Episod 582 My #QuranTime Sabtu 26 Mac 2022 Sesi Ulang Kaji, Halaman 453-458 Bersama Mark Adam

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Episod 582 My #QuranTime Sabtu 26 Mac 2022 Sesi Ulang Kaji, Halaman 453-458 Bersama Mark Adam
00:00 [Music]
00:20 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
00:31 الحمد لله رب العالمين
00:41 الرحمن الرحيم
00:49 مالك يوم الدين
00:57 إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين
01:07 إهدنا الصراط المستقيم
01:17 صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين
01:37 آمين
01:39 صلوا الله عزيز
01:41 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
01:44 الحمد لله
01:45 وصلات و السلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن وله وبعد
01:51 [Arabic]
02:19 [Arabic]
02:48 [Arabic]
02:50 How are you today?
02:51 Alhamdulillah, I'm good, I'm good.
02:53 Subhanallah, subhanallah.
02:55 So, he has a little bit of a Buddhist slang.
02:58 Because our guest today, we are together with...
03:01 Special.
03:02 Yes, our guest, our special guest today, we are together with the fortunate relative of Abang Mak Adam.
03:07 How are you? Assalamualaikum.
03:09 Waalaikumsalam.
03:10 How are you?
03:11 Alhamdulillah.
03:12 So, I can speak Malay?
03:13 Yes.
03:14 Alhamdulillah, I feel relieved.
03:16 Because I was just a teacher today.
03:18 So, thank you very much. Jazakumullah Khairan Jazak.
03:21 Thank you so much.
03:22 Thank you for your time.
03:25 A... what is it?
03:28 A current actor.
03:30 MashaAllah, he is very busy with his acting schedule.
03:32 Another singer who is not a stranger.
03:34 That day, he was in the song "Hijrahkan Laguku" at T.U.L. Hijrah.
03:38 And also, Abang Mak has an academy.
03:42 An academy voice. Guru Walker.
03:44 MashaAllah, subhanAllah.
03:46 We would like to thank you for the opportunity and the opportunity...
03:49 ...to share with us today at My Quran Time.
03:53 You are welcome, Ustaz.
03:54 Actually, I feel very fortunate to be here.
03:58 Although I am very busy with my schedule.
04:03 But, Alhamdulillah, I am grateful.
04:05 I have the time to meet Ustaz and Prof.
04:08 Yes.
04:09 He is very handsome, Prof.
04:10 He is handsome.
04:11 Allah, Allah.
04:12 MashaAllah.
04:13 So, Prof.
04:14 InshaAllah, we would like to start our journey of reading today.
04:17 And who knows, today we would hear him singing.
04:22 Maybe today we would hear him play the Taranum.
04:24 MashaAllah.
04:25 Wait for it.
04:26 So, all the audience, wait for it.
04:27 We would be together with Abang Mak today, inshaAllah.
04:29 Please, Prof.
04:30 Alright, thank you Ustaz Tanamizi, our brother, our mother Adam.
04:33 Alhamdulillah, Rabbil 'Alamin.
04:34 Wa salatu was salamu 'ala ashrafil anbiya wal mursalin Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa ashabihi ajma'in amma ba'a.
04:41 As the words of our ladies, fathers, and the audience who are blessed by Allah.
04:45 Before we start our recitation of the Quran today,
04:49 let us recite a short prayer together.
04:52 Subhanaka la ilmalana illa ma'allam tana innaka antal 'alimul hakim Rabbi zirni ilma.
05:00 Alright, inshaAllah today we will start our recitation session.
05:05 Our recitation session today is a bit special.
05:07 We have a popular guest, a Malaysian who is our brother, our mother Adam.
05:12 Today our discussion will be from page 453 to page 458.
05:19 Where the discussion will be specifically about Surah Sadat.
05:24 Surah Sadat that we have discussed today.
05:27 And we will also ask a few questions about a few things that we will be discussing with our brother, our mother Adam later.
05:35 Before we continue our discussion, let us recite together the first and second verses of this Surah.
05:43 Which will be led by our Ustaz Tarmizi. Please, Ustaz.
05:47 Thank you, dear Professor.
05:49 Dear brother, mother Adam.
05:51 I want to recite a verse from Guru Wakil.
05:53 Oh, that's a shame. I'm afraid I'll be scolded.
05:55 Oh, that's dangerous. I'll call you to scold me later.
05:58 Ustaz, I heard your voice just now. It felt so cool.
06:02 MasyaAllah, I'm afraid.
