Arizona Daily Mix | January 8, 2024 Episode

  • 7 months ago
Hosts Brad Perry and Lexy Romano present an entertaining and informative look at local trending topics and community events occurring in Arizona.
00:00 From 44th Street in Camelback, this is the Arizona Daily Mix.
00:05 And it all starts right now.
00:08 Oh, does it? Okay.
00:11 Yeah, it does.
00:12 Hello!
00:13 It is Monday, January 8th.
00:16 Monday, Monday, Monday!
00:17 So get up, get going, if you're still laying in bed.
00:21 Get up and get going!
00:23 This is Arizona Daily Mix. I'm Brad Perry.
00:25 I'm Lexi Romano.
00:26 So, okay, today on the show, it is officially awards season.
00:30 Oh, yeah!
00:31 Yes, and season's kicked off for Hollywood, and Flit Chick Vicky is here to help us break down the Golden Globes and the Phoenix Film Critics Society Awards.
00:40 So, we're going to talk a little about the Golden Globes.
00:42 Did you watch the Golden Globes last night?
00:44 I did. Did you?
00:45 I didn't. I was kind of keeping up with it for a little while, and then I fell asleep, and I was like, "Eh, well."
00:49 Okay, so...
00:50 So I don't know who won. I don't know anything. So it'll be news to me.
00:52 I'm going to get in trouble. I don't know if I should talk about it now or if I should wait.
00:56 Save it.
00:57 Save it, because I'll get in trouble.
00:58 Save it.
00:59 Because a lot of things.
01:00 So we can talk about it with Vicky, because I'm sure she could school both of us.
01:02 Oh, yes.
01:03 All right, but you also might not always hear about it, but pigs and hogs need our help, too.
01:08 Yes!
01:09 And we are talking with one organization about how you can help house some hogs in need.
01:14 Look at this guy. So darn cute. Oh, my goodness.
01:18 I can't.
01:20 Okay.
01:22 That's too cute.
01:23 Okay, let me give you a celebrity question about pigs.
01:26 Okay.
01:27 Who, and actually two celebrities, got in trouble in their Hollywood neighborhood for having pigs.
01:37 They each had them as pets, and then one went to actually the city council to change the permits to have them.
01:45 What do you think?
01:48 I don't know.
01:50 George Clooney.
01:52 Oh, random.
01:53 And Brad Pitt. I know, right? It was random.
01:55 But you know what? Apparently pigs are great pets.
01:57 Yeah.
01:58 I have a friend who has pigs, and apparently, yeah, they're very clean.
02:02 They're good pets. They're very snuggly.
02:04 Yeah, but back in the day, George Clooney had one as a pet.
02:08 Really?
02:09 So did Brad Pitt and they got in trouble for having them.
02:11 So weird.
02:12 And so they went and had the city change permits of animals and stuff.
02:15 You learn something new every day, folks.
02:17 It does.
02:18 Well, we're going to be learning what Nadine Buback has for her January issue of the Paradise Valley City Lifestyle Magazine,
02:24 and we're going to be making some fun cocktails with tequila...
02:28 Corrido.
02:29 Corrido. Yes.
02:30 Tequila Corrido.
02:32 Yes. So some healthy drinks there for us.
02:34 Yeah, I love it.
02:35 Okay, let's just say we move out here to Arizona because we avoid the cold and the ice and stuff like that.
02:44 Sure.
02:45 But not this morning.
02:46 Not this past weekend.
02:47 It found us.
02:48 Yes, it did.
02:49 It caught up with us.
02:50 To the point where I had to use my Michigan driving skills.
02:53 Your Michigan life skills.
02:55 Yes, to get to work, as we're seeing.
02:57 But as we're looking up here, Snowfell is very excited about it because there is snow up in Flagstaff.
03:03 They've been waiting for it.
03:05 And I also mentioned, too, before we came on, that I have friends who are now heading back to, like, Colorado and Utah and everything
03:12 because they got rain checks on their ski trips.
03:15 Oh, and now they're like, "Oh, come on back."
03:17 Yeah.
03:18 I think we've talked about this before, but you don't ski, right?
03:21 Nope.
03:22 Yeah, no, me either.
03:23 I do lodging. I'm in the lodge.
03:24 Same. Same. In the lodge.
03:25 Yes.
03:26 With a cocktail.
03:27 Yep.
03:28 Warm by the fire.
03:29 Yep.
03:30 With skis next to me that, you know, look like I did.
03:32 Oh, right. You were saying, we're going to be the ones who are like, "Oh, yeah, those, uh, oh, it was brutal out there today. Oh."
03:39 But you know why that looks empty right now?
03:41 Because that was taken at, like, 7 a.m.?
03:44 Nope. Because all the kids are back to school.
03:47 What's live?
03:48 All the kids start back to school today.
03:49 Oh.
03:50 And so now they're all kind of like, "Oh."
03:51 So if we do see kids on there, they're skipping school.
03:54 Oh, look there.
03:56 Just speaking of it, can we get a picture of their face so we can show them?
03:59 Who is this? Skipping school?
04:01 Oh, that is actually, that's little Tommy and little Bill.
04:03 Call them out.
04:04 Who go to Arcadia. Oh, there goes Susan and Marie.
04:06 Call them out.
04:07 Who go over to Camelback High School. Who's coming up here?
04:10 Oh, these two, they go to St. Francis Xavier. Oh, yeah.
04:13 Oh.
04:14 Look, see, you can tell right now.
04:15 Calling them out.
04:16 Yeah, calling them out on TV.
04:17 Man, those are kids, those are some big old kids.
04:19 What are they feeding these kids?
04:20 Oh, get ready. Harlow is going to be a, get ready.
04:24 Oh, no.
04:25 You're done.
04:26 So, all right.
04:27 Hey, let's do some trending.
04:28 Brought to you by Gerber Injury Law, where we travel the Internet.
04:30 The websites are just our own backyard to give you something to talk about.
04:33 And this one is very interesting because we were discussing about, like, Mickey Mouse and how now,
04:41 well, yeah, this is crazy.
