Weather: Around Scotland with Alison Campsie and Ilona Amos

  • 8 months ago
Weather: Around Scotland with Alison Campsie and Ilona Amos
00:03 Hi.
00:05 I'm Alison Campsey from The Scotsman.
00:08 I am up at Dunnottar Castle just outside Stonehaven
00:11 in Aberdeenshire.
00:12 And yes, it is freezing cold here.
00:18 The temperature is at zero at the moment,
00:20 and it's not really to budge anywhere
00:23 from that over the course of the day.
00:24 And I think by about 5 o'clock, it's
00:26 going to start falling again to about minus 2.
00:30 So extremely cold conditions.
00:31 There are sleek showers forecast for this afternoon,
00:36 some light snowfall.
00:38 And given how cold it is, that sleek
00:40 might well pose a problem on the roads later.
00:43 And certainly, I don't want to be driving anywhere
00:46 after the sun goes down today or the light fades today for sure.
00:51 The roads around here are actually not too bad.
00:54 When you move inland, you start to get a bit more problems.
00:58 The Cairnermount from the Mernes over to Deeside
01:01 is closed, as I understand it.
01:05 The road from Cockbridge up to the Lech Ski Centre
01:09 has been treated and has still been
01:11 assessed whether it's going to stay open
01:13 for the rest of the day.
01:14 And the Braemar to Glenshire Road,
01:16 there has been some problems there,
01:17 but is due to remain open for now at least.
01:21 So there was some relatively heavy snowfall
01:24 a couple of nights ago.
01:26 Nothing last night really of note and not today.
01:29 But that snow that fell a couple of nights ago
01:32 has really kind of compacted in these cold temperatures.
01:36 I was just walking down off the path with Donotta there.
01:39 And I mean, the snow must have been pretty much like a foot
01:43 deep.
01:43 It's obviously been drifting in the wind.
01:45 There has been a wind.
01:46 I've just kind of ducked down here to get out of it.
01:49 And the wind is so icy.
01:52 My hand is turning blue.
01:55 So a very, very cold afternoon.
01:59 The schools in general are OK.
02:02 Ellon Academy is shut because they don't have any water.
02:04 That's probably due to frozen pipes, I'm guessing.
02:07 And the prelims, which were scheduled for today,
02:11 have been delayed.
02:11 So no doubt some happy teenagers around Ellon this afternoon
02:16 getting a little bit more time before they get their head down
02:20 for their examinations.
02:23 The schools, as I say, are generally open.
02:26 But there's been problems with some of the school transport
02:29 finding it difficult to go and reach
02:31 the pupils in more rural areas.
02:34 So extremely cold, really quite bonny though.
02:39 A very wintry afternoon up at Donotta.
02:43 And the temperatures are to remain low overnight.
02:47 But some sunshine is due tomorrow.
02:50 I'm Eilon Eamos, environment correspondent for the Scotsman.
02:53 And I'm here at Durnish, a little village
02:56 between Caerleflachalsh and Plochton
02:59 in the Northwest Isles.
03:01 Today, the schools are shut again
03:02 for the second day in a row.
03:04 It's been snowing on and off all night long.
03:06 And all of today, the roads are pretty dicey,
03:10 though some people are getting through.
03:13 In this area, a lot of people have
03:15 to travel for work along pretty narrow single track
03:19 roads in many cases.