06:04 So, ladies and gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters,
06:09 we will recite the first and second verses of Surah Sadat.
06:14 Which will be the opening of our recitation session today.
06:17 Let's recite together the Surah.
06:23 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
06:29 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
06:42 [Recitation of Surah Sadat]
06:52 [Recitation of Surah Sadat]
07:17 [Recitation of Surah Sadat]
07:44 May Allah bless you. The first verse, Allah Almighty says,
07:47 "In the name of the Qur'an, which contains a reminder,
07:51 but the disbelievers are in arrogance and rebellion."
07:55 Alright, Allah Almighty reminds us of the Qur'anic role as a reminder.
08:02 Or as an explanation.
08:04 So, here, we might want to ask or ask for an opinion from brother Adam himself.
08:10 Based on your experience with Islam,
08:14 maybe you can tell us a little bit about your experience of hearing the Qur'an.
08:19 Or is there anything that you have shared,
08:22 that you might have experienced with the Qur'an or with Islam?
08:27 Please, brother.
08:29 Okay, thank you, Professor.
08:31 Okay, from the beginning until now,
08:34 when I hear, like what you just sang,
08:42 I always feel calm,
08:48 I feel at ease, even though I'm still learning.
08:52 I hope you can teach me later.
08:55 Of course, I can.
08:57 And also, if we talk about Islam,
09:03 my journey, Professor, is really extraordinary.
09:10 Because, compared to other religions,
09:16 how I really got to know Islam,
09:22 started from a friend that I know,
09:27 where what I know about Islam,
09:32 back then, I thought Islam was a very violent religion,
09:38 and very bad.
09:43 Extreme.
09:44 Extreme and not good.
09:46 So, what I saw on television,
09:50 when I saw Muslims praying,
09:57 when I was little,
09:59 when they prostrated, I was scared.
10:02 Because in the Philippines,
10:05 we have a ghost,
10:10 where the ghost prostrates.
10:13 So, when I was little, I thought,
10:16 "Oh, this is the ghost religion."
10:19 So, how did I...
10:22 my mind was changed from a friend.
10:27 Because when I came to Malaysia,
10:29 I met this friend.
10:32 He was the best person I met in the world.
10:38 And he was a Muslim.
10:41 So, I thought, and in my heart,
10:45 I asked, "Is he going to hell?"
10:50 I was going to hell from him,
10:53 from his perspective.
10:55 So, from there,
10:57 my mind was opened about the religion of Islam.
11:00 And I started to study.
11:06 I also met my wife.
11:12 She was my friend, not my wife.
11:15 She was my friend.
11:17 And then, she told me a lot about Islam.
11:24 So, from there,
11:26 I really wanted to know about Islam until now.
11:31 But I was very...
11:35 Sometimes, we don't remember.
11:38 With the busy time,
11:42 chasing the world.
11:44 But sometimes, I was forced to.
11:47 Because I had a lot of responsibilities from my family.
11:51 My family was very big.
11:53 And they all came to me.
11:57 So, I had to work hard.
11:59 But sometimes, I also forgot.
12:03 Sometimes, I forgot to pray.
12:06 I had to do everything later.
12:09 So, the timing was not good.
12:11 But I still studied.
12:14 And I will continue to study and get to know the religion of Islam...
12:21 ...until I know it.
12:29 MashaAllah.
12:30 This is a very interesting sharing, gentlemen.
12:34 How Muslims should be an example to others...
12:39 ...so that they can give the right message about Islam.
12:43 Because sometimes, we see that Muslims have a certain attitude.
12:48 So, we think that they are Muslims.
12:50 But actually, what's in the Quran is not what it is described.
12:55 Muslims should be an example.
12:59 They should be a role model.
13:04 Like what was said by brother Adam.
13:07 His friends came to help him.
13:10 And he said, "He is a better person than me."
13:14 We should all be an example to others.
13:19 And do good to others.
13:22 It doesn't matter if they are Muslims or non-Muslims.
13:25 Because those things are the things that are mentioned in the Quran.
13:30 Therefore, Allah Almighty mentioned the first verse.
13:33 Allah Almighty said, "Wa al-Qur'ani dhiddhiq."
13:36 Which means, the Quran has a reminder.
13:39 We should make the Quran a reminder.
13:41 And be an example to others.
13:44 Hopefully, with the good deeds we do...
13:47 ...we give a space to others to see Islam.
13:50 Likewise, in page 454...
13:53 ...Allah Almighty talks about a dispute.
13:57 There was a dispute.