04:44 So, I didn't even know this, but Disney's copyright of the earliest version of Mickey Mouse is no longer,
04:50 and the character is now in public domain.
04:52 So, this character introduced in 1928 is known as Steamboat Willie.
04:56 Eventually, he became Mickey Mouse, and just hours after the copyright ended,
05:01 a horror movie trailer that was about Steamboat Willie has been released.
05:07 It's called Mickey Mouse Trap.
05:09 Another film, which has yet to be titled, is already in the works.
05:13 No release date has been set for either film, and Disney said in a statement,
05:17 "We will, of course, continue to protect our rights in the more modern versions of Mickey Mouse
05:22 and other works that remain subject to copyright."
05:24 So, yeah, so this is the craziest thing to me that once something is out of copyright,
05:29 once it's public domain, they can take it and use it for whatever.
05:33 So, I guess, was that a little clip of the trailer?
05:35 No, that's a clip of, I think, Winnie the Pooh, right?
05:37 Because Winnie the Pooh, I didn't realize that.
05:40 Winnie the Pooh actually--
05:41 Also has a horror movie, because Winnie the Pooh came in--
05:43 Yep, there you go.
05:44 There it is. Winnie the Pooh.
05:46 Blood and Honey.
05:47 There it is.
05:48 That's gross.
05:49 But can they use Mickey Mouse?
05:51 They can't use actually Mickey Mouse.
05:53 So, is the movie actually called Mickey Mouse?
05:55 Mickey's Mouse Trap.
05:56 Mickey Mouse Trap.
05:57 Mickey's Mouse Trap. So, Mickey with an apostrophe S.
06:00 Mickey's Mouse Trap.
06:01 So, it's not Mickey Mouse.
06:02 It's not Mickey Mouse exactly, but they're using, I guess, what is considered Steamboat Willie.
06:06 There you go. And just a little bit of Clif Clavin tribute.
06:09 And that is, there never would have been a Mickey Mouse if it wasn't for Disney's co-worker stealing his first animation that he did.
06:21 He took credit for it, and Disney didn't get it.
06:24 And so, Walt was like, "I'm out of here." And he left.
06:27 So, there you go.
06:28 Destiny, start at Disney.
06:29 There you go. Clif Clavin.
06:30 All right. Well, you know what else is great is that we got some great stuff coming up today.
06:33 Starting this afternoon at 4, it's The Kohlbergs, followed by Young Sheldon at 5 and 5.30.
06:40 The Big Bang Theory brings on the laughs at 6 and 6.30, followed by two hours of your favorite funnyman, Steve Harvey and Family Feud.
06:48 That's at 7.
06:49 And hang in there for the craziest sitcom on TV, which is Mom at 9.
06:54 I love Mom. It's so funny.
06:56 It's all about the smiles here at Channel 7.
06:59 As we like to say, it's all good.
07:02 Let's watch it.
07:03 All right. The Entertainment Awards season has kicked off with the Creative Emmy Awards this past week to last night's Golden Globes.
07:11 And here to give us her insight to last night's awards is our very own flick chick, Vicki, the Red Vine reviewer.
07:18 And, Vicki, we started talking about Brad.
07:20 Brad, I know.
07:21 Don't say anything because later on the show, we're also going to show the Phoenix--
07:26 The Phoenix Film Critics Society Award winners.
07:29 So, that's the group I'm with.
07:30 And that's why I get to see all the movies that I do.
07:33 And people frequently ask, "Oh, are you voting for the Academy Awards?"
07:36 No, I'm not.
07:37 But we've discussed this before, but for people who don't know, it's part of the marketing, the movement towards the path of the Oscars.
07:46 Critics groups across the country nominate their movies.
07:49 That gives them the presence so that maybe Academy voters will actually take the time to watch that movie.
07:56 I don't know if you remember this, but last year I brought in a list of all the movies that were eligible, and it was almost 300 movies.
08:03 So, how does a person decide which movie they're going to watch out of all those opportunities?
08:08 For us, movies aren't eligible for us to vote for unless they've made their movie available to us to watch.
08:17 So, there might be a really good movie, but if we were never given a screener or an opportunity to go see it, we don't vote for it.
08:23 So, do you guys do shorts?
08:24 Because I didn't see any of the short categories in there.
08:27 Our group does not do shorts.
08:29 So, last night, I'm just going to go ahead, and this is what we love since we're critics here, did not like the host.
08:37 Really?
08:38 He was not hitting it like some other people.
08:41 I didn't think he was really, and I thought he was okay, and then I found out everybody hated him.
08:46 But, you know, what a thankless job.
08:48 I was shocked when I heard he was hosting to begin with.
08:51 He's been around a long time.
08:54 Joe Koy has been around a long time.
08:56 But a lot of people might not know who he is.
08:58 And I went, so they could not find anybody to host that show.
09:04 Nobody wanted to.
09:05 Well, I guess because of all the controversy with the foreign press, and that's where a lot of people said we're kind of like boycotting it by not hosting it.
09:12 But then, of course, listen, does she have to be at everything?
09:17 I know she is up there.
09:19 You know who you're talking about.
09:21 And they pan the camera four or five times.
09:24 We're talking about Ms. Taylor Swift.
09:26 Please, can I go to one thing?
09:28 I can't even go to dinner without her.
09:30 It's not her fault.
09:33 People want her there.
09:34 They want the audience that she might bring.
09:37 You know what?
09:38 There are certain things that people are doing, and the Golden Globes is one of them.
09:43 The whole award for -- to give an award to a blockbuster.
09:48 That is purposely because those movies frequently don't win awards.
09:53 They want the cachet.
09:55 They want the viewership.
09:57 And that's the same thing with Taylor Swift.
09:59 I didn't think that his joke to her was out of line.
10:02 I didn't.
10:03 She's out there.
10:04 And her sour face showed me that she wasn't part of the fun, the atmosphere of that show.
10:11 Robert De Niro was having a good time.
10:13 He was in the commentary and stuff.
10:16 You can't get any more respectable than Robert De Niro.
10:19 And I knew he probably wasn't going to win.
10:22 He knew he probably wasn't going to win.
