Celtics Better Off w/ Mazzulla Over Udoka? w/ Brian Barrett Celtics Beat

  • 9 months ago
Brian Barrett hosts "Off the Pike" on The Ringer Podcast Network. Brian joins the program to chat about the Boston Celtics win over the Houston Rockets, whether Joe or Ime is the better coach for this team, and whether the C's home record can remain undefeated with some big games coming up. Twitter: @itsbrianbarrett

2:38 Blowing out the Rockets felt good, admit it

12:38 Celtics have had excellent coaches for 15+ years

17:31 Mazzulla clearly more comfortable this year

39:54 Boston dominant home record will be put to test

53:50 Hayward back to C’s?


00:00 I think we've been spoiled like since Brad like Brad kind of got boring and now we had
00:04 Imei who was incredibly entertaining you never knew what he was going to say he doesn't hold back
00:09 whatsoever like that was his whole personality too right like if you go back to that Celtics team he
00:14 was like the toughest guy on the team right like I bet nobody on the team would have wanted to fight
00:18 Imei because he is a big strong dude and then we have Mizzoula who is another guy where it's like
00:24 you don't know what he's going to say either and yeah I mean the other day he was talking to
00:29 uh Bobby Manning and he started saying I like I like this are you wearing a suit like so that
00:34 that was funny Celtics beat brought to you by FanDuel the exclusive wagering partner of the
00:42 CLNX Media Network what's up everyone welcome to Sunday welcome to Celtics Beat and uh if you're
00:48 listening watching hi mom happy birthday Evan Valenti Adam Kaufman and we have Brian Barrett
00:55 from the Ringer back with us we always enjoy having Barrett with us and uh listen these
00:59 these scrub Celtics have alternated wins and losses their last five games can we get a sustained run
01:07 together obviously I'm kidding they're 30 and 9 they're the top team in the NBA by a few wins as
01:13 a matter of fact over the next best club they continue to dominate yes there have been some
01:18 inconsistencies in their play certainly that's going to happen but no real downs still have not
01:24 dropped consecutive games knock on wood that doesn't happen anytime soon and I like the timing
01:29 guys of this particular show because Boston is fresh off handing a whooping to Emeo Doka's Houston
01:36 Rockets 145 to 113 the Saturday night game and there are so many things obviously to come out of
01:45 that game whether it's things that specifically happened on the floor or what I prefer just kind
01:52 of a little stroll down narrative street and what it all means and and doing that with Emei on the
01:57 other side you know after getting doors blown in Milwaukee a game that was a 40 point deficit or
02:03 whatever it was at halftime and Joe quite literally if he had one waved the white flag and just said
02:10 screw it and put all the reserves in for the entire second half after the emotional win the
02:15 night before in overtime against Minnesota back at the garden so it was it's been a fun interesting
02:23 different kind of week but I do think guys there's something just just fun it just feels different it
02:29 feels a little bit better it feels poetic to wax who Doka's club as as good as the Rockets have
02:37 been and I think they've surprised a lot of people there are 500 team but man a blowout felt good in
02:44 that spot didn't it yeah especially considering to like the blowout happened against Emei's six
02:51 ranked defense right where the team has turned it around or at least they played significantly
02:56 better than everybody expected because their defense has been good in the Celtics absolutely
03:00 shredded for a while there it was a close game I don't in the second quarter I should say I don't
03:05 mind Jason Tatum getting run out of that game because it was a blowout I do sort of worry about
03:11 like down the road him and Porzingis in particular like I worry sometimes about the accumulation like
03:16 when you get into the postseason like Tatum gets a lot of tees Porzingis gets a lot of tees but
03:21 other than that I thought Jalen was awesome in that game I thought Tatum was awesome in that
03:26 game until he ended up getting kicked out and I felt the postgame press conference was kind of
03:32 interesting to interesting to me because I don't think a lot was being said at first but then
03:37 when Emei comes out and he said they lied when he was asked about the players being in the dark
03:43 I was sort of taken back by that because all the players have said positive stuff about Emei right
03:52 Jason Tatum called him his favorite coach Jalen Brown has waxed poetically on multiple occasions
03:58 about Emei so for him to say that I just and then and Jalen and Tatum they both did a fine job
04:04 answering the questions but I was caught off guard that he actually said the players knew more
04:09 than or they lied about being in the dark because I really I don't know what do you guys think do
04:16 you think that's actually true because I don't I think there was a small amount of people that
04:19 know all the details but so I don't know that that to me was just like whoa where did that come from
04:25 yeah I don't think the Celtics players knew all the details right but I do think that
04:33 they knew more than they let on when they were first asked about it when everything went down
04:38 and Emei was out and Joe replaced him in that very awkward media day obviously a couple of years ago
04:43 or year and a half whatever it's been you know I that felt like there was a little bit of just
04:50 follow the directive from the front office you know bite your lip you don't know anything
04:54 these are these guys travel together they're with each other more than their families they're they
05:01 run in a very tight circle as a a basketball organization coach and players and you know
05:08 support staff and everybody else involved to to for me to believe guys that that no one had a clue
05:17 what was going on with Emei Odoka because he he was just that good at hiding it or honestly even
05:24 cared to hide it which according you know by by all accounts he really didn't he was you know
05:29 already uh long separated from Neil Long according you know Gary Washburn told us that many months
05:36 ago on this show like there he already was free to do whatever he wanted to do in terms of his
05:41 own marriage didn't mean you know go break up somebody else's potentially but you know for
05:46 for no one like I mean these guys I don't want to like insinuate any individual but just you know
05:53 in general if we're speaking in generalities professional athletes a lot of what you hear
06:00 is true you know some run around on their significant others especially when they're
06:05 on the road you know that I don't know that every guy has every girl in every city kind of thing
06:10 like maybe it used to be back before social media got as big as it is but to be completely in the
06:17 dark it's one thing to not know everything to be completely in the dark you know I'm not saying
06:23 he may should have said what he said but I don't think he's wrong I think the guys how little they
06:30 knew well Jalen even said they they thought maybe there was more than what they knew I'm not saying
06:36 that the like nobody had an idea of what was going on I just feel like surely I would expect that
06:43 everybody doesn't know all the details of what happened and the other thing I would just say
06:46 like circling back to what I said originally I was just surprised that he may said that like
06:51 last night because yeah because of the fact that at every turn the players have completely
06:58 supported EMA going back to remember last year when he was up for the Brooklyn job and he make
07:04 and Jalen came out and he said he's happy that he's going to get another opportunity Jason Tatum
