Arizona Daily Mix | January 11, 2024 Episode

  • 7 months ago
Hosts Brad Perry and Lexy Romano present an entertaining and informative look at local trending topics and community events occurring in Arizona.
00:00 From 44th Street in Camelback, this is the Arizona Daily Mix.
00:05 And it all starts right now.
00:10 Your paper's good.
00:11 Oh, my paper's wet.
00:13 There it is.
00:14 This makes it so it's official that we're doing something.
00:19 Yes, we're important.
00:20 Yes, because this is the Arizona Daily Mix.
00:23 I am Brad Perry.
00:24 And I'm Lexi Romano.
00:26 And it's a very cold Thursday for us to the point
00:30 where there's snow up north.
00:33 Let's take a look up at our station, Prescott,
00:35 where Arnold, we slinked outside to show us--
00:38 Look at that.
00:39 Look at that.
00:40 That is a winter wonderland, if I do say so myself.
00:43 That's our big satellite dish area.
00:46 And then over there is where we go.
00:48 Wow.
00:49 Wow, cars are covered already.
00:50 It's still coming down pretty good.
00:51 That looks beautiful.
00:52 My goodness.
00:54 That looks great.
00:55 That makes me want to take a trip up right now.
00:58 Well, we don't ski.
00:59 So we can go to the lodge and watch the snow come down.
01:01 Yes.
01:02 That's the thing.
01:03 Absolutely.
01:04 I want to go from my warm car to a warm--
01:08 somewhere inside by a fire and just watch it.
01:11 I don't want to be in it.
01:12 No.
01:13 I just want to look at it.
01:14 I don't miss that snow at all, being from Michigan.
01:16 Right.
01:17 Well, I lived in the city.
01:19 In New York?
01:20 Oh, that's right.
01:21 When it would snow, you had to go out and walk in the snow.
01:23 And that was not fun.
01:25 It was slushy and cold.
01:26 And the wind would rip around the building right there.
01:28 Oh, yeah.
01:29 And if you've ever fallen on black ice, that's brutal.
01:31 You know what?
01:33 This is a thing that needs to be done.
01:35 Arnold, can Arnold hear me?
01:38 I don't know if Arnold can hear me,
01:39 but he can hear the director.
01:40 Can you set up for us a snow angel shot for us?
01:43 We want to see you do a snow angel.
01:46 Could you do that for us?
01:47 I'm going to give him time as he's doing that.
01:48 Poor Arnold.
01:49 Yeah, you set that up, Arnold.
01:50 And of course, today on the show,
01:51 the Phoenix Herbalogical Sanctuary is here.
01:53 And guess what?
01:54 They are getting a special approval.
01:56 They are getting for two crocodilians.
02:00 I know.
02:01 And they got it from the government.
02:02 This is a big deal.
02:03 This is.
02:04 Very cool.
02:05 I'm a big alligator and crocodile fan.
02:06 I love them.
02:07 So I think it's great.
02:08 They're out in our atrium today.
02:09 That looks great.
02:10 And Brad's going to talk to them later also.
02:12 Also, if you're looking to spice up your look,
02:14 beauty expert Leah Schiebel is here
02:16 to talk about the top trends for 2024
02:19 when it comes to makeup.
02:21 Because she is my go-to girl.
02:23 If she says we got to do it,
02:24 then we got to do it.
02:25 Like, she has got the 411.
02:28 She's got the Deets.
02:29 I trust her.
02:30 Is she going to talk about new colors
02:31 or anything for the new year?
02:32 Absolutely.
02:33 She's going to talk colors.
02:34 She's going to talk trends.
02:35 All the things.
02:36 So I want to make sure,
02:37 because it is 2024.
02:38 It is.
02:39 And the new resolution was to try more vegan food.
02:41 It wasn't mine, but if someone out there,
02:43 if it was, yeah.
02:44 We're going to be talking about a special event
02:46 that you can go to with this guy
02:48 who has a couple of vegan dishes for us.
02:50 Look at that.
02:51 We're going to find out more about this.
02:53 Because the name of the place is called...
02:55 Carnivore Caravan.
02:58 Carnivore Caravan.
02:59 Carnivore Caravan.
03:00 Which is funny that it's vegan,
03:02 but you know, you won't forget it.
03:04 So, Arnold's ready?
03:05 Arnold, okay.
03:06 Let's go live to Prescott
03:08 where we have our...
03:10 Yes!
03:11 Arnold!
03:12 Arnold, let's see a snow angel.
03:15 Come on, buddy.
03:16 All the years I've done morning TV as a weatherman...
03:19 He's shaking his head.
03:20 He's like, "Nope."
03:21 They would send me up to Flagstaff in the cold,
03:23 and I'd have to do a snow angel.
03:25 Come on, Arnold.
03:26 Don't let us down.
03:27 Oh!
03:28 Yes!
03:29 Yay!
03:30 Yes!
03:31 We love you, Arnold.
03:33 Thank you, Arnold.
03:34 That is awesome.
03:35 That is perfect.
03:37 What a great job.
03:39 Good job, Arnold.
03:41 Oh, man.
03:42 Arnold deserves a raise.
03:43 He does.
03:44 Somebody get this guy a raise.
03:45 A bonus.
03:46 So, you know, we may want to send him on a trip
03:49 once the planes are all back flying.
03:52 Oh, my gosh.
03:53 I know.
03:54 As we know, last Friday, there was an incident
03:57 on Alaskan Airlines,
03:58 which is a Boeing 747 or something.
04:01 Was it a 47?
04:02 It's one of the new ones, one of the new air buses.
04:04 Yeah.
04:05 This is like my worst fear,
04:06 of being on a plane and having something not just go wrong,
04:10 but go wrong in the cabin of the plane.
04:13 Because am I right that the window came out?
04:15 So, it was a door.
04:16 I guess it's a safety door.
04:17 The emergency door kind of or something.
04:19 No.
04:20 I think blew out or some kind of piece.
04:21 It was a plug.
04:22 It was a plug.
04:23 Okay, a plug that we're hearing.
