We ask Edinburgh residents if they have any New Year's resolutions

  • last year
We asked Edinburgh residents if they have any New Year's resolutions this year.
00:08 My New Year's resolution is to write to every conceivable person in Edinburgh and Scotland
00:15 about cyclists and the fact that I believe cyclists should pay road tax because so far
00:22 they've got a lot of rights and no responsibilities.
00:26 In 2024 I'd like to go to the gym more. I have got a gym membership just now but currently
00:33 I'm paying for not very much. I kind of go once a week kind of thing but I'd like to
00:38 get it more consistent going before work and just making the use of my mornings rather
00:43 than sleeping in until work starts kind of thing. So yeah, work out more.
00:48 So one of my friends is going to be doing a run in London in June for Parkinson's UK.
00:54 I can't join her because I won't be in London at that time but I'm going to train with her.
00:58 So my New Year's resolution is to run 10k. Don't know if that's going to happen but we'll
01:03 try.
