The Wrath of Powell - Buried Alive with Vincent Daniel and Porter Collins

  • last year
Guy, Dan and Danny are joined by Danny's "The Big Short" colleagues Vincent Daniel and Porter Collins to discuss Fed losing control (4:02), Guy nailing his S&P 500 price target (17:08), the writing on the wall for Tesla (19:44), the next move for energy stocks (25:40), why crypto could be one of the biggest bubbles we've ever seen (31:54), what investors should do now (39:30). Later, they take listener questions (48:39). recession
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00:01:17 platform visit There's a word called kismet. Not quite sure what
00:01:24 it means but what I think it means is sometimes the stars align and Dan and
00:01:29 Danny as you know we book our guests months in advance and months ago we asked
00:01:35 Vinnie and Porter to come visit us here to do the podcast. Now it just so
00:01:40 coincides with all the things that both of those guys as well as Danny Moses
00:01:45 have been talking about ad nauseam. It's sort of the culmination of all these
00:01:50 things so it's amazing that they're with us today. I'll say this allow me this
00:01:55 indulgence and then we will open it up to the floor. HBO had a wonderful mini
00:02:00 series a few years ago the name of it was Chernobyl. I encourage you all to
00:02:05 watch it black and white wonderfully done and it was a six-part series and
00:02:10 the final episode took place in the control room of the nuclear reactor at
00:02:15 Chernobyl. They were running a test after midnight that night and there was one
00:02:20 guy in charge clearly he was the one making decisions but he had minions
00:02:24 around him and in order to do that test they needed to shut down the reactor so
00:02:30 they shut it down they ran their test and then they decided that he needed to
00:02:35 take the reactor they needed to bring it back up. So one by one this gentleman in
00:02:40 charge asked the minions to take out control rods and one by one they took
00:02:46 out the control rods waiting to get a reaction. They weren't relying upon their
00:02:51 eyes what they saw what they knew their experience they were just relying upon
00:02:57 and watching one certain thing and the reaction wasn't happening. One by one the
00:03:01 control rods come out until guess what they took out every control rod much to
00:03:08 the chagrin of a lot of those people but they did it anyway. What wound up
00:03:12 happening well guess what they actually got the reaction they were looking for
00:03:16 but what happened they weren't able to control that reaction subsequently you
00:03:20 had a meltdown. Guy why do you bring that up? Because these dipshits at the Federal
00:03:26 Reserve decided that in order to get the reaction they wanted in this case
00:03:30 inflation they were gonna remove every single effing control rod and guess what
00:03:36 happened I know Vinny knew this was gonna happen I know Porter knew this was
00:03:40 gonna happen I know Danny knew this was gonna happen they got the reaction they
00:03:44 wanted the reaction being inflation but guess what folks they can't effing
00:03:49 control it and that's what we learned this week Danny Moses. I think that it
00:03:54 was a six-part series I believe that part happened in episode one so just to
00:03:59 clarify I don't think I've been episode six but we are probably in episode two
00:04:03 or three here the Fed thing but I want to welcome Vinny and Porter in here
00:04:06 today and like when we had Chanos on here a couple months ago people added us
00:04:09 oh markets down you brought in Chanos the big shorts no we had that plan too
00:04:14 much in advance so for those out there we're gonna let you know we have bulls
00:04:17 coming on in months ahead and bears coming on months ahead and maybe you can
00:04:19 trade accordingly but this is a great place to start guys because we've talked
00:04:23 about this a long time we bore witness to the Fed printing money and what that
00:04:27 meant and now we're dealing with the draining and to me the most striking
00:04:30 thing about that press conference yesterday and I actually said going into
00:04:33 it that people would clam on to something that he would say that would
00:04:36 be deemed to be dovish it's not that he doesn't have control he has no effing
00:04:40 idea what's going on and so he could have done 50 75 or 100 it wouldn't
00:04:43 mattered the one comment he made to me that was most striking was that he
00:04:47 admitted he says I guess I'm gonna watch some financial conditions I'm watching
00:04:51 other things other than just unemployment but the guidance that they
00:04:54 gave the economic projections make no sense there's no softly and they try to
00:04:59 portray a softly so anyway with that I want to turn it over to you guys
00:05:02 welcoming to the show and get your initial thoughts on that out of the gate
00:05:05 Porter I didn't know guy was gonna use that reference but that was beautiful
00:05:09 wasn't that beautiful that's why they pay him the big bucks but it speaks to
00:05:12 and you know I want you guys to talk this is not about me but interesting we
00:05:16 had Richard Fisher on the show fast money earlier this week my statement to
00:05:20 him was the wealth gap in this country has never been wider you screwed people
00:05:25 on the way in effectively and those same people getting screwed on the way out I
00:05:28 put that that a Fed I'm not asking you to comment and then I said the following
00:05:32 I said it's not about being wrong if you watch fast money over the last 15 years
00:05:37 I'm wrong all the time I have no trouble with people being wrong what I have
00:05:42 problem with is hubris the hubris to beg for inflation and then to think that
00:05:47 once you get it you'll somehow be able to control it that's my biggest problem
00:05:52 he addressed it I think off-camera or affair he would have said something
00:05:56 different but that to me is the problem the fact that these assholes I'm
00:06:00 choosing that word thought they could somehow control something they have no
00:06:04 control over Porter so guy you said it correctly I mean they can't control this
00:06:09 right and the problem is is this world has never been more financialized and
00:06:13 we've put more and more debt into the system and I think that's where Vinnie
00:06:17 and I really have our expertise in the guts of the financial system you can
00:06:22 find a better tech guy or energy guy but in terms of financials and this is what
00:06:26 we're dealing with we're dealing with a balance sheet problem here that the Fed
00:06:30 has and they're gonna need to raise rates to control inflation and they're
00:06:36 powerless and the problem is is the last tech bubble they cut rates a lot and
00:06:41 there's no seatbelt right now they're driving and the cars crashing and you
00:06:46 got the Fed but then you have the BOJ uh-huh the Swiss National Bank race
00:06:50 right out of nowhere out of nowhere the ECB Boe it's everywhere that's the real
00:06:55 problem that's why I'm scared there's so much to go on right now but I'm gonna
00:06:59 start and say that I don't spend a lot of time looking at the dot plots I have
00:07:05 a lot of friends who just study it like mad relative to who cares the biggest
00:07:10 issue right now the way I see it is that the Fed is no longer the panacea for
00:07:16 markets it's not and I actually think it's a shame that policymakers are
00:07:21 sitting on their back and saying hey guys at the Fed you take care of this
00:07:26 inflation thing and the majority of the inflation that we have right now I think
00:07:30 everyone made a mistake using that word transitory that was completely incorrect
00:07:36 what they should have used was structural all the inflation issues we
00:07:40 have right now are structural so how are they trying to solve a structural issue
00:07:44 by taking away jobs by destroying demand I mean it's as stupid as stupid can be
00:07:50 it's the dumbest economic policy so the one thing please don't yell at me you
00:07:54 know how much I hate the Fed the Fed doesn't have a choice they follow the
00:07:58 rules and the laws of their boss and their boss is telling them to get
00:08:01 inflation down and I guarantee you when the Fed peeps go home and have a drink
00:08:07 they're yelling at their bosses saying what in the world do they want me to do
00:08:12 they want me to send this thing into a recession that's the last thing Powell
00:08:16 wants to do but it's the thing he has to do right now because that's his mandate
00:08:19 you're spot-on with this but you know they're begging for inflation for years
00:08:24 the inflation was right before their eyes if you were paying attention which
00:08:28 is the cheapest thing you can do it was right there the entire time they just
00:08:33 didn't acknowledge it now whether they chose not to acknowledge it or just
00:08:36 didn't see it I don't even know what's worse I happen to think not seeing it is
00:08:40 worth but they didn't acknowledge it either we were saying on fast money
00:08:43 Danny before we started the podcast if you just look beneath the surface
00:08:48 there's your inflation they just didn't have it in the places that they wanted
00:08:51 now it's rampant and to your point they're screwed so very interesting okay
00:08:57 so we're talking about their hiking into this thing they're hiking into 40 year
00:09:01 low back to pre pandemic unemployment they're hiking into the weirdest
00:09:05 inflationary environment we've been in in more than 40 years is what you're
00:09:09 not suggesting that they go easy now right I know you're not can't so they
00:09:12 can't so I guess my point is if you think about this the way they combated
00:09:16 the 2001 recession and the subsequent bear market and the implosion of the
00:09:21 dot-com and the post kind of y2k kind of hangover and all that sort of stuff is
00:09:25 yes Fed funds came down from 6% to 1% but they didn't expand the balance sheet
00:09:30 in a meaningful manner until the financial crisis and I know guy and I
00:09:34 differ on this in a way like I think tarp and all those other things that they
00:09:38 started small like 200 billion I mean these are now we're talking trillions
00:09:42 right so they avoid and guys gonna say to me well you can't prove a
00:09:45 counterfactual okay but we avoided a depression and a full global collapse of
00:09:51 our financial system so then we started adding hundreds of billions that got to