04:24 But this is going all over social media.
04:26 People are still because it was just a very scary event
04:30 for everybody on there for happening.
04:31 Also, too, we were talking about there was a kid
04:33 and his mom, I guess, sitting behind the seat
04:36 that blew his shirt off.
04:37 And then he jumped over and sat with another lady
04:39 and she was checking on him through text
04:41 because it was so loud and stuff.
04:43 Yeah, wow.
04:44 But this is something.
04:45 So, they grounded a lot of airplanes.
04:47 Okay, so that lower photo right there,
04:49 the entire door is gone.
04:51 Yeah, the plug.
04:52 So, what's the difference between a door and a plug?
04:54 It was a door.
04:55 Oh, it was a door.
04:56 It was a plug of the door.
04:57 Oh, I see.
04:58 Like a fake wall.
04:59 Fake wall, got it.
05:00 So, this is crazy.
05:01 That is crazy.
05:02 So, yeah, this is, you know, I saw this on TikTok.
05:05 A lot of people are talking about it.
05:06 Yeah, this is some crazy stuff.
05:09 And safe landing, that's a big part.
05:10 Because that's, you know, the cabin's air is pressurized
05:13 at like 13,000 feet it starts to fill up with pressurizing.
05:17 Totally, yes.
05:18 I definitely know that.
05:19 And so, the reason why we were talking about this
05:22 because people are plane trips,
05:23 there's a lot of people flying this way
05:25 or trying to go somewhere
05:26 and there's like flights canceled,
05:27 change your route or something.
05:28 Yeah, that's how we got talking about it initially.
05:30 Then we started talking about
05:31 have you ever had to have, you know, an experience like that?
05:33 Did you ever have something like that happen to you?
05:35 Well, I was telling you that I did.
05:36 I was on a plane that had to have an emergency landing
05:38 because we lost pressure
05:40 and the plane kind of like dropped a little bit.
05:43 It was crazy because it felt like we were in the air
05:46 and it did feel like a sudden drop down.
05:49 And it was really scary.
05:50 And I was sitting with a fellow performer of mine
05:52 who was a big, probably about as tall as you, Brad.
05:54 And he grabbed my legs so hard and I was like,
05:57 "Ow, ow, ow, ow!"
05:59 But it was scary.
06:00 Thankfully, we landed safely and everything was fine.
06:03 But we were coming home from Alaska.
06:04 It was very, very scary.
06:06 The only thing I've ever had was this turbulence.
06:07 Thank goodness.
06:08 Right.
06:09 So that's it.
06:10 Yeah, but that can also just be really scary
06:11 because you're up in the air and you don't know.
06:13 But you know what?
06:14 I had someone tell me one time
06:15 to imagine flying in the air like being in a ship on the ocean.
06:19 You're riding the airwaves, right?
06:21 And sometimes you hit bumpy air, bumpy water,
06:24 kind of like when you're in a boat.
06:25 So you just have to ride it.
06:26 It's kind of the same thing.
06:28 So don't be too scared by that turbulence.
06:30 I just fell asleep.
06:31 I just fell asleep.
06:32 So speaking of traveling, over 100,000 tech enthusiasts
06:37 have flooded into Vegas for the CES 2024,
06:40 one of the most influential gadget trade shows in the world.
06:43 And earlier this week, I talked with tech lifestyle columnist
06:46 Jennifer Jolly, who gave us an inside look.
06:49 Good morning, Jennifer Jolly!
06:56 Good morning, Brad!
06:58 It is T minus-- let's see, let's see.
07:01 Two hours till the doors officially open here at CES 2024.
07:07 Some 140,000 people will be streaming in here.
07:11 The best part of that, we'll get some heat in the building.
07:15 When that happens--
07:16 Well, because it's the coolest place to be right now
07:19 with all the tech world hanging out there in Las Vegas.
07:22 And you got some, of course--
07:24 I see what you did there.
07:25 Yeah, like that? You like it?
07:26 Yeah, love it. Love it.
07:27 That's why we work well together.
07:29 As we said, the tech world's there, and so are you.
07:32 So let's get started. What do you got for us today?
07:35 Well, why don't we jump right in with some really interesting
07:38 upgrades in laptops here.
07:40 This includes Samsung's latest Galaxy Book 4 series.
07:43 Now, they are promising us the dawn of the groundbreaking era
07:48 for AI PCs to deliver unparalleled productivity,
07:52 mobility, and connectivity.
07:54 Now, that sounds like a tall order,
07:55 but it is well within reach of this latest lineup.
07:58 This includes four new laptops powered by Intel's
08:01 Core Ultra chips, AI smarts.
08:04 This means state-of-the-art processors,
08:07 faster, zippier, better than ever before,
08:10 more vivid displays, new touchscreens,
08:13 and even more robust security.
08:15 So when people ask me, "What does AI actually mean
08:17 when it's inside of our favorite gadgets?"
08:20 That's what it means. They are getting better.
08:22 It is as revolutionary as it is evolutionary,
08:27 even if it kind of looks the same,
08:29 it will not act the same going forward.
08:31 It will be better, more personalized,
08:33 and that security will be tighter too.
08:35 This launches in the United States early this year,
08:39 so you'll want to keep your eye out on the site
08:42 and their socials for exactly when these drop.
08:45 Ooh, alright. I'm going to keep an eye on that one.
08:47 And also, I'm going to keep an eye on my home
08:50 with some new gadgets, they say, that's perfect for the house.
08:54 Yeah, we can always count on Kohler, right,
08:56 to deliver tricked-out tech.
08:58 This year to transform our boring bathroom
09:02 into a luxury spa, I'm taking this home with me.
09:06 It's the Spa Viva Hand Shower.
09:08 Now, this part of the hand shower shoots out micro-bubbles
09:12 for a hydro-facial style cleanse.
09:14 When you go to a bouncy schmancy day spa,
09:17 you know about those hydro-facials.
09:19 But check this out. You can swap out this middle piece here.
09:22 It just pushes right out. You can put any number of these.