07:09 said something similar to that so I just feel like the players it felt like have always had
07:15 emails back and then and he may said a lot of nice stuff last night he also said that he let a lot of
07:20 people down so he said a lot of the right things I was just surprised that he actually said that
07:25 last night that I'm surprised to hear him say they lied I'm not surprised how many how many times
07:30 during the short stint we had with email doker that he may just run everybody over with the
07:34 bus during a press conference like it happened it's true like the the classic one is the next
07:39 loss they had when he may just took the bus and ran over everybody and then backed it up over
07:44 everybody's dead body did it again like I he may has just been that guy for and then and part of it
07:50 like I kind of loved it but part of it was really strange like that next press conference I think I
07:54 had Chris Grenham on back when Grenham was working for Forbes after that game Kaufman I think you had
08:00 a scheduling conflict and it was tough because it was such a disastrous loss I think the the
08:06 sudden blew some ridiculously to the Knicks where they were up like 20 or something like that and
08:10 they just completely melted down the end of the game and it was the most bizarre press conference
08:16 I think I've seen in a very long time and he may just took turns running guys over with the bus
08:20 this is just another one of those things where it's like email you know is gonna always just be
08:28 kind of this guy and I'm not trying to say that's bad or it's good in terms of like his press
08:32 conference to me like it really doesn't matter you know he seems to be getting the best out of
08:37 his players currently so you know you got to give him credit there I just thought it was weird I'm
08:41 with Barry it was just kind of weird after publicly the guys that were on the team when
08:46 he may was there have publicly backed him pretty much every time they could they've shown him as
08:52 much support as you possibly can without people groaning too much about like hey man like what
08:57 what are you doing like he's gone he like blew it he did he had a great opportunity and blew his
09:03 chances to yeah to you know to go to the NBA finals again and to maybe win a ring with the
09:11 way this team was progressing but I do also enjoy the fact that they absolutely boat race that team
09:17 and really took it to him and was like hey remember what you this is what you left behind
09:20 you may we this team was really cooking and really coming together and this is what you left and this
09:26 is what you you screwed up this team is firing all cylinders and is the favorite right now to
09:33 win the NBA title so you know I'd love to say it was just another game boys but that was not just
09:39 another game that was like the the Pritchard alley-oop off the backboard at the end of the game
09:44 it felt a little personal to me but what am I saying well and and I saw J King tweeting about
09:51 that too because the thing that happened last year when Pritchard with family in attendance you know
09:56 went off late in the game when when it was well out of hand and kind of ran up the score a little
10:01 bit in terms of individual performance and he got railroaded by email behind the scenes about it and
10:07 it was just like basically you don't do that he talked about it again postgame like you said I've
10:11 never a guy that would guide away from a microphone when it came to calling guys out publicly and
10:17 yeah it did feel like there's it's possible that there were some of that flash late in the game
10:22 when obviously that thing was well out of hand was was a little bit of a you know a jab maybe a
10:28 subtle jab but you know Himmelsbach also responded to that and said you know but by the same token
10:36 Peyton Pritchard was literally the only guy on the team that went over and and gave E May a hug
10:40 after the game and they have the Portland ties obviously the Oregon ties so who knows I mean
10:46 I don't I'd like to think Udoka doesn't take that stuff directly personally I'm sure enough
10:52 has happened in his life and career over the last couple of years that are far more significant
10:57 than that but it did it felt nice to to have that be a decisive win with them on the other side and
11:04 what was the remark to he had made a comment about basically like the the way that it it felt like
11:12 kind of a shot of what was it against Tatum and Brown or was it in support of Tatum and Brown
11:19 with respect to the defense that was being played in that game too I I saw that quote thrown out a
11:24 couple of different ways but it was something like you know I I don't remember guys like
11:29 guarding us the way that that Tatum and Brown just guarded us it it if if I heard it right
11:36 it felt like and maybe I'm completely wrong about this for anyone out there watching or listening
11:40 but if I heard it right it it felt like kind of a you know some of that defensive effort and
11:46 intensity wasn't always there when I was in Boston type of thing well you know I said I would I would
11:51 have loved to play I would have loved for people to guard Jalen and Jason Tatum the way we guarded
11:57 them tonight when I was here that's what he said oh so he was calling out his own team yeah he was
12:03 calling out his own guys you know so very very on brand just typical email being email yeah very on
12:12 brand I can't help you know geez yeah man so I don't this is I didn't be honest with you though
12:20 I it is fun to look at some of like the differences in way in the ways that Joe and he may kind of
12:26 handle just postgame press conferences and talking to people in general like it is it is different
12:33 it is I think significantly different like Joe is you know if we're going to know a little bit
12:40 more personally like I like last night how he was like don't you want to ask me about my favorite
12:44 movie scene again like you know when we talk about the town or anything but I've enjoyed
12:50 the Joe Mazzuola postgame press conference a little bit more than I think the email ones
12:55 the email ones used to baffle me I think we've been spoiled like since Brad like Brad kind of
13:01 got boring and now we had email who was incredibly entertaining you never knew what he was going to
13:05 say he doesn't hold back whatsoever like that was his whole personality too right like if you go back
13:11 to that Celtics team he was like the toughest guy on the team right like I bet nobody on the team
13:15 would have wanted to fight email because he is a big strong dude and then we have Mazzuola who is
13:21 another guy where it's like you don't know what he's going to say either and yeah I mean the other
13:26 day he was talking to Bobby Manning and he started saying I like I like this are you wearing a suit
13:31 like so I thought that was funny and I do like Joe's obviously has his back and forths with
13:37 certain guys but I do feel like the one thing I give Mazzuola a lot of credit for and whether he
13:43 ends up being wrong or right about this he's very strong in his convictions like he believes in
13:51 certain things and he's going to go with that and he even if it doesn't work he's going to keep going
13:56 to that he believes in that the only the only criticism I like I think that Joe and I don't
14:01 know if you guys agree or disagree with this I he's been way better this year and you can say
14:05 the personnel is better too obviously he's way more comfortable because this is his coaching staff
14:11 I do think there is and this is not me taking a shot at Marcus Smart but when Marcus Smart was
14:15 here it's a very strong personality now sort of the food chain is easier right Tatum's at the top
14:22 Jalen and Porzingis all these guys fit in after that I think that makes it easier and the other
14:27 thing I would say is like he's doing a lot of creative stuff defensively the stuff that he