00:09:55 over trillions on the balance sheet right and then they kept it too easy for
00:09:59 too long and then we had pandemic happens black swan event and they throw
00:10:03 trillions of dollars in monetary and fiscal at that again avoiding a massive
00:10:08 credit situation globally that would have been a depression so this is where
00:10:12 we are I don't think it's as nefarious as like some people would think and I
00:10:17 know you're gonna talk I've never used that word nefarious I've never as a
00:10:20 matter of fact what I've said is history is littered with disastrous outcome born
00:10:25 of good intentions I don't think these are nefarious people at all I just think
00:10:28 they don't know what the F they're trying to accomplish Porter and I were
00:10:32 talking about this earlier today the one time that I could defend the feds
00:10:37 actions was during Kobe that's when policymakers force the entire country
00:10:43 down look I have a lot of issues of how they did it but I kind of get that's
00:10:47 what the Fed was there for what I have an issue with is you kept rates at zero
00:10:53 for 10 to 12 years what the fuck do you think was going to happen we don't have
00:10:59 a demand problem we have a supply problem right now I mean we're gonna
00:11:01 have a demand problem eventually if they were to do something dovish you would oil
00:11:05 would be at 150 so that's where their box in the other issue that I have a big
00:11:10 problem with how the Fed thinks that this quantitative tightening is equal to
00:11:16 a quarter point half a point that to your point Dan you just made hold on
00:11:20 that is their biggest miscalculation here's why it's not mathematical it's
00:11:24 behavioral why do I say that mortgage-backed securities why have
00:11:28 mortgages gone up so much relative to Treasuries because people anticipated
00:11:32 the Fed pulling liquidity from the mortgage market they're actually said
00:11:36 two months ago we're gonna outright sell mortgage-backed securities so it's the
00:11:39 front-running in a legal manner I should say from behavioral perspective of that
00:11:43 to think that that's a quarter or a half point it's crazy to know the Fed has
00:11:47 your back is priceless to know when they don't you can't put a number on it so
00:11:52 there is no mathematical equation and his Sally Field moment that's what he
00:11:55 had yesterday he had they like me he wanted to be like yesterday on that
00:11:59 press conference he tried to say things that whatever and people saw right
00:12:02 through it after you know 12 hours no you're spot-on so what forces them to
00:12:07 pivot again my opinion only but if the credit markets start to seize up they're
00:12:13 gonna be forced to pivot again if they make that pivot Vinny I will tell you
00:12:18 flat out that's gonna be the green light for commodities forget about crypto but
00:12:23 I also believe it's gonna be the green light for crypto but I'll tell you and I
00:12:27 think you agree with me Danny Moses that's when gold has its day so Vinny
00:12:31 talked to me about that potential happening well that's my big issue which
00:12:35 is okay let's fast forward a month or two and the Fed does something that gets
00:12:41 the second or third derivative thinkers to think that they pivoted and if that's
00:12:46 the case I'm with you that you are now going to be a more of an accommodative
00:12:50 risk on liquidity on environment and as a result eventually yeah first they'll
00:12:57 take up the beaten down Cathie Wood stocks but eventually the commodities
00:13:01 are gonna go up so I think and Porter can jump in here I think what you really
00:13:07 need is a complete regime shift that's my opinion I'll talk about it in a
00:13:11 little bit yes of course if the Fed pivots that all these stocks are gonna
00:13:14 go up and I think that's the opportunity to sell more because this is a cycle and
00:13:19 earnings revisions are just getting started and we're here at peak margins
00:13:23 and margins are going nothing but down revenues are going down and you still
00:13:29 have people buried alive in tech stocks in all this illiquid stuff and honestly
00:13:34 no one knows what to do and this is all just the reverse of what Bernanke talked
00:13:39 about I go back to the original explanation of QE he's trying to push
00:13:44 people out on the risk curve now the people who were buying triple-a at the
00:13:47 end it was not much to buy now the triple-a buyer can buy real assets at
00:13:52 real yields and he doesn't need to mess around with all this junk and when the
00:13:58 rug gets pulled and all this junk right you've seen IG issuance go to nothing it
00:14:02 really affects the liquidity and the wheels of finance and all this stuff and
00:14:07 people don't have a clue because it credit is such a weird thing and it's
00:14:10 the underlying growth of all this stuff and the rug is being pulled and so I
00:14:15 think that it's gonna be a slow-motion train wreck in terms of earnings so the
00:14:19 market kind of gets it but the people on the ground can't see it yet but come
00:14:24 this fall the economy is gonna be feel really bad and I think that's the
00:14:28 biggest issue so guy even before I knew you I know you're a pop culture guy
00:14:33 Porter just made a comment buried alive that comes from the wrath of Khan
00:14:39 Ricardo Montalban other than Fantasy Island his greatest moment how about the
00:14:43 Chrysler Baron commercials or Jerry will tell you that wrath of Khan is the best
00:14:48 picture Jerry Khan I mean Jerry Khan what wrath of Khan no you don't remember
00:14:52 the episode the Seinfeld episode yes I do but hang with me here buried alive I
00:14:56 know this is nuts I started thinking of the Barney song Vinnie what Barney song
00:15:01 would I be singing with baby bop and Barney would it be clean up this is
00:15:05 clean up clean up all that every this is the cleanup this is it bye-bye
00:15:10 Cathie Wood bye-bye Ross Gerber bye-bye Gary Black bye-bye all these people that
00:15:16 have been living in this world of pretend because we are in Barney world
00:15:19 of pretend is what it has been this is my rod I guess I'm gonna move right into
00:15:22 a bar I'm more when the levy breaks right now I mean big short theme song we
00:15:26 talked about this no but my point is that you want to know when I'll be
00:15:29 bullish this I think it was a question I'll answer later that came from a
00:15:31 listener or viewer on Twitter whatever when it's people when I see those things
00:15:36 go by when Cathie Wood files bankrupts when that arc shuts down when I see
00:15:40 people fully I know we're getting closer yes Vinnie I would just like to even see
00:15:44 outflows from our right she's a marketing genius by the way if I invent a
00:15:48 product and I'm gonna sell something I'm hiring her she'll be available to sell
00:15:51 something it's just unbelievable what he she has pulled these people anyway so
00:15:54 you made a comment about we'll see those stocks Cathie Wood stocks go up I mean
00:15:58 to me those are orphan stocks they're gone and we're gonna get into Tesla here
00:16:02 in a second but that's the stuff you need to see to know that you're near the
00:16:05 bottom the rational behavior and I will say one other thing about this market
00:16:08 which has perplexed me for several years to me it's about behavioral finance and
00:16:13 everything has been the opposite the most obvious things have worked from a
00:16:16 time of perspective nothing has made sense and I think I've said it from all
00:16:20 along the institutional community has underappreciated the power of the retail
00:16:23 community and underappreciated I always have how much capital the Fed was
00:16:29 providing into the markets but I mentioned before you can't quantify what
00:16:33 quantitative tightening takes away because of the pile in the pyramid that
00:16:36 comes on top of them knowing everybody it's not about nine trillion it's about
00:16:40 the trillions that are after that that knowing that they feel secure now it's
00:16:43 the opposite so it's not about the Fed unwinding the balance sheets about the
00:16:46 confidence that they're there so not only are they not there anymore they're
00:16:50 acting like morons and so combine that that's why we're dealing with a day
00:16:54 we're down 4% today and I got news for you there's no October 19th 1987 but
00:16:59 it's been happening over a course of a week or two we're down what is it near
00:17:03 10% probably in the last seven eight trading sessions between I think we had
00:17:07 a two or three or two right and the S&P is only down 23% from its all-time
00:17:11 highs and we go back to the time this is trial by fire for Powell in 2018 and we
00:17:16 talked about this a lot in q4 when the S&P went down 20% given everything the
00:17:22 cross currents the headwinds everything this can't be it listen I got to give
00:17:26 guy a lot of credit he never likes to toot his own horn a little bit
00:17:29 Nostradami Nostradami he's been saying based on math I want to put a 10-year
00:17:34 average PE of the S&P about 17 on basically I don't know 3 4% EPS growth
00:17:41 like we were all astounded that the 10 plus percent consensus estimate for S&P
00:17:47 earnings has not budged it's still about 10% you know it's a bit higher in some
00:17:51 areas or whatever so if you put let's say 5% you get to your 3750 you've been
00:17:56 calling the 3750 all year now you want to do 17 and maybe that's even high you
00:18:02 guys would say but on that's high good Vinny lower oh wait oh wait we're
00:18:06 playing a car sharks car sharks car sharks car lower Bob lower Bob right so
00:18:10 so 17 times 200 that gets you a 3400 that's your new Nostradami that's your
00:18:16 new target here 3400 on the downside but if you hear Vinny talk and you know
00:18:20 magic man now you see me now you don't that's what's gonna happen with earnings
00:18:23 by the way well el diablo - you're gonna talk about 200 maybe on a 15 number and
00:18:30 then you could start seeing how this thing can escalate to the downside can
00:18:34 continue to cascade to the downside so you know what's funny and curious as to
00:18:38 what you guys people say you're un-american you're always negative
00:18:41 first of all fuck you and I'm saying that if you want to edit it out that's
00:18:44 fine I'm not I think I'm gonna leave that actually but second of all I think