10:24 You said you were really surprised.
10:25 I was surprised at our Forest of War for Killer, the actress for --
10:30 About Lily Gladstone?
10:31 Yeah.
10:32 I was kind of surprised next to everybody that was in there.
10:34 She's a newcomer, and she really did great in the movie.
10:39 And I told you I was not surprised by any of the winners.
10:41 And what I will tell you that you're going to see --
10:44 we're going to go through some of the winners when I compare and contrast them to our own Critic Society winners.
10:50 You're going to see that the pattern that's out there is that there is no pattern.
10:56 There's not going to be a movie like Everything Everywhere that sweeps awards.
11:00 It's going to be the actor from this movie, the director from that movie, the screenplay from that movie.
11:06 And you're going to see how similar the award winners last night were to our own Critic Society awards.
11:13 But Golden Globes usually doesn't tie to the Oscars at all.
11:16 No, I thought they used to.
11:17 They're always different.
11:18 I thought that was the whole thing.
11:19 If you won the Golden Globes, you got the Oscars.
11:21 They're always different.
11:22 And Golden Globes -- and I don't like this, and some critics groups do this.
11:27 We don't currently.
11:29 They offer so many different awards.
11:31 That's why Golden Globes has two best movies.
11:35 Do you know what I mean?
11:36 They do the musical and comedy.
11:38 They do a drama.
11:39 And then they do a best movie.
11:41 So they actually do three best movies.
11:44 It's a lot harder to just pick one.
11:46 It is.
11:47 Well, we're going to find out what the Phoenix Critic Group has decided.
11:51 Yeah, and I don't agree with anybody.
11:53 I'm the odd woman out.
11:54 None of my choices made anything, but I'm okay.
11:57 I stand by that.
11:58 All right. I like it.
11:59 All right. Thank you.
12:00 And we'll see you in just a little bit.
12:01 Coming up, see how you can help house some hogs in need when The Mix returns after this.
12:07 [music]
12:27 There's nothing better than helping animals have a great home.
12:31 And that's why I'm standing here with Danielle Betterman today to talk about Better Piggies Rescue.
12:37 So this is something that's so cool and unique.
12:39 Danielle, tell us a little bit about what you guys do.
12:41 Yeah, so Better Piggies Rescue is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
12:45 Our goal is to rescue, rehabilitate, and educate the public on pot-bellied pigs.
12:50 We also do adoptions as well.
12:51 Okay, so the coolest thing is that not a lot of people know that pigs are actually really intelligent, they're really smart, and they're great pets.
13:00 Yeah, wonderful pets.
13:01 They are so loving.
13:03 They bond so quickly to their person, to other animals.
13:06 Not for everybody, of course, but, you know, if you get them into the right home, it's a great fit.
13:12 Okay, and we have to talk about the star of the show here.
13:15 Yes.
13:16 This is Captain Hook.
13:17 Tell us a little bit about him.
13:18 So Captain Hook came to us.
13:19 He was a bait pig for fighting dogs.
13:22 So he was rescued by us, and he's just really living his best life at Better Piggies, loving his best friend, Barbara.
13:29 And he gets to hang out with over 178 pigs at the sanctuary.
13:34 That's so, so cool.
13:36 And yet, this is a very unique thing.
13:38 We were just talking about it, that, you know, helping any animals is obviously beautiful, but this is a unique thing that you guys are doing.
13:44 Not everybody is helping out with hogs and pigs.
13:48 Tell us where you find most of your animals.
13:50 So a lot of them come from neglect cases, abandonment, and abuse cases.
13:56 We are one of the biggest pot-bellied pig rescues in Arizona.
14:02 We share that with Ironwood Pig Sanctuary in Marana.
14:05 But we are a close-knit community of rescuers and sanctuaries.
14:10 And our goal, yeah, is to rescue and rehabilitate all these pigs that, you know, people are just dumping because they're too big or they don't get them spayed and neutered.
14:19 So that's where we come in and we take care of them.
14:21 Okay, I love this.
14:22 So tell me a little bit more about making the beautiful barn, because this is where they're all going to go to live.
14:28 They're going to live out their fabulous lives, like you were saying.
14:31 How is that going?
14:32 It's projected for March, yes?
14:34 Yeah, so we are fundraising right now.
14:36 We're going through March.
14:37 Our goal is to raise $15,000 to build a barn.
14:40 It's a great opportunity for us to get more pigs in, more pigs to rescue.
14:45 And then it's a place for them to recover from spays and neuters, you know, any sort of rescue attempts that come in.
14:52 We're able to kind of isolate them a little bit in there just to see how they're acting.
14:57 It's a great opportunity for us to kind of grow our rescue and rescue more pigs.
15:01 And that's the goal is to rescue more pigs.
15:04 Okay, so the goal is $20,000; is that correct?
15:07 $15,000, but we'll take $20,000, too.
15:09 Okay, perfect.
15:10 Yes, then the goal is $20,000.
15:12 Yeah, exactly.
15:13 How do people get involved?
15:14 How do they donate?
15:15 How do they volunteer?
15:16 All of that stuff.
15:17 So the best thing is to go to
15:19 We do tours every month.
15:21 We also need volunteers, so we do volunteer orientations.
15:24 And then if you want to donate to the barn or just to a pig like Captain Hook, you can go to the website and you can find out all the details on how to do that.
15:35 So you can pick a specific pig that you want to donate for.
15:37 Yeah, you can sponsor a pig.
15:39 Like, you can sponsor Captain Hook, and you sponsor him every month.
15:42 That's a donation that goes directly towards him.
15:44 Okay, so I noticed you were giving him some treats.
15:47 What is that?
15:48 What do pigs eat?
15:49 We got some dried mangoes right here.
15:51 Pigs eat a ton of potbelly pig food, hay, and then they love fruits and veggies.
15:56 That's their favorite.
15:57 So dried mangoes are the thing.
15:59 They love fruits and veggies.
16:00 Yes.
16:01 Oh, wow.
16:02 Okay, so they're actually healthy.
16:03 Could I feed him?
16:04 Of course.
