Filippo Terracciano: la conferenza stampa di presentazione

  • 8 months ago
00:00 Good morning everyone, welcome to the press conference of Filippo Terracciano.
00:05 Before giving the floor to Milan TV, Filippo wanted to say something.
00:09 First of all, good morning everyone.
00:12 Before I start, I wanted to thank Verona, the city and the team,
00:20 all my teammates, both the youth, the Primavera and the first team.
00:26 I wanted to thank all the coaches I had,
00:30 each one helped me grow in his own way.
00:34 In particular, I want to thank coach Juric,
00:37 he was the first to believe in me.
00:40 I think he was the person who made me understand
00:43 the importance of hard work and dedication.
00:47 I will thank him forever.
00:49 Now we give the floor to Mauro Suma.
00:52 Thank you Laura, good morning and welcome Filippo.
00:56 You are still 21 years old, but you have already played 41 Serie A matches.
01:02 Do you think that this experience you have accumulated so far
01:06 will be useful for you forever, as you mentioned a little while ago
01:10 in your introduction and throughout your career and in your years at Milan?
01:15 Yes, I am young and I am accumulating experience game after game.
01:21 I am in a phase where I learn a lot from every training session and every match.
01:27 I am slowly starting to gain experience with time and playing matches.
01:34 Filippo, in the images broadcast by Milan,
01:37 I saw you watching the videos of our history at the museum,
01:40 rightly focused and immersed in the glory of the images.
01:45 I imagine everything was very fast for you.
01:48 Verona, you remember, Casa Milan, the club, the club headquarters, Milanello.
01:54 Despite all this speed, you entered the pitch in a difficult phase of the game against Atalanta.
01:59 We were under one goal, but you entered the pitch in an orderly fashion
02:03 to do the things that were necessary for the team.
02:06 In the end, you did everything in an orderly and precise way.
02:10 Everything was very fast, did you notice that too?
02:12 Yes, at the beginning the emotions were strong.
02:16 But when I was called up for the game, I immediately forgot everything
02:21 and I focused on what I had to do.
02:24 I was not separated from any emotion.
02:31 I was bright for the task I had to do to help the team.
02:37 Sky.
02:38 Filippo, it was a pleasure.
02:41 Thank you.
02:42 You are welcome.
02:43 I want to ask you two questions.
02:44 The first one is about the impact on the pitch.
02:47 I want to ask you about the emotional impact.
02:49 When you heard about Milan, how did it go?
02:51 Maybe some behind the scenes, some anecdotes.
02:53 And then, how were your first steps here?
02:56 Going from Verona to Milan is a few kilometers, but it probably changes a lot, almost everything.
03:02 Yes, it changes a lot.
03:03 You can feel it in everything, in every person you come in contact with.
03:08 From Casa Milan, from the trophy room.
03:11 Obviously, it's a club that I can't say how big it is.
03:16 So, yes, as I said, the emotions of the first few days were very positive.
03:24 I was welcomed in an incredible way, both by the players and by the staff.
03:31 And then, yes, as I said, when I go on the pitch, I forget everything, I detach myself
03:39 and I think about what I have to do to do my best, the best I can and contribute to the team.
03:46 My second question is about the reference.
03:48 It's always said, if I'm not mistaken, Pioli or maybe Moncada said it too.
03:53 You're a jolly.
03:54 You can play as a right-back, left-back, you can also play as a midfielder, as a wing-back, as a midfielder.
04:00 If you tell us, above all, what you feel more in your strings,
04:05 what comes to mind as a player in Milan's history, not as a comparison,
04:10 but in general, that you have idolized over the years?
04:15 I understand.
04:16 Yes, so, the role, to be honest, I never gave much importance to the role I was assigned
04:24 because it's not my job, let's say.
04:27 I just have to do my best in the position where the coach puts me.
04:34 So, it's not something I control.
04:38 So, I simply called upon myself to play that role and I try to do it as best I can.
04:48 It worked out quickly.
04:51 If you talk to me about some players in Milan who I have idolized, I have to say Paolo Maldini.
05:01 Maldini and Iniesta were two players I always watched on YouTube, their defensive side.
05:09 So, I can tell you these two names here.
05:12 Daniele Lungo,
05:15 Good morning, Filippo. First of all, congratulations.
