I lost 8 stone by walking

  • last year
Stephanie Kemp lost 8 stone by walking, after she joined a Slimming World group in Thornton.
00:00 We would go to Disneyland and I'd hide behind the sun and put him in photographs and photos all the time.
00:06 And then New Year 2020, I tried to get my new work pants.
00:13 My daughter said, "Oh, let's get dressed up more smart."
00:17 So I wore a pants off and I couldn't fasten them.
00:21 I was like, "This is really bad. I need to do something about this."
00:29 I will stay at 8pm to get to go.
00:32 That's amazing. So how have you done it?
00:36 I just stuck to the programme. Jane encouraged us to bring fitness into our routine.
00:46 So instead of being sat on the snow for the whole time I was out,
00:52 I'd walk to school, walk to the shops, walk in the morning.
00:57 Same in the evening. If I fancied getting something to eat, I'd walk around the block instead.
01:03 So I'd not be nibbling at things.
01:06 One of the other girls in the group came to this group and she'd shared her journey on Facebook.
01:15 So I thought, "Well, I'll join Slimming World."
01:19 Because she's done exceptionally well. So she was my inspiration really.
01:25 I just have so much more energy now and I do a lot of steps in a day.
01:31 What were you doing before? Were you active in any way?
01:36 Very little. I did enjoy walking when I could be motivated.
01:41 But now I get up early.
01:44 So my alarm goes off at quarter to six and I'm up and out jogging or sculpturing or going for a walk first thing.
01:52 So much so that now I'm raising some money for dementia.
02:00 I'm doing a 13 mile hike and I would have never considered doing that two years ago.
02:07 Fruits are speed foods. In its natural form, it's free.
02:14 And then we've got store cupboard staples.
02:18 These are everything that pulls everything together to make a recipe.
02:22 These are all free. And then our drinks.
02:25 Water, black coffee, black tea, fruit and herbal teas, no added sugar and sugar-free fizzy drinks.
02:31 Before lockdown, there was always goodies around the office.
02:35 There was cakes and biscuits that people had brought in after their holidays.
02:40 Or cakes from somebody's birthday.
02:43 I would dig in every day.
02:49 Every day?
02:51 Yeah.
02:53 Always temptation around.
02:55 Yeah.
02:57 And then my office was right next to the canteen.
03:02 So it was like sausage toast for breakfast.
03:06 And it was like whole fat sausages.
03:11 And then maybe a couple of hash browns on the side.
03:15 I planned the snacks so if I do get hungry, I'll snack on healthy stuff rather than rubbish that might be lying around.