16:05 Here you go.
16:06 So if I put this out, he'll just take it out of my hands?
16:07 Just give it to him right there, and he'll take a little bite.
16:09 Good job, Captain.
16:11 He's the best boy.
16:12 He is so sweet.
16:13 All right, so
16:16 Correct.
16:17 To learn more and to donate.
16:18 Yep.
16:19 And they can go to any of our socials.
16:21 It's @betterpiggies.
16:22 Great.
16:23 This is so cool.
16:24 Thank you for being here and being our star, Captain Hook.
16:26 All right, guys, stick around because we've got more of The Mix coming up after this.
16:30 [applause]
16:35 [music]
16:45 Men can easy to forget about things to keep track of when it comes to our health.
16:50 Well, Dave Nash from Summit Medical Center is here to talk about how they can step in
16:54 and help us stay on track, especially when it comes to men's issues.
16:59 One is low testosterone.
17:00 Yep.
17:01 Other one is, of course, performance in the bedroom that men do not talk about, but they
17:06 need to because it's something that is very important to their health.
17:10 And that's where you guys come in.
17:12 Well, it's changing.
17:14 We've been around since 2008, so it's 15 going 16 years now.
17:18 At that time, when we advertised, we couldn't even say the word "erectile dysfunction."
17:22 Yeah.
17:23 Things are changing now, but it's still something that people or guys don't want to talk about.
17:30 They think they're doing something wrong, but really, erectile dysfunction or premature
17:35 issues, those things are medical problems, no different than cancer or arthritis.
17:42 And if you have that, you're not embarrassed.
17:44 So really, I think guys, hopefully, will turn around.
17:47 They'll see a different mindset and then be able to search out help.
17:53 And we have it available for them.
17:55 You said something very important there, that it's not the guy's fault because it's just
17:59 a part of aging and it's a part of your diet, different things you're doing.
18:04 And that's where you guys come in to sit down and talk with them before you do anything.
18:08 You know, doing this 15 years, it's 16 years now, and seeing the hundreds of thousands
18:13 of guys that we've talked to and been able to help over the course of that time, it's
18:17 just surprising that the problem comes on at different times for different people at
18:22 different ages.
18:24 And it unfortunately comes on for some guys younger than others.
18:28 Some guys, bless them, they maybe never have the problem.
18:32 Generally, the number is half the guys over the age of 45 have some type of ED.
18:38 And that's not really--ED and low T are two different issues, two separate treatments.
18:43 But we do both at Summit Medical.
18:46 And they can kind of help each other.
18:48 At least the testosterone can help ED.
18:51 Yeah, and what's very important about that is getting it checked.
18:54 And that's what guys have to do because we talk about the grumpy old men.
18:58 And usually, it's because of low T scores.
19:00 I did not realize that.
19:01 And that is one reason why they say, "Sit down and talk with somebody."
19:04 I'm the hair guy for men guy.
19:06 I'm also a testosterone patient.
19:08 I've been on it for 11 years.
19:09 And before I got on it, it would be hard for me to get through the day.
19:13 And I was angry all the time.
19:15 And I think that was just because you're just trying to keep up with life and you can't do it.
19:20 And when I got on testosterone, I was so much more calm and so much under control and so
19:25 much easier to be around.
19:28 So for ladies out there, if your husband's becoming a little difficult, maybe have him come on in to Summit Medical
19:35 and have him test out the testosterone.
19:37 And maybe we can turn him around.
19:39 I love it because also, too, you mentioned how long you've been here in the Valley.
19:42 It's quite a bit.
19:43 But also what you like, too, is that you're not there to just sell them a one-time thing for money.
19:48 You're actually--I want to get you guys this.
19:50 That's why you guys are experienced, and your pricing is amazing here.
19:53 Yeah, absolutely.
19:54 I mean, when we came on in the market, there were a lot of companies that were trying to sell so much to a patient.
20:03 And if they didn't buy it, they wouldn't offer them anything.
20:06 And I'm like, listen, let's just offer people what they want at a very fair and reasonable price,
20:12 and they'll continue to come back.
20:14 We're helping them.
20:15 And we've been doing that since we opened.
20:17 We're going to continue to do that.
20:19 And with our experience, obviously our success rate is fantastic.
20:25 I like it.
20:26 Dave, I love talking because you're talking just like we are with just guys you need to talk about and everything.
20:29 And that's why they should stop in and tell them where they can find out more information.
20:33 We can go to or give us a call at 480-398-4000.
20:39 Go online.
20:40 Give us a call.
20:41 We can help you right away.
20:43 I like it.
20:44 There's a number of different things.
20:45 All right.
20:46 Also, we'll have information on
20:48 Stick around.
20:49 We have more Mix after this.
20:51 [Music]
21:04 This is the Arizona Daily Mix.
21:06 [Music]
21:15 And welcome back to the second half of the game we love playing.
21:17 It's called the Arizona Daily Mix.
21:19 So, still a go.
21:22 We're getting inside look at Paradise Valley City Lifestyle Magazine and Tequila Corrido.
21:29 That's right.
21:30 It's here to make a special cocktail for us.
21:32 Plus see how Arizona Painting Company is giving back to the community in a big way.
21:37 They're always doing great stuff in the community.
21:39 And I love hearing about it.
21:40 It's great.
21:41 It's awesome.
21:42 So, okay.
21:43 Award season has officially kicked off.
21:44 And while the Golden Globes gave out their awards last night.
21:47 The Phoenix Film Critics Society also gave out their awards.
21:50 And here to break it all down is Red Vine reviewer, Flipchick Vicky.
21:55 Yes.
21:56 Hello.
21:57 Hello.
21:58 I feel like I should have been a cute, like a drum roll or something.
22:01 Well, you know, and it's interesting because I was telling Brad,
22:04 I think that winners are going to be all over the place this year.
22:07 But a lot of our own society winners dovetail nicely with the Golden Globes.
22:12 Even though Golden Globes gives out a lot of different awards.
22:15 Yeah.
22:16 Yeah.
22:17 Okay.