00:18:48 the most American thing you can do is to try to point out that just sort of the
00:18:52 madness that's going on while people are sort of caught up in it so anyway that's
00:18:56 my mini rot anyway Porter please I'll use Danny's line people are like you're
00:19:00 always bearish I told my dad to sell stocks once I got that so everything
00:19:03 he's like poor you're always naked like I'm a realist that's Danny's line I have
00:19:07 to say like from our perspective Vinny and I like the first part of this has
00:19:11 been for us very easy because you think about us we've been through two crashes
00:19:16 for the dot-com and the 08 we run bearish anyway we go zero to bear faster
00:19:21 than Tesla we only read bearish books we only read bearish tweets and we only
00:19:27 have bearish friends so yes the first part if we had missed this tech crash we
00:19:32 would have really impaled ourselves so and then we luckily also had the
00:19:36 inflation call it alongside the only problem from here is and I said it on
00:19:41 another podcast this is that part of the market that gets bloody where you're
00:19:45 waiting for earnings to go down and some will some won't and people be squeezed
00:19:50 and all over the place and I think this is gonna be the hard part of the cycle
00:19:55 and there are stocks that we love and we were talking about and today we're like
00:19:59 I love the stock it's just not gonna go up it's frustrating but let's address
00:20:02 Tesla right now I know every podcast we talked about eight times but my boys are
00:20:07 here with me and there's been a lot of development you're feeling good you're
00:20:10 feeling good feeling I'm in a comfort zone that I can talk about it I will say
00:20:13 this Vinny and Porter remember this there was a time period during the
00:20:16 financial crisis actually said I probably said it every day so it went an
00:20:20 answered but if you're long new century credit home lenders countrywide at the
00:20:25 time you don't deserve to be a part of any shareholder lawsuit that comes your
00:20:29 way you should be expelled from ever owning a stock again for idiocy you
00:20:34 shouldn't have to because any moron could see what was on the wall anybody
00:20:37 could tell you that the CEOs were lying to you anyone could tell you that it was
00:20:40 there right in front of you so you have no right to invest at all I mean that
00:20:43 this should be relegated away from anyway we are now at that point with
00:20:46 Tesla I'm sorry but we are forget about valuation it's not evaluation oh this is
00:20:50 the handwriting that's on the wall it's not ghostwritten it's actually coming
00:20:54 out on the wall Larry Ellison leaving last week on a Friday night dirty not
00:20:58 being replaced either the three-for-one stock split I need Gary Black to tell me
00:21:02 no that's a positive I've done research on something whatever so Friday night
00:21:06 dirty's are Friday night dirty's that's why they come out on Friday nights I'll
00:21:08 get three days to go away okay people resigning from places whatever then
00:21:12 plain sight comes out with a report and the NHTSA comes out I'm setting the
00:21:16 table for you guys here these are fundamental issues with the company but
00:21:21 they're also potentially criminal issues with the company and the one thing I'll
00:21:25 turn over you guys in a second it stands out to me the most that's been found that
00:21:28 people just want to willfully ignore because Elon Musk can cure anything is
00:21:31 that the autopilot reaction that people only had a split second to put their
00:21:37 hands back on the wheel so that Tesla could say the way their software is
00:21:39 written it wasn't on autopilot when it happened there's a lot of things here I
00:21:43 just loaded onto you were there but again fundamentally I don't have to make
00:21:47 an argument it's a short but these other things are happening and so give me your
00:21:50 guys current opinion where you are what you think about Tesla here because at
00:21:54 this moment I'm short to stock everybody out there so yes I'm talking my book I
00:21:58 don't give a shit because this is the most short I've ever been in the name
00:22:02 right now and I said it to everyone I said it's a better short at 600 or 650
00:22:06 than it is at 900 and now we're seeing why so to me the one thing the Bulls have
00:22:12 on us is that we have yet to be able to prove that their tam math is wrong
00:22:18 you're going fundamental on no no and so as a result they've been able to cling
00:22:23 on to this demand thing for that car regardless of he's a crook regardless if
00:22:28 he's a charlatan what is he doing with Twitter the dogecoin the FSD everything
00:22:33 they said well guys he sells cars he and he lands rockets on moons I actually
00:22:38 think over the next six months he's gonna have a problem hitting his demand
00:22:41 targets he's definitely gonna have a hard time and they'll probably dismiss
00:22:45 it in 2q because of one-off issues but I think once that happens it's completely
00:22:50 alright so what did you guys make of the two weeks ago he said he has a super bad
00:22:54 feeling about the economy is that a soft guide speaking to this demand issue we
00:23:00 know that the China production is listen China demand is not going to be a thing
00:23:04 in my opinion but with their market share in China is a disaster right we
00:23:08 used to say on names like Tesla is right now he's getting out his cauldron
00:23:12 boiling water and he's about to create the greatest alchemy known to mankind to
00:23:18 make the quarter the guys master a bullshit gap and proforma adjusted so
00:23:23 he's gonna make the core I don't know how he's gonna do it but he's gonna do
00:23:25 it the real question is does he pivot on demand a little bit and if it does I
00:23:31 mean there's 300 to 400 bucks down just there and to me that's kind of what I
00:23:36 play for and on the bull case I'll come wood but I don't really see what people
00:23:41 are seeing anymore because the probability of that tam demand in 2030 X
00:23:46 just seems far-fetched so yeah I mean I need more than that boys I mean he might
00:23:52 be cooking books we know that the he's counting used car sales as new sales
00:23:55 whatever Vinny the metrics you're talking about where he makes quarters
00:23:58 may not be real but even if it is real I think your point is that it's expensive
00:24:02 on any metric but the whole thing is about him and his brand and he is the
00:24:05 brand so things that happen to him and the walls are caving he switched
00:24:09 political parties he'll do that Larry Ellison leaving is a big deal so Porter
00:24:13 we have this other podcast called ok computer and we have a lot of tech folks
00:24:16 every single podcast I'll ask a VC an operator a founder I really want to get
00:24:21 him on the record for why they think he's such a special entrepreneur and I
00:24:26 think it's really interesting people are scared to death in the tech universe to
00:24:30 say anything negative about him and so my take here is this in the 25 years
00:24:36 I've been in the business and we've all been in the business that same amount of
00:24:38 time guy another 25 years so but I've never seen a mania I've never seen a
00:24:44 meme stock I've never seen a cult leader as it really I've never seen it go the
00:24:49 opposite way and not over correct it just never happened so this has to
00:24:53 happen unless it's just so strange and also when you think about guy you were
00:24:57 calling that quarter that q1 print the immaculate quarter or something like
00:25:00 that I called it the immaculate quarter sorry that's okay you did and on the
00:25:05 show fast money that evening you quoted what I said was this is the quarter that
00:25:10 they just reported they being Tesla that if you've been bullish and Tesla for the
00:25:14 last three years you have absolutely been waiting for the stock closed that
00:25:18 day I think little north of $1,000 in the after hours are traded up to 1080
00:25:24 and we said folks just putting it out there this is probably as good as it
00:25:29 gets and you probably only have downside from here I will tell you not that I
00:25:35 particularly care but I got eviscerated on Twitter for saying that and now $400
00:25:42 later here we are yeah you know what they should do the only way that socks
00:25:45 getting to a thousand is a one for two stock split not a three for one stock
00:25:50 whatever they announced all right let's move on what Elon Musk was supposed to
00:25:53 solve which is the climate crisis of which he's now supporting people that
00:25:56 are anti you know who don't buy electric exactly so but that's nice let's talk
00:26:00 about energy because I have issues with people being morons people now coming
00:26:06 after the energy sector claiming oh we should tax your gains whatever you know
00:26:10 what let me just say I know guys can agree on me go after the airlines first
00:26:13 those ones get bailed out every time something shitty happens then they gouge
00:26:17 the consumer go after the airlines first let's just go with energy stocks here
00:26:20 because one of the questions that we're gonna front run now that we're gonna get
00:26:23 in part two we're gonna answer it now was about what do you think of energy
00:26:26 here and on a relative basis let me just set the table energy is certainly the
00:26:30 most attractive from a fundamental basis what can you own in this market well you
00:26:34 told me where oil was gonna be I could tell you how much energy you want to own
00:26:37 what are the best balance sheets out there right now probably energy on the
00:26:40 cash flows that they're producing relative so you guys have been on this
00:26:43 trade for well over a year probably two years at this point on energy and had
00:26:48 nothing to do is before Ukraine this was way before the supply so give us an
00:26:53 update on where you guys think about energy right now and all this political
00:26:55 rhetoric which now coming at them which I think will go by the wayside give us
00:26:59 your updated thoughts on that so go back to how we got in the trade I mean first
00:27:03 of all we looked at capital availability back to where the banks are lending
00:27:06 where they are not and so an oil company could not get a loan anywhere the
00:27:10 capital markets are shut out and so we got into it that way and then well
00:27:15 started going up cash flows were there and then yes did we get lucky with