09:25 There's a body brush, a face brush, a body scrubber.
09:30 And then this is my favorite.
09:32 This is the one I'm dying to show you.
09:33 Look at this. A body massager.
09:36 This is a part of your shower.
09:38 I might just have to just kind of leave it here on my neck.
09:42 But all of the attachments recharge through a magnetic dock
09:46 to make it do this rotating motion here.
09:49 This should be out in Q1 this year for around $300.
09:52 This is a shower-- a hand shower.
09:55 I want to call it a shower head, but--
09:58 Yeah, you may not ever get this back, Kohler.
10:01 Sorry, not sorry.
10:02 And I might not get you for the rest of the interview.
10:05 I know. I'm sorry. What? What?
10:07 [laughter]
10:08 So, okay.
10:09 I'll be back. Okay.
10:10 All right. This is big right now because everyone's getting into this,
10:13 and that is AR.
10:15 And did you show me these before?
10:17 Are these different glasses?
10:19 I totally did.
10:20 This is how ahead of the game I am.
10:22 It's making headlines here at CES, but I have had them since November.
10:27 We saw these.
10:29 We're so ahead of the game here.
10:31 These are the Xreal Air 2 Pro glasses.
10:34 These can turn whatever you're watching,
10:36 whether it's a smartphone, a computer, a video game console, or a TV,
10:39 into a virtual big screen.
10:41 And I told you this in December.
10:43 I'm telling you again now.
10:44 You look amazing at 10 to 30 feet high.
10:47 Now, here's what's amazing.
10:49 They look like cool sunglasses, but I can still see you.
10:53 I can see you on the screen.
10:55 I can see everybody around me and in front of me.
10:58 But I also see this augmented reality giant screen,
11:03 the biggest screen possible, really.
11:05 I can use it for work, for video games, when I'm watching movies on a flight.
11:09 It's better for tech-net because I can just kind of, you know, lay back,
11:13 watch my screen up on the ceiling.
11:15 Augmented reality, these AR glasses.
11:18 These don't look so bad anymore.
11:21 It's not like this big, chunky headset that you have to wear.
11:24 You do have to plug it into your other device via USB-C.
11:28 These are so, so, so cool.
11:31 And they are launching even more versions of these coming up
11:34 that rival Apple's latest virtual reality headset.
11:38 So, that one, Apple's, costs in the $3,000.
11:41 You know, they just announced that this week,
11:43 even though they're not here at CES.
11:44 They had to try to upstage CES.
11:47 This, these, much, much less.
11:50 In the hundreds, not the thousands.
11:52 I like that, and of course, you know my address.
11:54 Okay.
11:55 I was just thinking, you know what?
11:57 As I was talking, I was thinking, I'm supposed to give him a pair.
12:01 Yeah, believe it that.
12:02 Done and done-er.
12:03 I promise, I promise this time.
12:05 Very quickly, two more you got for me, very quickly, they're telling me.
12:09 Okay, so, Robot Vax, they've been around for about 20 years, right?
12:12 Well, these two engineers, former Google Nest engineers, said,
12:15 "Why don't these work better? We have cars that almost fly.
12:18 Why don't robot vacuums work exactly how we need them to?"
12:21 So, they completely reinvented them.
12:23 This is MADdoX's reinvented smart AI, robot vacuum and mop combo.
12:29 By far, the best I've ever reviewed.
12:31 Fixes all the problems with bot vacs of the past
12:34 by using five onboard cameras and a bunch of AI
12:38 to mimic the way that humans actually see space in a home.
12:42 It maps out in near real time and cleans better, more quickly,
12:46 and even more quietly than any other robot vac has before.
12:50 It's also more human-like, packed with personality,
12:53 understands gestures and voice commands.
12:55 You can just point and say, "Hey, MADdoX, clean this," and it actually does.
12:59 The company says MADdoX is private by design.
13:02 All the information housed right within the unit itself.
13:05 It does not upload any information to the cloud.
13:08 Also, they just told me, if you use the promo code "jolly"
13:12 when you go to and buy it, you get $100 off.
13:16 But, Brad, look at this.
13:19 Look at this.
13:20 The Helix Ultralight EVTOL electric vehicle,
13:25 almost flying car except it doesn't have wheels.
13:29 It takes off vertically like a helicopter.
13:32 You can fly for about 20 minutes or 20 miles.
13:35 It speeds around 60 miles an hour, around 500 feet high,
13:40 because it is classified as an ultralight.
13:42 You don't need a pilot certificate to fly it.
13:45 But, of course, I asked the company, like, "Wait, what?
13:48 Do you want me to climb in this and do what?"
13:50 It trains you extensively before you take off,
13:53 so they make sure you know what you're doing.
13:55 Who might buy this kind of futuristic flying machine?
13:57 Well, you or a rancher, an aviation pioneer, a former pilot,
14:01 an adventure seeker, and anyone with, let's just say,
14:04 a little extra cash to kick around.
14:07 You can preorder it now with a $250 deposit,
14:10 but prices start at $190,000 to fly at home.
14:15 It's expected around June of this year.
14:17 I don't know.
14:18 If I stay in Las Vegas, do you think I might, you know,
14:20 win the jackpot, come pick you up, fly you around in it?
14:24 I'm ordering two. Let's just get two out. There you go.
14:27 Jennifer.
14:28 I'm going to get one of these and one of those
14:29 and definitely one of these and these.
14:32 Hey, where can we find more information about what we talked about?
14:35, and hopefully we'll see you back here tomorrow
14:38 for even more spectacular stuff.
14:41 I like it. Thank you, Jennifer.
14:42 Thank you.
14:44 All right, coming up, we are hearing from beauty expert
14:49 Leah Chabot about the top makeup trends for 2024,
14:53 so stick around.
14:54 [music]
15:00 We all did our ins and outs for 2024,
15:11 but what about what is in for makeup trends this year?
15:14 Well, Leah Chabot is here to give us the 411.
15:17 Welcome.
15:18 Thank you for having me.
15:19 I'm so excited to talk all 2024 trends.