13:59 Brother Adam, the dispute was because of the sheep.
14:03 In the Quran, it's mentioned that the dispute was because of the sheep.
14:06 Before we get into the story, I would like to ask Ustaz Tanweezy to read it again.
14:10 The verse that is related to this matter.
14:13 Which is verse number 21.
14:15 Is that okay, Ustaz?
14:16 Yes, sure.
14:17 Thank you, Professor.
14:18 Dr. Ahmad Sanusi.
14:20 Our guest today is Brother Adam.
14:23 Brother Adam, where are you from?
14:26 I'm from the Philippines.
14:28 Philippines.
14:29 That's right.
14:30 We hear the slang in the Philippines.
14:33 If we can, we would like to know...
14:34 ...when did you return to Islam?
14:39 In 2002.
14:41 2002.
14:42 A year before I got married.
14:44 Ah, in 2002.
14:45 Yes.
14:46 Subhanallah.
14:47 I always follow your Instagram.
14:49 It's true, Ustaz.
14:50 He has a big family in the Philippines.
14:54 He always goes back to the Philippines.
14:56 Subhanallah.
14:57 Hopefully, we can pray for the ease of our brother Adam.
15:01 To continue to unite the family.
15:03 Because Islam never separates a child from his parents.
15:08 Subhanallah.
15:09 With siblings.
15:10 Even as an example.
15:12 Hopefully, one day, God willing.
15:15 God willing, the siblings, your parents...
15:19 ...will be reunited with you in the religion of fitrah.
15:22 God willing.
15:23 Amen.
15:24 God willing.
15:25 I'll read first.
15:26 Okay, Ustaz.
15:27 I want to hear the voice.
15:28 The voice of the academy.
15:30 Okay.
15:31 Dear viewers, the companions of the Quran...
15:33 ...who are loved by God.
15:35 Let's read verse 21...
15:38 ...which is on page 453.
15:41 I've tried to read it in Nahawan.
15:44 I'll try to read it in Mujahid Hijaz.
15:48 If I can't, don't be angry.
15:49 Subhanallah.
15:50 I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan.
15:53 I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan.
15:57 (Reciting)
16:00 (Reciting)
16:04 (Reciting)
16:08 (Reciting)
16:36 (Reciting)
16:39 Peace be upon you.
16:46 In verse 21, Allah says,
16:49 "Has there come to you the news of people who are rebellious...
16:54 ...when they climb the wall?"
16:56 This story is about two men...
17:00 ...who fight over their goats.
17:03 One of them has 99 goats.
17:06 The other is forced to give the goats to the other 99...
17:11 ...so that it can be multiplied by 100.
17:14 Then, he is asked to the Prophet David...
17:16 ...who is remembered in the Quran as a caliph...
17:21 ...to give justice...
17:24 ...or to give social justice to the people.
17:28 This gives us a lesson as Muslims...
17:31 ...that we should act like a caliph...
17:34 ...to ensure that people receive justice.
17:38 It means that the rich should not be made richer...
17:43 ...but the poor should be left to the poor.
17:45 This is not taught.
17:46 How can people who are rich be forced to be given to others?
17:51 Based on this story, we can ask the view of the brothers of Adam.
17:56 Sometimes, we see people struggling to find sustenance.
17:59 People are struggling to find sustenance.
18:02 What do you think about the current situation?
18:04 How can we remind people not to be greedy?
18:09 Sometimes, we struggle to the point of fighting with our family members.
18:13 What is your view, Adam?
18:15 If I may ask this question, I'm a bit shocked.
18:18 I'll try to answer. -Sure.
18:23 There are many people around us...
18:27 ...who are not grateful...
18:31 ...for what Allah has given us.
18:34 Everything is a blessing.
18:37 Even the difficulties are a blessing for us to learn.
18:40 Goodness or wealth is a blessing.
18:46 And on the other hand...
18:52 ...it's also a responsibility.
18:56 It's also a challenge.
19:03 Difficulties and happiness are both challenges for me.
19:10 How can we control ourselves...
19:15 ...when we're in trouble or in wealth?
19:21 I know people who have become rich...
19:27 ...but they're treated differently.
19:30 There are also poor people...
19:33 ...who are treated differently due to their difficulties.
19:39 So, how can we...
19:43 We should always be firm...
19:47 ...with our friends and colleagues...
19:51 ...in this situation.
19:53 We should always be firm with them.
19:55 We should bring them back to Islam.
20:01 And I'd like to say, Ustaz...
20:05 ...because this is also part of...
20:08 ...the character.