00:27:19 Ukraine absolutely but here we are now and my fear in the short term is that it
00:27:24 got some hot money as it was the only thing working do I worry about the
00:27:29 stocks long term not really on the margin have we've been trimming some yes
00:27:34 our new favorite energy trade we've been there for a long time this is not a
00:27:39 recommendation to buy the stock in fact I don't want you to buy the stocks but
00:27:41 coal stocks Peabody yeah people love Peabody is that symbol BTU yeah it is
00:27:46 but I honestly don't want anyone to buy it but they're gonna return their market
00:27:50 cap in a year I don't care if energy goes up or down a little bit they were
00:27:54 completely shut out of the capital markets for a long time they want to put
00:27:57 these companies out of business whereas everyone else's cost of capital is going
00:28:01 up BTU is becoming debt-free net cash positive this quarter I mean that's a
00:28:06 big sea change and that's fundamental stuff that we like one of the questions
00:28:11 we always like to ask ourselves at Sea Wolf and now what is the next 10 20% in
00:28:16 the stock gun to head you think the next 20% is up or down and for the first time
00:28:20 in a while with regards to energy stocks the answer is about 50/50 and if you put
00:28:26 a real gun to my head I said give them what the Fed is doing and they're just
00:28:29 trying to destroy demand chances are energy stocks are going to be down 20%
00:28:33 and they've already corrected a reasonable amount but I still think they
00:28:37 might have more to go but on the long-term basis again this comes back to
00:28:41 my issue of structural we need more energy period we need to spend massive
00:28:48 amounts of capex on energy and what bothers me guy you get me going right
00:28:54 now with the Fed one of the biggest issues associated with what the Fed has
00:28:58 done over the last 14 years is the massive malinvestment that we have had
00:29:02 in the world do we need another data dog do we need anything associated with web
00:29:09 3.0 do we need anything associated with crypto the amount of money that has been
00:29:15 spent and invested in VC 30 40 50 billion it's all gone dust it's gone VC
00:29:23 was almost a trillion dollars last year it's gone the odd thing is what I'm
00:29:27 potentially maybe bullish on six months from now is a complete regime shift
00:29:33 where we shift from capital adversely invested in all this stupid crap that
00:29:39 they're gonna have to write down and put it into things that we actually need to
00:29:44 get true inflation expectations down now you're getting me wound up because I've
00:29:49 said this now for years amongst the many unintended or maybe intended
00:29:54 consequences of the Feds largesse is it made people lazy whether they thought
00:30:01 that was gonna happen or not that's what happened and the things that people
00:30:05 should have been investing in they stopped and it's just makes me crazy the
00:30:10 level of complacency out there and the level of laziness it made corporate
00:30:15 America lazy why because you know what we don't have to focus on our business
00:30:19 why because we can borrow money cheap we can buy back our stock our stocks go up
00:30:24 every day because stocks go up every day and now we're seeing the other side of
00:30:29 that now we're starting to learn that maybe these geniuses weren't in fact
00:30:32 geniuses and the level of bad investment Malin whatever word you want to use is
00:30:37 out there but he and I may be bears we're patriots we love America and we want
00:30:42 Intel investing all this capital to build fabs back in the US is a big deal
00:30:47 the global supply chain issues aren't going away and the fact that if we wanted
00:30:52 to have a secure supply chain more stuff is gonna have to be invested in America
00:30:57 is that inflationary yes it is but in terms of having real jobs having the
00:31:02 middle class having a real good paying jobs that's the stuff that needs to come
00:31:06 back and that's the stuff that needs to be invested in and we've for somehow
00:31:09 gotten away from all this stuff and so that's the stuff that would make me
00:31:13 bullish and I've been saying this for years but no one care yeah so the only
00:31:15 point I was gonna make and I know guy that you do not solely places on the
00:31:20 hands or the shoulders of the Fed I'm reading a friend of mine's book David
00:31:23 Gellis New York Times journalist it's an awesome book it's called the man who
00:31:26 broke capitalism how Jack Wells gutted the heartland and crushed the soul of
00:31:30 corporate America this happened well before QE so malinvestment corporate
00:31:34 bullshit this is well before quantitative easing you're actually
00:31:38 getting a little bit into the semi annual review we're writing right now
00:31:41 right which is this is a 40 year phase and I think the end of a 40 year cycle
00:31:47 so this has been going on for a long time the u.s. hegemonic unipolar tax
00:31:54 favorable to capital all that stuff I think there's a chance that all of it is
00:31:59 about to come to an end or the probability of a slight change in pivot
00:32:04 to something different than that is highly probable and that's what we're
00:32:08 interested in and that's what I'm getting more bullish on not now six
00:32:12 months from now that's some wage inflation there Vinny this next 30
00:32:14 seconds is brought to you by tequila comos and yo yo cristalino because I've
00:32:20 had about two of them since I've been standing here but I want to get your
00:32:23 thoughts Vinny and I would say two years ago you called crypto Ponzi scheme wait
00:32:27 on this podcast he called it the perfect pie he called it the perfect actually
00:32:31 they call the perfect and so congrats on that call but I've looked at these
00:32:34 tokens what do they call protocol protocol as a company so when I look at
00:32:39 a theory I might say oh it was 500 billion market cap well that makes sense
00:32:44 in this idiocy that exists in the Nasdaq stocks Oh Bitcoin was a 1.2 trillion
00:32:48 dollar whatever now they're obviously down a lot so I look at them like that
00:32:52 because the only way that I can remain sane about everything I need your guys
00:32:55 up to the crypto a lot of energy demand has gone into mining too much I know
00:33:00 people will say oh it's saving the world is that whatever I need your guys
00:33:03 updated thoughts on crypto here malinvestment too much energy we heard
00:33:08 someone speak who's built this huge it's like the fourth or fifth largest data
00:33:12 cloud provider who used to be a miner of crypto Porter's home state Texas
00:33:18 approximately eight to ten percent of their energy goes to mining crypto
00:33:23 that's bullshit what are we doing this stuff that I got into Danny and I didn't
00:33:28 do as much work as we did way back during the CDO's and how to short these
00:33:31 things right I wish I did but it's okay oh we've been short of yeah yes but the
00:33:36 publicly trade there was more to do yeah and that's right is this whole concept
00:33:40 the DeFi and DeFi is specialty finance it's wholesale funded finance our
00:33:45 wheelhouse as we went down that rabbit hole you started to realize the entire
00:33:49 thing was complete other bullshit all of it there was no use case and even when I
00:33:55 was thinking about a theorem as a potential replacement to visa and
00:33:58 MasterCard so let me get this straight you have a new payments vehicle that
00:34:03 costs more than visa charges more than visa unregulated right unregulated and
00:34:08 it's not as fast as visa and MasterCard so how in the world are you going to
00:34:12 replace something that is regulated with something that's unregulated that's
00:34:17 slower and more expensive what are we doing why are we wasting this money well
00:34:22 it goes back to the Winklevice don't stop believing I just saw their concert
00:34:25 online it was marvelous Porter give me a come on was Bitcoin an elegant thought
00:34:29 process yes we came up with 10,000 coins it turned into probably what will be one
00:34:37 of the greatest bubbles this world has ever seen I'll give the SEC credit for
00:34:41 something to not approve these lenders to not approve Gemini they did they said
00:34:45 f this this is a security you're not doing this they let him be on the way
00:34:49 so the irony is that everyone in crypto and just for everyone listening out here
00:34:52 I'll say this Vinny Porter I hated Bitcoin at a thousand so I'm the wrong
00:34:57 guy but I knew structurally this sector was gonna suck people in there would be
00:35:01 bad actors that have existed and it will remain cryptos here to stay in some form
00:35:05 blockchain it's here well I'm not and I'm not gonna defend it but we could
00:35:09 have been having this conversation in 2001 about internet over the last four
00:35:13 or five or six years in the malinvestment in the schemes and the
00:35:16 scammers and the this and whatever and I think it's important to have that sort
00:35:20 of context in a way because we have no idea it did turn into a two and a half
00:35:24 trillion dollar thing and to your guys point about VC there were some of the
00:35:28 largest VC web3 crypto focus things and recent did a four and a half billion
00:35:34 dollar fund Katie Hahn ex Andreessen did a one and a half these are all in the
00:35:38 last few months so actually that's the most bullish thing for crypto is that
00:35:44 those funds have been raised they're gonna be deployed and they're probably
00:35:47 gonna find some reasonable homes that come up with the next I don't know
00:35:50 trillion dollar protocol or company or something like that because guys 20
00:35:55 years ago nobody in their wildest dreams could have imagined that Amazon that
00:35:59 lost 90% of its equity value from its highs in 2000 to its lows in oh - at
00:36:04 some point was gonna be nearly a two trillion dollar company with a half a
00:36:07 trillion dollars in sales is that fair we could all dream that dream 20 years
00:36:11 out or no this is not 3d printing from seven years ago to be fair it's not our
00:36:16 skill set to be a visionary like that to see the opportunity that's not mine
00:36:20 either but I will say to date everything I've heard what they're doing none of it
00:36:27 goes through I haven't heard of you what if I push back and say that there's
00:36:31 probably some of the most genius things that might be able to fix traditional
