:24 In the 65th verse,
40:26 which was read by Ustaz Tidmizi,
40:29 he describes a different situation.
40:32 How will the judgment be carried out on the side of Allah?
40:37 Their mouths cannot be the judges for themselves.
40:41 Their mouths cannot say,
40:43 "Al yaumana khtimu 'ala afwahihim wa tukal limuna aydihim."
40:48 What they say is their hands.
40:50 In the past, we might have thought,
40:54 how can the hands speak?
40:56 How can the feet be witnesses?
40:59 But today, these hands are the ones who speak.
41:03 In social media, people do not speak with their mouths.
41:06 People write what is expressed in their hearts.
41:10 Believe me,
41:12 what people write in social media
41:16 is sometimes more frightening than what they can express.
41:20 I always repeat and remind you that
41:23 sometimes when we speak,
41:26 we are shy with people.
41:28 We are shy, we speak incorrectly.
41:30 But what we write is sometimes not shy.
41:33 If you read in social media,
41:35 whether it is on Facebook,
41:37 Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram,
41:41 sometimes the person who is rude,
41:43 if we are in front of him, he will not be rude.
41:46 If he is in front of us, we speak to him,
41:48 his mouth can be controlled.
41:49 Maybe there is still a feeling of shame.
41:51 But what is written with his fingers,
41:54 in social media,
41:55 sometimes expresses what is in his heart.
41:58 We did not expect him to say that
42:00 in WhatsApp or Facebook.
42:03 If in the past, we could not understand the situation,
42:06 how is it today?
42:07 Today we get an image of how those hands will be.
42:11 How those hands will speak,
42:14 hands will raise or express
42:17 what has been expressed in our hearts.
42:20 We are very afraid if people know our hearts.
42:23 But today people write what is in their hearts
42:26 without saying it from their mouths.
42:30 This is what we are worried about, ladies and gentlemen.
42:32 This is also an interesting lesson from the 65th verse.
42:36 How Allah reminds us,
42:39 in the hereafter, people will speak with their hands.
42:43 Today we witness,
42:45 the fingers of people can write
42:47 slander, all kinds of things that did not happen,
42:50 worse than what can be expressed
42:53 from their mouths.
42:55 Then Allah reminds in the 65th verse,
42:58 later the mouth will not speak.
43:01 What will speak is only their hands and feet
43:04 as a witness for the evil deeds they have done.
43:08 Allahu Akbar.
43:09 I remember, I am not sure if this story is true or not, Ustaz Chirmizi.
43:13 But I remember when I read in the book about the story of Sayyidina Umar.
43:17 When he prayed to Allah, he cried.
43:21 He cried because he looked at his hands.
43:23 When we look at the hands, we know that these are the hands that we have committed sins.
43:27 These are the hands that we ask Allah.
43:29 Allahu Akbar.
43:30 Sayyidina Umar cried.
43:32 When he saw that these are the hands that he has committed sins,
43:35 or he has made a mistake,
43:36 or he has made a mistake in his construction,
43:38 but at the same time, we ask Allah with our own hands.
43:42 When we pray, we should look at our own hands,
43:45 we can be a witness.
43:46 Because these are the hands that will be a witness.
43:49 When we pray, our hands will be blessed
43:52 because these are the hands that will be a witness
43:54 that will be in a covenant with Allah on the Day of Judgment.
43:57 Meaning that we should look at our own hands as a reminder for ourselves.
44:03 And finally, the sixth, sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh verses,
44:07 Allah Almighty tells us about how Allah Almighty will remove the vision.
44:13 And if we are able to do it.
44:15 Allah Almighty says,
44:16 [Al-Quran 17:1-3]
44:27 These are the threats and threats to them.
44:31 If Allah Almighty wants to humiliate them on earth,
44:34 Allah Almighty will give the humiliation.
44:36 But the teaching or the judgment will be found by Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment.
44:42 At the end of this page, Allah Almighty closes with the attributes of the Quran.
44:46 This is also the most important thing, ladies and gentlemen.
44:48 What we are learning is the way of reasoning and reasoning from the Quran.
44:53 What are the attributes of the Quran?
44:55 Allah Almighty says,
44:56 [Al-Quran 17:1-3]
44:59 This is the reminder that we need to learn.
45:02 This is what is mentioned in the Quran.
45:04 This is what we need to reason from the verse.
45:07 In page 444, before we end our discussion,
45:12 let's see the resolution and the teachings that we can practice after our today's teaching.
45:21 First, we should strive.
45:23 Although it is difficult in this world,
45:25 because the challenges are very big on the Day of Judgment.
45:28 Second, we should worship Allah.
45:33 We should be truly worshiping and being careful with the deceit of the devil.
45:38 Third, we should keep our mouths, legs and hands,
45:42 so that it will not humiliate us on the Day of Judgment.
45:46 These are the conclusions and the resolutions that we can practice later on, inshaAllah.
45:51 To end our discussion, let's pray together,
45:55 so that we are among those who are put into heaven and are kept away from hell,
46:00 and will be guided by our master, our master, the Master of Music.
46:03 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
46:04 Alhamdulillah.
46:05 Wasalatu wasalamu 'ala Rasulillah.
46:07 Allahumma inna nasa'alukal jannah, wa maa karraba ilaiha min qawlin wa 'amal.
46:12 Wa na'udhu bikamin an-nar, wa maa karraba ilaiha min qawlin wa 'amal.
46:16 Ya Allah, our Lord, grant us, O Allah,
46:18 our hands that are always turning the Quran,
46:21 our hands that are always doing good,
46:23 our hands that are always giving good,
46:26 our hands that are always giving benefit,
46:29 our hands that are always writing good,
46:31 our hands that are always being a witness for our goodness, O Allah.
46:35 O Allah, our Lord, make the Quran that we read always
46:38 permeate our hearts for us to do good deeds, O Allah.
46:42 Don't let the days that pass in our lives without our deeds increase, O Allah.
46:47 O Allah, don't let our age increase but our deeds don't increase, O Allah.
46:51 Bless our age, O Allah, bless our time, O Allah.
46:55 Keep us away from the hell, O Allah.
46:57 Keep us away from the torment, O Allah.
46:59 Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, wa salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
47:02 Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sallam,
47:04 Alhamdulillah, Ya Rahman.
47:06 Alhamdulillah, that's it.
47:08 We have learnt Surah Yasin just now.
47:11 There is a lot of teaching.
47:13 After this, we have read Surah Yasin.
47:15 Not only reading, we can read with understanding.
47:18 Because it is very different when we read Al-Quran
47:21 without understanding, it is true, we get goodness, we get reward.
47:24 But when we read with understanding,
47:26 with the content of Al-Quran,
47:28 it is not only the reading that we read,
47:30 but the reading that comes from our heart.
47:33 Hopefully, it makes us a blessed person,
47:36 in this world and in the hereafter.
47:39 We invite all of our Sahabas to fight
47:43 in Waqf or Tabung Kerahkan Al-Quran.
47:46 Hopefully, our faithful hands will be a witness
47:49 to the goodness that we do.
47:51 Don't forget to watch the re-run of My Quran Time tonight
47:54 and tomorrow morning.
47:56 And always try to be steadfast in goodness
48:00 and watch My Quran Time.
48:02 Read with understanding.
48:04 Assalamualaikum.
48:07 Al-Quran Al-Baqarah
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