22:18 So, first, very quickly, let's talk about the Phoenix Film Critics Society.
22:21 Yes.
22:22 Who are -- I mean, I know you touched upon it a little bit,
22:24 but is this like a group of just people that hang out and have coffee?
22:27 Or are they in the business?
22:29 Watch movies together.
22:30 And, you know.
22:31 Or car wash.
22:32 Yeah.
22:33 So, I think -- yeah.
22:34 And drink red wine and eat red wine.
22:36 You know what?
22:37 There are critics from all over.
22:38 They're on radio stations.
22:40 Bill Gutekunst is part of our group, you know, with the Republican Gazette.
22:45 So, we're from all over.
22:47 So, it's a lot of radio personalities, people like me.
22:51 I have a background in theater and movies.
22:54 I've actually worked on the only movie critic shows that have ever been in Phoenix,
23:00 with Bill Rose and Nick Salerno on PBS.
23:03 So, I didn't even realize that I've been working and doing things with movies since I was 18 years old.
23:09 Wow.
23:10 I didn't even really realize it.
23:11 But you're only 25 right now.
23:12 So, yeah.
23:13 So, only a couple years then.
23:14 But, you know, she's gained a lot of valuable experience.
23:16 I've watched a lot of movies.
23:18 Well, so, Vicki, tell us a little bit about how that kind of mirrors the Golden Globes
23:23 and kind of maybe some of the --
23:26 Well, you know what's interesting?
23:27 When you're a member of the Academy, directors vote for directors.
23:31 Best actors will vote for other actors and stuff like that.
23:35 But people who are critics and people, especially the critics associations around the country,
23:41 we vote on everything.
23:42 So, we get to see all the movies.
23:44 A lot of those people only get the opportunity to see movies that are in their category.
23:50 And one time I worked with somebody who was a voter with the Academy,
23:54 and when I was telling him about all this stuff, and he's like, "I didn't get that movie."
23:58 He only got like five movies.
23:59 Oh, wow.
24:00 And I will see 75 to 100 movies a year.
24:03 Wow.
24:04 That is a lot of films to watch.
24:06 Wow.
24:07 So, yeah.
24:08 And I will say I am the odd lady out this year, not only with my own group,
24:14 but from groups across the country.
24:16 And who knows, maybe even the Academy Awards,
24:19 because we don't even know who's getting nominated yet for Academy Awards.
24:22 Wow, yeah.
24:23 All right, let's get into this.
24:24 Okay, so, you know what?
24:25 The biggest movie out there this year was Barbie, and it's getting nominated a lot.
24:30 I have a feeling it's going to get locked out of most things.
24:33 The biggest shoe-in would be Ryan Gosling for Best Supporting Actor,
24:39 and Phoenix Film Critic Society did give him that.
24:42 We gave him Best Supporting Actor, even though last night in the Globes you saw Robert Downey Jr. get it.
24:48 And I really think that even in the Oscars it's going to come down to between those two guys.
24:54 You know how I pick a winner?
24:56 If I see two or three performances that are just killer performances, I can't decide.
25:01 Then I go, "What's the difficulty? What was the difficulty level of that role?"
25:06 If you have to sing and dance, that raises the difficulty.
25:10 If you have to do a whole scene in the nude, that raises the difficulty.
25:14 And to me, that kind of can be a tie-breaker when I can't decide,
25:19 because there are many times that those performances or movies are just so good.
25:23 How do you decide? And these are how I decide,
25:26 because sometimes you just have to make a decision whether you want to or not.
25:30 Coming in, though, for Best Supporting Actress,
25:33 everybody is going for Divine Joy Randolph,
25:36 which I remember when I told you for the holdovers I would give her an Oscar for the name alone,
25:41 because I thought the name was fabulous.
25:43 Well, I agreed with this as well, and she got it.
25:49 To me, her biggest competition is Danielle Brooks from Color Purple.
25:53 And why? Because not only is that an excellent performance,
25:56 it's a degree of difficulty. She had to sing and dance.
25:59 And I was actually for Divine Joy Randolph and torn between her and Jodie Foster.
26:05 And then I saw Danielle Brooks and I went with her, but I'm the odd woman out.
26:10 And next up, Best Actor, Killian Murphy is killing it everywhere.
26:15 He is.
26:16 He got it for us for Best Actor for Oppenheimer.
26:20 He got it for the Globes for Best Actor for a drama, for a comedy.
26:24 They gave it to Paul Giamatti for the holdovers.
26:26 You're going to see that the holdovers is the little movie that maybe can.
26:30 It really is.
26:31 Because really, in the end, it's coming down to the Killers of the Flower Moon and Oppenheimer for all the major awards.
26:37 I really believe that.
26:38 For Best Actress, we gave it to our own Emma Stone for Poor Things.
26:44 Last night, you saw that Lily Gladstone got it for Killers of the Flower Moon.
26:49 My feeling is that Killers of the Flower Moon, Lily Gladstone, she's phenomenal.
26:53 But I didn't feel that was a Best Actress role.
26:56 I thought that was more of a Supporting Actress role, but they're promoting her as Best Actress.
27:01 So in the end, I think it's going to come down between Emma and Lily for the Oscars.
27:07 And like you were saying, that has a level of difficulty.
27:09 She did do an entire scene in the nude.
27:11 She does the whole movie practically in the nude.
27:13 But you know what?
27:14 My pick was actually Annette Bening because not only is it a killer performance, she had to do the swimming and do a lot of--
27:20 She had to be in great physical shape for that, definitely.
27:22 And she gives a phenomenal performance.
27:24 But that was my pick because I'm the odd woman out.
27:27 But for Best Movie, we picked Killers of the Flower Moon.
27:30 Okay.
27:31 Even though last night it was for Oppenheimer.
27:33 Like I said, those are the movies that are going to battle it out.
27:37 Watch. You'll see.
27:38 All right. I'm super excited to see.
27:40 I can't wait to see what happens there with your picks.
27:42 Yeah. Great.
27:43 Vicki, thanks for stopping by. We'll see you-- Will we see you this Friday? We got movies?
27:45 Yes. We're going to have Mean Girls this Friday.