15:21 I love when you're here because I feel like I trust you so much
15:25 when it comes to makeup, and I kind of am boring with my makeup.
15:28 No, your makeup looks amazing all the time.
15:30 Oh, you're so sweet. I feel like I always do the same thing.
15:32 Yes, we get in a rut.
15:33 Absolutely, because it's something you do every single day.
15:35 It's part of your routine.
15:37 You kind of don't think about how you can update it.
15:40 Change it.
15:41 Yes.
15:42 And sometimes the update's scary, like, oh, we're going to do blue mascara.
15:44 How are we going to wear blue mascara?
15:45 How are we going to wear espresso makeup?
15:47 But let's talk about it.
15:48 Absolutely. Okay, so what are we starting with?
15:49 So we're going to start with Barely There Blush.
15:51 Maybe, like, these big trends are not for you, but you can do a teeny bit.
15:55 Minimalistic, really functional beauty is 2024.
15:59 Okay.
16:00 So smile.
16:01 We're going to pop that little tiny bit of a cheek color that kind of matches her lip color.
16:05 So Barely There, but you can see that it gives the skin a really pretty, bright, lifted look.
16:11 Absolutely.
16:12 And then twist this way just a little bit so you can kind of see that it brightens up the under eyes.
16:15 A long time ago, Bobbi Brown used to say, "If you have a nice cheek color, it makes you look like you slept eight hours."
16:20 Oh.
16:21 So a little bit of cheek color goes a long way.
16:23 So Barely There Blush is an easy way to do it.
16:25 Okay, so I have a question about this because I feel like we are kind of hearkening back to the trends of the '90s.
16:31 Yes.
16:32 And we've talked about this before.
16:33 Yep.
16:34 But it's a little bit less—it's a little more underplayed.
16:36 Yeah, understated.
16:37 Understated.
16:38 Everyone is doing less now, and we love that.
16:40 Okay.
16:41 So even though this is monochromatic, let's talk less, this whole palette has everything you need.
16:44 So your mascara and a couple brushes, and you're ready to rock.
16:46 Oh, wow.
16:47 And as you can see, everything is very monotone.
16:49 So the shadows are very similar color, even the bronzers.
16:52 Which when you look at bronzers, they can go red, they can go yellow.
16:55 These are all still have that cool undertone.
16:57 So let's give it a little more oomph.
16:59 We're going to take a little bit more, and we're still going to play on the apple of the cheek here, and then brushing down and back.
17:05 And so what we want to do is this minimalistic part of it, this little bit of it that is monochromatic, just means everything matches.
17:13 So I always use my blush for everything, or my bronzer for everything.
17:17 But this does have a little bit of a pink color in it, so I'm going to take a little bit of this, but it's light.
17:22 So I'm going to take a little bit of that blush, too.
17:24 And we're really going to go ahead and close, and we're just going to swipe it across anywhere you can feel your eyeball.
17:29 Literally everything matches, and honestly, if I was doing this at home, I probably would use my fingers.
17:35 Just because I'm a fingers girl.
17:37 So swipe it on the pad of your finger, and just put it anywhere you can feel your eyeball.
17:41 So you can see I'm not going higher to her brow, but now everything matches so, so pretty.
17:45 It's so easy to use.
17:46 It does.
17:47 It ties everything in, and I love that you're giving us the tips of, so you go with the blush down and back, and then on the eye.
17:53 Yep, down and back on the eye.
17:55 Anywhere you can feel your eyeball.
17:57 Right.
17:58 And if your brush is still on your eyeball, but the top of your brush is a little bit higher, it's kind of doing that blending work for you.
18:04 So it's super, super easy.
18:06 So all monochromatic.
18:07 Again, that really simple look.
18:09 I love it.
18:10 She's also, Hailey Bieber is really rocking that ombre lip again.
18:15 But it's not the ombre that we used to do.
18:17 It's a very simple ombre.
18:18 So what we're going to do is we're just going to line with a neutral lip color.
18:21 Okay.
18:22 Just literally the actual lip line.
18:24 We're not going above or below, because again, we're keeping it simple.
18:27 And you can see that this lip liner just outlines her lips just a teensy bit.
18:31 Yeah.
18:32 But it's not too much.
18:33 And then we're going to pick a color almost identical to the blush color, and we're going to add it.
18:37 So honestly, remember those days when we would line with much darker?
18:40 Oh, yeah.
18:41 This isn't exactly the same.
18:42 It's ombre, but really easy to do.
18:45 Easy to do, very simple.
18:47 And look at how natural and beautiful that looks.
18:49 And she just looks really pulled together.
18:51 Yeah, just what you've done on her face, those few little simple additions have already made her face really pop and brighten up.
18:57 Right in the wake.
18:58 Absolutely.
18:59 Yeah.
19:00 Okay, so what are some other trends?
19:01 Let's talk espresso.
19:02 So my makeup is espresso.
19:03 I use this entire palette.
19:04 This is the palette I use all the time.
19:05 We've probably talked about it before.
19:06 This is $9 from Ulta.
19:07 Wow.
19:08 And literally will last you until you don't want to wear it anymore.
19:10 Wow, that is such a great deal.
19:12 And so I use my eyeshadow as this, my eyeliner as this, my cheek color as this, my bronzer as this.
19:18 Wow.
19:19 I even lined my lips with this.
19:21 I know that sounds insane, but you take a teeny bit and you just swipe it under that bottom lip line, and it kind of creates a shadow.
19:28 Like, oh, my lip is so big, it has a shadow.
19:30 Yes, it gives you even more.
19:32 Yes, that's incredible.
19:33 Exactly, and sometimes I'll take a little swoop on my Cupid's bow, which kind of creates a shadow.
19:37 Like, again, your lips have more shape than they probably do.
19:40 So it's kind of--
19:41 Okay, so this is the espresso.
19:43 Are we also doing an espresso lip?
19:44 Yes, an espresso lip, and this one seems scary because it's such a dark color.
19:48 It feels dark, yeah.
19:49 It's that Dior, but it's really sheer.
