Top 10 Películas ARGENTINAS que NADIE te RECOMIENDA - Top Cinema

  • last year


00:00 Surely you've heard about great national movies
00:02 There's "The Secret of the Eyes", "The Steal of the Century", "Argentina 1985", "Wild Tales"
00:08 Well, many
00:10 In this video I'm going to show you a list of little known Argentine movies
00:14 Even some of them with low budget
00:16 But that doesn't mean they're not worth watching
00:19 All of them are available on Flow, so look for them there
00:22 We start with special mentions, some national jewels that I can't leave out
00:27 As for naming some, we have "A Thesis on a Homicide", "Lighted by Fire", "The Aura", "Kamchatka", "Anita" and "Nine Queens"
00:36 Without a doubt, one better than the other and if you haven't seen them, they are super recommended
00:40 But as they always recommend them, today we are going to focus on other jewels that few people know
00:46 Let's start
00:47 Position number 10
00:49 "Tracks to go home"
00:51 A dramatic comedy with two main protagonists
00:54 On one side, Juan Menuhin and on the other, Erika Rivas
00:57 They are going to be brothers and they are going to live a kind of adventure
01:00 Because their hospitalized father is going to reveal that he buried silver in a bag in the forest
01:05 But since he has some mental gaps, he won't remember where he put it
01:10 That's when these two characters are going to start an adventure trying to find where he hid the silver
01:17 For a moment, the brothers are going to get along, for a moment they are going to be fighting, typical of the brothers
01:23 And in the middle of this journey, things from the past are going to bloom
01:26 And they are going to have a reunion that is going to hit them a lot
01:29 A movie to start off in this list
01:32 Position number 9
01:35 "Our Children"
01:36 This movie is super earthly, but it has a great football context
01:41 On one side, we have a port taxi driver that is very fanatic of the San Lorenzo Crow
01:46 Who was even a football player when he was young and that's why he has a great passion for sport
01:52 The thing is that in one of his trips he is going to meet a single mother with her son who are going to a football game
01:58 From there, this man is going to create a bond with them that he won't be able to separate
02:03 A movie that has a very calm development, it takes flight with the course of the story
02:08 It's going to have comedy, it has drama and also a story of romance
02:12 Great, but great interpretation by the actors and more than anything by Carlos Portaluppi
02:16 That I really like
02:18 Position number 8
02:21 "Operación México"
02:22 "Un pacto de amor"
02:23 This movie is based on real events and it's going to take place in the 70's
02:28 A time where many people know that there was the dictatorship
02:31 Where a man and his family are going to be kidnapped and they are going to take them to the outskirts of Rosario
02:37 In this place, with very few options, they are going to make a proposal to this man
02:41 Where he is going to have to choose between betraying his own ideals or the life of his family
02:47 So this man, practically forced, is going to travel to Mexico to carry out a mission
02:51 But at the same time, from there, he is going to fight so that his pregnant wife is safe
02:57 A film that is quite desperate and keeps you attentive to what can happen
03:02 Added to the fact that it is a real event, it touches on very important points of the national history
03:05 That gives it an even greater weight
03:08 Position number 7
03:11 "Gauchito Gil"
03:12 The "Gauchito Gil" is a holy figure that can be seen throughout the country
03:16 And obviously in his hometown, Mercedes
03:19 But beyond his devotion, I think there are many who do not know his story
03:22 And I include myself in that, well, until I saw this movie
03:25 A movie from 2020 where we are going to see one of the known versions of this man
03:30 And for that we have to go back to the 1870s
03:34 Where, in the current times, a former soldier named Antonio Mamerto Gil Núñez
03:38 Is forced to enlist the "Correntino Liberals"
03:41 The issue is that this man is totally opposed to what they ask him
03:44 And so he will end up becoming a deserter when he flees to take refuge in the mountains
03:49 A story that really makes sense of what happened
03:53 And why he ends up becoming one of the strongest popular saints at the national level
03:58 Position number 6
04:01 "The Disarmadero"
04:02 In this case we have an Argentine psychological horror movie
04:06 We are going to have a man who is a plastic artist
04:09 Who suffers a very strong trauma with some things that happened to him
04:13 And ends up in a psychiatric hospital for a long time
04:16 The movie itself begins when he is fired
04:19 And a friend offers him work in a car disarmadero
04:21 Where at night he will start to hear some noises that are not of this plane
04:27 Little by little and as the story progresses
04:29 This warehouse is going to become a terrifying place
04:32 With situations full of terror
04:34 Where the protagonist is going to live a kind of nightmare
04:37 Even getting little by little into a totally terrifying world
04:42 The good thing is that at one point you end up understanding why these things happen to him
04:46 Several of these scenes can scare you
04:50 And that's the good thing about the movie
04:51 Because within its possibilities and its low budget
04:54 It fulfills its task very well
04:56 Although well, in my opinion, maybe it falls a little at the end
05:00 So everything, super recommendable this movie
