(Adnkronos) - A Marca Bologna presentati i risultati di un progetto pilota di sensibilizzazione per i consumatori, promosso con il supporto non condizionante dell'Unione Olio di Palma Sostenibile. La fiera bolognese è stata anche l'occasione per un confronto fra associazioni, aziende ed enti certificatori sulla normativa europea contro la deforestazione e il degrado forestale e sullo stato di avanzamento del sistema di tracciabilità ‘Prism’, che aiuterà i membri della Roundtable on sustainable palm oil (Rspo) a dimostrare la conformità all’Eudr degli approvvigionamenti.
00:00 [Music]
00:07 Increase consumers' awareness of the issues of sustainable food,
00:13 the importance of certified sectors, such as sustainable palm oil,
00:18 food security and the fight against waste.
00:21 Cittadinanza Attiva, with the support of the Italian Union for Sustainable Palm Oil,
00:26 presented the pilot project "Sustainable Nutrition and the Fight Against Waste" at the 2024 Marca in Bologna,
00:33 which saw the participation of about 300 consumers and lasted 6 months, from June to December 2023.
00:40 Consumers' awareness is very widespread,
00:44 because citizens, educated and trained, realize that they can exercise real power.
00:51 In reality, however, they realize how this power is de-empowered
00:56 by the lack of information that can be clear and transparent.
00:59 More than 50% of consumers trust commercial communication.
01:03 That trust relationship is also less important,
01:09 so that systems can be developed that can be sustainable and virtuous for all involved actors.
01:15 A project divided in steps, with training activities on issues related to the sustainable agri-food system,
01:21 certified sectors, the correct food diet and the fight against waste.
01:26 Then, the direct involvement of the community.
01:29 Being a pilot project, the actions were concentrated in the Puglia region.
01:33 To bring the project to the national scale in 2024,
01:37 but with a network of stakeholders ranging from production companies to commercial chains,
01:43 universities and research centers, NGOs and institutions.
01:48 This is to provide support in terms of a comprehensive vision of the concept of sustainability,
01:56 but also to provide a practical and concrete vision and to avoid fake news or misinformation,
02:04 which have characterized the penalization of various food chains,
02:09 for example, of sustainable palm oil.
02:12 According to the latest European legislation against deforestation and degradation,
02:16 by the end of this year it will be necessary to ensure that the products do not come from deforested areas after December 31, 2020.
02:24 The community regulation budget is to have a reduced environmental impact
02:29 as regards the raw materials that are imported into the territory of the European Community.
02:34 The traceability of supplies up to the plantation is the most delicate problem to solve for the operators.
02:40 The PRISM platform will be launched this year and will support the members of the RSPO,
02:45 Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil,
02:48 in providing the necessary information for the declaration of due diligence requested by the European Community.
02:55 The number of companies that we are going to certify now,
02:59 about 35% are raw materials producers,
03:04 which will be used to feed both the food and the non-food sectors.
03:12 The certification itself has as a prerequisite the fact that all the actors of the supply chain are certified,
03:19 and therefore guarantees an additional element of traceability and therefore added value for the certification systems.