FTS 22:30 14-12: Maduro and Ali committed to continue talks on Essequibo

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Argentinian government calls for tougher police response to street rallies. // Maduro and Ali committed to continue talks on Essequibo. //
Israel kills at least 27 Palestinians in Rafah City. teleSUR
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00:00 With a strong handshake, the presidents of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro and Guyana, here
00:17 finally, tell on Thursday their willingness to continue the dialogue to settle this equa-controversy.
00:27 The Argentinean government announced a tightening of security policies against strip protestants
00:32 and social organizations.
00:41 In Palestine, after the 69 days of Assad against the Gaza Strip, Israelis killed at
00:47 least 27 Palestinians in the city of Rafa.
01:05 the city of Rafa.
01:23 With a strong handshake, the presidents of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro and Guyana, here
01:27 finally, tell on Thursday their willingness to continue the dialogue to settle this equa-controversy.
01:31 During the high-level meeting held in St. Vincent and the Granadines, both presidents
01:36 also expressed their commitment to peace in the region.
01:39 Prior to the face-to-face dialogue, the two heads of state held separate meetings with
01:44 the leaders of CARICOM, Anzalá, Gerald Gonsalves and Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva.
01:48 In that, Maduro retreated Caracas' position to maintain the dialogue within the framework
01:54 of the 1966 General Agreement.
02:02 During the day, the Venezuelan delegation headed by President Nicolás Maduro held a
02:05 meeting with the organization of the Caribbean community CARICOM and the community of Latin
02:10 America and the Caribbean states.
02:12 Under the format of the Venezuelan-Guyana Dialogue Table hosted by Kingston, a face-to-face
02:17 meeting was held to discuss the latest actions of Guyana regarding the areas pending the
02:22 limitation in which the neighboring country then licenses for the extraction to the Exxon
02:29 Mobil among others.
02:36 On Thursday in Argyll, St. Vincent and the Granadines, the president of the Cooperative
02:42 Republic of Guyana, Ivanaly, and the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás
02:46 Maduro, held discussions on matters consequently to the territorial dispute between their two
02:51 countries.
02:52 As a result of the high-level meeting, both the head of states reached an agreement on
02:57 the following issues.
02:58 Great.
02:59 I agree that Guyana and Venezuela directly or indirectly will not threaten or use force
03:05 against one another in any circumstances, including those consequently to any existing
03:10 controversies between the two countries.
03:13 I agree that any controversies between the two states will be resolved in accordance
03:18 with international law, including the 1966 Geneva Agreement committed to the proportions
03:25 of good neighborlands, peaceful coexistence, and the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean.
03:32 Agree to continue dialogue on any other pending matters of mutual importance to the two countries.
03:38 Agree that both states will refrain whether the Bauer or the Dins from escalating any
03:44 conflict or disagreement has risen from any controversy between them.
03:49 Agree to establish immediately a joint commission of foreign ministers and technical persons
03:56 from the two states to address matters as mutually agreed.
04:00 An update from this joint commission will be submitted to the presidents of Guyana and
04:05 Venezuela within three months.
04:08 Both states agreed to meet again in Brazil within the next three months or that another
04:14 agreed time to consider any matter with implications for a territorial dispute, including the aforementioned
04:22 update of the joint commission.
04:37 In Argentina, the government of the ultra conservative Guillermo Mella announced on Thursday a tightening
04:43 of security policy against the three proxies after his shock therapy ensured a targeted
04:50 rejection from union and social organizations.
04:53 The security policy bullies that all police forces are called to act against public demonstrations,
05:00 including roadblocks, pigs, and blockades.
05:03 The decision allows the police to increasingly use force since your roads are free for protesters.
05:18 In El Salvador, the comedy of relative of inmates and political prisoners, Cofa Pes
05:23 denounced the country's decision not to comply with the court's parole order on behalf of
05:30 former Minister of Justice and Security Mauricio Ramirez Lavamberde.