14:33 does with Drew Holliday I mean in the the zone they'll break out where they start in zone and
14:38 then they're in man like all this different stuff that we didn't I'm not saying they didn't do
14:42 interesting things last year but I feel like they're doing a lot more of that stuff this year
14:46 and we should expect that in year two if you juxtapose it to year one and I do think going
14:52 back to something Joe said prior to the season where he mentioned the fact that last year he
14:58 took some of the criticism personally but he had to like take a step back and realize it's because
15:02 I'm the coach of the Boston Celtics right so it's almost like he was taking it too personally like
15:06 hey they're attacking me it's like I got to look at it from the perspective of no they're attacking
15:10 the coach of the Celtics right and because the fan base wants excellence so I think he's had a
15:15 really good season I mean once in a while like some of this end of game stuff I dislike some of
15:20 the stuff they run like it's just like okay Tatum on the right wing isolation like because he's so
15:26 good at like when he actually draws things out after timeouts he's really good like in the
15:31 Minnesota game for example they take a timeout they get Tatum in isolation situation all by himself
15:37 with the other side cleared because Jalen took who Jalen took somebody with him to the other side
15:42 but nonetheless my point being it's Towns versus Tatum one-on-one with the whole side of the court
15:46 Tatum ends up getting the free throws of course missed the second Derrick White with the rebound
15:50 but they were what first in the NBA last year after a timeout in points per possession second
15:55 this year so he does draw up a lot of good things when they come out of that but I I don't know I
16:00 feel like he's been really good this season I really do and I feel like also like it's probably
16:04 going to be Dagnall that's the coach of the year in the NBA there's some other candidates like
16:09 Ty Luce should certainly be a candidate after what's happened since the Harden trade but I
16:14 think Missoula should definitely be in the conversation again with the season he's had I
16:17 mean they're 20 what 19 and 0 at home like this is I'm into this too by the way like I'm all in I
16:23 want them to chase down the record yeah same I was just gonna say I think you know going back to
16:30 what you were just saying about Joe's comfort and he's acknowledged this as well I think it's
16:35 it's just comfort within his own skin you know even putting aside obviously the basketball
16:42 strategy and the personnel and the schematics and everything else that you acknowledged all of which
16:47 is true I think the biggest thing for Joe Missoula like no one ever looked at him I don't think
16:52 anyway at least people that paid attention and questioned his basketball mind or his acumen it
16:57 was more just is he ready for this you know there were moments last year when he was thrust into
17:03 that position obviously he was not you know in in any way shape or form prepared for it as as someone
17:10 who had never coached above you know mid-level college I mean the guy wasn't even a d1 head
17:16 coach and and he was a second you know the whole second row Joe guy he was you know he's been on
17:22 the staff you know like way down the line and all of a sudden you in your 30s by the way are the
17:28 head coach of the Boston Celtics and I think you know even though it was overall a I mean however
17:36 you want to find success right it was a generally successful year they just you know obviously
17:42 exited in the playoffs quicker than anyone would have preferred especially coming off of what had
17:46 happened but you know for a year one NBA head coach with no experience at that level beyond being an
17:54 assistant for a little bit you know I think he did fine not great but fine and that was one of the
18:00 bigger things that he has talked about going into this year and even at points this year is just his
18:05 own personal comfort within his own skin and doing the job and I I think we're you know for all the
18:13 reasons that you outlined and so many others I think we're just seeing that uh really play out
18:19 and and come to fruition here as we sit midway through the year yeah I think if you go back and
18:24 listen to that JJ Redick potty did early in the season before the season started the comfort level
18:30 you're both talking about comes out there and it's it comes down to not just like the daily
18:36 preparation preparing for the season before anything starts and and understanding like I
18:42 keep going back to this we got to have a curveball lining through out there and then you know Barrett
18:47 talking about like the 2-1-2 zone or the 2-3 zone that they use and then they switch it as the clock
18:52 winds down and some of the double team stuff that they do and then like early in the year I remember
18:57 watching a game they were playing the Wizards and blowing them out and they just threw out a 2-2-1
19:01 press to see what it looked like and it then in Washington had no idea what to do with it they
19:06 had no clue and I'm sitting there like oh this is really interesting they don't have a lot of
19:10 practice time they just don't in the NBA you know you're lucky if you get a couple of practices in a
19:15 month or whatever um he's using game time as practice like they're blowing this team out yet
19:21 they're going to try different stuff live reps against live bodies who are really trying at
19:26 basketball like this is good stuff and so some of the things that you talk about developing good
19:31 habits and and formulating you know schemes all these things these things all get done during the
19:37 regular season and I think Joe is in his in his past this message along to the team as well they're
19:43 just taking a lot of possessions I think a little bit more seriously in terms of like trying new
19:50 stuff and just seeing if it works and and that's going to be the big like to me the biggest
19:55 difference for last year this year you know not from an individual standpoint from his team
19:59 standpoint is how comfortable this team is doing different things like they're not just a man-to-man
20:06 defensive team Eric Spolstra showed the world last year you can't just have one defense you're going
20:12 to have to have a couple because you know when push comes to shove like when one team's so used
20:18 to certain things that you do if you have something else to show them and make them think for a while
20:23 that could be the difference of you winning and losing an entire series so I'm thrilled with the
20:29 development of Joe I'm not I don't know if he's been like perfect but he's been pretty damn close
20:35 to it and I and this team is again we they haven't lost back to back game since November I believe
20:40 Kaufman this is an amazing stretch yeah and I think I think you know the sky's the limit for
20:45 what they're doing and Joe's the head of it for sure no question yeah you got to go back to it was
20:50 Minnesota and Philly at the very beginning of the season after they had started five and all that
20:53 that happened and I do think it's fascinating like this guy took over and he was on Brad's staff
20:59 the only like guy left over and all E-Maze guys are here right it's like Ben Sullivan all this
21:04 group and all of a sudden he's the head coach like that had to be a weird dynamic too even if all
21:08 those guys were good guys and it's weird too like seeing the oh hey look it's the old Celtics
21:14 coaching staff on the other side last night for the Rockets and now Joe's got his coaching staff
21:18 but I do think to the point well even like Stoudemire there couldn't have been some yeah
21:23 like you're gonna tell me Stoudemire who had coached at a higher level in Division One