00:36:35 finance in the wreckage of defy of 2022 hold on Dan let me just say some of the
00:36:40 smartest people I have ever met in my life are deep in the crypto we correct
00:36:45 so I know something's coming out of it I know that there will be applications
00:36:49 Dan I'd no question how to value them I have no idea if you want to equate it to
00:36:53 the dot-com crisis when you had trillions disappear guys going here we
00:36:56 know no no no I want I'm so I didn't mean to do that but I'll say this listen
00:37:00 you guys have collectively forgotten more about Bitcoin crypto than I'll ever
00:37:05 know number one but what I have been pretty consistent about is I believe
00:37:09 Bitcoin was born out of this fear that central banks globally were running
00:37:15 amok fear fiat currencies blowing up and the Bitcoin ballers out there they never
00:37:21 saw a responsible central bank in their lives and it worked but it's no
00:37:27 coincidence that Bitcoin specifically topped out within a week or so of our
00:37:32 Federal Reserve pivoting in November of last year and the more hawkish this Fed
00:37:38 has become the lower Bitcoin has gone so in my world this Fed will pivot again at
00:37:45 some point because that's what they do to me and maybe I'm crazy but that will
00:37:50 be the green light not only for gold which we talked about but for Bitcoin am
00:37:55 I off my rocker Vinny no and I actually I pivot a lot on my thinking on this one
00:38:01 but I actually think of the crypto community and I'm including Bitcoin in
00:38:06 the other part of the crypto community which a lot I actually think Bitcoin is
00:38:09 the thing that I probably believe in the most the guts in the academic
00:38:14 perspective of Bitcoin what I'm having it struggling with is the other part of
00:38:20 it because I don't necessarily know why tokens and coins and you know which are
00:38:25 really equity at the end of the day is needed to create the technology that
00:38:30 we're talking about like you don't need that well it's a distributed technology
00:38:34 like the last 25 years of technology or more has just been very centralized web
00:38:39 3 seems like it's a meme right now but there will be a web 3 in in our world
00:38:43 and again we cover financials I know there's a dream to make financials
00:38:48 unregulated and decentralized keep dreaming yeah it's not but then going to
00:38:53 what if State Street in Bank of New York are so scared at t+3 going to t+0 we all
00:38:58 know and when you close on a mortgage and you buy a home and whatever hold on
00:39:02 I'm playing devil's advocate here on the blockchain so my point to Dan's point to
00:39:06 Mary what I'm saying is there are technology applications that will come
00:39:09 out of this that will be very efficient very good listen there's a reason that
00:39:13 every fortune 500 company said starting in I would say fourth quarter 2020 say
00:39:20 something that we're in crypto okay I get it Jamie Dimon was the most reluctant
00:39:24 and then he dope he must be killing himself now about the whole thing like I
00:39:27 can't believe I actually gave into this thing but they have to say we're
00:39:30 exploring for the share like they're saying the right things Porter me for
00:39:33 the record we'd liked Bitcoin as a concept then I think when Dogecoin
00:39:37 happened my eyes glazed over right in terms of this was a so clear it was a
00:39:42 pump-and-dump scheme by Elon and that's what we were like okay the alarm bells
00:39:46 are off and we got to do something here so yeah all right so we've heard a lot
00:39:49 of stuff and before we go into our next segment which will be taking questions
00:39:53 from Twitter universe Vinny I know you care and that's the one thing that you
00:39:58 Porter myself I'll share we want to help people it's not just about quote talking
00:40:02 our book we're passionate about this stuff in the market so Vinny speak now
00:40:06 and tell me what's on your mind so we get a lot on Twitter like you said is
00:40:09 what should we do and I know guy likes to set up a lot of pop culture analogies
00:40:13 and we're gonna try to channel my inner guy please and tell me what do all these
00:40:18 things these scenes and movies have in common Balboa in three in LA
00:40:27 clobber Lang in three in downtown South Chicago I'm not done yet
00:40:32 Demi Moore's one-armed push-ups in GI Jane Daniel son in Miyagi's backyard in
00:40:40 Karate Kid part one Luke Skywalker sorry Porter in the Dega bus system during the
00:40:45 Empire Strikes Back Christian Bale somewhere in the Himalayas or wherever
00:40:49 he was in Batman Begins and one of my favorite movies Christian Bale in his
00:40:54 house somewhere in American Psycho what do all those things have in common Wow I
00:41:00 mean I you that's such a pastiche you just gave me you help me out help me out
00:41:05 they're all training sessions yes it was the simplicity of just the try I thought
00:41:10 there was something like meta going on here they're all training sessions and
00:41:13 generally speaking all these training sessions happen without anyone seeing
00:41:17 other than the audience a way to get ready to fight a protagonist what I
00:41:23 think every investor should be doing right now is training because I think
00:41:27 the next three four months are going to be a crap show and volatility up down
00:41:30 I'm not even saying super bearish although I think the markets going down
00:41:34 but you're gonna have bear market rallies it's gonna be vicious and so
00:41:38 what I would want to do right now is train and study names and things you
00:41:43 want to do six months from now I think we might have the potential to have
00:41:48 enormous opportunities once this thing is over but you can't deploy it now and
00:41:53 I can't even tell you exactly where to look because I'm in training mode
00:41:56 myself but to me that's what you should be doing take your finger off the buy or
00:42:03 sell button and put your finger more on thematically where should I be looking
00:42:07 at after this thing is done so then I can make really outsized returns on a
00:42:12 thematic all right so here's one we all did a Twitter spaces last week it was a
00:42:16 Friday afternoon market was melting down in it melted down into Monday so we had
00:42:21 that follow-through we had a little bit of a bounce and now obviously today
00:42:24 Thursday into the close we have this kind of horrid day in the S&P down 3% 4%
00:42:28 the Nasdaq and Danny you had kind of suggested that next week could be really
00:42:33 nasty so my question to you Porter the bounces are getting more feeble and more
00:42:39 feeble Vinny you just mentioned bear market rallies they're gonna be vicious
00:42:42 into that March Fed meeting which was the first rate increase since 2018 we
00:42:49 bottomed the day before we ripped out of it 12 13 percent or something like that
00:42:54 and since then that drawdown from those highs in late March to those may lows
00:42:59 that we just made that was nasty that felt really bad and this bounce was
00:43:03 really bad so how do we get to that training point because to me the lessons
00:43:08 of the bear markets from the financial crisis and the dot-com was protracted
00:43:13 that was the point it was gonna wear you out and so I'm just curious what you're
00:43:17 thinking of because you want to keep selling rallies and it's really hard to
00:43:21 kind of think about what your time horizon is in the equity markets but you
00:43:25 gotta kind of start nibbling in I bought a bunch of stocks in May in tech I bought
00:43:30 some ETH last week I bought some more this week I was making money now I'm
00:43:33 losing money but you gotta kind of have a time horizon too right because you're
00:43:37 never gonna nail the bottom Vinny and I are getting more scared by the day and
00:43:41 we're scared because we've invested within this framework that the biggest
00:43:47 bubble out there is the sovereign debt bubble and you got to put it away at
00:43:50 sometimes you got to bring it back other times we're bringing it back now and
00:43:53 that's the part that scares me the most and for us to really get bullish I have
00:43:59 to check off a box saying like we're not gonna crash badly in terms of 10-year
00:44:04 Treasury is not gonna settle in at four and a half five percent if the ten-year
00:44:09 does settle in at four and a half to five percent that's a very different
00:44:13 regime than we're right now we have this little inflation burst now but I think
00:44:17 if you do demand destruction and you have these awful demographics in China
00:44:22 and Russia and Japan and all over the place and then you have the debt
00:44:28 deflation maybe we're in a different regime in a year or so and so I think we
00:44:33 have all these little ideas in our head of which way it could go and honestly we
00:44:37 don't know which way it's gonna go we're doing our best and we have probabilities
00:44:41 and stuff like that so we're not taking a lot of big swings on the long side for
00:44:45 now except for a gold but we still have our shorts on we're not taking our
00:44:49 shorts off and I haven't taken my shorts off the training mode that we're talking
00:44:52 about the upstarts the affirms this credit stuff that people thought was
00:44:56 something different a new regime we had seen this before we had seen the movie
00:45:00 we knew it was gonna happen and it came and we just had conviction that it was
00:45:04 gonna come and if you have conviction you stay in your names if you're able to
00:45:07 so well before we go to Q&A which is really important I think it's be a lot
00:45:11 of fun I'll say this when I hear Porter you Vinnie talk about now being scared I
00:45:18 hearken back to Danny Moses who was as bearish as he's been and then a few
00:45:23 months ago you said something that resonated with me then and it absolutely
00:45:27 stays with me now and hopefully folks you heard it as well
00:45:30 Danny said I've gone now from being bearish to being scared and that haunted
00:45:35 me then and now hearing you guys reinforce the same things you were
00:45:39 probably thinking at the time just makes me exactly that Danny the feds gonna cut
00:45:43 rates in 2022 no people that's not bullish at all it'll be bearish
00:45:50 they'll rally in first but yes they'll rally them first but why would they be
00:45:53 cutting rates everybody why would they be cutting rates because we're about to