05:36 A court order Ramirez house arrest, however, the general direction of penitentiary centers
05:42 did not authorize his release.
05:44 The former official of the FMLN administration is serving two years in prison from alleged
05:52 act of corruption.
05:54 Lawyer Cofa Pes expressed that
05:56 On Tuesday, the fifth sentence in court, which is where the case was transferred, notified
06:09 the attorneys that precisely after two years in prison, Mauricio Ramirez defense attorney
06:14 filed a demand to claim that right.
06:16 Therefore, other types of measures in substitution to detention were considered, which should
06:22 not be so restrictive.
06:24 The only limitations he is left with would be not to leave the country, not to change
06:29 residence and appear in court every 15 days.
06:35 Bolivia President Luis Arce stressed that the industrialization of natural resources
06:40 and raw material is a necessity for the nation in addition to completing the productive social
06:46 community economic model.
06:48 The Bolivian president explained that the economic model is a world consolidated inside
06:52 and outside the country.
06:53 He also indicated that the economic model is a process of income redistribution through
07:00 different social policies and the establishment of new redistribution policies.
07:10 In this case, we are maintaining social and income distribution policies, establishing
07:15 new distributive policies such as the tax on large fortunes that generate a redistribution
07:23 of income that generates resources from those who have more money to the state.
07:31 And the state generates works for the people who need them, especially in the areas that
07:35 you have seen me inaugurating and setting fundamental foundations, which is health.
07:42 Bolivia President Luis Arce, prices are adjusted on the economy based on production and not
07:47 on market prices.
07:52 Adjusting prices is very easy, but it has enormous consequences for the people.
07:57 That is what those who propose to adjust the economy by adjusting prices will never say.
08:02 The most difficult ones are to adjust on the production side, to adjust on the quantity
08:11 side, on the story side.
08:14 And what we are doing to improve the figures of the public sector, the figures of the foreign
08:18 debt, the general figures of the whole economy, is to structurally correct the production
08:24 of the national economy.
08:25 Let's take a very short break, but remember you can now join us on our Tiktok account
08:30 at Celestudy English, where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates
08:34 and more.
08:35 Stay tuned for more news.
08:35 Welcome back to From the South.
09:02 In Palestine, after 69 days of side against the Gaza Strip, Israel killed at least 27
09:08 Palestinians in the city of Rafa.
09:09 The Israeli occupation forces created outrights on Palestinian homes in Rafa crossing, causing
09:15 the death of more than 20 citizens, including children and women.
09:19 During the day, around 26 bodies were recovered from the Al-Darra neighborhood in the Palestinian
09:25 enclave after the Tel Aviv regime's attacks.
09:34 The health situation in hospitals in the Palestinian city of Jenin worsened, escalating Israel
09:39 aggressions against the governorate for the third consecutive day.
09:43 The health ministry reported on Thursday that the health situation in Jenin is difficult
09:47 due to the attacks of the Israeli occupation forces against hospitals and their staff.
09:52 The governmental health body said it was keeping a close eye on the health centers to check
09:57 the conditions of the wounded and their medical needs.
10:05 In Palestine, authorities report that hundreds of Gazans followed a humanitarian aid truck
10:10 that crossed the Rafa border crossing on Thursday to collect supplies.
10:17 Citizens' actions follow a statement by the Israeli regime that it will continue its attacks
10:21 on the Palestinian enclave.
10:22 Meanwhile, the international community continues to call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza
10:27 Strip.
10:34 In Palestine, workers report that an ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza is affecting the
10:38 electricity supply that led to the closure of several businesses.
10:42 In the midst of this situation, Gazans have taken the initiative to reactivate the economy
10:47 of the areas by opening their shops despite the consequences of the Israeli side.
10:52 Likewise, workers in the Swineh area have found some solutions to the lack of electricity
10:58 in their work areas by creating electricity generators with bicycles in order to be able
11:03 to use sewing machines.
11:06 Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to join us on our website community for
11:15 our English speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on the screen to join directly
11:19 and share the link to reach more people.