20:14 We can teach this character...
20:20 ...when we're growing up.
20:24 I mean...
20:26 ...who teaches children since they're young?
20:30 It's their parents.
20:32 If there's no parents, it's their siblings.
20:37 So, how can we teach a child...
20:40 ...to be a good person?
20:44 So, they can control their difficulties and happiness.
20:49 So, what I'd like to say here is...
20:54 ...if possible, we should teach children to be good people...
20:59 ...from when they're young until they grow up.
21:02 So, when they grow up, they won't fight with the goats.
21:08 That's right.
21:09 That's a very interesting statement.
21:12 Because we teach them since they're young.
21:14 If we teach them to be greedy, to steal...
21:19 ...and to take other people's property...
21:22 ...these actions will cause them to do harm.
21:29 For example, they'll take other people's property.
21:32 And we'd like to ask a lot of questions to your siblings.
21:35 Don't go anywhere. We'll be back after this...
21:39 ...with more interesting discussions.
21:41 Don't go anywhere. We'll be back after this.
21:46 Yes.
21:47 (Music)
22:05 (Music)
22:30 (Music)
22:41 (Music)
23:04 (Music)
23:16 You got the original version.
23:20 Yes, I got the original version.
23:22 Subhanallah, the eyes of faith...
23:27 ...and the way we always pray for our faith.
23:33 Subhanallah, of course, with good deeds.
23:36 Befriending good people.
23:37 Keeping your heart grateful.
23:39 So, we're very fortunate today...
23:42 ...because we're with Abang Mark Adam.
23:45 He's going to share with us his experience...
23:50 ...with Islam.
23:52 From the Philippines to here.
23:55 And he shared how we teach our children...
24:01 ...or our siblings to have good morals.
24:04 So, next, we'd like to share with Abang Mark.
24:08 After this, we'll have more questions...
24:11 ...to be asked to our brother, Abang Adam.
24:13 But before that, as usual, we'll do a little re-study.
24:16 We'll do a little re-study from page 455.
24:19 In this page, Allah Almighty tells us...
24:22 ...if on page 454, Allah Almighty tells us...
24:25 ...about the story of Prophet Daud.
24:27 In page 455, Allah Almighty tells us...
24:30 ...about the story of Prophet Sulaiman...
24:32 ...and the story of Prophet Ayub.
24:34 The story of Prophet Ayub is interesting...
24:36 ...because he was left behind by his family.
24:39 We're going to read a little of this...
24:41 ...and we'll ask our brother, Mark Adam...
24:43 ...a little about our Tadabur...
24:45 ...or what we can learn from verse 41...
24:49 ...of this surah.
24:51 Which is about the story of Prophet Ayub.
24:54 We'll read it together with Ustaz Tarmizi.
24:58 Please, Ustaz.
24:59 Thank you, Prof. Dr. Abang Mark Adam.
25:01 Ladies and gentlemen of the Sahaba of the Quran.
25:03 You heard our voices duet.
25:05 We duet with Nasheed.
25:07 This time, we're going to duet...
25:09 ...and read verse 41 with our brother, Mark.
25:12 Please.
25:13 Okay.
25:14 Together.
25:22 Okay.
25:23 My turn?
25:40 Continue, Ustaz.
25:41 I thought I was going to hear the duet.
25:43 Subhanallah.
25:44 Okay, I'll continue.
25:45 Verse 41.
25:46 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
25:47 Okay.
25:49 (Reciting)
25:52 (Reciting)
25:56 (Reciting)
25:59 (Reciting)
26:03 (Reciting)
26:06 (Reciting)
26:09 (Reciting)
26:13 (Reciting)
26:16 (Reciting)
26:20 (Reciting)
26:24 (Reciting)
26:52 (Reciting)
26:53 (Reciting)
26:54 (Reciting)
26:58 (Reciting)
27:26 MashaAllah.
27:27 (Reciting)
27:31 (Reciting)
27:34 (Reciting)
28:02 MashaAllah.
28:03 Okay.
28:04 Okay.
28:06 (Reciting)
28:09 (Reciting)
28:12 (Reciting)
28:15 (Reciting)
28:19 MashaAllah.
28:20 MashaAllah.
28:22 Oh.
28:35 Mamas boy.
28:43 (Reciting)
28:46 (Reciting)
28:50 (Reciting)
28:54 Wow.
28:56 Hmm.
28:57 Hmm.
29:03 Hmm.
29:10 Hmm.
29:17 Hmm.
29:22 Hmm.
