Following numerous scandals in major institutions, have we lost trust in authority?

  • 9 months ago
We have sent camera teams out across the country for people’s opinions on the scandals that have high once trusted organisations such as the police and the Post Office.


00:00 I think in authority, I don't think there's anyone that could be trusted in authority at the moment
00:06 because there's so many scandals and things that are going on in the world
00:08 as things going on with, like I said, the post office scandal,
00:11 things going on in politics, things going on in the world.
00:13 I don't think that anybody can be trusted in the government or in power
00:17 because they're clearly not doing a good job.
00:18 If there was a computer error that landed people in jail, you know, you can't get that time back.
00:23 So I don't think that there's anyone that's actually being investigated properly.
00:27 Certainly not politicians. I don't think we can trust politicians.
00:30 They contradict each other. They go back on their words.
00:34 They do the opposite of what they say, basically.
00:39 And the police are in court a lot. The police are being prosecuted for all kinds of things.
00:50 I've given up after, I mean, I watched the post office program, watched it right the way through.
00:54 And to think that that can go on in 2024 and still be going on after 20 years.
01:00 They're all the same. You know, I voted Tory, but I think if Labour get into power,
01:09 they'll be exactly the same. I don't see anyone that much better or worse than anybody else.
01:14 I have no idea. You can't trust anybody, really, can you?
01:18 You listen and make your own opinions, don't you? That's all you can do.
01:23 Same with voting. Who do you vote for? No idea.
01:26 Just the police in general. The post office, well, I think they need some
01:31 bosses who know what they're doing. Other authorities, yeah, I think they're doing a good job.
01:38 Yeah.
01:38 People are people, whatever their role in life is. They either have that within them.
01:46 And I will say as a Christian myself, that I think it's where people are in their own lives,
01:53 and then whatever they're tasked to do, that will come through.
01:56 I think a lot of the things we've seen over the past few years, I don't think a lot of
02:00 these people I trust, to be honest. But I suppose you have to take a gamble because
02:06 you're there, they need to be used, you know what I mean?
02:09 Well, it's difficult to say because it's under different management now. But you certainly
02:14 feel really badly let down by the previous leadership, past leadership of the post office,
02:21 and not taking responsibility. And also in the politicians not covening on that there were,
02:27 why were there so many examples of potential corruption suddenly appearing? That should
02:33 have sent alarm bells that there was something else going on. Whereas lots of innocent people
02:38 have had their lives ruined, and they've taken far too long to sort out the matter
02:43 and to pay compensation.
02:45 I don't trust many politicians to be honest. I have no idea. It's a good question. And I really,
02:52 I don't know. I think a lot of people lie, unfortunately. Yeah, it's very depressing.
03:00 It's really hard to keep your blues away.
