Avatar: The Last Airbender - Quest for Balance Walkthrough Part 18 (PS4) Book 3 - Ch. 18 - Ending

  • last year
00:00 And so the Order of the White Lotus liberated Ba Sing Se.
00:05 But the Avatar would still have to face and defeat Fire Lord Ozai for the war to be truly won,
00:12 and for balance to be restored to the world.
00:16 An ancient giant lion turtle shared the wisdom needed for the Avatar to accomplish this,
00:23 but this was no guarantee that he would prevail.
00:27 [music]
00:35 [music]
00:45 I'm itching for a fight.
00:47 [music]
00:49 You asked for it.
00:50 [music]
00:57 Team Avatar for the win.
00:59 This should be fun.
01:01 [music]
01:03 Ready to be taught a lesson?
01:05 [music]
01:15 Team Avatar for the win.
01:18 [music]
01:23 And I'm your recon.
01:25 [music]
01:27 Here goes nothing.
01:28 [music]
01:37 I can't let up now.
01:39 [music]
01:43 That's the end of you.
01:45 [music]
01:48 You think you ever had a chance.
01:51 [music]
01:55 I'm going to enjoy this.
01:57 [music]
01:59 Shouldn't have started this.
02:01 [music]
02:23 Team Avatar for the win.
02:25 [music]
02:29 Good God.
02:31 [music]
02:34 No.
02:36 No.
02:37 [music]
02:52 [bell ringing]
02:54 [music]
02:59 [bell ringing]
03:00 (bell ringing)
03:02 (dramatic music)
03:05 (bell ringing)
03:32 (bell ringing)
03:35 - We better get on this.
03:56 - I guess we better.
03:59 - All right.
03:59 - Yes.
04:00 (dramatic music)
04:03 - It's too late for you now.
04:14 (dramatic music)
04:16 - See, that is our brother, Winn.
04:24 - Got me.
04:25 - I tried to warn you, but did you listen?
04:28 (dramatic music)
04:31 - Stay away from my big guys.
04:36 (dramatic music)
04:39 - Thinking, thinking, thinking.
04:45 - We gotta do what we gotta do.
04:47 - You got it.
04:48 (dramatic music)
04:52 (grunting)
04:54 (bell ringing)
04:58 (grunting)
05:01 (bell ringing)
05:06 (grunting)
05:09 (grunting)
05:13 (dramatic music)
05:16 - High like that.
05:37 (dramatic music)
05:40 (dramatic music)
05:42 (dramatic music)
05:45 - Finally we can go through.
06:11 - Let's go.
06:12 (dramatic music)
06:15 - Excuse me.
06:16 Now it's open.
06:19 (dramatic music)
06:22 (dramatic music)
06:25 (dramatic music)
06:28 (grunting)
06:44 (dramatic music)
06:47 (grunting)
06:51 (dramatic music)
06:54 (grunting)
06:56 (dramatic music)
06:59 (grunting)
07:13 (dramatic music)
07:15 (dramatic music)
07:18 (gun firing)
07:41 (dramatic music)
07:43 (dramatic music)
07:46 - Better not make me break a sweat.
08:07 (grunting)
08:10 (grunting)
08:13 (grunting)
08:15 (grunting)
08:19 - Team Avatar, you're the win.
08:28 - Screw you.
08:30 - Good job.
08:31 (grunting)
08:33 - Tried to warn ya, but did ya listen?
08:39 - Sure you're ready for Kiyoshi Warrior.
08:43 (grunting)
08:46 - All right.
08:47 (grunting)
08:51 (dramatic music)
09:11 - Look at us.
09:12 (dramatic music)
09:16 (grunting)
09:26 - Don't think so.
09:40 This'll spice things up.
09:41 - You shouldn't have started this.
09:47 - Team Avatar, you're the win.
09:50 - You can't work this with the turtle duck.
09:52 Get to the bill.
09:53 - It's too late for you now.
09:56 (grunting)
10:08 - Team Avatar, you're the win.
10:11 - Not me.
10:12 - Here we come.