00:45:56 enter a very slow period for the economy so I want to wrap it up with that before
00:45:59 we go to Q&A in case Dan plants one of these questions on me I want to be
00:46:03 really clear it would have to be an absolute economic calamity for the Fed
00:46:08 to be as aggressive as they have been to cut rates this year I'm just saying to
00:46:12 cut rates this year hold on Dan I got it so our football bets are gonna begin
00:46:15 soon this is so good we're gonna make a bet now right now because it's gonna be
00:46:22 nothing on what it's a six month bet because we're in June I'm saying the Fed
00:46:26 will cut rates in 2022 you think I'm I know you think I'm nuts you want to take
00:46:32 it even money yeah okay they're not cutting how much you name it five grand
00:46:36 five grand done this will be the one that's a great one by the way the odds
00:46:41 you can get that in the market I know I know 80 to 1 I know I can get them and I
00:46:46 will when I set up my CME account sponsored by see me all right when we
00:46:49 come back we're gonna take Q&A from the Twitter world all right with CME group
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00:48:58 IO slash disclaimer and we are back with my former partners Vincent Daniel and
00:49:05 Porter Collins it feels like a real Seawolf day yeah but we have some
00:49:09 questions that Porter had sent out to tweet this morning that he was going to
00:49:12 be on here and so we're gonna go through some questions Dan's gonna read them
00:49:15 yeah and we'll all get the opportunity to answer but I think these are more
00:49:18 directed to you so Dan fire away yeah there was a lot of great questions let's
00:49:21 look at this one from Twitter user at SPA VRI asks I'm gonna hit you Porter
00:49:29 right out of the gate here current conditions are most similar to 1929 1972
00:49:35 2000 or some other time well since I wasn't born in 29 or 72 I'm gonna go
00:49:42 with 2000 the problem is is that valuations this time were more expensive
00:49:49 than they were during the 2000 bubble and if you think about the 2000 bubble
00:49:52 interest rates were six and a half percent they cut rates to one and it
00:49:58 took two years for tech stocks to bottom this time we're raising rates stocks
00:50:05 were more expensive and there's nothing to come bail us out right there's no
00:50:10 housing market come bail us out the Fed certainly ain't bailing us out and so I
00:50:15 actually think this time it's much more dangerous than it was in 2000 here's one
00:50:20 for you Vinny actually the Fed raised in May of 2000 and so think about this and
00:50:26 putting this in some context in a way is that when they were raising they kind of
00:50:30 knew there was a little bit of an asset bubble whether we think it was more
00:50:34 expensive less expensive than now but they quickly pivoted and so from a Fed
00:50:38 funds that was above 6% that went down to one you know it took as Porter just
00:50:43 said years for that thing to shake out so is there a hint of 2007 8 9 wrapped
00:50:49 into that answer also I don't see 2007 8 and 9 at least for me and I'm probably
00:50:55 biased just simply because we've covered financials and that's our specialty and
00:50:59 so the regulated financials which I'm not saying I like they're not
00:51:03 necessarily in any trouble and quite frankly their capital is fine or
00:51:08 reasonably fine it feels more like a 2000 moment but let's rewind the clock
00:51:13 to 2000 as well they had their own stim moment not as big as the one we had in
00:51:18 kovat but it was if you remember why 2k and they flooded the system with
00:51:23 liquidity so they at that point in time with they were dealing with the tech
00:51:28 bubble and they were dealing with a one-time stim so that it is very similar
00:51:32 to what we see in 2000 in my opinion I want to add one thing to that to Porter's
00:51:37 comment on most similar to tech bubble of 2000 if we remember we all do on just
00:51:42 you know this is not NPR you could turn up the heat here a little bit all right
00:51:45 well I agree but one thing happened that we forgot about never no one ever
00:51:48 forgets about it but 9/11 occurred if we remember the economy was already
00:51:52 suffering you know things were bad the Fed came in because of 9/11 and cut 50
00:51:57 basis points six days later right because obviously and they're like we
00:52:00 always do in this country we rebound quickly and everybody kind of comes back
00:52:04 and prospers it added a lot more fuel it actually is what led one of the things
00:52:08 that actually led to the financial crisis to this mortgage market happening
00:52:12 it actually was you know they printed money well printed money they eased
00:52:15 monetary policy and it actually led into this next round which was 2004 2005 2006
00:52:22 and people always ask is it similar to 2008 I always think back we were looking
00:52:27 in five and six the stuff was already happening but one of the things that
00:52:30 happened was mortgages were pre paying financial product ingenuity was
00:52:34 occurring right and so credit looked better than it really was and that is
00:52:37 what's similar to what's now because the Fed was buying high yield paper all
00:52:41 right so and you guys have been on the pod a bunch over the last year and and
00:52:45 you have always made that distinction about 2007 8 and really how different
00:52:50 the situation is as it relates to banks why is it though that JP Morgan topped
00:52:56 out in late October of 2021 it's down 35% making new 52 week lows today as
00:53:04 we're speaking versus an S&P that's down 23% and here's a headline okay and guys
00:53:08 been flagging this Danny's been flagging this on the pod here's a headline just
00:53:11 hits Bloomberg US high-grade outflows reached 12 weeks longest streak on
00:53:15 record if you think about JP Morgan they're the biggest capital markets
00:53:19 provider and investment grade which is still having an okay year but it's goes
00:53:24 back to 2012 levels high yield we're looking at 2008 levels of issuance and
00:53:30 in terms of IPOs there's not gonna be another one for five years at this point
00:53:35 right they got all the crap out so just liquidity drain is done there's no more
00:53:42 liquidity come to the market even the feds pulling QT so this is why I went
00:53:47 from bearish just to do I would - bearish you can say Fonzie - yeah I'm
00:53:56 depressed because we're looking into like you know a second before Vinny
00:54:00 answers a question so the scene in the big short we literally went to the steps
00:54:04 of st. Patrick's Cathedral the world was ending we were watching it doesn't feel
00:54:07 that bad no but it's starting to feel as you said I said to Porter Vinay where
00:54:12 are you they're like we're in Bryant Park waiting for you today I'm like
00:54:14 where he goes what are you looking he goes looking at ghosts or what you said
00:54:18 because it feels like Vinny go ahead but so - I'll get to that in a second
00:54:21 staring at ghosts but that gets back to the point back in 08 no I Arnold
00:54:25 staring at ghosts that we talked about not yes similar but you go back to 08
00:54:30 no 9 we felt at the time and we actually were going to be proven right that the
00:54:37 banks were about five six days away from filing bankruptcy right like Morgan
00:54:43 Stanley and Goldman Sachs they weren't really close to filing BK and
00:54:47 restructuring I don't feel that right now so that's why I don't feel like
00:54:50 ATMs are not gonna open up on Monday no there's no systemic risk to the bank and
00:54:55 that so so I separate the Bitcoin ATMs that's different okay so we'll get to
00:55:00 that but the difference is is that I separate what JP Morgan stock did or has
00:55:06 done right now versus before versus the systemic feelings that I feel okay but
00:55:12 what about what Jamie Dimon was on their q1 conference call in mid-april and he
00:55:18 said a whole bunch of things and the stock rallied 10 15 percent and then by
00:55:23 May they had an analyst meeting he kind of tempered some of that enthusiasm a
00:55:28 little bit and then we got hit right with that kind of economic hurricane
00:55:32 coming so like are we listening to what he says when he's cautious and you know
00:55:37 that quarter answer this but I want to say think about this Walmart was caught
00:55:41 off guard Target was caught off guard these companies have analysts internal
00:55:45 that supposed to be able to predict all these things and didn't so Jamie Dimon
00:55:49 literally the markets were closing in real time which is we are first of all
00:55:52 they knew the capital market stuff was toast they knew that I'm talking about
00:55:56 I'm talking about just in general I'm talking about default what did Jamie
00:56:00 Diamond say two weeks ago on the follow-up to your to your point about
00:56:03 what he made when hurricane was coming he said hey FYI we're raining back
00:56:06 lending he said it we talked about this last week on the pod reporter go ahead
00:56:10 one of the problems now and the way I think about it is just so early and in
00:56:15 2008 was two years in the making we were shorting subprime in the summer of 2006
00:56:21 so it was a long process to get to 2008 and into bottom of 2009 just like a long
00:56:27 that process is the banks topped out in the summer of 2008 and I think now we're
00:56:33 just very early in the sign I mean the earnings estimates haven't even been
00:56:38 coming down yet and so I think we're all long way from bottoming in terms at
00:56:42 least in terms of time frame and earnings are going down S&P earnings are
00:56:47 going down and all over the place and we're just so early in that process just
00:56:52 you know that the stock market sniffs it out and it's sniffing it out currently
00:56:55 and that's what we're seeing just to be clear you said the banks topped out in
00:56:58 summer eight summer seven I know you know that I'm just saying yes I'm
00:57:02 looking at it right here so that was I felt Wells Fargo squeezing me yeah no
00:57:08 but but but that actually helps make your point even better that they topped
00:57:12 out no seven I mean there were there were plenty of people who saw the cycle
00:57:16 sort of ending I would say understanding the banks whether you trade them or not
00:57:19 whether that's your you know main sector is crucial to understanding why that is
00:57:24 because banks are natural fit into fixed income which this entire thing has been