05:03 Position number 5
05:05 "A Red Bear"
05:07 Maybe you know this one
05:09 But it's more than sure that not everyone knows about its existence
05:13 We have a man who is a very violent thief
05:15 That after a plan he had, which obviously didn't work
05:19 He ends up in jail and obviously leaves his wife and daughter outside
05:23 The thing is that after a few years after leaving jail
05:26 He wants to reestablish this relationship
05:28 The woman is already in a relationship with another person
05:30 Well, it's a disaster for this man
05:32 And obviously he's not going to do anything easy
05:35 We're going to see everything that happens in this world
05:37 In the suburbs of Buenos Aires
05:39 How these types of people are handled
05:41 And from what point this man tries to recover what he lost
05:45 Position number 4
05:48 "A Movie Tour"
05:50 You want to laugh with a good movie
05:52 Well, in this case it's not a movie
05:54 It's a documentary with a very good rhythm
05:57 That even the editor has a lot of participation with the viewer
06:00 In this case it's about how Rada
06:02 I don't know if you know him, he's an Argentinean humorist
06:05 He does his first tour in Europe with his best friend Gonzalo
06:09 Who is the director and editor of this documentary
06:13 Although the focus is on touring Europe with Rada's show
06:17 What flourishes in this trip is the good vibes these friends have
06:20 The jokes, the talks they have
06:22 And jokes that will surely make you smile more
06:26 It's not all laughter, they're also going to work
06:29 They're going to make some music in the documentary
06:31 And they're also going to show how difficult it is to be far from the family
06:34 With few hours of sleep
06:36 And more than anything, spaces that only they can share
06:39 In my case this documentary was very short
06:42 I would have liked to see more experiences
06:44 But at the same time it leaves you some points of reflection
06:46 With some comedy
06:47 That are really very good
06:49 Position number 3
06:52 "The Raptor"
06:53 Exclusive platform tape
06:55 So I guess not everyone saw it
06:57 But you can do yourself a favor and go see it
07:00 It was recently released and has an ending
07:02 That will leave you pretty crazy or with your mouth open
07:05 The movie is based on a real story
07:07 That is the kidnapping and murder of a businessman
07:10 Called Osvaldo Sivak from the 80s
07:12 Right after everything that happened in the dictatorship
07:16 In the movie itself we're going to have a man who returns from his exile
07:19 To occupy a great position in the family business
07:22 When this older brother is kidnapped
07:24 That's why he's going to have to take care of the rescue organization
07:28 He's going to meet the government's guys
07:30 The police and a whole network of corruption
07:33 That he's going to have to uncover to get to his brother
07:36 A really catchy thriller with great photography
07:39 And obviously a great performance by Rodrigo de la Serna
07:43 Position number 2
07:46 "Air"
07:47 This is a drama but with a lot of tension
07:50 The typical desperate movie
07:52 The story is like this
07:53 A single mother, being at work
07:56 Receives the call from her son's school
07:57 Telling him that he suffered a blow
08:00 Here the movie starts and it's an odyssey
08:03 By this woman to get to meet her son again
08:06 The boy has Asperger's syndrome
08:08 And that makes things worse
08:10 There are a lot of situations that happen to this woman
08:12 Did you see the typical day that they all happen to you?
08:15 One after the other?
08:16 Well, it's captured in this movie
08:18 I don't want to name what happens
08:20 Because obviously I don't want to ruin the experience
08:22 But if you manage to put yourself in this woman's shoes
08:25 A person could really collapse
08:28 A great movie that has no waste
08:30 Position number 1
08:33 "The Manager"
08:35 Another premiere that went unnoticed in many places
08:38 And it deserves a good place
08:40 A film that is based on real events
08:42 And that mixes family comedy and drama
08:45 I don't know if you remember but in 2018
08:48 In the qualifiers to enter the World Cup in Russia
08:51 Something happened that revolutionized a well-known brand at the national level
08:55 Noblex
08:56 This is the story of the manager of Noblex
08:59 Marketing manager
09:00 Who carried out a very dangerous campaign for the company
09:03 That in case it didn't work, it would take it to the brink
09:06 The campaign promised to all those who had bought a TV
09:09 That they would return the money if Argentina did not qualify for the World Cup
09:14 Many, many TVs were sold
09:17 Thousands and thousands of TVs
09:19 Absolute tension, a lot of friction in the company
09:22 Degrees of comedy, Leonardo Sbaraglia as always great
09:26 And participation of many actors in this film that make you smile too
09:31 If you didn't see it, highly recommended Argentine film
09:34 Now I would like to read in the comments which of these films you already knew
09:39 Had seen
09:40 Leave your opinions if you liked it or not
09:42 More than anything because there are many people who look at that to finish deciding
09:46 If you see it or not
09:46 And if you haven't seen it yet, go and see it
09:49 And then come to the video and comment
09:51 I hope you enjoy these films
09:53 And you can also enjoy this other video that I leave here
09:56 That surely you may be interested
09:58 I don't want to steal your time
09:59 And as I always say, my name is Elias
10:01 And this is Top Cinema
10:03 Information to the pass