10:17 - You asked for it.
10:21 (grunting)
10:24 - This isn't turning out so great.
10:31 (grunting)
10:34 (dramatic music)
10:36 - Heroes never win.
10:43 - Shouldn't have started that.
10:48 - I'm in trouble now.
11:02 (grunting)
11:04 - Another battle, another fallen enemy.
11:12 And that's the end of you.
11:18 - You better watch out.
11:20 - That wasn't too tough.
11:22 (dramatic music)
11:27, - All right.
11:42 (dramatic music)
11:45 - Excuse me.
11:56 (dramatic music)
11:58, - Ha.
12:02 (dramatic music)
12:06 - Ha.
12:06 (dramatic music)
12:09 (dramatic music)
12:12 (grunting)
12:20 (dramatic music)
12:23 - Ha.
12:31 (dramatic music)
12:34 (grunting)
12:36 (dramatic music)
12:39 (grunting)
12:41 (dramatic music)
12:44 (sword clanging)
13:04 (grunting)
13:06 (dramatic music)
13:09 - Whoa.
13:24 (dramatic music)
13:26 - Whoa.
13:27 (dramatic music)
13:28 - Ha ha ha.
13:29 (dramatic music)
13:35 (grunting)
13:37 (sword clanging)
13:40 (dramatic music)
13:43 (dramatic music)
13:45 (grunting)
14:10 (sword clanging)
14:13 (dramatic music)
14:15 (grunting)
14:20 (dramatic music)
14:24 (sword clanging)
14:26 (grunting)
14:33 (dramatic music)
14:36 - Ha.
14:40 (dramatic music)
14:41 - Ha ha.
14:42 (dramatic music)
14:45 - Hey.
14:49 (dramatic music)
14:52 - Sure you're ready for a Kyoshi warrior.
14:59 (grunting)
15:01 - I warned you but did you listen?
15:05 (grunting)
15:07 Team Avatar for the win.
15:12 (grunting)
15:14 (dramatic music)
15:17 - This should be fun.
15:28 (dramatic music)
15:31 - Ha.
15:32 (dramatic music)
15:33 - Ha.
15:34 (dramatic music)
15:37 (dramatic music)
15:40 (explosion)
15:55 - As the battle raged, Sokka, Suki and Toph
16:01 did their part to sabotage the Fire Nation airships.
16:05 Meanwhile, Zuko and Katara went to confront Azula
16:09 who they found had become unhinged.
16:12 To settle their conflict once and for all,
16:15 Zuko invoked an Agni Kai and Azula agreed.
16:20 (dramatic music)
16:23 (grunting)
16:34 - Sorry but you're not gonna become Fire Lord today.
16:37 I am.
16:38 - You're hilarious but fine, let's settle this.
16:43 Just you and me brother.
16:45 The showdown that was always meant to be, Agni Kai.
16:49 (dramatic music)
16:52 (grunting)
17:04 (dramatic music)
17:07 - This is the last time you'll cross me.
17:15 - Go crazy Azula.
17:20 (grunting)
17:23 - You again.
17:28 You can't stop me this time.
17:31 (grunting)
17:33 - You can't beat both of us Azula.
17:38 (grunting)
17:40 - Hey, what?
17:53 - We're gonna stop you right here.
17:56 - All right, that's it.
18:00 I have to win.
18:01 I lived my whole life to get here.
18:04 - This is it.
18:11 You're going down Azula.
18:13 (grunting)
18:20 (dramatic music)
18:23 - I'm more powerful than you.
18:33 Have at it peace.
18:34 (grunting)
18:36 - You're crazy Azula.
18:50 (grunting)
18:52 - You're still here?
18:57 (dramatic music)
19:00 - We're gonna stop you right here, right now.
19:05 (grunting)
19:11 - You again.
19:12 You can't stop me this time.
19:15 (grunting)
19:19 - You can't beat both of us Azula.
19:22 (grunting)
19:24 - You're good, but I got you better.
19:34 - I have to win.
19:40 I lived my whole life to get here.
19:43 - This is it.