00:57:29 led by the ease of credit the ability to leverage everything's everything looks
00:57:32 great when you don't have to really underwrite anything and that's really
00:57:35 what this is Vinny so we talk about it all the time now that we do things other
00:57:39 than financials the way we use financials is who are they or who are
00:57:44 they not providing liquidity to or for so you could easily just speak to the
00:57:49 management teams and saying you know where are you putting capital to work
00:57:52 where you put in capital work and generally it's been in two or three
00:57:55 places but when you see what we've seen which is probably one of the the most
00:57:59 rapid at least percentage rises in risk-free rates that we've seen in ages
00:58:04 it's natural that you're gonna see liquidity dry up and I guess Jamie
00:58:10 Diamond was a bit more rose-colored glasses in one cue hoping that it won't
00:58:15 be as bad as what he thought he was seeing I mean he's definitely the
00:58:19 smartest CEO in Bankland but you know sometimes you have to have a really
00:58:23 cynical view of the world like the Seawolf guys and we have to actually say
00:58:27 what he should be saying it's gonna be a crap show in a quarter but no CEO can
00:58:31 get on stage and tell the entire world particularly someone as important as
00:58:35 Jamie Diamond who says oh no no no guys what you're seeing now is bullshit this
00:58:39 is gonna be a crap show in a quarter or two battened hatches so can't say it the
00:58:43 question for these guys is where does JP Morgan go okay we've seen cycles I agree
00:58:48 it's we've talked about this on the show it's not as bad as 2008 the banks are
00:58:52 very well capitalized as a matter of fact probably to a fault will they
00:58:55 retrench sooner than they would have knowing that the world's gonna be
00:58:57 watching them so these things can trade towards book value there's a big
00:59:01 difference in tangible book value and overall book value so give us your
00:59:04 opinion when you look at the ROE they've been over earning right for a period of
00:59:08 time what it looks like in a normalized environment and where can people start
00:59:11 to look at something like JP Morgan and I'm putting you on the spot I don't even
00:59:14 know if you know the tangible book value off the top of your head of JP Morgan or
00:59:17 not we can look it up here real quick but to me it's something it's something
00:59:20 slightly over tangible book value and assuming X amount of losses but anyway
00:59:24 give us give us a guide I just think you got to see credit losses first you got
00:59:27 to experience the credit losses and kind of go through some of that and go
00:59:31 through some of the pain before you can say oh all the the decks are clear we're
00:59:36 not even anywhere close to this stuff and 99% of people in the market have
00:59:41 never seen a normal credit cycle you know we saw 2008 which is a mess but
00:59:46 like it just a normal old-fashioned credit cycle and we're so far away from
00:59:50 getting through that and towards all flushed out and when you flushed out
00:59:54 then you buy them that's how I think about it well in a normal credit cycle
00:59:57 so I actually saw this coming in today but just so you know the best performing
01:00:01 asset class in the global markets right now is China property stocks why they
01:00:05 haven't traded since March 30th they're performing great anyway yeah you know I
01:00:10 love any thoughts on that because it is credit I said hold on we talked about
01:00:14 this on this podcast for the last several months watch the banks that
01:00:16 aren't reserving and watch the banks that are JP Morgan is reserving but to
01:00:20 your point it's no longer a tailwind there's no releases coming but Vinnie
01:00:23 did change the accounting which is gonna make I was just about to get into that
01:00:27 so so there was there was a change in the accounting which makes the earning
01:00:31 stream significantly more cyclical so in times when boom times JP Morgan's gonna
01:00:36 look cheap just because they're over earning because they're releasing
01:00:40 reserves so we now look closer to tangible book as a backstop as they when
01:00:46 do you go long them when do you go short them and just look back in history so my
01:00:51 suggestion is when we would want to buy JP Morgan and again taking into account
01:00:54 you want to see the whites of the eyes of credit first but if it goes to a
01:00:58 discount to tangible book say 85% of tangible book 80% 90% of tangible book
01:01:03 that's when you could start looking at these things all right here's one from
01:01:06 Nick it's at n underscore Lowry what are some of the sectors that do well during
01:01:12 a recession it's a great question because I'm gonna turn it around in a
01:01:16 little bit what have you been adding to your lungs which is probably the best
01:01:19 question we do think that we're gonna go through a recession and the only thing
01:01:22 with that we've been adding is gold because eventually to us gold is the
01:01:27 report card on central banks and F and we always believe that central banks are
01:01:34 going to eventually get an F Blutarski so at some point and I don't know when
01:01:40 but at some point the Fed is going to have to shift to a more accommodative
01:01:44 stance and I think that's the time when gold should shine so we've been
01:01:48 accumulating a gold position even bigger than what we had because we think that
01:01:52 that it's really going to outperform and actually maybe absolutely perform over
01:01:57 the next six to nine months and I would say that our Spidey sense is that no
01:02:02 one's involved the crypto stole its thunder and it didn't do anything and
01:02:07 people didn't jump back in and now people are once again you know the
01:02:10 responses to the gold question we're like oh no gold's gonna have a liquidity
01:02:14 angle to it when everything goes down then you can buy gold maybe I don't know
01:02:19 that that's the thing is you know we've been committing physical gold some
01:02:22 miners our gold broker a little gold broker that we love but I just think that
01:02:27 the optionality is very good right if you just say 10% up 10% down I think
01:02:32 it's 10% up in gold prices here's interesting so we're probably in a
01:02:36 recession but I don't care what the definition of to negative GDP whatever
01:02:39 it gives a shit so normally in a recession you may be
01:02:42 starting at a place with higher rates were right so the point Porter made a
01:02:47 few minutes ago we're raising rates into research that's stagflation but that's
01:02:50 all another story so normally the stuff that you would own the playbook there is
01:02:54 no playbook for this cycle there's nothing we've ever seen anything that
01:02:58 looks like this it's not catastrophic but there is no set playbook I think you
01:03:02 want to own health care companies right to pay dividends right you can own drug
01:03:07 companies whether you like them or not to pay dividends things that consumers
01:03:09 staples a story look at the way Walmart's acting today I think Walmart's
01:03:13 up on the day I think it's still green today like names like that that trade it
01:03:16 yeah it's a team I get it it already because it already built it's telling
01:03:20 you what's all right that's that's nice Dan anyway that 52 week highs to 52 week
01:03:25 lows in a range of 30% I bring it up because obviously whatever Dan you know
01:03:30 what I wish I next question you know what I want to pay to be on the scene you
01:03:35 would have lost the best okay we literally would have gone to remember
01:03:37 the bet we had on Walmart when I lost lots of okay all right here's one here's
01:03:42 one from Andrew Wheeler at Boston Andrew good handle their Boston Andrew this one's
01:03:48 kind of he's basically saying you guys have been in bear mode me too but being
01:03:52 constructive what could possibly avoid the seemingly inevitable collapse what's
01:03:57 out there guys is there like a kind of cocktail out there that could kind of
01:04:00 turn the economic tide that could kind of make you know kind of I don't know
01:04:05 risk assets kind of look attractive we just had this conversation with our
01:04:09 friend Steven we had lunch with and we were talking about what could possibly
01:04:14 go right and and really muck the markets up and that's somehow Ukraine and Russia
01:04:22 come into a ceasefire because I think Danny's shaking his head is not gonna
01:04:26 happen I said what could go right but I think it would do a two to three week
01:04:31 algo really rip everything around and I think that's gonna that would be painful
01:04:36 for a lot of people so that's a possibility but the other thing is that
01:04:41 what I think a bull should be looking forward to is some sort of big calamity
01:04:44 right that makes the Fed go oh I need to stop hiking right let repo blow out
01:04:50 crisis and I think that's coming right there's something most definitely
01:04:53 something big is gonna break and I'm gonna break hard here and you just can't
01:04:57 have this kind of calamity happen at least that's been our experience Vinny
01:05:02 give me your thoughts here before before you yell at me after I try to be no I
01:05:06 listen I remotely I look for reasons to be bullish every day sure you do I did
01:05:10 and then I wake up the look the only thing I could do short-term bullish
01:05:14 long-term bullish start with the short-term bullish some form of Fed
01:05:19 accommodation is like as I said before I don't think that's a panacea the second
01:05:24 thing which is the bigger issue is a major major change in government policy
01:05:30 major and again that's remote at least it's remote now but things that could
01:05:37 actually be constructive that can alter inflation expectations would be a major
01:05:43 bullish point and right now to date don't yell at me Danny we haven't seen
01:05:46 any no what do you what like what anything like what what would you do if
01:05:49 you change of immigration policy okay right that would take I mean yes repeal
01:05:54 this open the Southern repeal the Jones Act open up tend but say constructing 10
01:05:59 to 15 uranium refineries and uranium utility plants I feel like we're playing
01:06:05 that pyramid game or in the circle and all nothing's turned around on the
01:06:08 correct things that make you bullish go okay and I'm doing all that ding ding