21:27 played in the NBA for as long as he did wasn't like uh
21:36 what why why why this guy not me like wait who who is Joe who's Joe Mazzola again is he is he
21:44 the other guys I'm always hey Joe sitting behind me yeah okay sure yeah that makes sense yeah
21:53 before the season's up yeah and the and I would say this too like I think one thing that
22:00 obviously Joe is now given a lot of ownership to the guys right Jalen Brown and Jason Tatum
22:06 and I think that's the one other thing that has really impressed me lately is Jalen Brown his last
22:11 20 games I could run through some numbers he's been outstanding he's this may be his best defensive
22:15 season I thought quite frankly he was bad defensively last season he would get lost off the
22:20 ball no he still does that at times but even last night like Jabari Smith like just cut in front of
22:25 him and what did he do he's like okay I'm gonna just go block this shot and pin it off the backboard
22:30 right like he made a mistake but then he made up for it so I think he's been awesome and that the
22:34 one other thing and this is to sort of the Joe point a combination of Tatum and Brown to go along
22:40 with Mazzola is the OKC game even though they lost the one thing that stuck out to me is you
22:46 have two of the best defensive guards in the NBA with Drew Holliday and Derek White neither one of
22:52 those guys could do anything anything at all with Shea Gilgis Alexander and then what happens is at
22:59 the end of the game they put Tatum on Shea and that's something like looking forward to the
23:05 postseason if they have that type of matchup where hey maybe we can go to Tatum on that and I think
23:11 that's a maturation process for Tatum too because it felt like a lot of that game they were playing
23:16 through Chris Sopsport's Angus and it wasn't as if and my boss Bill Simmons made this point to me on
23:22 my pot he's like it wasn't like Tatum felt like I have to go score on the other end it was like
23:27 what I have to do in this game is try to shut down Shea on the other side to get us
23:31 back in it so I think that shows a maturation to her it's like hey this is a poor Zingis game
23:36 this isn't my game but I can do everything else on the defensive side and that's really how you
23:40 got back in the game is Tatum taking on Shea. So to put a bow on this particular conversation
23:48 and the only reason I bring it up is just again recency bias the fact that obviously the Celtics
23:53 just faced off with Eme Odoka's Rockets for the first time here back in Boston you know let's
24:00 just pretend everything that played out didn't play out and you're looking back you're thinking
24:04 about you know year one obviously with Eme the only year versus you know where we are and and
24:11 you know you could have hit that divide that fork in the road you could have made a choice
24:15 do you think and I ask this because you wouldn't believe even with the team at 30 or 9 or maybe
24:19 you would because of social media's assess pool you would not believe how many people
24:24 I still hear from after a rare loss or even a tight win that it's biggest issue with this team
24:32 going into the playoffs is Joe Mazzuola it's not a player it's not that you know it's it's all it
24:37 always comes back to the coach maybe it should maybe it shouldn't and I say that about sports
24:41 in general not specifically Joe you know maybe it should always come back to the coach in certain
24:46 people's minds it does would you say Barrett this team is in better hands with Joe Mazzuola than it
24:51 was with Eme Odoka or had Eme been able to continue on here and been the guy would they
24:58 be closer even though they're right there on the cusp would they be closer to a championship
25:03 man that's a tough one because I do feel like one of the things that I felt where Eme came up short
25:12 in the playoffs is he leaned into deep and look they were two months away from winning an NBA
25:18 championship right even though to my I think that Golden State was the superior team like I don't
25:22 look back at that and say the Celtics missed an opportunity they were outplayed like in the
25:27 certain guys were not ready right Jalen Brown it's away from being up 3-1 in that series I look
25:32 at it as a missed opportunity oh but fair enough fair enough but I will say like they exposed
25:37 certain things with this that Celtics team Jalen with the left hand Jason Tatum after two dribbles
25:43 let's go after him but at the same point like they always leaned on defense and I do feel like there
25:50 wasn't a lot of things that Eme opened up offensively for those guys right and look you
25:55 can say some of its personnel now it's easier for Joe that you have a seven foot three guy
25:59 that can also shoot threes and can post up and and Tatum and Brown are now two years older but I do
26:06 think like the coaching staff in general is better like having Sam Cassell and having Charles Lee
26:13 there I think that I think that this group is more equipped my one thing that I fear is like doubling
26:18 down late in games is because there is this pecking order of Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown and then I
26:25 wonder at the end of games is there's going to be matchups like I was talking about earlier where
26:30 hey the best thing to do here is actually a Derek White Chris Sops Porzingis pick and roll is that
26:36 going to be okay with the star players and they seem to take on all these different roles throughout
26:41 the season so I'm hoping that they'll be okay doing that but it's just are you going to be
26:47 willing to do that as the coach being Joe Mazzullo right because it's still as we mentioned it's only
26:52 his second year so I think they have more knowledge on the staff when we're talking
26:55 about the other assistants and being in big battles in the case of Sam Cassell as a player
27:01 but will they be willing to push those buttons five minutes left in the fourth quarter
27:05 it's a close game the offense gets stagnant Tatum doesn't really have it going Jalen doesn't really
27:11 have it going are you going to start saying hey let's play through Chris stops that's the
27:15 question that I have so I mean a long way of answer answering your question I do think they're
27:21 better off right now with this coaching staff even if you'd say hey I take EMA over Joe I feel like
27:27 at this point I feel pretty comfortable with what they what they're working with now I could look
27:32 like an idiot a couple months from now when Joe doesn't call a timeout when he should be calling
27:37 a timeout or something along those lines but I don't know I feel a lot more comfortable than I
27:41 did entering the season I don't actually really hear people have complaining about timeouts this
27:45 year that was that was the last season thing if you don't understand why they do it by this point
27:50 then I just don't want to tell you like you know I don't think Joe's gonna not call timeouts when we
27:55 get to the playoffs it's more about trying to get this team to do it without using that timeout as
28:01 a pacifier like you know but I think Joe's done a little bit of a better job this year calling
28:06 timeouts I think people have sarcastically talked about it online but I I think he's done a better
28:13 job trying to end runs with timeouts and games that really matter games that don't he doesn't
28:17 really care but like in big games like he'll he will do that he will he'll call more timeouts when
28:23 when when it comes time to it like I know I know he tried to stop the bleeding in Milwaukee a couple
28:27 times but there was just nothing he could do at that point I took back the original question this
28:32 is a fascinating question between Emae and and I mean look Boston's been blessed the last three
28:40 head coaches all three were great I mean Brad I mean I it's funny that this team now has all