19:46 You're going down Azula.
19:48 (dramatic music)
19:51 - You're crazy Azula.
20:03 - This is the last time you'll cross me.
20:11 - You have really lost it Azula.
20:19 (grunting)
20:21 - It can't be.
20:22 - We did it.
20:29 Despite all she's done.
20:31 I feel sorry for Azula.
20:33 (grunting)
20:36 - Together Zuko and Katara defeated Azula.
20:48 It was now all up to Aang who had to confront
20:51 Fire Lord Ozai.
20:53 Stop him and end the war.
20:55 - After all the failed attempts to find you,
21:12 now the universe delivers you to me
21:15 as an act of providence.
21:19 - We don't have to fight.
21:20 You have the power to stop what you're doing.
21:23 - You are right.
21:24 I do have the power.
21:26 I have all the power in the world.
21:30 (dramatic music)
21:34 the universe delivers you to me as an act of providence.
21:39 (dramatic music)
21:42 - You'll never win.
22:05 (grunting)
22:07 - You have failed Avatar.
22:34 (grunting)
22:37 - What do you think you're doing?
22:41 - I refuse to kill you.
22:43 - It ends here.
23:03 Once and for all.
23:05 (dramatic music)
23:08 (grunting)
23:22 (grunting)
23:32 (dramatic music)
23:35 - I will stop you.
23:50 - What do you think you're doing?
23:53 I will turn your whole kingdom.
24:01 - I refuse to kill you.
24:03 - Stay still already.
24:14 - This is getting out of control.
24:21 (grunting)
24:23 - You won't escape me Avatar.
24:34 - This is getting serious.
24:39 - There's always another way.
24:42 (grunting)
24:47 (dramatic music)
24:50 - The world is mine.
25:18 (grunting)
25:20 - It ends here.
25:26 Once and for all.
25:28 (grunting)
25:33 - Ow, there's always another way.
25:43 (grunting)
25:46 (screaming)
25:49 - You can't save the world.
25:56 - You won't escape me Avatar.
26:05 - I refuse to kill you.
26:16 (grunting)
26:18 - You have failed Avatar.
26:26 (grunting)
26:30 - No, you can't take my power.
26:36 You can't.
26:37 (dramatic music)
26:40 (thunder)
26:42 (rain falling)
26:45 (thunder)
26:48 (grunting)
26:53 (thunder)
26:57 (grunting)
27:03 - What?
27:12 (grunting)
27:14 - The world is mine.
27:21 (grunting)
27:27 - You have failed Avatar.
27:41 (grunting)
27:44 - No, you can't take my power.
27:57 You can't.
27:58 (dinging)
28:08 - No, I'm not going to end it like this.
28:12 - Even with all the power in the world,
28:15 you are still weak.
28:16 (dinging)
28:21 (thunder)
28:25 (thunder)
28:30 (thunder)
28:36 (dramatic music)
28:38 - In the era before the Avatar,
28:44 we bent not the elements,
28:47 but the energy within ourselves.
28:50 To bend another's energy,
28:59 your own spirit must be unbendable,
29:04 or you will be corrupted and destroyed.
29:08 (thunder)
29:12 (thunder)
29:20 - What?
29:30 What did you do to me?
29:32 - I took away your firebending.
29:33 You can't use it to hurt or threaten
29:35 anyone else ever again.
29:37 (dinging)
29:50 the end.
29:51, I'm sorry.
29:52 (dinging)
29:54 (dinging)
29:56 (dinging)
29:58 (dinging)
30:06 (dinging)
30:13 - Soon after, Zuko became the Fire Lord,
30:24 ending 100 years of war,
30:27 and Aang had truly become the Avatar.
30:31 Balance was restored.
30:33 - That won't do it all.
30:35 Even as happy endings go,
30:37 that was a bit predictable.
30:40 - But that is how these events came to a close.
30:43 - Perhaps, but that's not how my play will end.
30:47 I need to send the audience out the door
30:49 chattering madly, wildly conjecturing,
30:52 imagining.