01:06:14 they're not gonna happen but you're asking me what what would get me bullish
01:06:18 that's what would get me bullish all right so Vinnie we're not gonna answer
01:06:21 any more about what could go right Danny we didn't want to put you up to say what
01:06:24 could go right it might be tough for you but one of our other co-hosts Ned
01:06:28 Michaels who hosts breaking even who's currently at the US Open right now who's
01:06:32 literally the gymnast to the rest of the world other than everyone the United
01:06:36 States so that's what he's doing who I will be with on Saturday when I go in
01:06:40 into the into the open and by the way I got there through a John Daly charity
01:06:45 event several months ago so I'm thrilled to be there it's gonna be a great
01:06:47 weekend he wanted to ask some questions about things okay so one of the questions
01:06:52 he asked was we already did this energy we addressed it gold yes we believe in
01:06:56 it Tesla short timeline always I'll answer that where does the S&P go so I
01:07:01 know guy had a theory and we talked about it earlier about you know 17 times
01:07:05 200 3400 but what do you guys think because I'll have my opinion in a second
01:07:09 you know I'll talk about in terms of where the multiple is on earnings but
01:07:14 the problem I have is that and listen this we've been talking about this for
01:07:18 over 10 years is the use of adjusted earnings what what is earnings and I
01:07:22 think that through this downdraft in tech they're gonna once again say hey
01:07:27 what's the cash flow not what's the adjusted earnings because they're backing
01:07:32 out stock based comp they're backing out stop right there for a second this is a
01:07:36 big issue it's a big issue stock based comp is a big issue it's a bigger issue
01:07:40 than people think and when they start to look coming center stage so they really
01:07:43 do so hold on Porter I'm going back to in a second then you talked about what
01:07:46 can be bullish on whatever that's gonna be stripped out going forward because
01:07:50 people will come after companies now for stock based comp what's the real number
01:07:54 sorry Porter go ahead and so you go back to why we like energy still here even
01:08:00 though they might go down a little bit but like the cash flows are there but
01:08:02 where does the SMP go because that's a small component of the SMP
01:08:05 unfortunately I mean it is so in a high inflationary environment the PE is
01:08:09 lower so you know I don't pick a number 20% lower then I'm gonna pay homage to
01:08:15 one of your other guests that come in here David Rosenberg yeah who didn't
01:08:19 think inflation was real but that's fine okay he's got an answer for Centeno on
01:08:23 that one yeah but in that regard yeah he believes still love him see he believe
01:08:29 I love him that the SMP can go to 3,000 to 3,200 that's my so so so I'm gonna
01:08:36 outsource that price target from him to me and that makes sense to me like
01:08:41 that's that's a big enough drop where I think you talk about then the equation
01:08:45 of inflation versus recession really and and deflation of people's wealth and
01:08:51 assets start to really start to equalize yep and that's where I think the Fed
01:08:54 sort of has to not cut I'm not sure if cut but definitely potentially pivot oh
01:09:01 you heard a few minutes ago I'm gonna win real companies at real prices at
01:09:04 that point you know as you're doing I'm gonna win another $5,000 from Dan
01:09:07 because they will cut and let me go to this because this is crucial so the next
01:09:11 question is about housing I've been saying on this podcast for three four
01:09:14 months housing has been the most rational sector it's been the only sector
01:09:19 that is priced in what was going to happen the XHP stocks the socks the
01:09:23 stocks sorry the stocks themselves there and to me you want to know what you can
01:09:27 own coming out of a cycle it's these stocks potentially if you can time it
01:09:30 right you're never gonna time it but that's not the question though I hope
01:09:33 that's not the question the question is what's gonna happen with housing here I
01:09:36 mean we're we're still way away from peak in mortgage rates I think so to me
01:09:40 on housing I think that the simple answer is I think home prices are going
01:09:45 to stop going up and potentially go down and we're talking five to ten percent
01:09:49 but I don't think to use that word it's a Steve Eisenman word calamity I don't
01:09:53 think it's gonna be a calamity but I think it's gonna be and I actually think
01:09:56 it's gonna be extremely healthy I believe Bill Pulte spoke about this
01:09:59 during the spaces yes which is it would actually be beneficial for the younger
01:10:05 generation to have lower home prices so they could actually afford the stuff
01:10:09 that they want to buy it's not the end of the world and I and I don't believe
01:10:13 it's gonna be the end of the world for the banking system either they're not as
01:10:17 levered as they were and then not even as levered to the housing market now on
01:10:21 the one hand that might be bad for BlackRock and Blackstone but that's a
01:10:25 different issue so I think the housing market's gonna be negative and this gets
01:10:30 back to a point that we were saying training right so one of the things we
01:10:32 are training are on the home builders just to give an example so if you look
01:10:36 at dr. Horton which is the creme de la creme that and probably told brothers of
01:10:40 the home builders and if you look at the range the historic range of Horton it
01:10:45 troughs at either 1.5 times tangible book value if we're not in a recession
01:10:50 or tangible book value if we are in a recession so we're not there yet but now
01:10:55 I know my guidelines of where I want to buy the best home builder when I think
01:11:00 it hits a certain valuation level getting back to S&P 3000 or 3200 where I
01:11:05 might go to you guys thinking back at Seawolf and saying guys Horton 90% of
01:11:09 book value we can't go wrong here now you guys will probably yell at me tell
01:11:13 me to go F myself but but it's probably a decent price where you could start
01:11:17 thinking about buying I go back to a complete misallocation of capital you
01:11:22 know post the GFC we didn't build any homes because the banks weren't lending
01:11:26 the three of us went out if we to get a construction loan to build a house they
01:11:30 wouldn't give it to us right now and so the supply of homes is not there that
01:11:35 said there was a lot of froth at the top and there was a lot of investors
01:11:39 speculation that said oh we're gonna keep speculating and the problem is the
01:11:44 on the investor side the cap rates that people assumed for the exit is now going
01:11:50 to be a lot higher than they thought it was and so that investor you know drum
01:11:56 beat which is driving the demand for housing which has been driving and and
01:12:00 so that I think that they clipped at that let me just for people out there
01:12:03 that don't know what a cap rate is so if you take the value of something what's
01:12:07 called a million dollars and you're charging rent of ten thousand dollars a
01:12:11 month which would be a hundred twenty thousand dollars on a million that'd be
01:12:15 a 12% cap rate we've been at three four five percent cap rates as you look at
01:12:20 those comparisons versus treasuries on risk-free yields as treasuries move
01:12:24 higher you're required to offer a higher return therefore if you're levered hang
01:12:31 with me here guys and commercial real estate and you're levering out at a cap
01:12:34 rate of three to four percent Vinny correct me if I'm wrong and you're two
01:12:37 to three times levered you have a real problem you have to readjust your
01:12:40 pricing so you can do one of two things you can raise your rent or you can
01:12:45 devalue your building either way you got to get cap rates to a normalized level
01:12:48 relative to what you can get risk-free in the market so it's a great place to
01:12:53 end and I think it's a great place to start to think about what the Fed has
01:12:56 created and has mass in terms of picking bonds picking stocks and that's where
01:13:01 we're gonna be and there's gonna be great opportunities in both and so
01:13:04 with that guys but it goes back to it sorry what one one quick here I was
01:13:09 wrapping it I sorry that's right but structural problem is that in the United
01:13:15 States the reference rate is a ten-year Treasury it's a benchmark on the US we
01:13:21 have huge structural deficit the Fed for now is doing QT and so there's not a lot
01:13:29 of real buyers of all this debt and this is the part that gets me bearish and
01:13:35 that's it like let's just wait a bit right let's just wait a bit and see how
01:13:39 housing shakes out when you know don't need to rush it you know we'll just wait
01:13:43 and see what happens right as we reprice interest rates higher that's what's
01:13:48 gonna happen so we're talking about pricing risk differently and that is the
01:13:53 how we wrap this up because it's the one thing for the last 13 years that we
01:13:56 haven't had to address is pricing risk and that's where we are so guys great to
01:14:00 be with you catac you know maybe fortunate or that it was a day like
01:14:05 today or unfortunate for some people that we got together today we will let
01:14:08 everybody know the next time we plan to get together so they can buy S&P puts
01:14:11 that expire because they have daily S&P puts now we can expire that day but
01:14:15 we'll have you guys back again it was great being with you guys great to be
01:14:18 with you thank you thanks once again to CME group for sponsoring this episode of
01:14:23 on the tape if you liked what you heard make sure you hit follow and leave us a
01:14:28 review it helps people find our show and we'd love hearing from you and we also
01:14:32 want to hear from you via email at on the tape at risk reversal comm anytime
01:14:38 of the day follow and connect with us on Twitter at on the tape pod and we'll see
01:14:43 you next time on the tape is a risk reversal media production this podcast
01:14:48 is for informational purposes only all opinions expressed by me Dan Nathan
01:14:53 guy Dami Danny Moses and any other participants are solely our opinions and
01:14:57 should not be relied upon for specific investment decisions
01:15:02 (whooshing)
