Kobie McKinzoe Interview 11-20-23

  • last year
Oklahoma linebacker Kobie McKinzie speaks to the media on Monday, Nov. 20, 2023.
00:00 on Saturday? It was fun. I
00:03 the west coast per se. It
00:06 really enjoyed the enviro
00:08 your breath up there at t
00:12 reps, it definitely was.
00:15 on that play that Billy m
00:16 up going coast to coast,
00:19 grasp of air. We needed t
00:21 moment to be honest with
00:23 had us on our heels, but
00:25 to see he was running, he
00:29 was really good. What does
00:30 this defense that you guy
00:33 and put back on your heels
00:35 But when those big plays
00:37 you guys made them right.
00:40 that belief, you know, yo
00:42 that time will come with
00:44 gonna come to make that p
00:46 say you have to be ready
00:49 in those times every singl
00:51 that's the play where Dan
00:52 the quarterback or the ba
00:54 got a big punt return act
00:57 were coming down there ab
00:58 Rondell phone and fumble.
01:00 ready for those opportuni
01:03 on them to, how would you
01:05 this journey to where you
01:07 playing time and meaningf
01:10 you and kit both have kin
01:12 man, I just say, you know
01:14 in a moment, you know, I'
01:16 mind off of anything and
01:18 in every moment. Um, and
01:22 ultimately end up where y
01:24 matter what. It's been ti
01:28 think maybe you were goin
01:29 or you didn't think you'd
01:32 you know, impact. That's
01:35 every human does that, yo
01:37 the belief of knowing tha
01:38 put in, you will ultimatel
01:41 and um, you know, I've ju
01:44 that, you know, I've noti
01:46 deeds, you know, I'm gonna
01:49 sewn. You know, I've been
01:51 in every moment, no matte
01:53 anybody, you know, and as
01:56 just that aspect of growi
01:59 know, that was, that was,
02:01 is happening. Um, you kno
02:03 me at all because I know
02:04 for, for everybody in the
02:08 gave you a lot of credit
02:10 act for being able to mak
02:12 What does that say about
02:13 the growth that you've sh
02:16 You know, what seems like
02:19 so minimal, you know, and
02:21 is just turn around and ma
02:23 he's with me, you know, i
02:25 but it, it, it equivalent
02:27 um, you know, it's defini
02:30 but you know, it's, it's
02:32 because it's just communi
02:33 as a, what's your guys's
02:36 into the week where, you
02:38 be playing the following
02:39 also a couple of things o
02:41 know, we're just, we're j
02:42 task that's at hand now,
02:44 really not looking ahead
02:47 just focused on TCU becau
02:49 guys can be really danger
02:51 hard at all not to look a
02:54 though, even if you're pr
02:57 right, it is. Um, and you
02:59 that as human nature, but
03:01 know, with the next thing
03:04 TCU right now, kind of go
03:07 play, you guys have been
03:09 the goal line all year. W
03:10 that? You know, the thing
03:12 good on the goal line is,
03:14 really big on stopping to
03:17 the series before that ac
03:20 a run stunt and they shif
03:22 it kind of split us, you
03:24 on it. And um, you know,
03:27 hesitated next series and
03:30 call and billy made a rea
03:31 know, and you have to kno
03:33 good up front that their
03:35 isn't turning the ball. Y
03:38 seen that on films, they'
03:39 the perimeter for sure. G
03:42 just gonna say, haven't w
03:45 do you think went into ho
03:48 was able to have run the
03:50 and how can you guys corr
03:52 know, just schematically
03:53 this press conference say
03:55 have to be really gaps ou
03:57 had a lot of eye candy go
03:59 have to be disciplined wi
04:00 to know no matter what, w
04:03 and who you don't. And um
04:05 a couple players where I
04:08 I should just knew who I
04:11 it's small, minimal, minim
04:14 is a big deal at all. You
04:16 who you with and interrup
04:17 you don't, it'll punish y
04:19 little can cover like som
04:21 you don't know schematica
04:23 of talk about that, somet
04:25 you talk about communicac
04:27 ago, how did that sort of
04:30 realizing the importance
04:35 in that, right? Um, big f
04:38 if we don't, if I don't c
04:40 right there, they have en
04:41 and we don't have enough
04:44 say, um, we're gonna be r
04:46 situation. Um, the quarte
04:48 all day. It's big on big
04:52 know, ultimately bring yo
04:55 they didn't happen up ju
04:57 And then when you don't c
05:00 you don't know who's with
05:02 that can equivalent to la
05:04 younger guy and you saw e
05:06 the struggles because of
05:09 and now sitting here at 9
05:12 would tend to be to finis
05:15 you know, really big, eve
05:18 it doesn't matter what it
05:19 it, you know, when is whe
05:22 matter how you got it in
05:24 say, dub, you know, simple
05:27 know, last year was reall
05:29 especially for me. I didn
05:31 Um, and you know, just si
05:33 those guys go through that
05:35 painful. But um, you know
05:39 know, they crawled so we c
05:41 and that's, um, it's been
05:43 matter how we've got the
05:44 to get them. Brent today
05:47 mattering when talking ab
05:49 for you guys, even though
05:51 necessarily been there the
05:53 How would you kind of ass
05:55 at? Even with the way tea
05:57 playing against it? No do
05:59 teams have gone a quick t
06:01 know, out on the perimeter
06:03 pass rush. You know, those
06:05 getting a stat sheet is g
06:08 but they're definitely ge
06:09 Um, you know, if you go b
06:12 know, we called it, we ca
06:14 it literally would have b
06:16 quarterback through balt
06:17 interception. But um, you
06:21 there, you know, and um,
06:24 are really playing their
06:25 They really are. Yeah, we
06:29 you guys, what's he been
06:32 guys? You know, he's not
06:35 he's a true leader. You k
06:37 one of those guys who don
06:38 when he does say somethi
06:40 more because he isn't nec
06:42 something at all times. A
06:45 he's a warrior, like he's
06:50 He's a really good dude.
06:51 Love him to death.