28:46 this talent I would love to know what Brad would do with all these guys because what Brad was doing
28:50 with with like Gerald Wallace and like Brandon Bass Kelly Olenek Avery Bradley like that's just
28:57 like stuff a wedge at this point imagine having this there's still people out there that believe
29:02 Brad Stevens was a less than head coach that's I would have loved to your point I mean this was
29:09 what's so exciting about what we're seeing and I don't even mean the results I just mean the roster
29:15 the makeup the way they play this this is Brad Stevens vision come to life and it took you know
29:21 no slight on Danny age I really like largely Danny was a successful president of basketball
29:28 operations here in in many ways in terms of roster building team building I know it was just the one
29:34 championship but you know in order for Brad's vision to again come to life Brad had to be the
29:41 one putting the pieces together yeah and it's it's important that him and like you if you ever listen
29:47 like Michael Lombardi he talks a lot about you know the synergy within an organization and right
29:52 now you're seeing really good synergy between the head coach and the president of basketball
29:57 operations and the guys on the floor I mean it's a very consistent message from the top all the way
30:02 to the bottom and that's what good organization organizations do and Boston for you know again
30:10 we'll ignore the 90s for a little bit but ever since they made the the KG trade has basically
30:14 run like a world-class organization from the top to the bottom there hasn't been a lot of oh we
30:20 don't know what's going on a lot of confusion there's not a lot of you know outside of EMA
30:24 doing the stuff that he did not a lot of email like you know getting out a lot I mean it's just
30:29 it's just exactly how it's supposed to go and then you know you have wicked the the head of it you
30:34 know and I think Wick has again we'll see you and I've talked with this a lot like he's you know
30:40 Wick has been one of these guys like oh when the right team's here I'll pay for it we'll see if
30:45 Wick's willing to you know pony up the tax money when this team you know you're looking for holiday
30:51 and white extensions you know but uh yeah the message is consistent and I think it's just
30:57 it's a little unfair to say like hey like EMA would be because EMA is a great coach like the
31:02 one thing that I think some people miss is you know take the discretions out of it hell of a
31:09 head coach I mean again Houston go into the year you if you had told me Houston would be a top 10
31:16 defensive team in the league I would have told you you were nuts because the guys that they
31:19 had roster they had Dylan Brooks and all of a sudden they're awesome at defense and and they
31:25 and EMA's got guys really buying in like that's really impressive and again as much as we watch
31:32 to focus on the off the court stuff EMA is a hell of a coach man and I guarantee you that this team
31:36 would be still really good with EMA with Joe with Brad wouldn't matter this team's stacked again I
31:43 like where Barrett's at though in terms of it's interesting to see the differences between Joe
31:48 and EMA in terms of like offense versus defense what do you guys value more we know EMA is a
31:54 defensive head coach I don't know with Joe I kind of vacillate between both of them because of the
32:00 way they I mean they're top what their top two in both offensive and defensive rating so what is Joe
32:06 is he just awesome is it personnel is it focused like I don't even know what it is it's well I
32:11 think I think on defensively they just have so many smart players and in particular White and
32:16 Drew like this stuff that they can do it's just it's unbelievable and it allows the coach to do
32:21 so many different things but I do think the other point like just getting back to Brad not his
32:25 coaching but his GMing if you will if I can even use that as a term the fast the fascinating thing
32:31 to me is just like he he totally understands the direction of where the NBA is going from the sense
32:37 of this team is not going to stay together for four years there's no way that they can keep this
32:42 team together so going back to like I was talking about the whether it's a missed opportunity or
32:47 not like this is their best chance to win a championship this current team is going to be
32:51 their best chance because next year this whole group may not be together or knock on wood like
32:57 all these guys are going to be a year older do you have injuries like what is Al look like after
33:02 next season heck at times like what is Drew Holiday look like right I mean this is a guy
33:06 that's got a lot of mileage so this is like the year to break through and remember you're paying
33:11 Jalen Brown a super max you're going to have to give Jason Tatum a super max so you're not going
33:16 to be able to keep all these guys together and it's going to be difficult to build this team
33:19 with role players and I'm not trying to be negative I'm just pointing out the fact that
33:23 because of these new restrictions that the league has you have to go for it now so Brad looked at
33:28 it as like I have this window when we're giving Jalen the super max are about to give him the
33:32 super max we know Jason Tatum's getting his super max I get to go for this now so what is our biggest
33:38 problem well in the postseason for the past couple years we run into these offensive issues where we
33:44 just get stale we get stagnant so you know what we're going to do going back to what Valente said
33:48 about the comment about the curveball let's get one of the most efficient post scores in the NBA
33:53 so okay boom we got that now in that deal of course you send out Marcus Smart Damian Lillard
34:00 gets traded to Milwaukee hey um the Drew Holiday guy's available how much closer does he get us to
34:06 a championship well a lot closer right because we're talking about one of the elite defenders
34:11 of the past decade in the NBA and he can play some point guard he's now he's had his ups and
34:17 downs this year he was red hot in December shooting the three but he's a really good
34:20 shooter and guess what he's not going to be overtaxed as an offensive player because what
34:24 is he the fifth option on this team like with the starting lineup he's the fifth option so
34:29 that's another piece where it's like okay we can be more versatile defensively we can put him on
34:33 Giannis at times we can put him on and beat we can put him on point guards we can put him on small
34:37 forwards we can put him like he legitimately like people say oh you can cover one through five he
34:41 legitimately has done that this season so I give Brad a ton of credit for saying like I don't
34:47 really care about the future at this point and they've done a good job they have not given up
34:51 a lot of assets right like they they got draft picks in the poor zingas trade right so they
34:56 have not given up a lot of assets and he's gotten like the perfect players too because one thing
35:02 I'll say and I know Celtic a lot of Celtics fans may disagree with me I don't think the Tatum's in
35:07 like he's a great player top 10 player like in the same upper echelon category as the Giannis's as
35:13 the Okich's right and that's okay when you build your team like this because he has better support
35:19 than all those guys because I would argue like part of the reason Porzingis is here
35:23 is because of the shortcomings you've had in terms of the offense breaking down in the postseason so
35:28 I'd give Brad a ton of credit for the vision and heck Porzingis didn't have to come here but he
35:34 wanted to come here to win a championship so you have to give him credit too because he could have
35:37 gone to a bunch of other teams but he said I'll opt in so I can get traded to this team.