11:21 On the news coverage of Latin American Caribbean as well as the rest of the world, stay connected
11:26 and informed with Telesurbo.
11:27 Thanks for watching.
11:28 Have a great day.
11:28 Welcome back.
11:49 In Albania, opposition lawmakers interrupted the opening of a new parliamentary session
11:54 to demand that the government be investigating for electric corruption.
11:58 The riots started in October before prosecutors charged Salih Beresha, president, and now
12:05 senior leader of the center, Right Democratic Party, with corruption.
12:10 The opposition said it is seeking to set up a parliamentary session commission of inquiry
12:16 to address electric corruption cases involving senior government officials.
12:25 United States has established communications with military junta ruling Nigeria to inform
12:31 them that it is ready to begin negotiations and recognize them as the country's formal
12:36 government.
12:37 After numerous threats and pushing for a regional confrontation against these with African nation,
12:43 Washington has backed down.
12:45 A leader, Maham Saini, assistant secretary of state for African affairs at the State
12:52 Department, confirmed meetings with several members of the ruling junta and the transitional
12:57 government.
13:04 In Finland, the Central Organization of Trade Unions joined the workers' strike, resulting
13:10 in a total shutdown of public transport throughout the country.
13:14 Public services workers are protesting against the government's labor reforms and social
13:18 cuts.
13:19 It is in the face of negotiations between the unions and the state.
13:29 The president of Russia stated that he will work for a third new world order during his
13:34 presidency for the Greek group in 2024.
13:37 The president points out that the summit to be held in Kazan in 2024 will show that there
13:43 are enough countries in the world that do not want to live in an order based on Western
13:49 rules.
13:56 The International Olympic Committee's Pre-Olympic Refugee Team was invited to train in France
14:01 ahead of Paris 2024.
14:05 At the World Refugee Forum in Geneva, Switzerland French sports minister Samuel LĂ©on Castrera
14:12 confirmed that the IOC Pre-Olympic Refugee Team will be able to train in France in the
14:18 run-up to Paris 2024 as part of a preparation course where they will also have access to
14:24 first class equipment, facilities and accommodations.
14:44 The National Institute of Meteorology of Brazil announced a new heat wave that is hitting
14:50 a large part of the country.
14:52 Specialists indicate that the temperature increase will be less intense than last November,
14:59 settling at 5.0 degrees above average for the first day.
15:04 The heat forecast includes seven states, along with the federal district, until December
15:09 20.
15:15 In Kenya, floods caused by rains leave at least 170 dead and more than 600,000 displaced
15:22 in several areas of the country.
15:24 The Kenyan Army reported that they are carrying out operations to evacuate hundreds of people
15:29 trapped by the disaster generated by the rains in the provinces.
15:34 The authorities indicate that the areas most affected by the floods are in the north of
15:39 the country where tens of thousands of people lost their homes, livestock and farmland.
15:46 My kitchen has collapsed.
15:50 The flood water is all over.
15:52 The previous week I stayed in a school and this week I have been here.
15:57 My bed is in a bad shape.
15:58 You have seen my kitchen and my entire home.
16:01 I am also raising orphans, so I urge the government to help us.
16:08 We don't have food, that's our main problem.
16:10 We don't have mosquito nets.
16:12 We have nothing to sleep on and there are snakes.
16:14 We are complaining because there is a woman who gave birth without medical help and an
16:19 old woman broke her arm and there was nobody to treat her.
16:22 When a child suffers, they ask their father for help.
16:25 We are asking our government for help.
16:30 We have come to the end of this interview, but before saying goodbye we want to thank
16:33 our Caribbean audience, especially the audience of Trinidad and Tobago.
16:36 We are pleased to share our new cast and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the
16:41 latest world events.
16:42 You can find this and many other stories on our website, Televisión Inglés.net and also
16:46 on our socials from Facebook, On X and Instagram as well.
16:49 For Televisión Inglés and from the South, I am Manu Marrero.