05:17 You joined a historic club, you said you talked about Iniesta, Maldini.
05:23 I want to ask you about your first impressions, feelings of living in Milan, of living in this club,
05:28 and above all, of living a strong personality, maybe a bit of an idol, even if it was a different role.
05:35 You started at Ibrahimovic, you said something, and then, if I may, another small question.
05:40 You were very ambitious on the pitch, many clubs were interested in you,
05:44 this means that the path you are taking is good.
05:47 Why did you push so much for Milan, compared to other proposals you had? Thank you.
05:52 I'll answer the last question. I saw that Milan is the right environment for me,
06:00 the best environment for me to grow, for the staff, for the infrastructure,
06:05 for the personality I come into contact with, with strong characters,
06:10 like Zlatan, like Ibrahimovic.
06:14 I think I absorb more information and I grow more,
06:21 both in terms of football and in terms of human relationships,
06:24 coming into contact with these great personalities.
06:28 So, very positive feelings.
06:30 Sport Italia, please.
06:32 Hi Filippo.
06:33 BocaLupo, in your speech, with love and thanks to Verona,
06:38 we remember the photo Verona published when you were a kid, with the yellow-blue colours.
06:44 Another photo is circulating, with your name, with your dad with the earrings and the stickers.
06:49 What effect did it have on you?
06:51 In the chat you had with the coach, there was a paternal pack,
06:56 thinking about that photo, but what about the photo of the future?
06:59 With Terraciano, the black and blue, the colours you wanted.
07:02 Yes, I came to know that my dad played with the coach, with Fiorenzuola.
07:09 I made two jokes, with the coach and with my dad.
07:15 So, yes, I was pleased to know about this past.
07:21 The photo, because I went to Verona when I was a kid, I spent my whole life there.
07:27 Now we see the new future, day after day.
07:34 Let's go to
07:37 Hi Filippo, first of all, welcome to Milan.
07:41 You spoke about Juric and all your coaches who have given you a lot.
07:46 I ask you, what can Stefano Pioli give you?
07:50 The coach can give me a lot.
07:53 I've been learning a lot since the first training sessions.
07:58 So, both on a football and a human level, I'm sure I'll have a big growth.
08:09 I can't wait to face this growth.
08:14 Please.
08:16 Hi Filippo, welcome to Milan.
08:19 Against Atalanta, we saw you two goals against Leao, you also played against Hernandez.
08:26 Milan is a young team, but they have many leaders like Giroud.
08:30 What can you give to your career?
08:32 You've trained with a team that has won and wants to win, and with a healthy group.
08:37 Yes, as you said, it's a fantastic group.
08:41 The veterans welcomed me well.
08:45 Training with champions like Leao, Giroud and Theo will give me a lot.
08:53 Now I have to get in the coach's plans as quickly as possible.
09:02 I have to get to know my teammates, both on a football and a human level.
09:06 I have to have a better understanding of the pitch, with Rafa, Theo and whoever I have to exchange the ball with.
09:16 Hi, welcome.
09:18 You've said that you've never played a role that gave you importance.
09:23 But we saw you in a new position, we've never seen you on the left.
09:29 How did you find yourself?
09:31 And a question about the number of shirts.
09:34 Why did you choose this position?
09:36 As I said, I've never played a role that gave me importance.
09:50 I don't think about it.
09:53 I just give my best when I'm called up.
09:59 As for the number of shirts, Simon was in charge of 24 shirts.
10:05 So I couldn't choose that.
10:08 I chose the number 38 because I shared my career with Udo Udoge, who is from Tottenham.
10:21 So I made this choice for him.
10:28 Last question.
10:30 Hi Filippo, welcome to Bocca al Lupo.
10:33 A question.
10:35 What kind of environment did you find here in Milan?
10:39 How did it welcome you?
10:41 And if you've already bonded with anyone in particular.
10:45 Thanks again.
10:47 As I said, I found a fantastic environment.
10:51 With the players and the staff.
10:55 I felt very positive in every way.
11:02 So I know that if I need anything, there are people willing to help me.
11:11 I was very happy to find this environment.
11:17 That's why I chose to come here.
11:21 Thanks Filippo.
11:23 (speaking in foreign language)
