Watch This If You Have Few Friends Only

  • last year
Do you think you're pretty smart and don't have a lot of friends? Perhaps you are someone who values quality over quantity when it comes to friendships. But why?
00:00 Why does your friend's circle seem minute in comparison to those around you?
00:08 Do you worry whether or not that's normal?
00:11 If this is the case, you could be extremely intelligent.
00:15 In one of our previous videos, we talked about reasons why intelligent people might be more
00:20 lonely.
00:21 But what if we told you that science has uncovered some interesting reasons why brainiacs prefer
00:27 to have a small inner circle rather than a lot of friends?
00:31 Let's find out why.
00:33 Here are four reasons why smart people keep just a few close friends according to science.
00:39 Disclaimer.
00:40 Remember, this list is not the be all and end all.
00:44 It's merely a glimpse into one aspect of social dynamics.
00:48 With that being said, let's get into it.
00:51 Quality over Quantity.
00:53 Nikola Tesla once said, "Intelligent people tend to have less friends than the average
00:59 person.
01:00 Smart individuals understand the true worth of deep and meaningful connections.
01:04 You prioritize interesting time and energy into building strong relationships with only
01:09 a few individuals rather than having numerous and superficial, fleeting connections.
01:15 You choose your friends wisely because you know that the company you keep can either
01:20 inspire you or hinder your growth."
01:23 A friend group composed of positive influences inspires you to strive for excellence, not
01:29 change who you are to fit in.
01:32 Emotional Depth and Trust.
01:34 What are some qualities important for friendships?
01:38 For brainiacs, it's a tight-knit support system that offers meaningful emotional support.
01:44 Smart people prefer to foster deeper connections and feel a need to be understood.
01:50 Those connections create a sense of safety and comfort, where you can be yourself without
01:55 any fear of judgment.
01:57 Having a few trusted friends means having a support system that is always there for
02:02 you.
02:03 So, if you find yourself with a handful of close friends, know that it's a sign of
02:07 intelligence and a way to cultivate meaningful connections that can last a lifetime.
02:15 Intellectual Compatibility.
02:16 Do you keep to yourself because not many share your interests or hobbies?
02:21 You dive deep into specific subjects, gathering specialized knowledge that sets you apart.
02:27 Intelligent people can sometimes feel isolated from those around them because they think
02:32 and see the world differently.
02:34 Finding someone who processes information as you do can be difficult.
02:39 This leaves intelligent people with a smaller circle as they seek out friendships with others
02:44 who share their passions and with whom they can connect on a deeper level.
02:49 It's a wonderful feeling to connect with people who share your curiosity.
02:53 So, if you have a particular interest or love learning about something specific, don't
02:59 be afraid to find others who feel the same way.
03:02 Consider even subscribing to the channel to join the Psych2Go community.
03:07 Privacy and Introspection.
03:09 Smart people often enjoy spending time alone.
03:12 Such moments of solitude and introspection are necessary to recharge and process their
03:17 thoughts.
03:19 Researchers found that most people are happier when they socialize with their friends frequently.
03:25 Intelligent people, however, were the only exception.
03:28 Their happiness decreased when their socializing increased.
03:32 As intelligent people are more focused on working towards long-term goals rather than
03:37 social life, solitude allows for a balance between social interaction and personal reflection.
03:44 If you sometimes feel guilty for needing time alone, don't worry.
03:48 It's important to strike a balance between spending time with friends and having moments
03:53 of peaceful solitude.
03:56 It's all part of taking care of yourself.
03:58 So, do you have just a few close friends you can count on?
04:02 It's important to cultivate friendships with those who truly appreciate and value you for
04:07 who you are.
04:09 Remember to never change just to fit in with the crowd.
04:12 If you enjoyed this video, hit the like button and share it with a friend.
04:16 All the references used are in the description box below.
04:20 As always, thanks for watching Psych2Goers.
04:23 Until next time.
04:24 Here's the next chapter in our ongoing Psych2Go Stories series that we've been putting our
04:29 hearts into.
04:30 Our stories are more than just entertainment.
04:33 They're a journey into the realms of mental health and relationships.
04:37 Be a pioneer and explore our exclusive playlist, Stories That Entertain, Educate, and Empower.
04:44 What are you waiting for?
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