29:23 Hmm.
29:52 Hmm.
29:53 MashaAllah.
30:00 Hmm.
30:01 MashaAllah.
30:18 Oh.
30:19 Oh.
30:24 Ah.
30:29 Oh.
30:41 Hmm.
30:42 Oh.
30:58 Hmm.
31:03 Hmm.
31:05 MashaAllah.
31:06 MashaAllah.
31:14 MashaAllah.
31:16 (Laughs)
31:21 Alhamdulillah.
31:30 Hmm.
31:31 MashaAllah.
31:39 MashaAllah.
31:42 MashaAllah.
31:45 Hmm.
31:46 Ah.
32:01 Ameen.
32:13 MashaAllah.
32:14 MashaAllah.
32:18 S'allahu alaihi wa sallam.
32:22 Hmm.
32:24 Hmm.
32:25 Hmm.
32:27 Hmm.
32:32 Hmm.
32:51 Hmm.
32:52 Hmm.
33:10 Oh.
33:14 Hmm.
33:15 SubhanAllah.
33:28 SubhanAllah.
33:32 MashaAllah.
33:36 Yeah.
33:40 Betul.
33:41 Yeah.
33:45 MashaAllah.
33:59 Betul.
34:04 Mus'ab bin Umair.
34:06 Betul.
34:07 Betul.
34:17 Yes.
34:22 Hmm.
34:23 Betul.
34:50 SubhanAllah.
34:51 MashaAllah.
34:56 SubhanAllah.
34:59 MashaAllah.
35:07 SubhanAllah.
35:14 Hmm.
35:15 Hmm.
35:17 MashaAllah.
35:34 Hmm.
35:35 SubhanAllah.
35:48 SubhanAllah.
35:56 [Alright. We will now enter the page number 456.]
36:10 [In which Allah Ta'ala also mentions the names of several other Prophets.]
36:15 [However, we will take a verse about the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala.]
36:20 [Allah Ta'ala mentions how actually, several Prophets were mentioned here.]
36:26 [And Allah Ta'ala mentions that the Quran is a reminder.]
36:31 [Allah Ta'ala mentions that the Quran is a reminder.]
36:34 [However, we will take a verse about Prophet Ibrahim in the verse number 456.]
36:41 [InshAllah.]
36:42 [456. Alright. Thank you, Al-Fadhil, Prof, Dr, Aba Mak, Adam, ladies and gentlemen, companions of the Quran, mothers and fathers.]
36:48 [I guess today, there are some who are attending the Duri gathering, right? And so on.]
36:56 [Congratulations. Many times, there are children who are getting married and so on.]
37:00 [However, we should all continue to take care of our SOP so that we can be protected from this pandemic, SubhanAllah.]
37:09 [So, we will now read the verse number 456, Prof, right?]
37:13 [Correct.]
37:14 [The verse number 456. We would like to ask Aba Mak, Adam, if there are any recitations that Aba Mak likes to listen to, or any recitations that the imams or the imams can share with us later.]
37:28 [So, I would like to read first. Excuse me, Dr, Gokar. I would like to read the verse number 456. In the page number 456, we will read it together. Let's go, InshAllah.]
37:38 [I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.]
37:45 [And remember Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.]
38:07 [And remember Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.]
38:22 [For the hands and the eyes.]
38:32 [And remember Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.]
38:46 [For the hands and the eyes.]
38:55 [Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.]
39:04 [Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.]
39:05 [And remember Our servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.]
39:18 [The story of Prophet Abraham reminds us of how Prophet Abraham himself, through the experience that was shared by Aba Mak,]
39:29 [that is, Prophet Abraham's father was the same. His father did not agree with his religion, and he discussed with his father, until his father said, "If you do not agree, you go."]
39:41 [This is his description of Prophet Abraham. But Prophet Abraham was patient with his test, and he was calm. And finally, he succeeded in educating his family members, and became good, and so on.]
39:53 [This is an important teaching. Perhaps we can ask Aba Mak himself, what were the tests, after embracing Islam, or accepting Islam, what were the tests that took place in the family, with friends, or with oneself?]
40:10 [With oneself, did you feel that you could not do this, or that, or that, or that? Were there any tests that were passed during embracing Islam?]
40:20 [Yes, there were. There were tests, of course.]
40:40 [If there were tests, embracing Islam would have been over long ago. There were friends who said, "Do not enter Islam."]
40:51 [But we have to remain with our faith. And other tests were passed by oneself.]
41:02 [Sometimes, because of training, we forget to finish our prayers. Sometimes, when we are very busy working, we forget to do it.]