30:54 - Peace is what many in your audience
30:56 have only imagined their entire lives.
30:59 Now they have it.
31:01 Is that not enough?
31:03 - That's my point.
31:05 They already have that,
31:06 but I must give them something new,
31:09 fresh, a cliffhanger,
31:12 a twist,
31:15 twist upon twist.
31:17 - Like?
31:18 - For example,
31:21 Appa and Momo will speak,
31:23 if only to each other.
31:24 Audience love talking animals,
31:26 and Aang, he's taken the Fire Lord's power,
31:29 but perhaps, just perhaps,
31:31 he also inherits the Fire Lord's long,
31:35 lustrous hair.
31:37 For all the power of the Avatar,
31:38 he just can't do anything with his hair.
31:42 Oh!
31:43 And as for the new Fire Lord,
31:45 with all due respect to your nephew,
31:46 the real eye-opener would be to make Katara
31:49 the new Fire Lord.
31:50 Oh, that'd get the crowd,
31:52 and a few critics I know,
31:53 really talking.
31:55 Why, I can see it now.
31:57 The Ba Sing Se players
31:59 would be acclaimed throughout the land.
32:02 - But were you not striving for more
32:04 historical accuracy?
32:07 - Oh, you dear man.
32:10 How about I leave you to making your delicious tea,
32:15 and you let me handle the theater?
32:19 Now, I really must dash off.
32:21 I have what you might call a little bit of
32:23 drama bending to do.
32:25 (laughing)
32:27 Thank you so much for regaling me
32:30 with your thrilling tales.
32:32 Fear not, gentlemen.
32:33 I will do you and the Avatar proud.
32:38 Ta-ta!
32:38 - I somehow doubt that production will do anyone proud.
32:44 - On the positive side,
32:47 I believe she has revealed to me
32:48 an 86 jade.
32:50 - I'd rather drink poisonous tea
32:52 from the white jade bush
32:53 than go through that again.
32:55 (sighing)
32:58 (sighing)
33:01 The tea's gone cold.
33:03 Allow me to make a fresh pot.
33:05 (footsteps)
33:09 (gentle music)
33:12 (gentle music)
33:14 (laughing)
33:24 (dramatic music)
33:33 (dramatic music)
33:36 (dramatic music)
33:39 (dramatic music)
33:41 (dramatic music)
33:44 (dramatic music)
33:47 (dramatic music)
33:50 (dramatic music)
33:53 (dramatic music)
33:55 (dramatic music)
33:58 (dramatic music)
34:01 (dramatic music)
34:04 (dramatic music)
34:06 (dramatic music)
34:14 (dramatic music)
34:22 (dramatic music)
34:29 (dramatic music)
34:32 (dramatic music)
34:41 (dramatic music)
34:50 (dramatic music)
34:57 (dramatic music)
35:00 (dramatic music)
35:11 (dramatic music)
35:19 (dramatic music)
35:27 (dramatic music)
35:30 (dramatic music)
35:39 (dramatic music)
35:50 (dramatic music)
35:53 (dramatic music)
36:02 (dramatic music)
36:13 (dramatic music)
36:15 (dramatic music)
36:24 (dramatic music)
36:36 (dramatic music)
36:39 (dramatic music)
36:49 (dramatic music)
36:59 (dramatic music)
37:02 (dramatic music)
37:12 (dramatic music)
37:22 (dramatic music)
37:25 (dramatic music)
37:35 (dramatic music)
37:45 (dramatic music)
37:47 (dramatic music)
38:09 (dramatic music)
38:12 (dramatic music)
38:32 (dramatic music)
38:35 (dramatic music)
38:50 (dramatic music)
38:53 (dramatic music)
39:08 (dramatic music)
39:10 (dramatic music)
39:25 (dramatic music)
39:28 (dramatic music)
39:43 (dramatic music)
39:46 (dramatic music)
40:01 (dramatic music)
40:04 (dramatic music)
40:19 (dramatic music)
40:21 (dramatic music)
40:36 (upbeat music)
40:39 (upbeat music)