19:51 It's almost not even a dip.
19:52 Almost translucent.
19:53 That's beautiful.
19:54 And so I put it on everyone that really has--
19:56 Show a little bit more of that so that we can see.
19:58 That's gorgeous.
19:59 I'm trying to show it, but it's so light that you think, like, gosh, that could not be that, but that's it.
20:04 That's the lip color we did before, and that is just this really barely there espresso.
20:09 So it's an easy way to go espresso without going too much.
20:12 And when we think espresso, if you like to go to dark makeup, this is your shot.
20:16 But if you don't, it doesn't have to be super heavy, super dark.
20:20 Okay, yes, I love this.
20:21 And lastly, this is kind of a big trend.
20:24 Yes, tell me about this.
20:25 The colored mascara.
20:26 Colored mascara is crazy.
20:28 This is just an espresso brown.
20:30 I've been wearing brown for, like, the last four months because it gives a little bit of color.
20:35 It kind of shows you, like, we need to pop a little color on, but not too much.
20:39 And so blue's not your thing, brown's not your thing.
20:41 This is burgundy, and it is absolutely gorgeous.
20:44 I feel like these two colors are a great way to do this trend without going over the top because a red mascara, a blue mascara, that's a lot.
20:52 These are two great ideas, so I love those two colors.
20:55 And, Leah, tell everybody where they can find more information about you.
20:57 Yes, or find me on Instagram @leahscheibel.
21:00 And follow her on Instagram.
21:02 She has the best tips, and it's just so fun to follow you and watch what you're doing.
21:05 Thank you.
21:06 All right, Leah, thank you for those fantastic tips.
21:08 Coming up, the Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary is talking about a new approval they just received for crocodiles.
21:14 [music]
21:31 Welcome back to the "Daily Mix."
21:33 The Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary is a safe haven for turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and alligators.
21:41 And they're very happy to announce that they are waiting for two new species to arrive to the sanctuary, and that is a crocodilian.
21:49 And Michael Ring is here with us to talk about it because what's very interesting, people don't realize, okay, there's crocodiles, there's alligators, and crocodilians.
21:56 What are crocodilians?
21:57 So, well, interestingly enough, alligators and crocodiles are crocodilians.
22:01 So are caimans, and also are gharials.
22:05 So our announcement is that we're receiving a new species of crocodile, and a new--I mean, we're receiving Indian gharials.
22:12 We're hoping to.
22:14 We've received approval from the federal government, the Fish and Wildlife Service, to house Indian gharials and muggercrocs.
22:21 So basically now, we're just in the process of raising funds to build new enclosures, and hearing back from the final authority in India to see if we can have them imported here.
22:34 Okay, and so what are they?
22:36 Because, I mean, are they the type of crocodile--I mean, what makes them so special?
22:40 So, interestingly enough, the Indian gharial is monotypic.
22:44 There's nothing else like it.
22:46 It's its own group.
22:48 It's its own genus within crocodilians.
22:50 They're very, very bizarre.
22:52 They have these long snouts that they use almost like fishing spears.
22:57 The muggercrocodile is also quite endangered.
23:00 It's endemic to India.
23:02 Currently, we have a number of these species at a facility in India called the Madras Crocodile Bank.
23:10 As you can see, this is the muggercrocodile.
23:12 We have the B-roll on the screen right now.
23:14 Yeah.
23:16 But they are both quite endangered in their natural habitat in India, and the facility that we're working with has done extensive work to cultivate a captive population.
23:27 So, we're hoping to collaboratively get some of these animals sent over to Phoenix.
23:31 Okay, what are you holding right now, you said?
23:33 So, this is a yakari caiman.
23:35 So, these are closely related to alligators, but they are found throughout South America, whereas alligators, they're found in North America and in China.
23:44 There's two species of alligator.
23:46 Caimans are kind of like alligators, and we've brought alligators in for you guys before.
23:50 Yeah, but these guys are found in Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Central and Southern South America.
23:59 They live in rivers and estuaries.
24:01 They're a really, really cool species.
24:03 They don't get as large as alligators, so these guys will top out at around six and a half to nine feet long.
24:08 Wow.
24:09 What's amazing about the sanctuary is that you invite people to come out to learn about these animals, because sometimes alligators get a bad rap,
24:15 especially if you're watching the History Channel or one of the animal planets, you see them attacking.
24:20 But really, when you sit down and learn about them, you understand a lot more about how important they are to our agriculture, and also how great they are, too.
24:30 Absolutely, yeah.
24:32 There are horror films with a lot of reptiles out there that kind of give them a bad name, but we've learned that all crocodilians are very, very important to their environments.
24:42 They're a keystone species within the habitats that they reside in, so are the Akari Caimans.
24:48 These guys are least concerned, so these aren't endangered, but for the gharial, there's only about 800 gharial left in the wild.
24:55 Wow.
24:56 And there's only about 7,000 mugger crocs left in the wild in India.
25:01 So having those animals at our facility, people are able to come and visit them here in Phoenix.
25:05 They're the only two species of crocodilian we currently don't have.
25:08 So once we receive them, we will be only the second facility in the United States with every species of crocodilian.
25:14 That's amazing.
25:15 So that's why you've got to check out, of course, the Phoenix Herbalogical Sanctuary, located right in North Scottsdale.
25:21 And I've got to say, I had a friend of mine's grandmother, her name was Betty, and she would feed this alligator that was a huge alligator.
25:30 Oh, yeah.
25:31 Yeah, and then it would attack people and stuff, and they had to go get it.
25:33 But, yeah, she was feeding it, and then all of a sudden, after they got that one, she was feeding some other little ones, too.
25:38 It's crazy.
25:39 Oh, yeah.
25:40 So, yeah, Betty was her name.
25:41 It's important not to feed wildlife.
25:42 Thank you.
25:43 Very important.
25:44 But it's very important to go check them out.
25:45 Information is on
25:47 And we want you to stick around.
25:49 We've got more of The Mix for you after this.
25:51 Cool.