41:26 [But in our hearts, we always remember Allah.]
41:38 [Those are the tests that are passed by us.]
41:41 [Most of the tests were passed by oneself, right?]
41:44 [Yes, by oneself. That is how I feel. Sometimes, we are influenced by bad things. Especially now, in our technology.]
42:00 [For example, when my niece or nephew is in another class, we are already angry and tired. "Why did you do this?"]
42:14 [But we do not realize it. We should teach them slowly. We have to speak to them slowly.]
42:24 [I admit that when I am very busy working, looking for food for my big family, I forget to pray.]
42:39 [I am not good.]
42:44 [If we look at the last verse of the Quran, Allah reminds us of the last verse of Surah As-Saud.]
42:56 [If Ustaz Tirmidhi can notice, in verse 87, Allah says, "In huwa illa zikrun lil'alamin."]
43:05 [For the whole world, if we are in a state of delirium, there are some things that we can take note of.]
43:13 [First, we should prepare our schedule. Sometimes, it is true, as my brother Adam said, that we are busy with our schedule.]
43:22 [So, we should prepare our schedule. Hopefully, with the schedule that Allah has arranged, morning, evening, noon for prayer, etc.]
43:30 [We will be more disciplined and we can improve our schedule.]
43:36 [The second thing that is not less important, and we learn from the Quran, is from our friends.]
43:44 [As my brother Adam said, our friends are important in helping us to remember things, obligations, and things that we need to do.]
43:56 [And what my brother Adam said is very interesting. He is a companion.]
44:03 [Not us, not him, or others, but we ourselves should be the reminders for ourselves, so that we can improve ourselves.]
44:16 [And for this session, I will leave it to Ustaz Tarbizi if there are any questions or conclusions that you want to ask.]
44:24 [Before we close, with a prayer that is guided by Ustaz Tarbizi.]
44:27 [Sure, Prof. I have one question. I also follow your journey, right?]
44:31 [You have a mission with the NGO, with the Suara Akademi, to help during the flood last year, during the flood victims, right?]
44:40 [And the last question I want to ask is, how did you feel when you first set foot in Mecca, Al-Mukarramah?]
44:52 [Seeing the Kaabah, can you share with us how you felt during this short period of time for us to live together?]
45:03 [It was very special. If we look back at what I said from the beginning of the program, until I became Muslim, I was given the opportunity to hold the Kaabah.]
45:22 [I just sat there, kissed the Kaabah, and I wanted to share my feelings at that time. When I held the Kaabah and kissed it, for 10 minutes, 5 minutes, all the bad things that I did before, it came back as fast as possible.]
45:48 [It was like it was fast-forwarded or fast-rewinded. And I felt, "God, I am here. You brought me here. Praise be to God."]
46:06 [I don't know what to say. The opportunity that was given, the sign that was given to me was amazing as a mu'alaf.]
46:23 [And I have to hold on to that strongly.]
46:26 [Ameen, Ameen, Ya Rabbana.]
46:28 [Mashallah. So ladies and gentlemen, may Allah bless you all. We are at the end. We want to close our program today.]
46:35 [And we pray to Allah together.]
46:38 [In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.]
46:41 [Alhamdulillah Rabbil 'Alamin. Wa salatu wa salamu 'ala Rasulillahi 'l-Amin Sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.]
46:48 [Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami, dosa ma'ayah kami, dosa muslimin-muslimat, mu'minin dan mu'minat, ma'ayah murtuwa kami, bi rahmatika, Ya Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahimin.]
46:57 [Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan kami, kamun kepadamu, Ya Allah, suburkanlah petunjuk dan hidayah yang konkurnyakan kepada kami, memandu kehidupan kami, Ya Allah.]
47:06 [Cahaya iman, cahaya hidayah, mudah-mudahan Ya Allah memandu kami untuk terus berbakti dan juga beramal salih, menuruti segala kehendak dan perintahmu, Ya Allah.]
47:17 [Allahumma inna na'udhu bikamin al-baras wa'l-junun wa'l-judami wa'min sayyi'il asqam.]
47:23 [Wa sallallahu 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi baraka wa salam. Walhamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alamin.]
47:32 [Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
47:36 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
47:39 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
47:42 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
47:45 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
47:47 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
48:15 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
48:18 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
48:21 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
48:24 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
48:27 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
48:30 [Wa sallallahu 'ala sayyi'il ashabi wa baraka wa salam. Wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa salam.]
48:52 [Music]
49:06 [Music]
