• 2 years ago
Philadelphia Eagles right tackle Lane Johnson reacts to being nominated for the Watler Payton NFL Man of the Year Award
00:00 I'm really called off guard.
00:02 So I'm humbled, I'm honored.
00:05 I just think my job is to represent, I want people to help me.
00:09 And the position I'm in now is to help the community and
00:13 help start those that have served me.
00:16 So that's really what it comes down to.
00:18 >> Lane, what are some of the things that you do help with?
00:21 I mean, Jason, when he told you about it, seemed to allude to some things that you
00:25 do, but didn't really get into them.
00:26 >> I mean, the mental health stuff's really good for our speeches and
00:31 doing that thing past a year and a half.
00:33 So I talk to lots of schools, lots of companies.
00:38 So that, and the Gold Star families this year,
00:42 that was really initiated from my trainer, Gabe.
00:44 When he was with his former employer, he always helped out Gold Star families.
00:50 So he's a former Marine, so I really popped in on that this year.
00:55 And then, really, I think the Kilgore thing a few years ago with Jim.
01:00 So I plan on doing more, I think, with them in my high school in the future.
01:02 So I think that was real big for them, helping them out.
01:06 And I just feel like their football team's really done well the past few years.
01:11 So I think it's that with recruiting and all sorts of stuff across the board.
01:14 So I was really happy with that.
