Top 10 Most Emotional Moments in Series Finales

  • last year
Series finales don't get more emotional than this. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our top picks for those ugly-cry moments at the end of our favorite television shows.


00:00 ♪ It ain't so long since you were flying high ♪
00:05 - Welcome to Ms. Mojo.
00:08 And today we're counting down our picks
00:10 for those ugly cry moments
00:11 at the end of our favorite television shows.
00:14 Look out for weepy spoilers ahead.
00:16 (man laughing)
00:18 - I think we all need some Kleenex.
00:19 - Number 10, the big song, "Ted Lasso."
00:24 Never has a song and dance made us sob like this.
00:27 While the majority of the final episode of "Ted Lasso"
00:30 is spent waiting for the outcome of the big game,
00:33 there's something else that really gives us the feels.
00:35 ♪ So long, farewell, ♪
00:37 ♪ Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye ♪
00:39 - After learning that Ted plans to leave Richmond
00:41 and head back home to the US,
00:43 the team plans a big surprise.
00:46 ♪ Adios ♪
00:50 ♪ Adios ♪
00:52 - During practice, they perform a very special rendition
00:57 of "So Long, Farewell" from "The Sound of Music."
01:00 The tenderness of the moment is matched
01:02 only by its silliness,
01:04 which pretty much sums up the series.
01:06 - Thank you, fellas.
01:08 That was perfect.
01:09 - Number nine, "The Best," "Schitt's Creek."
01:12 We thought that Patrick's rendition of "The Best"
01:14 would be the thing that made us cry hardest
01:16 during this Canadian cult classic show's run.
01:19 ♪ You're simply the best ♪
01:22 ♪ Better than all the rest ♪
01:25 - We were sorely mistaken.
01:27 Although the finale episode of "Schitt's Creek"
01:29 is filled with a number of emotional moments,
01:32 it's when David walks down the aisle
01:33 that makes us cry the most.
01:35 As Dan Levy's character makes his way to Patrick,
01:38 an orchestral version of "The Best" plays,
01:41 calling back to that beautiful scene
01:43 from an earlier season in the show.
01:45 ♪ You're simply the best ♪
01:47 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
01:50 ♪ Better than all the rest ♪
01:53 - It's really everyone else's reactions that get us, though,
01:56 particularly Moira.
01:58 - Our lives are like little baby crows.
02:02 - As the officiant, she's equal parts hilarious
02:04 and heartwarming.
02:06 Number eight, "Starbuck Disappears," "Battlestar Galactica."
02:11 We still struggle emotionally
02:13 when we think about how this couple ended.
02:15 Throughout "Battlestar Galactica,"
02:17 the relationship between Starbuck and Apollo is a fraught one.
02:21 They're passionate in more ways than one,
02:23 fighting and loving their way through the end of the world.
02:26 - Where are you going?
02:27 - I don't know.
02:30 I just know that I am done here.
02:34 - It's interesting, then,
02:35 that the end of their relationship
02:37 finishes on such a quiet, bittersweet note.
02:40 After finding Earth, Apollo and Starbuck are left alone.
02:44 He wants to explore, but her purpose has been fulfilled.
02:47 - This sounds so exhausting.
02:49 I must be crazy.
02:52 - While Apollo looks the other way,
02:54 she disappears without a trace.
02:56 Seeing Apollo standing on Earth alone
02:59 is heartbreakingly poignant.
03:01 - Goodbye, Kara.
03:02 You won't be forgotten.
03:08 - Number seven, "Michael Comes Back," "The Office."
03:11 A single character can make or break a show.
03:14 And if we're being honest,
03:16 "The Office" just didn't feel like "The Office"
03:18 without Michael.
03:19 Steve Carell left the American sitcom
03:22 after seven seasons of work.
03:24 It was still a funny show,
03:25 but we always felt like something was missing.
03:28 - Michael.
03:28 - So when Michael made a special appearance in the finale,
03:31 things snapped back into place,
03:33 along with all the feels.
03:35 - I can't believe you came.
03:37 That's what you said.
03:39 - With Dwight and Angela's marriage,
03:46 a best man was needed.
03:48 Jim was an okay substitute,
03:50 but no one was better than Michael,
03:52 who surprised Dwight on the big day.
03:54 - Best friend ever.
03:55 - It was an emotional reunion between the friends,
03:58 buttoned with a beautiful, "That's what she said," joke
04:01 as only Michael could deliver.
04:03 - I feel like all my kids grew up
04:05 and then they married each other.
04:07 - Number six, "The Other Side," "The Leftovers."
04:10 To tell you the truth,
04:12 pretty much every moment in every episode of "The Leftovers"
04:15 makes us wanna weep uncontrollably.
04:17 And the show's series finale is no exception.
04:20 The show revolved around a global event
04:22 where 2% of the world's population disappears.
04:26 In the final episode, Nora tells her ex-partner, Kevin,
04:29 about her journey through a machine
04:31 that was meant to replicate the event.
04:33 According to Nora, it sent her to an alternate reality
04:37 where the 2% lived, while the other 98% disappeared.
04:41 - Every year I would say to myself,
04:43 "I can't do this.
04:45 "I'm not doing this.
04:47 "Never again."
04:48 - She found her family, but realized that they were happy
04:51 and that she had no place with them anymore.
04:54 - And then you changed your mind.
04:55 - No.
04:58 I didn't change my mind.
05:00 I went through.
05:04 - It's a heartbreakingly somber moment
05:07 and one that we can't get out of our heads.
05:09 - I'm here.
05:15 - Number five, "Deathbed Memories," "Six Feet Under."
