Our markets are killing us || Acharya Prashant (2019)

  • 7 months ago
Full Video: Climate change etc have no scientific solution; their solution is spiritual ||Acharya Prashant(2019)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cPRj2ErC9s&t=0s

Video Information: 15.06.2019, Shastra Kaumudi, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida

What is the solution to climate change?
How spirituality can stop the climate change?
Climate change have no scientific solution

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 Working in a firm that is denuding the earth.
00:08 We work for 10 hours a day in a firm that is directly or indirectly denuding the earth,
00:17 cutting down forests and I assure you there is hardly any firm, any company that is not
00:27 complicit in global warming.
00:32 There is hardly any aspect of human business, international markets, production, distribution,
00:44 logistics, shipping, marketing that does not contribute to climate change.
00:53 So you work in those firms throughout the day and then you come back and devote two
00:58 hours a week to running a community garden and then you want to absolve yourself of the
01:06 guilt, you want to give yourself a clean chit.
01:15 This goes out to all the do-gooders who think that by donating two hours of their week to
01:22 some green NGO, they will be able to wash the blood off their hands.
01:26 You will not be able to wash the blood off your hands.
01:32 You are killers, you are criminals and on top of that you pretend to be lovers of the
01:41 planet.
01:42 You pretend to be pro-life, progressive and liberal.
01:45 You are not.
02:00 You must be wondering why I am speaking about this thing regarding procreation, regarding
02:05 having kids because this is the single most important issue facing you and me and the
02:13 planet and the millions of species today.
02:18 This is the one thing that man immediately today, this moment, this second needs to address.
02:25 There is no greater challenge in front of mankind, not the third world war, not nuclear
02:30 proliferation, nothing at all.
02:33 This is the biggest challenge.
02:34 Can you please either stop or limit having babies?
02:43 This is the one challenge that nobody wants to talk about.
02:46 If you can address this, then everything would be addressed and this cannot be addressed
02:51 merely by way of litigation.
02:53 You require a spiritual movement.
02:57 You require a deeply spiritual consciousness to understand what I am saying and act on
03:08 what I am pointing to.
03:16 Babies just don't fall from skies.
03:20 They come from deep body identification and that deep body identification is the curse
03:28 of this planet.
03:30 Spiritual problems are not merely spiritual.
03:34 They are biological, ecological, financial, international, everything, every problem of
03:40 the world is arising from man's body identification.
03:48 And the direct fruit of that body identification is the production of kids.
04:01 You cannot limit the number of kids without firstly putting an end to this body identification.
04:13 And if you don't bring an end to this body identification, even if you limit the number
04:19 of kids, man will keep killing and being violent in other ways.
04:33 So you have to address the root, Vadhaman, and you cannot address the root by devoting
04:39 two hours of your spare time and planting saplings that can at best give you some kind
04:56 of inner satisfaction that you are doing something, that you are not entirely on the side of the
05:06 marauders.
05:13 Do the real thing.
05:14 If you have been with this course since a while now, please do the real thing.
05:30 Help bring about a spiritual revolution, only that can save you, me, everybody, this planet,
05:41 man's consciousness.
05:45 Help bring about a spiritual revolution.
05:49 Without that, planting two seeds and two flowers will not help.