25:52 [music]
26:01 This is the Arizona Daily Mix.
26:03 [music]
26:10 Welcome, welcome, welcome to the second half of the Arizona Daily Mix.
26:13 Yay!
26:15 [whistling]
26:17 Still to come, we are meeting a local hero in this month's Heroes of Arizona.
26:21 Yes, plus, Cuskett has some snow, as we saw earlier, on the ground.
26:25 And we want to thank, of course, Arnold for doing the snowman.
26:27 But if you're looking to make your way up there this weekend, we've got some events for you to check out.
26:32 Yeah, we do.
26:33 It's nice to get there and kind of get in the snow.
26:35 Yeah.
26:36 I mean, yeah, maybe.
26:37 Or just like we were saying, sit inside and look at it.
26:40 Yeah, look at it.
26:41 All right, let's get to some trending.
26:42 Brought to you by Gerber Injury Law, where we trial the Internet, the social media websites, our own backyard to give you something to talk about.
26:47 And this is something that has been going around in our office.
26:51 We've been trying to get it out there.
26:52 I know. We keep trying to do this one.
26:53 So we're going to get it out.
26:54 Okay. You guys, this is big news.
26:56 This is front-page headlines that we tell you here in Trending.
26:59 Potatoes may soon no longer be considered a vegetable.
27:03 That's right. You heard it here first.
27:05 According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, when Americans eat vegetables, they're mostly eating potatoes and tomatoes.
27:12 You say potato, I say--
27:14 Tomato.
27:15 There's a chance that the agency will reclassify potatoes--
27:19 Potatoes.
27:20 Potatoes, yes.
27:21 Moving them from starchy vegetables into the same category as grains, rice, and other carbs.
27:26 See, I always thought that that's what they were considered anyways.
27:29 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is putting together their guidelines for 2025.
27:33 Potatoes may be reshuffled to make sure everyone is getting enough nutrients.
27:38 Because like we were saying, potatoes are mostly starch.
27:41 It should be noted that the trade groups on both sides of the potential new classification, neither the National Potato Council and the grain chain--wow--are both opposed to potatoes being defined as anything but a vegetable.
27:54 So, okay, this is big news. People are mad about it. It's a whole situation.
27:58 Can I ask--did you talk about tomatoes? What did you say about tomatoes?
28:01 So, when people--when Americans say that they're eating vegetables, they mainly eat potatoes and tomatoes.
28:07 And this is what they have to say, and I'm going to correct them, because a tomato isn't a vegetable.
28:13 You're right. It's a fruit.
28:14 It's a fruit.
28:15 Yeah, you're right.
28:16 Thank you. Thank you. Look at this big brain on Brad.
28:18 [laughter]
28:20 That's all I wanted to say.
28:22 Oh, my gosh.
28:24 This is also something that is definitely--I thought about doing, because I, you know, always--
28:31 Because you have some extra time in your schedule.
28:33 I do.
28:34 You know, you need a side gig.
28:35 I wish I was Oscar Mayer Wiener driver. Yes, that's right.
28:39 Yes.
28:40 Oscar Mayer Wiener is hiring folks to become a member of its coveted hot dogger class.
28:45 And that's right. It's where you get behind the wheel of the Wienermobile.
28:49 So, that's right. The gig pays $35,000 as a base salary, but also includes a weekly allowance of $150 for meals,
28:57 plus all the hot dogs you probably can eat, right?
29:00 Probably, yeah.
29:01 And personal travel, 18 days of paid time off, full health benefits, and all the hotel expenses covered.
29:07 So, the new cohorts will continue the 88-year-old tradition of the co-host driving the yellow and orange vehicle across country.
29:17 And so, they get to do social content and everything, which is really cool.
29:21 And guess what? Oh, you have now until January 31st to do it.
29:26 I thought it was coming here on the 31st.
29:27 Okay, so, see, what I want to know, okay, can we stay on this photo? Can we go back to that last photo?
29:32 Can we repeat it? Not that one.
29:33 Not that one. Not that one. The next one.
29:36 One more. That one.
29:37 So, where does the driver sit? Do you sit up there?
29:40 Yeah, do you see where the hot dog is in the window?
29:42 That would be so difficult to drive. You're so high up off the ground.
29:48 Well, it's just like driving almost like an RV. So, when you get into it.
29:51 Wow.
29:52 So, that's the key thing is that it actually goes on the back of a flatbed and gets driven to each city and then you drive it around the city.
29:59 So, you're not driving from city. You're not doing like eight-hour drives.
30:03 No, because they actually, they did it one year, and I remember this when I was working at the morning show over at another station.
30:11 They came to us driving it, but it had broken down.
30:14 And so, they started to go, you know what? I think we're going to need to put it on a flatbed now from driving it from city to city because it was breaking down and they weren't making their schedule.
30:21 Gotcha.
30:22 I wanted to always do that.
30:23 Well, there you go. Now you have your chance.
30:25 There you go. Alright, hey, speaking of hot dogs and food coming up, we're getting a taste of some delicious vegan food when the mix returns. So, come on back.
30:34 [Music]
30:44 So, if you are a meat eater like me, trying vegan food can be a little nerve-wracking.
30:57 Yeah, well, but the Carnivore Caravan is in town to help change your mind, Lexi.
31:02 That's right.
31:03 And here with some loving veggie ideas for us, veggies ideas and different things, is Damon from Green Restaurant in Nomm. Did I say it right?
31:12 Nomm.
31:13 Nomm. How you doing?
31:14 I'm well. How are you guys?
31:15 So good. Alright, we're here to change Lexi's mind because I've tried some vegan dishes and stuff.
31:19 Sure.
31:20 They're not bad, but I don't know if I'd go full vegan. But this is where, this is an opportunity for you to try some cool food.
31:25 Absolutely, and we're here for you. That's why we're doing the Carnivore Caravan, which at our restaurant is an event that happens this Saturday.
31:35 It's a really cool event. You can bring in, what we ask is for the vegan or the plant-based person to bring in their friends.