35:41 Yep.
35:42 Well as you noted Celtics window is now to you know to paraphrase Paul Revere or hell just to
35:50 paraphrase you know John C. Reilly as as Jerry Buss you know the thunder are coming so you better get
35:58 something done because that team is going to be dangerous obviously and one that people are going
36:04 to be betting on Ev in the not too distant future is there something on Fandle that we can bet on
36:08 will the Celtics ever lose a game at home? I think we should look we have the right guy on
36:14 this big other pod to maybe suggest something that Barrett Barrett's boss might have a little
36:18 more sway with Fandle than we do but that's not a bad that's not a bad idea throw it out there I
36:24 don't have it yet I don't think they have that but I think they might want to start thinking about
36:29 that I mean some opportunities were out there to like will the Pistons ever win a game this season
36:35 you could make that bet well especially because after the Denver game because the Denver game
36:41 coming up later this month is going to be a tough home game I think they'll get 20 you know but the
36:46 21 I think is the Denver game Friday night yeah yeah you can you can talk about that if they win
36:51 that game after that we'll jump ahead we'll get to that we will get to that but right now we're
36:55 gonna take a quick break tell you today's show is brought to you by Fandule well the NFL season is
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37:35 let's uh let's talk a little bit more before we do wrap up about this team obviously and what is
37:44 to come and you uh you both alluded to it this you know how Barrett said he's all in on this home
37:50 winning streak Evan questioning you know what's what's in store well let's take a look at the
37:55 the upcoming slate now obviously you're going to play the game in Toronto on Monday you get a
38:00 little bit of rest and every other kind of thing so on Wednesday back home against the Spurs which
38:06 you know most rightfully believe that should be an easy win for Boston you know I've we've said
38:13 these things before though I mean how tragic would it be if it ended like that but it should be a win
38:19 going away for Boston so then it's Friday night less than a week from now as we sit here Friday
38:25 night at home against the defending champs Nikola Jokic on the other side the Denver Nuggets if the
38:31 Celtics should get through that you still have another test you know just before my birthday by
38:36 the way in a couple of weeks the Clippers are in town the Clippers who are playing much much better
38:41 believe it or not with James Harden uh and and you know Tyloo's got that team a machine right now
38:48 Paul George is playing well Kawhi Leonard when he plays is playing well this you know supplemental
38:53 players on that team Powell among others you know Zubox they're playing well that game is Saturday
38:59 the 27th so you got back-to-back home games coming up here after the Spurs game that are incredibly
39:07 challenging so how do we handicap the chances of of keeping this home winning streak alive
39:12 well I feel really good about Wednesday against the Spurs the Nuggets game I think is going to
39:18 be fascinating because I wonder how they're going to match up not that anybody has like a good answer
39:24 for it but I wonder how they're going to match up with Jokic in the starting lineup right because
39:29 you don't really want to put Porzingis on him like because that's not the type of player that
39:35 Porzingis like you rather Porzingis like they've done a lot of him in the Romer role right where
39:40 he's off the ball defending a non-shooter and or somebody at least they're willing to let shoot now
39:46 that did burn him in the game against Oklahoma City when it was giddy but be interesting to see
39:50 how they deal with Jokic obviously that's the biggest mismatch they they have in that game and
39:55 the biggest mismatch maybe in the entire NBA no matter who he plays but I don't know I feel like
39:59 the Celtics I mean depending on injuries that were like what six five days away like depending on
40:05 injuries I feel like the Celtics will come out firing in that one so I feel like they'll at
40:10 least split those two games the Clippers and the Nuggets game at least split you know what I'll
40:16 predict they win them both you know they wouldn't keep the winning streak alive no but it can still
40:22 keep you in a chance to get to 40 and one which is their would we tie the record who I think it's 86
40:30 Celtics and I think somebody somebody else went 40 and one two it may have been one of the Warriors
40:35 teams or a Spurs team went 40 and one couple teams have gone 39 and two a couple of those
40:39 Bulls teams maybe yeah it could have been one of the Bulls teams but I'm gonna I'm gonna you know
40:45 they seem to get up for these I mean Milwaukee notwithstanding they seem to get up for these
40:51 big games at home so I can't like I feel like I gotta go now Friday night I went last year when
40:56 they played the Nuggets at home just I never seen Jokic play in person but I can't wait for that
41:01 game that is gonna be electric because we have something called the internet I decided to look
41:06 it up rather than just guess the 85 86 Celtics as you noted the other the 15 16 Spurs yeah that's
41:14 the that was and that's the same year the Warriors broke the record I think they were also like 39
41:20 and 2 that season when they ended up what they went 73 and 9 I think there were 39 and 2 at home
41:27 and they didn't have the best home record in the NBA how crazy is that they went they went 39 and 2
41:33 consecutive years 14 15 and 15 16 wild yeah it's amazing I'm trying right now I have the basics of
41:43 it I'm trying to do a little bit more but obviously we're doing on the fly if it's a little bit
41:46 difficult to do Boston and we all know 19 though at home but you look at the road records for both
41:52 the Bachman the box gives me the Nuggets and the Clippers Nuggets are 11 and 9 on the road
41:58 and the Clippers are 9 and 9 so oh that's good yeah that's great that's great obviously everybody's
42:05 not as good off the on the road as they are at home but those aren't elite road teams either
42:11 and I'm trying to figure out you know how many points per game they can go that far
42:15 maybe Brian will find it for me in the time that I'm I'm talking here but it's not like they're
42:21 playing juggernaut road teams and honestly there aren't a lot of great road teams this year like
42:26 anyway to be honest with you like Boston at 11 and 9 you know gonna be kind of up there for road
42:32 games obviously the dominance of 19 know at home but they're just not great road teams this year
42:38 the Thunder 11 and 6 this year on the road that's extremely impressive because everybody else isn't
42:43 close to that you got a couple of 10 and 7s with the Sixers and the Pacers but Boston's elite home
42:51 record stands out no matter what you're looking at it's just more of like okay so if they're
42:56 on the road you know what are the the nugget score per game and you know obviously Boston's
43:00 ridiculous at home so obviously it's always going to look great but if you want to break it down to
43:04 that level it'd be interesting I think I do think they'll get through both these games if they lose
43:08 one it's going to be to Denver though so I would but here well there's it's twofold I agree with