05:20 - I have no idea how to do this.
05:21 - You just say goodbye.
05:25 - Every episode of "Six Feet Under" began with a death,
05:28 except for the finale.
05:30 However, the birth that began the series' final episode
05:34 isn't the part that makes us break out into sobs.
05:37 At the end of "Everyone's Waiting,"
05:39 we see a glimpse into the future
05:40 of everyone in the Fisher family.
05:43 Each moment in the Fishers' future is filled with hope
05:45 and sadness as we learn how each one of them
05:48 ultimately dies.
05:50 It ends with Claire, who outlives the entire family.
05:53 She passes away at the age of 102,
06:01 surrounded by memories of the Fishers,
06:03 represented in beautiful photographs.
06:06 If that doesn't bring a tear to your eye,
06:08 we're not sure what will.
06:09 (upbeat music)
06:12 Number four, "Curtain Call," "The Mary Tyler Moore Show."
06:20 The plot of the very last episode
06:22 of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"
06:23 definitely has its tear-jerking moments.
06:25 - We're here for you.
06:27 - We are, ma'am.
06:27 - But it's what happens as the credits roll
06:29 that makes us really lose it.
06:31 After the last moments of the famous sitcom,
06:34 the audience gets to see the cast members
06:36 taking their final curtain call.
06:38 It marks the only time throughout the show's run
06:41 that you see all of the major cast members together
06:44 at the same time.
06:45 - I think we all need some Kleenex.
06:47 - There's some on Mary's desk.
06:49 - Also, it includes a lovely moment
06:52 from Mary Tyler Moore herself,
06:54 where she calls her showmates...
06:55 - The best cast ever.
06:57 - It's a peek behind the curtain that we'll never forget.
07:01 Number three, "Last Cup of Coffee," "Friends."
07:04 Yes, Rachel got off the plane.
07:06 And yes, that makes us tear up.
07:09 - Oh my God, did she get off the plane?
07:11 Did she get off the plane?
07:12 - I got off the plane.
07:16 (audience cheering)
07:17 - But we think there's another moment
07:19 in the "Friends" series finale
07:20 that hits us even harder in the feels.
07:22 At the very end of the episode,
07:24 all of the Friends are standing
07:26 in Monica's now-empty apartment.
07:28 - And it was a happy place,
07:30 filled with love and laughter.
07:33 But more important, because of rent control,
07:36 it was a frigging steal.
07:37 - It's the last time they'll be together in that space,
07:40 and they all start to sniffle
07:42 as they leave their keys on the counter.
07:44 Not quite ready to say goodbye to each other,
07:46 they decide to get one last cup of coffee.
07:49 It's a beautiful moment that nobody wants to end,
07:52 and it's punctuated by a reliably sarcastic Chandler quip.
07:56 - Okay, should we get some coffee?
07:58 - Sure.
07:59 Where?
08:02 - Number two, "Cheat E and Eleanor Say Goodbye,"
08:05 "The Good Place."
08:06 - And you get to spend another billion baramees
08:09 in fake afterlife Europe with your kick-ass girlfriend.
08:12 - If the "Friends" goodbye
08:13 wasn't emotional enough for you,
08:15 we've got one more that's even more of a tearjerker.
08:18 At the end of "The Good Place,"
08:20 it seems like our four main characters
08:22 are living together in harmony.
08:24 Eventually, though, Cheaty decides he's ready to leave.
08:27 When he realizes Eleanor can't stomach his being gone,
08:30 he stays to spare her feelings.
08:33 In one of the series' most emotional moments,
08:35 Eleanor realizes how selfish she's being.
08:38 - And I'd still never find the justification
08:41 for getting you to stay.
08:43 Because it's a selfish rule.
08:47 - The two watch one last sunset together
08:49 before Cheaty moves on.
08:51 - Say goodbye to me now, and leave before I wake up.
08:55 - Audiences were left stunned, speechless,
08:58 and reaching for the tissues.
09:00 - I hate to see you walk through the final door
09:02 at the edge of existence.
09:04 - But I love to watch you leave.
09:07 - There we go.
09:07 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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09:22 Number one, "Hawkeye's Breakdown," "MASH."
09:27 After 11 long years,
09:29 one of the most popular television shows in the US
09:31 finally came to an end.
09:33 The entire run of "MASH" is pretty emotional,
09:36 but one moment stands out from the rest.
09:39 - I can be aggravated, infuriated, frustrated,
09:42 vexated, and irritated.
09:44 - We finally got to see the toll that war took on Hawkeye
09:47 when he broke down in the final episode.
09:49 - I didn't mean for her to kill it.
09:52 (laughing)
09:55 I just wanted it to be quiet.
09:59 - Watching Hawkeye finally come to terms
10:01 with what he has seen is difficult to watch
10:04 and makes us choke up every time.
10:07 Actor Alan Alda portrays the moment
10:09 with heart-wrenching vulnerability and anger.
10:12 - I miss you.
10:14 - I'll miss you a lot.
10:15 I can't imagine what this place would have been like
10:20 if I hadn't found you here.
10:21 - Which series finale had you reaching for the tissues
10:24 and sobbing uncontrollably?
10:26 Drop us a comment below and let us know.
10:29 - And I love you guys.
10:30 (gentle music)
10:33 - I'm gonna miss y'all.
10:40 - Do you agree with our picks?
10:42 Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo
10:44 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell
10:46 to be notified about our latest videos.
10:48 (gentle music)
10:51 (upbeat music)
10:53 (upbeat music)
10:56 (upbeat music)
10:58 (upbeat music)