31:44 Yeah, we call them, jokingly, we call them carnivores, but obviously we're talking omnivores, who maybe are a little skeptical about eating vegan food.
31:52 Come in, try it, and then for every carnivore that you bring in, you get a dollar off your meal, up to six, and then your entree is free.
31:59 No way!
32:00 Alright, so that's what we're doing, guys.
32:01 So it's a pretty good deal.
32:02 You're all coming, we're taking them on.
32:03 Oh, there's a go in, yes.
32:04 Bring the crew, bring the crew.
32:05 So this is the big thing, is that people are a little worried about vegan, because when they hear vegan, they think of course, like, greens.
32:13 Greens and, and.
32:14 No flavor, cardboard. I mean, they're kind of like scared about what they can eat.
32:19 That's not us. We've been in the Valley for 18 years, so we're doing something right.
32:25 Omnivores love our food. Probably about 30% of our customers are omnivores.
32:30 And it's because we take great care in putting a lot of flavor and bold flavors.
32:34 I hate those lentil burgers and the sprout muffins, like, no, no thanks.
32:40 I want a burger. In fact, this is our Big Whack Burger.
32:44 It's very similar to another famous sandwich you might have heard of.
32:47 Oh, okay.
32:48 This is 100% plant-based, and this burger just won the best burger in Arizona from a national contest on Yelp.
32:57 We came in 18th, and it was not a vegan burger contest.
33:01 No way.
33:02 It's kind of a really cool thing to have.
33:04 So this can compete even with the meat burgers.
33:07 Absolutely.
33:08 The traditional, wow, that's, okay, that's a high praise.
33:11 All right, so when you do hear vegan, I don't think about bread at all on there.
33:14 I don't think I see some pasta over there, some different things.
33:16 I mean, that's the thing when people talk vegan.
33:18 What are they talking about?
33:20 They're talking about plant-based foods, so everything that comes from plant, it doesn't have any animal products at all in it.
33:26 So it's dairy-free.
33:28 You're not going to find any eggs, no milk.
33:30 Exactly.
33:31 No dairy, no eggs, no animal products whatsoever.
33:34 Got it.
33:35 Yeah, and we make it taste really delicious.
33:37 I mean, it smells amazing.
33:39 It is. The fries. Is that something we saw the first thing? We're like, fries? What's going on there?
33:42 Potatoes are inherently vegan, so you don't have to worry about that.
33:46 But these are our award-winning seitan, I'm sorry, they're our mushroom buffalo wings.
33:53 They're not made with seitan.
33:54 They're actually gluten-free, if you can believe that.
33:56 Oh, wow, yeah, so this was something that we were talking about earlier, because I was like, wait, you have wings that are vegan?
34:01 What are they made of?
34:02 And so it's mushrooms.
34:03 They're made from mushrooms, a little bit of soy protein.
34:06 We have a white wine wing sauce that we enrobed them in, and they're delicious.
34:11 I love watching people eat them, and they're just along the way.
34:14 It smells incredible. I can smell that sauce over here.
34:16 This sandwich down there, and again, like I said, the pasta. Is that pasta?
34:19 It is pasta salad, just regular old pasta salad.
34:22 I'm Italian, so that's my grandmother's roots coming out.
34:25 This chicken patty is actually seitan.
34:27 That's a whole protein wheat gluten patty that we fry and bread.
34:33 It's so delicious.
34:35 And then our sister shop, Nami, which is right next to our 7th Street location, has all the sweets.
34:42 We just won best vegan donuts.
34:45 Our donuts are made by hand every morning.
34:48 They're delicious.
34:49 We also have some crazy good ice cream and soft serve to make our strawberry shake.
34:53 I was going to say, you have to have a shake along with your fries and your burger, and so there you go.
34:58 You've got a strawberry shake to go along with it.
34:59 Yeah, we have the complete meal.
35:00 So, all right, the plan is I'm going to take you to lunch.
35:03 How about that?
35:04 That sounds great.
35:05 We'll give it a try.
35:06 If you're buying, I'm there.
35:07 This Saturday, you'll get a dollar off and bring in some more friends, and then you'll eat for free.
35:11 And remind us where that is this Saturday.
35:13 All of our locations are participating in the Carnivore Caravan.
35:17 We have one on 7th Street just north of Palm Lane.
35:19 Great.
35:20 Our main location is on Scottsdale Road just north of McKillips, and you can check us out on the Internet.
35:27 I think all the stuff is up there.
35:29 I love it.
35:30 Okay, nice and easy.
35:31 And truly, I'm not lying when I say it really smells fantastic.
35:35 So, you might have made a believer out of me, and I haven't even had a bite yet.
35:38 Fantastic.
35:39 It smells amazing.
35:40 All right, thank you so much, Damon.
35:41 Coming up, we are meeting a local Arizona hero and his pal after the break.
35:59 Incredible acts of our first responders often go unseen.
36:02 Here at AZTV 7, we like to shine light on them in a series called Heroes of Arizona,
36:07 hosted by Mike Broomhead, brought to you by West Shore Home.
36:10 Take a look.
36:11 There are people in every community working hard to make our neighborhoods, our cities, and our state a better place to live.
36:19 They're committed each day to fulfilling a promise to serve, protect, and to make a positive impact on those around them.
36:26 We call them the Heroes of Arizona.
36:28 [♪♪]
36:31 Fire investigator Dave Ziering with the Gilbert Fire Department has been helping to successfully solve arson cases
36:38 across the state of Arizona for almost 26 years.
36:43 But he has a partner.
36:45 Okay, let's go.
36:47 Good girl.
36:48 Come on.
36:49 Good girl.
36:50 Zeta is Arizona's only accelerant detection canine,
36:55 and she plays a crucial role in identifying key evidence
36:58 and has been solving arson cases around the state of Arizona for over four years now.
37:03 So I've been an ATF, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosive, but on the arson side, a handler for 11 years.
37:11 What made you choose to be a handler in the first place?
37:15 I had heard and have seen arson canines in the field,
37:20 and always I thought, "Man, that would be great to be able to do this."