43:15 that but here's why one I just think Denver's a better team two more importantly in this context
43:22 uh they're going to be very rested they play Tuesday night at Philadelphia and they don't
43:27 play again until the Friday game in Boston if you can get through that game however and beat
43:32 the Nuggets the Clippers bad schedule spot they are in Toronto the night before okay come to Boston
43:39 appreciate that but it's it's going to be interesting I and then after that you know
43:47 we'll see but they any any the Thunder come to Boston when Kaufman do the schedule in front of
43:54 you because they're just doing the lead teams they haven't played at home yet uh and the Thunder I
43:58 think I'm gonna come to Boston in April so you gotta wait a while for that you gotta get through
44:03 a way I mean if that what the Clippers game does just to project ahead I don't know how many people
44:09 out there listening or still listening because they care about this but that starts off a a
44:14 seven game home stretch you got the Clippers the Pelicans Pacers Lakers Grizzlies Hawks and Wizards
44:23 all in oh yeah what are the final three there that's a two-week period between uh late January
44:30 and and just before the Super Bowl basically I love the fact that you're ending with like the
44:36 three easiest teams to play anyway sorry Barrett well they almost lost it to the Pistons so who
44:41 knows right I mean and I was looking at so Denver is Denver is only 13 on the road and offensive
44:49 rating which is kind of shocking you figure oh maybe it's the defense on the road they're only
44:53 13 now the Clippers are the rest points a good point because we've seen how that affects other
44:58 teams like the Celtics but the Clippers are fourth in offense in on the road a 119.4 rating and so I
45:07 don't it's weird that Denver has not been as good on the road like usually like you would think and
45:14 part of it I mean I'm sure there's going to be some level of fatigue I watched them the other
45:18 night against and I know Utah had been playing it's weird Utah was playing so well playing great
45:23 they go they go to the garden and they get spanked yeah and then they they during the stretch they've
45:29 beaten like Philly they've beaten Milwaukee and they beat the Nuggets I was watching the game
45:33 the other night like they had no answer for Jordan Clarkson so I do think now like why
45:39 even right now though yeah I do think there's sort of a a dog days effect with the Nuggets where
45:46 they've won their championship you know we're past like the beginning of the season where
45:50 you're all excited for the new year and I think that it's one of those teams it's now is like hey
45:55 let's let's get to the All-Star game because they know who they are they know what they have to do
45:59 so I do think there's like a dog days effect with them but that that's a good point though that they
46:03 play Tuesday and they could have a chance this week to like make a statement where it's like
46:08 all right we beat Philly and then we beat Boston in the same week and that's sort of like okay
46:13 orders restored in the NBA we're still the best team and all that yeah that's that's that's a
46:19 it's gonna be a really fun week for them I watched that that Utah Denver game and I'm like you I
46:24 could not believe what I was watching with Utah I was like what well this is that team that the
46:29 South explained a couple days ago but what is it like crazy they've won five straight within good
46:35 20 points in each game and what is age gonna do like five I don't know I mean he's there
46:44 they're they're fun and I guess you can take the next couple weeks to figure out if you're
46:52 gonna do anything they have enough ammo to go get stuff get somebody if they really want to
46:57 they could also sell pieces if they want to I don't know I yeah that's a tough call I mean do
47:02 they do they go take a big swing at someone that's like but I mean it feels like the Zach Levine trade
47:09 is just an absolute disaster for whoever gets them because there's so much negative you know
47:14 stuff around that they will get Pascal Siakam do they do they dip their toe in a different place
47:20 I don't know what they do they're just they're fun though that game was fun the other night no
47:24 question yeah I mean they could knock the team off in a short series they're good they're talented
47:28 they're energetic fast-paced I mean they're they're a playoff team it's just I mean if anyone
47:33 knows over the last you know however you know multiple decades uh in the NBA be it as a coach a
47:40 broadcaster a player and obviously as an executive Danny Ainge knows how to deal with you know
47:49 wrestle with the question of is it enough to just be a playoff team so it'd be interesting maybe
47:55 yeah it's a good it's a good point because last year remember it's they were playing well they
47:59 were in like the play-in situation or at least like play play and they yeah they traded Conley
48:04 who was like the reason like once they traded Conley it's like their offense was not stable
48:09 anymore it was like they they're off it but I'll tell you like marketing if they really wanted to
48:14 sell they could get a lot for marketing because he's legitimately like one of the best shooters
48:19 in the league like he shoots off movement that guy's incredibly impressive it's crazy how they
48:24 get so like Chris Dunn is playing decent for them Colin Sexton's a guy that maybe they would trade
48:29 to like some team would want a guard that could come off the bench and score yeah it's a fascinating
48:34 situation there in in Utah and I am happy like the one team they they couldn't even come close
48:40 to was the Celtics that game was bizarre I like they had like 17 points with like it's like in
48:47 the second quarter I think or at the end of the first quarter it's like 40 to 17 at one point I'm
48:52 like what is going on yeah and then they go beat the Nuggets it's incredible yeah yeah any given
48:59 whatever night in the NBA yeah it's uh it's an interesting thing all right uh anything else that
49:04 you guys want to work in before we uh relieve people if they're listening and viewing responsibilities
49:10 I'll tell us how one thing or one quick comment and then one quick thing so this is your favorite
49:17 Celtics podcast thank you we appreciate that yes of course that's number one number two is
49:22 how about Syracuse's finest O'Shea Brissett give him some minutes man I like it get him back I feel
49:28 like he responded to Brad's comments where Brad's like that wing could be on the roster already we
49:33 need a wing with size but what do you guys feel like they'll do with the trading deadline do you
49:37 think it'll be they'll make a small move or do you think it'll just they'll stay pat I don't they'll
49:42 do something I don't it might be small but it'll do something but you don't know what it is because
49:47 Brad's really good at not telling anybody anything I think he's and I think it's great because the
49:52 guys they picked up like I don't know they talked about John Contra a while back and Memphis is
49:57 totally out of it at this point so um I don't know you know if they if they're more willing
50:02 to deal someone because they're totally gone and smarts gone and jazz gone but whatever whatever
50:08 Brad does a it's probably the right move with b you probably don't see it coming like I know
50:12 I know Simmons is really into the trade whatever you can for Caruso because of the defensive