27:49 All right. There you go.
27:50 You can sit with us, though.
27:51 [laughter]
27:52 Coming up, find out how Arizona Painting Company is giving back and how you can get a great deal if you're looking to paint your house.
27:59 [music]
28:18 It's the new year, and if your home needs a refresh, a new coat of paint might be the perfect way to reinvigorate your space.
28:25 I'm here with Doug Karras from AZ Painting Co. to learn more about their January specials.
28:29 Welcome.
28:30 Yeah. Thank you for having me on. I appreciate it.
28:32 So, we love talking with you.
28:34 Tell us a little bit about Arizona Painting Company for those who might not know.
28:38 We've had you on a ton, so I feel like I know you really well.
28:41 But maybe there are people out there who don't know.
28:43 So, give us the back story.
28:44 Yeah. So, we're a residential and commercial painting company.
28:46 We specialize in repaints.
28:48 We also do cabinets.
28:50 We do epoxy floor coatings, window washing.
28:53 But, yeah, we do a lot of residential homes every single week.
28:56 You guys do really do it all.
28:58 We do.
28:59 Which is great.
29:00 And we were just talking about how this is such a prime time to get some of this stuff done on your home.
29:08 Why is that?
29:09 Yeah. This time of the year, yes, it's a little bit chilly still right now, but it's about to warm up.
29:14 And as we get closer to March and April, we get slammed.
29:17 It's the busiest time of the year for painting in Phoenix.
29:20 So, yeah, we recommend, like, call us now because you may have to wait sometimes a month, six weeks, eight weeks, even, as you get closer to April and May.
29:28 And if you're waiting that long, you're kind of pushing it into the hot season, which is, yes, you can do it, but it's maybe not the ideal time to get your house painted.
29:38 Is that correct?
29:39 Yeah, for sure.
29:40 Yeah, this is just, like I said, a great time of the year.
29:42 You know, February through May, temperatures are usually between 70 and 90 degrees.
29:47 It's just a great time of the year, and we can paint long days, so get your job done even faster, too.
29:52 There you go.
29:53 And you guys have an awesome special for January because we want to get those people in now.
29:58 24%?
30:00 Yes, for 2024, for the month of January, it's our best deal of the year.
30:04 And, again, that's why, you know, call us now to get an estimate to make sure you can help take care of this or take advantage of this discount.
30:12 And it's a great discount, and you guys really are set apart from other companies in the Valley.
30:20 Tell us why that is.
30:21 Yeah, so some of the things that we guaranteed our customers, you know, we show up when we promise with a smile on our face.
30:27 So if you ever had a contractor that's been to your house, you can tell maybe they didn't want to be there.
30:31 It's not really a fun experience, so we want to start off any project like that.
30:35 And then while we're working on your project, we're going to give you daily project updates.
30:38 So we're going to let you know every day what's going on with your project to make sure you're in the loop, you feel communicated with.
30:44 And then when we get finished, we're going to do a final inspection to make sure everything we did looks great.
30:49 And if there's any touch-ups, anything you notice, we take care of it right there.
30:52 That is ideal right there that you know, A, you have someone who wants to be there, who's going to do a great job, and is going to check in with you before they leave.
31:00 Something so cool that you guys do is you give away a paint job.
31:04 So tell us about the winner from December.
31:06 Yeah, so every month we pick and we choose a free paint job winner.
31:10 And yeah, this was a customer out in Mesa that we surprised and painted their house for free.
31:16 And man, just the phone call to that customer to let them know they were just, they had had some bad luck and some things that had been going on in their life that were just not great.
31:25 And for them to get that call, it was awesome.
31:28 And you know, we just showed the before and after.
31:31 Man, that is a huge transformation.
31:33 It looks like a different home.
31:36 It goes, that just upgraded it like $100,000.
31:39 That looks incredible.
31:41 You guys do so much for the community.
31:43 I also want to touch on the fact that you did something really cool with Make-A-Wish recently too.
31:47 Tell us a little bit about that.
31:48 Yeah, we did.
31:49 So Make-A-Wish reached out to us.
31:51 They had a kid, his name's Alexander, that wanted a galaxy-themed bedroom.
31:57 So they reached out to us and asked, "Hey, is there anything we could do to maybe help partner with them?"
32:03 And we said, "Yeah, we'll take care of it. We'll volunteer the time."
32:06 Our guys love showing up, being able to do that.
32:08 One of our project managers that did kind of the galaxy wall in his room, so talented.
32:15 I mean, just amazing how great it came out.
32:17 Wow. Oh, we're looking at the picture right now.
32:19 That looks so cool.
32:20 I'm sure that just made his year.
32:23 That is really, really cool.
32:25 And I've met several of the people who work with you, and they all truly have an amazing attitude.
32:31 They are excited to be there, and they just love working with you guys.
32:34 So definitely to learn more and to book, go check you guys out at, is it
32:39 Yes, yeah,
32:41 I love it. All right, thank you so much, Doug, for being here.
32:44 Hey, stick around, guys, because we've got more of The Mix coming up after this.
32:46 [Music]
32:57 Good morning, Valerie.
32:59 It is a new year, and people are going to want to have a new them, as we say.
33:04 And so let's get started talking about, of course, new you, celebrity resolutions that people are coming into.
33:12 What do we got?
33:13 Good morning, Brad.
33:14 Yes, so anytime I speak to A-listers, I'm talking Ryan Seacrest, Priyanka Chopra, Mark Wahlberg,
33:20 they all want to spend time with their families.
33:23 They want to stay physically fit.
33:24 They want to give self-care to themselves.
33:26 But that takes time.
33:28 And you know what?
33:29 We have got to set it aside for ourselves, because there's nothing more important.
33:32 Because if you take care of yourself, then you can take care of the ones that you love, and they agree with that.
33:37 Yeah, and that's so important.
33:38 I think people have to realize, again, take a few minutes.
33:41 It's okay.
33:42 Do a relaxation.
33:43 Do a meditation.
33:44 Do something like that that will help out a lot.
33:47 But the big thing for 2024 people want to do, and that is, of course, take care of their, of course, financial fitness.
