PTI Ke Wukla Kahan Ghalti Kar Rahay Hain? ? Court Reporter Raja Mohsin Gives Inside News.

  • 9 months ago
PTI Ke Wukla Kahan Ghalti Kar Rahay Hain? ? Court Reporter Raja Mohsin Gives Inside News.
00:00 Raja Mohsin, I am talking specifically about the preparation of PTI's Bhookla case
00:05 because this is the most important case of his political development.
00:08 Is the argument that he is building, is the preparation that is being done, is it appropriate?
00:14 Today we were seeing that Hamid Khan was taking time for Monday.
00:17 Was this his strategy to hang the case, to put it in a mess?
00:21 Then the Chief Justice said that he will suspend the order.
00:24 So then he started giving arguments at that time.
00:27 The Monday issue, it seems like it was a strategy.
00:31 Because when the relief PTI got, their attempt was to somehow move the case forward for a couple of days.
00:37 But as far as the preparation is concerned, I have seen that a lot of people express reservations.
00:42 First, this thing was not in front of us.
00:44 But since the video link has started in the Supreme Court of Pakistan,
00:47 now I can say without a doubt that a lawyer has made a very good argument.
00:51 The whole world would have seen it.
00:53 I was commenting on the attitude of the Chief Justice of Pakistan.
00:57 Whatever his attitude is, but the preparation of Bhookla is not up to the mark.
01:03 See, the questions are being asked, whatever the Chief Justice is doing, the questions are being asked.
01:08 So you had the level playing field case.
01:11 I think there should be a lot of things in that PTI's Bhookla to say, to speak.
01:17 But I am surprised that even in the level playing field case, we see them as unanswered.
01:23 What is the reason? What are the reasons?
01:25 See, the reasons for that are that when your focus is more on the media,
01:31 you are looking at the screen, the focus is on TikTok, YouTube, then there are such things.
01:38 Today I also came out of the Supreme Court.
01:40 There are a lot of Bhookla who are just sitting there, they are not arguing any case.
01:45 When they come out, I see that 50-60 people with small collar mics,
01:51 they are behind them with their mobile phones.
01:53 So it seems like they have done everything inside, but this does not happen inside.
01:57 On video link, you see that the whole matter comes in front of everyone that
02:02 the bench asked this question and they did not have an answer.
02:06 The question can be difficult, the style can be sharp, but you should have an answer.
02:12 But today, the PTI has not started the argument on merits, they will do it tomorrow.
02:17 And Barrister Ali Zafar is a great lawyer.
02:20 The good Bhookla that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Naughtar Sahib has,
02:23 one is Barrister Salman Safdar, and Barrister Ali Zafar is a very good lawyer.
02:27 Salman Akram Raja is a great lawyer.
02:29 Similarly, the rest of the youngsters, the young Bhookla are working hard.
02:33 But some people are such that when the impression arose that
02:38 Pakistan Tehreek-e-Naughtar Sahib had to give tickets to Bhookla,
02:42 then we saw that they were behind the screen.
02:46 You see, you will see Barrister Salman Safdar very little on the screen.
02:49 He is seen very little in interviews.
02:50 In TV programs, Barrister Salman Safdar will be seen very little.
02:53 But you see in the last case, he has got the bail of the former chairman of PTI in Saifarwala.
02:59 So if you listen to his arguments in that, you will say that he makes very strong arguments.
03:04 Similarly, if you listen to Barrister Ali Zafar, you will say that someone has really argued the case.
03:10 So, this is a little preparation for Bhookla, these are the reservations, this is 100% right.
03:16 No, he is also busy in some of his tickets, that now the PTI tickets have been announced,
03:20 who has to accommodate where, how.
03:22 See, a lot has been adjusted in the Home Assembly, now the focus of many is the Subahi Assembly.
03:27 So this is absolutely right.
03:29 And then unfortunately, if I talk about this Jamaat, then they do not have such good Bhookla,
03:34 they do not have a signature at the moment.
03:36 We can count on the fingertips, Latif Khosla is the advocate, Barrister Salman Safdar,
03:40 Salman Raja and Ali Zafar, then Khalid Yusuf Chaudhry.
03:44 Now these youngsters, they work very hard, definitely this documentation,
03:47 preparing all these things, reaching to 10 places, there is one more factor.
03:52 See, when your case is going on in Lahore High Court at the same time,
03:55 you have to be present in the jail trial at the same time,
03:58 you have to be present in the High Court at the same time,
04:00 at the same time you have to be present in the Supreme Court,
04:02 in different benches, because Supreme Court means 5 benches at a time.
04:05 It is possible that your case is with the party leader, or your own case.
04:09 So these issues are there, you get less chance to prepare,
04:12 then not every lawyer can reach at every place, so there are many factors.
04:16 The debate that has taken place today, the arguments that have taken place today,
04:20 it seems that the merits of this case, the technicalities,
04:24 how the election took place, the debate is going in this direction.
04:27 Which direction do you think this matter is going?
04:30 See, today we saw that Chief Justice Qazi Faisal was also talking more on facts.
04:36 Usually in Supreme Court, the law, the constitution is discussed,
04:40 that in the constitution, democracy is the main feature of your constitution,
04:45 and for that a political party, a popular party, should it have a symbol of alert,
04:50 should it have a knockout on technical grounds, this is the matter.
04:53 But he went, the Chief Justice Qazi Faisal was seeing,
04:56 he was seeing that the discrepancies in the intra-party election,
05:00 that was being pointed out by the lawyers of the Election Commission,
05:04 and they were noting them.
05:06 Now, in the intra-party election, the lacuna's have come,
05:09 and the lawyers of PTI themselves, they have one thing,
05:12 that whatever be the intra-party election, the Election Commission cannot go into that matter,
05:16 the Election Commission does not have the authority.
05:18 Now, the intra-party election, this was the burden of the lawyers,
05:23 when they were getting the intra-party election done,
05:25 they had to keep all the paperwork correct,
05:29 they have a lot of discrepancies in that,
05:31 but still, the burden is on Chief Justice Qazi Faisal,
05:35 what is the ultimate perception, when a popular party will not get its symbol,
05:40 then the question will be on Chief Justice, not the lawyers.
05:44 So, I think the real test is on Chief Justice Qazi Faisal and the bank.
05:48 Thank you both, I will have to move to the next segment.
05:51 We have received a lot of interesting insights from Hasnath and Raja Mohsin,
05:54 regarding the preparation of Bukla, and what are their views on the arguments that will be made tomorrow.