37:24 There was a church fire in Tulsan.
37:26 It was arson.
37:27 For that fire investigation, we had to bring an ATF dog in from Portland, Oregon to that investigation.
37:33 Local ATF says, "We've got to get a dog."
37:37 And so through my participation through the Maricopa County Arson Task Force,
37:42 I received a phone call asking me if I would be willing to be a canine handler representing Arizona.
37:48 It fulfilled a dream that I had, was not looking for,
37:53 but it was like it was a gift.
37:56 It was like one of those things that you wish for as a kid, and I got it.
38:01 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to put it on this corner.
38:06 Dave trains Ada twice a day, 365 days a year.
38:12 She's trained to smell six fire accelerants commonly used to start fires, like gasoline and lighter fluid.
38:18 When she finds an accelerant, she sits and then she shows with her nose the exact spot where the accelerant is.
38:25 Zeta, show me. That is a good girl. That is a good girl.
38:30 But for Dave and Zeta, solving arson cases isn't the only way they help in the community.
38:35 When 911's called, we're being reactive, which means they call 911, we have to go.
38:40 From a fire prevention standpoint, I look at being proactive.
38:44 There are things that we can do to prevent homeowners from having to call 911.
38:49 That type of proactive education is why Dave and Zeta visit schools to teach children fire safety.
38:56 This is my canine partner, and her name is Zeta, so canine Zeta.
39:01 Getting into fire prevention, I would see kids that would set fires.
39:07 Parents will use matches and lighters, not realizing that they're instilling in their kids it's okay to use a match and lighter.
39:13 My education is talking about they're not playing with the lighter, they're using it as a tool.
39:18 Some kids see their parents using matches and lighters as what we call a tool.
39:23 Between the two, Dave does all the talking, but he knows Zeta is the one that gets all of the attention.
39:30 So they don't remember you, but immediately it's Zeta.
39:33 The joke is that my shirt should say Zeta's daddy or Zeta's handler.
39:36 If you go to my office, it's not Investigator David Zaring, it's ATF Zeta.
39:41 And then underneath, Handler David Zaring.
39:44 It's very small letters. I mean, if you don't have glasses on, you won't see it.
39:48 So I get it, and I have absolutely no issues with it.
39:52 Having her there to do my demonstration has absolutely been a positive experience.
39:57 For fire investigator Zaring, he doesn't visit with children because it's required.
40:07 It comes from a special place in his heart.
40:10 You get asked, "Why did you want to go in the fire service?"
40:13 For me, fire service, yeah, for the first couple of times I put the water on the red stuff, it was exciting.
40:21 But for me, it's the education that makes me get up every day.
40:25 There are a lot of things that are in my body that I won't be able to get rid of because of what I've seen in my career.
40:31 But what allows me to live with that is that I also know that my involvement in the community
40:37 prevented a lot of that from happening.
40:40 I can't quantify that when I go into the school that they wouldn't have had a fire,
40:44 but knowing that how many, like every 11 seconds, a fire department is responding to a fire in the United States,
40:50 by educating the kids, maybe that 11 seconds is not going to happen in Gilbert because we educated our kids.
40:56 2025 will mark Dave and Zada's retirement from fire investigations, starting a new chapter in both of their lives.
41:04 The goal is to have Gilbert Fire carry on the legacy of being the ATF K-19 for the state.
41:13 We're looking for prospects to do that.
41:16 But in 2025, we're going to ride off to sunset together.
41:20 She just becomes a regular dog. She gets to be out of a dog bowl,
41:23 and we'll get to live the stories that we have together and just kind of have a quiet life.
41:32 Zada will spend her days with her big sister, Spring, who was Dave's first accelerant K-9,
41:37 and their newest family member, Dakota.
41:40 Fire Investigator Ziering has a passion for educating the community.
41:44 He is also dedicated to Zada and her work solving arson crimes across the state.
41:49 Fire Investigator Dave and Zada are Heroes of Arizona.
41:55 (Music)
42:06 Get Connected in Prescott is brought to you by Sparklight, a stronger connection.
42:14 Welcome back. Let's take a look at what's happening up in Prescott this weekend.
42:19 So, first and foremost, we got the busy builders where you can have some fun with Legos.
42:25 That's at the Prescott Public Library, January 13th.
42:29 That's 9.30am to 10.15am, and that's a great one for the kiddos.
42:34 Yeah, also Monday is Martha Luver King Jr. Day, and the Heritage Park Zoology Sanctuary,
42:40 a mission to the zoo, is half price for all visitors.
42:43 The park opens up at 10 to 4.
42:45 If you want more information, you head over to
42:48 And if you want to find out what's happening up in Prescott, you head over to
42:55 Oh yeah, Get Connected in Prescott is brought to you by Sparklight,
42:58 the local internet provider serving Prescott and select areas of Northern Arizona.
43:02 Alright, come on back, find out what's going on tomorrow as we head into the weekend on The Mix.
43:07 (Music)
43:11 (Music)
43:17 You know, on this cold day, I have to say thank you for hanging out with us
43:22 and hopefully getting a nice and warm sun.
43:24 Yeah, maybe we gave you some warm feelings.
43:26 Yeah, there you go.
43:27 So remember, if you like what you saw, and of course, other things we've done on here,
43:31 you can head over to and check them out.
43:35 But only if you like what you saw.
43:36 Yeah.
43:37 If you didn't like it, don't go there.
43:38 Yeah, don't go there.
43:39 Go somewhere else.
43:40 You can still come.
43:41 Yeah, just a moment, but don't go look at that thing.
43:43 Alright, look at something else.
43:44 Look at something else.
43:45 You'll find something else you like.
43:46 Make sure to tune in tomorrow because Flick Chick Vicki has some fetch reviews for this week's new movie.
43:51 I like that.
43:52 Plus, if you're looking to travel in 2024, see what top destinations are to travel to.
43:57 Have a great day.
43:58 Thanks, Chris.
43:59 Have fun.
44:00 Stay warm.
44:01 (Music)
44:06 (Music)
44:11 (Music)