33:55 Let's do it.
33:57 So start by taking steps to improve your credit scores.
34:01 The Experian Smart Money digital checking account can help consumers build credit without debt.
34:08 The digital checking account embeds the first-of-its-kind feature called Experian Boost.
34:12 So now it will be even more convenient for consumers to use the feature and help them improve their credit profile.
34:20 The digital checking account is built for consumers looking for a streamlined financial experience to not only help bolster their credit strength, but also their overall financial health.
34:31 There it is.
34:32 And you know, it's so funny.
34:33 We were talking about checkbooks, and people used to balance checkbooks.
34:36 And now with this, they don't have to worry about that.
34:38 They can balance it as they go along shopping.
34:40 So I love that.
34:41 Absolutely.
34:42 Okay, let's talk about, of course, celebrating the new year by toasting it.
34:47 What do you have?
34:48 Yes, so many of us are doing dry January.
34:50 I know I am.
34:51 And look no further than Stella Rosa Naturals.
34:54 So this is real wine without the alcohol made from real fruit extracts.
34:59 And you're going to have great varieties that are so delicious, you are literally -- this is going to become your go-to beverage and be on your bar cart.
35:05 I'm talking bruchetto, moscato, and barbara in terms of grape varieties.
35:09 Now, it's low-calorie wine without the alcohol, as I mentioned, but you can serve it chilled or over ice,
35:16 so you can really stay in the social scene and in the mix with your friends,
35:19 whether you're practicing a healthy lifestyle, being sober, curious, or just don't feel like drinking.
35:24 This is a great way to still feel included in terms of the social scene.
35:28 All right.
35:29 I like that.
35:30 That's very smart.
35:31 Yeah, because sometimes we just want to have a glass on hand, you know.
35:33 Yep, just to look good.
35:35 Well, these bottles look good and taste good.
35:37 I love it.
35:38 Speaking of looking good, how about people who are wanting to make their appearances look better during the new year?
35:43 Yeah, so we all want to be able to smile back with what we see, right?
35:46 So Spark Clear Aligners are actually better because they are going to be more clear, more comfortable, and stain less than the leading aligner brand.
35:57 In fact, 100% of aligner patients actually recommended them to a friend.
36:01 So if you want that Hollywood smile, this is the way to get it.
36:04 They're also doctor directed, which is really crucial for lasting, reliable results.
36:08 So creating that beautiful smile is a great way to start a new you in the new year.
36:13 Now, to learn more about Spark Aligners or to find a provider near you, visit
36:19 All right.
36:20 I have to check into that because I'm going to do a lot of smiling throughout the 2021 year.
36:24 That's right you are.
36:25 Yeah, and speaking of that, do you have any other New Year's recommendations for us to enjoy the new year?
36:29 Absolutely.
36:30 So now is the time to travel.
36:32 Pack up the car, go on that road trip, and Wyndham Hotels and Resorts is literally a godsend when you are talking about where to stay.
36:40 Because they have 24 brands and thousands of hotels, trusted names like Ramada, La Quinta, Days Inn, and Super 8.
36:47 You're also going to get thoughtful amenities that are so important like free Wi-Fi because we all want to stay connected, breakfast, and they have this great Wyndham Rewards program.
36:55 And right now, best of all, they're running a fantastic deal where you can earn three times the points.
37:01 So check out all the details at
37:04 I like that and I hope I don't get in trouble for this, Valerie, but I know that Wyndham Hotels have been really stepping it up and doing better than some of those five and six star hotels.
37:14 I don't know why I'm saying anything, but...
37:15 They're literally amazing.
37:16 You can rest your head assured when you stay at a Wyndham.
37:19 They always take great care.
37:20 I like it.
37:21 Okay, as we wrap up here, you know what's kind of interesting?
37:23 We were talking about resolutions, but now they're saying really take care of your outs and your ins for 2024.
37:28 Am I right?
37:29 Yeah, I'm all about just going easy on myself because it's so important that we remember that if we take a step backwards by mistake, the only way to move forward is to forgive and put that next step in front.
37:42 I like that.
37:43 And, Valerie, where can we find all the information about what we talked about?
37:46 Yes, please visit for all of this info.
37:50 All right, Valerie, thanks for joining us and Happy New Year.
37:53 My pleasure.
37:54 Happy New Year to you, too.
37:56 [Music]
38:05 Oh, my goodness.
38:06 Hey, our friend of the show, Nadine, is here making her monthly appearance, giving us a scoop on what's inside the latest issue of the Paradise Valley City Lifestyle magazine.
38:16 And then she's also going to chat about the January's health and wellness issue that she has for us.
38:20 And there's some other little surprises.
38:22 A lot of little surprises.
38:23 I have to say this, Nadine, I am so proud of you because sometimes when people take over a magazine, they pretty much sleep on it for maybe four or five months.
38:33 No, as soon as you took over, you've knocked it out of the park.
38:35 Well, thank you.
38:36 Already with the first issue that you got control of, now the second issue, you are definitely killing it.
38:42 Well, speaking of sleep, I'm not doing that.
38:44 But we have Dierks Bentley on the cover for January.
38:48 He is heading to the Bird's Nest for the Phoenix Open.
38:52 And so he gave us the scoop on growing up in Arizona, and he couldn't be here today.
38:57 But he got something for us, a video.
38:59 He did send us something special.
39:00 Let's take a look.
39:01 Hey, y'all.
39:02 Dierks Bentley here, and I am so excited to be on the cover of Paradise Valley City Lifestyle magazine.
39:08 What an honor.
39:09 So cool.
39:10 Thank you to my friends there.
39:11 Looking forward to seeing you guys at the Bird's Nest here pretty soon in February.
39:14 I hope you enjoy the article inside the magazine.
39:17 Thank you.
39:18 Oh, my gosh.
39:19 Isn't that so fun?
39:20 Isn't that so fun?
39:21 Is he a great guy, as he always is?
39:22 He is a great guy.
39:23 I've met him a couple of times, but not like how you've been interviewing him.
39:25 Oh, we text.
