Aste online, Filizola (Catawiki): “Lusso discreto, design extra large e oro massiccio tra i temi del 2024”

  • 9 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Per quanto riguarda la moda predomineranno gli oggetti sobri e un lusso più discreto, per l'arte e il design prevediamo, invece, un rinnovato interesse per oggetti dai colori audaci e dalle dimensioni extra large. Grande interesse anche per l’oro massiccio, visto come un investimento stabile”. Lo ha detto Stefania Filizola, Director di Catawiki, a margine della presentazione alla stampa della ‘Guida su cosa acquistare (e perchè) nel 2024’, redatta dalla giornalista del New York Times Nina Siegal grazie al contributo dei 300 esperti di Catawiki. Nella Guida, presentata a Milano negli spazi di Corso Como 10, sono elencati i sette temi e i 51 oggetti da tenere d’occhio quest’anno.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 Today we present our CataWiki guide on what to buy and why in 2024.
00:10 This year we did something special, we asked a journalist from the New York Times, Nina Seagal,
00:17 to collaborate with our experts and identify what are the items not to be missed in 2024.
00:25 Our experts give us access to a precious heritage of knowledge
00:30 that varies in the most various categories, from fashion to design,
00:35 from collectibles to wines, to classic cars, to watches and so on.
00:42 We also make this expertise available to our buyers every day
00:47 so that it can be used to satisfy their passions.
00:52 The result of this guide is a document with many practical and useful tips
00:59 that aims to guide the collector, but not only, but also the enthusiast of unique special items
01:06 in the search for the must-have item of 2024.
01:10 In the guide you will find 51 must-have items that have been identified by our experts,
01:17 organized in 7 thematic areas.
01:20 Surely 2024 will see great sociocultural changes.
01:25 As far as the feelings that guide the collector are concerned,
01:30 which are passion and curiosity, these will always remain very strong
01:34 and therefore we expect a constant growth of the online auction market.
01:41 In this climate of socio-economic changes, we can identify some thematic areas
01:48 that will guide, in our opinion, according to our guide, the purchases.
01:53 Surely the Olympic Games in Paris 2024 will encourage buyers
01:58 to buy sports memorabilia celebrating the sports heroes of yesterday and today.
02:06 As far as fashion is concerned, the sober objects will predominate,
02:11 a more discreet luxury that prefers simple lines, but with high-quality materials.
02:19 As for art and design, we expect a renewed interest in objects
02:24 with bold shapes and colors and extra-large dimensions.
02:29 Our experts also expect the rediscovery of some instruments for the production of art
02:34 that bring back a more manual and less digital approach,
02:40 and therefore the use of analog photographic machines
02:44 rather than vintage musical instruments.
02:47 Another trend we can observe is the rediscovery of solid gold,
02:53 as a much more solid and stable investment asset
02:57 compared to the fluctuations of the current market and the external market.
03:02 There is also a renewed interest for all those nickel products
03:08 that have often been undervalued in the past or not valued enough.
03:13 As for wines, we are talking about Armagnac, some of the Jura's niche wines,
03:20 but also in art, those female artists who have never had much voice.
03:25 An example of these artists is Sonia Deleoné,
03:28 who has seen a renewed interest in her works in recent years.
03:37 Finally, as for the reinvented pop icons, this will also be an important theme,
03:43 as Marvel and Mattel have important productions planned for this year.
