'Podcast Police' comic sketch launches "task force stopping white guys starting podcasts for no reason"



Meet the 'Podcast Police' - a joke "task force" vowing to "stop white guys from starting podcasts about nothing".

Pals William Peters, 25, and Brett Dodenhoff, 28, wrote and filmed the sketch as a joke response to being "inundated" with podcasts.

The spoof sees the duo act as 'cops', shutting down "white guys" launching their own podcast.

In the video, the two can be seen apprehending 'suspects' throughout Los Angeles, US, whilst they reveal the extent of the problem.

One amusing scene shows William arresting a 17-year-old for podcasting and questioning "what life advice he could be sharing."

Whilst in another Brett's character details how his brother became "hooked" on podcasting.

The video - which has garnered over 2.5million views on TikTok - also follows the two 'cops' as they bust people for selling podcast equipment and recording on the side of the street.

The pair say they wanted to create the video in an "investigative Vice style" with the idea that podcasting could be an addiction.

Brett, from Los Angeles, US, said: "We all know podcasting can be annoying at this point so we knew the idea was there.

"In general it's kind of mapped to treating it like this idea of it being like a drug problem - what if this was an addictive thing?

"We riffed enough to probably make three of these videos!

"We had to cut a ton out."

Will, also from Los Angeles, added: "Within 15 minutes we'd pretty much written the whole sketch and the punchlines.

"We were kind of going for a Cops episode investigative Vice style."

The duo admit despite their character's apparent 'hate' for podcasts in the skit, they are partial to them.

Brett said: "Anything under the sun can be a podcast, if it's two interesting people it can be great but because there is no barrier to entry you can put anything up online.

"We're pretty inundated in the comedy podcasting world and I think it's just funny that so many people have something to say."

Will agreed, and added: "I consume a lot of podcast content and here I am talking rubbish about it, but it is a bizarre concept with the no barrier to entry.

"We're poking fun at ourselves and friends too - we've talked about starting a podcast a couple of times!"

Brett and Will's favourite scenes from the video - which was shot on just an iPhone - are when the 17-year-old is arrested and Brett's brother lost to podcasting.

WilL said: "The whole emotional aspect of Brett's brother being lost to podcasting was great.

Brett added: "I felt like that 17-year-old giving life advice scene really resonated with people as that's what it comes down to."

Will and Brett post all their skits here: https://www.tiktok.com/@squilliam_peters