"PTI ko aj bohut bara nuqsan pohncha hai," Kanwar Dilshad's analysis

  • 9 months ago
"PTI ko aj bohut bara nuqsan pohncha hai," Kanwar Dilshad's analysis
00:00 Govardhan Sahib, the election commission's decision has been revoked.
00:04 The PTI has been taken back.
00:06 In such a situation, what options does a party have?
00:10 The revocation of the election commission's decision on 5th December has caused a lot of damage to the people of Tehri.
00:23 And it has come out of the national arena.
00:26 All the candidates who will participate in the elections will be elected on 13 January as free candidates.
00:38 And after seven years, the damage has been that after the elections, the 200 special sessions of women's rights will also be banned in Tehri.
00:51 This is a very big majority. It is a big mistake to get a vote.
00:56 And similarly, the Senate election is taking place in the first week of March.
01:00 There are 52 seats in that.
01:02 From there, the decision on Tehri has also been revoked.
01:05 Because there, the free candidates are not elected.
01:09 It is a party decision.
01:11 So if you look at all these matters, in summary, the decision on Tehri has been greatly damaged today.
01:17 The decision on 9th January is still pending.
01:24 And if the decision is not made in favour of the Tehri, then the Supreme Court of Pakistan will be the last resort.
01:34 But in light of today's decision, the decision on Tehri will be in the hands of the party.
01:43 Now it is a common party that is not being included in the election commission's record.
01:48 This is a very big mistake that has been done by the people after today's decision.
01:53 Q. Mr. Qabar-e-Dilshad, if they fight as free candidates, then what will be the situation in the future?
02:00 How will they go in the election?
02:02 Because they will not have any representation.
02:05 When free candidates have a few votes, 15, 20, 25, more, they have the status of a party.
02:14 The voters also see that the one we are going to vote for, if our vote is wasted, then we are free candidates.
02:21 We cannot have a government.
02:23 For a government, it is very difficult to have a party.
02:26 Looking at these circumstances, it is okay that free candidates are also successful.
02:32 There are 32, 30 candidates.
02:35 I hope that 25, 30, 40 people will be successful as free candidates.
02:39 Then they will take the initiative in some party.
02:43 They will vote in the name of free candidates, but the rest will take the initiative in some party.
02:52 As we have a custom, free candidates go to the party of the Quran Jamaat.
02:58 This is a loss, but there is a possibility that the constitution will be abolished.
03:03 There will be a free party, which does not have a national commission registered.
03:08 They can write outside, the constitution will be in the Home Assembly.
03:12 And free candidates will come in the form of a group.
03:16 After today, the party will be a great honor.
03:20 But Mr. Kumar Dilsah, even if there are 40 free candidates, 30, 25, whatever,
03:28 one of our panelists made a reservation that such a horse trading can be done.
03:34 This can be done further.
03:37 So in your opinion, can such a situation be created?
03:40 Yes, it can be.
03:42 I agree with the panelist.
03:44 He can say that when he comes to the National Assembly, he can make a group.
03:50 Like a group is formed in a non-governmental election.
03:54 So it is like a non-governmental election.
03:57 If they want to show their own strength by making a group, they can show their own strength.
04:03 But provided that they get a majority of votes as free candidates in the next elections.
04:10 If there are 25,000 candidates, then they will be able to show their strength in the next elections.
04:18 Okay.
04:19 And tell me, since this whole situation has been created,
04:24 what other options are left for the party to take a vote?
04:31 That is a very important decision.
04:34 It is the decision of the divisional batch.
04:36 The single batch said that the divisional batch should be formed.
04:40 The decision to form a divisional batch on 9 January will also be presented.
04:45 If the technical staff does not have that decision, then the Supreme Court of Pakistan will see it.
04:52 And the Supreme Court of Pakistan will see it in a larger interest.
04:55 They have a lot of wisdom, our honorable judges.
04:58 That decision will be very important.
05:01 The Supreme Court of Pakistan will see it.