50:18 acumen and what he like that would be the best defensive backcourt maybe like of all time
50:22 between Derek White Alex Caruso and Drew Holiday would be insane yeah I'm with you my uh Pina
50:31 Michael Pina from the ringer he really likes Contra who he mentioned that's initially he called
50:36 him diet Derek White or something and his I forget the exact terminology he was but I had him on the
50:41 pod after that and I'm like yeah I'm like Mike dude you're making me fall in love already like
50:48 Derek White comparisons but the other thing like I wish they could do something like and this is a
50:54 great team they have enough right now to win the championship but they just can't get to like some
50:59 of these wings like Brad was referring to a wing with size like imagine if they could get Dorian
51:05 Finney Smith like and how perfectly he would fit on this team coming off the bench shoot like
51:10 perfect like Joe would love him three and D guy would be perfect but it's just impossible to get
51:15 to that like you're not gonna be able to get the contracts and we know you're not trading anybody
51:20 out of your top six so that's why when you look at the cell yeah it's gonna be a it's gonna be a
51:25 small move yeah whatever move they make if they make a move and they could very well just wait
51:29 for the buyout market but if they make a move my question is I don't believe it's a guy that
51:35 cracks the top six the question is is it a guy who's impactful enough to crack the top eight
51:40 because that's you know that's what all of a sudden you're looking at come playoff time so
51:45 are you getting someone that is a better fit for you and this is providing everybody's healthy and
51:49 not everybody will be on a night pardon me night-to-night basis somebody's gonna go down
51:53 at some point for hopefully a very short period of time but you know are are you getting someone
51:59 who gets minutes ahead of the likes of hauser and pritchard that's that's what I want to know
52:04 because if you're getting someone who checks in even below them you're getting you know nine and
52:08 lower than most impactful is it really yeah anybody uh well how do I put this anybody
52:17 interested in a gordon hayward reunion if he gets bought out by charlotte no no zero zero
52:24 interest from either of you I would like if gordon's gonna come here for the minimum
52:30 i'm well if he gets bought out right you're paying him nothing yeah I still like hayward man I still
52:36 he can still play the problem is will he be available to play the guy's always hurt you
52:40 know what's actually gonna get moved is terry terry's playing awesome for charlotte obviously
52:45 the celtics couldn't bring him back I mean from a financial perspective I wouldn't mind gordon
52:49 it's not like bigs too like could you bring a big in I I just don't know if you need it honestly
52:55 because in a postseason series you're going to be playing porzingis and al 99 of the time right like
53:00 you really don't need another big I mean it does sound like if you listen to that recent podcast
53:05 he did and he was talking about his time in boston kind of how it all fell apart I he doesn't least
53:11 sound like a guy who would come in and uh and fully understand his place you know within the
53:17 roster and the organization at this stage of his career that in and of itself would be attractive
53:22 I'm I'm just curious for the gordon hayward uh is the same age as joe mizula like they going on
53:30 because they played in college together I mean like I I don't know if they ever played against
53:34 each other but they were in college at the same time if you just got a fun it's like al is older
53:39 than joe mizula I think is a very fun dynamic in this whole thing yeah I I feel bad for hayward
53:47 like how his time like he's never been the same guy ever since he had that injury and it's it's
53:53 it's got a snake being the age that he is right what is he 36 to your point flintier is he 30
53:59 is he 35 34 somewhere yeah so 35 is that everybody 34 he's 33 hey we're in 30 33 just pulled it up
54:09 he's 33 when's his breakfast he's the john wall draft right he's he's a march birthday because
54:15 remember he's the same he's the he and kairi irving were born on the same day but a year or
54:20 two apart quite literally like a month older than me I didn't I didn't expect that that's a little
54:25 shocking to me that's all right so yeah but anyway I was just saying like he's all right so he's 33
54:31 years old and he's been playing a relevant basketball since he left us like this is usually
54:35 the point in your career where you're trying to get onto a contender and he's sort of gone in the
54:39 opposite direction playing for charlotte worse by the year I'm looking at his stats right now
54:45 and and it's not even the fact that he hasn't played more than 50 games since he left boston
54:50 either the whole you know like you said is he even going to be available but points per game
54:55 are ticking down even though the minutes have remained consistent field goal percentage is
54:59 you know he's he's still you know as good as he's you know other than his couple years in boston
55:05 when he was actually pretty efficient um you know he's he's actually shooting better than he
55:10 generally ever did in the utah days uh from the field not from three but yeah I mean he's just
55:18 not he's not that guy anymore no and actually if you were to go somewhere his defensive metrics
55:26 aren't the same he'd go somewhere where he has a bigger role because like being the eighth guy
55:31 ninth guy off the bench in Celtics is not where Gordon Hill needs to be
55:34 yeah that'll be such a weird that'd be such a weird dynamic with Tatum and Brown so weird I do
55:41 want to point this out before we go coffee I want everybody to recognize where in the calendar we
55:46 are in the Jason Tatum meme because the three balls are gonna go down now now it's like oh
55:50 he's having he's having the resurgence the January resurgence yeah where he just is the best
55:59 look at his career splits and I bet it I bet it does perfectly tell the story in you know aligning
56:06 with that meme it's incredible I remember exactly how what the meme said but it was pretty good
56:10 we're watching the second coming of Christ is is the is the what what is where we're at on the
56:16 calendar that's where we're in the calendar right now and then and then the the April one is like
56:21 man if he plays like he did the last two months we're gonna win the title basically
56:24 watching the second coming of Christ so good it's about right all right well let's call it
56:33 it's a good show it's a fun one uh obviously thanks to our our friends at FanDuel for helping
56:38 to make this show possible of course to Brian Barrett from the Ringer everybody at the Ringer
56:42 Michael Pina Bill Bill Simmons everybody I mean everyone under the Ringer umbrella
56:47 who's uh you know at some point in time yeah I mean KOC everybody Vernon why the hell not let's
56:53 just thank the Ringer maybe the Ringer wants to more regularly do stuff with our podcast I don't
56:57 know but Barrett's a regular we love the guy uh for Evan Valente I'm Adam Kaufman thanks for hanging
57:03 out with us get us wherever you get your podcast just search Celtics Beat Rate Review most
57:07 importantly please do subscribe we appreciate that and let's continue to chase down not only
57:13 wins but in particular home wins let's get after that record
57:18 so you