39:26 But here's the best story.
39:27 He's a great guy.
39:28 You want to know why?
39:29 He comes from a great mother.
39:30 Oh.
39:31 A few days ago, I get a call at night, and there's this beautiful woman on the other line.
39:35 And she goes, "My son is on the cover of your magazine, and I need extra copies for his scrapbook."
39:41 Oh, my gosh.
39:42 So I said to Kathy, I'm like, "Well, text me your address, and I'll drop them off."
39:46 She goes, "I have a flip phone."
39:47 I said, "Hasn't Dirk bought you an iPhone by now?"
39:50 She goes, "No, I prefer a flip phone."
39:52 I drop off a bunch of copies for his scrapbook, which she maintains.
39:56 Yes, because mom lives -- they live here.
39:58 Yes.
39:59 And she dropped off a whole stack of his CDs at my front door the next day.
40:03 Oh, my gosh.
40:04 So I'm now the proud owner of a CD player.
40:06 Yes.
40:07 And that's all we've been listening to at home.
40:10 That's awesome.
40:11 You've got to read this issue, because it's so great to talk to a guy who grew up here
40:16 and see how successful he's become.
40:18 And how he's giving back here a lot, too.
40:20 And how he's giving back.
40:21 And the Global Ambassador, he's part of that as well.
40:22 I love it.
40:23 Okay, we also mentioned that this is the health and wellness issue that you have going on.
40:26 And we talk about, of course, a dry January, but --
40:29 Some people don't do dry.
40:31 No, they don't.
40:32 But you can still do healthy.
40:33 In fact, in our January issue, we hooked up with our friends and partners, Tequila Corrido,
40:39 to talk about health-conscious cocktails.
40:41 I like it.
40:42 And to skip the skinny marg, we have our friend --
40:44 Yes?
40:45 Did I hear the word tequila?
40:46 Tequila, we did.
40:47 Okay.
40:48 And look who's here.
40:49 Hello.
40:50 Olivia is with us.
40:51 Good morning.
40:52 How are you, Olivia?
40:53 Nothing says a Monday morning in January like a little bit of tequila talk.
40:54 Like a drink.
40:55 Am I right?
40:56 Exactly, like a cocktail.
40:57 Okay, so you don't always, of course, put together healthy cocktails.
41:00 But what we're doing is adding a lot of powerful, good things for you in some of these cocktail
41:06 recipes.
41:07 Okay.
41:08 Jalapeno, tomato water, beets, limes, lots of citrus.
41:11 So, you know, you can make it special.
41:12 You can make it fancy.
41:13 And I'm going to make some cocktail for you.
41:14 What do you say?
41:15 All right, let's do it.
41:16 I know that you're for it.
41:17 I know, Olivia, all the tequila is additive-free.
41:20 It's healthy tequila.
41:22 It is as clean as you're going to get in any premium liquor.
41:26 It is additive-free.
41:27 It is beautifully made.
41:28 And, you know, we've got the Añejo, the Reposado, and the Blanco.
41:32 And a new one.
41:33 And a new one, yes.
41:34 Okay, so first of all -- What are you putting first?
41:36 First of all, I'm going to put in a couple of ounces here of our Blanco tequila.
41:40 Oh, wow.
41:41 Wow.
41:42 I just -- You know, I should be using this.
41:44 No, that's okay.
41:45 I'm going to put that over here.
41:46 Okay.
41:47 I'm going to use a little bit of passion fruit.
41:49 We've got the actual measurements in the magazine.
41:51 Yeah.
41:52 We shared several recipes with you.
41:53 Passion fruit syrup.
41:54 We've got lime juice.
41:56 Nice.
41:57 So nice and refreshing.
41:58 And then we've got -- Here is an extra healthy part for you.
42:00 Okay.
42:01 We've got a syrup that is made with turmeric and ginger.
42:03 So we've got some antioxidants going for you, right?
42:06 I like that.
42:07 So here we go.
42:08 We're going to see if I can show the skills I've been picking up.
42:13 Uh-oh, where's my cap?
42:14 Where's the cap?
42:15 I know we have the cap.
42:16 Uh-oh, we have it somewhere, but I'll do this.
42:17 We have it somewhere, but do this.
42:18 All right, there we go.
42:19 We're improvising.
42:20 Okay.
42:21 Oh, got a little bit of spill.
42:22 That's okay.
42:23 That's all right.
42:24 I'm not a professional.
42:25 I'm just playing one on TV at the moment.
42:26 And here we go.
42:27 We're going to finish it off with a little beautiful orchid.
42:29 And, you know, it's refreshing, it's golden, it's gorgeous.
42:33 And you can pretend like you're doing something a little bit healthy for yourself.
42:36 A Sunday morning cocktail never looked so good.
42:38 Here you go, Brad.
42:39 And I know that you have been eyeing that box over there, haven't you?
42:42 I have been.
42:43 Yes, I have been.
42:44 The new Overproof.
42:45 It is very in demand.
42:46 It's the hottest product on the market.
42:47 I like it.
42:48 All right, where can people find more information about, of course, the tequila?
42:49 The website is
42:50 And guess what?
42:51 We're right there on that back cover here of PVCity Lifestyle.
42:52 So every single back cover, you will see them on the back.
42:53 Yay!
42:54 On the back cover.
42:55 And then, of course, the magazine.
42:56 Where can we find it?
42:57 Yeah, Paradise Valley City Lifestyle on Instagram.
42:58 And also a podcast launching this week.
42:59 So it's Tequila Talking.
43:00 Subscribe.
43:01 Lots going on.
43:02 Cheers to you.
43:03 All right.
43:04 Come on back.
43:05 Find out what's going on tomorrow on our show.
43:06 Nice.
43:07 All right.
43:08 I'm glad you chose Arizona Day of the Mix to put a smile on your face.
43:09 Tomorrow on the show, we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:10 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:11 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:12 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:13 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:14 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:15 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:16 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:17 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:18 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:39 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
43:59 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
44:06 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
44:13 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
44:19 And we're going to be talking about the new Overproof.
44:25 (upbeat music)
