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Ayurvedic Remedies are boon for our health. To treat Vaat Rog, Jwar Rog And Ebola Fever without any side effect, one should go for Ayurvedic treatment.

"Ayurvedic Remedy For Vaat Rog, Jwar Rog, Ebola Fever" By Ayurveda & Magnet Therapy Specialist Dr. Bharti Chunnibhai Bhatt

You can also view our other videos to get solutions to any type of problem at home only with simple and yet effective home remedies.
00:00 Namaste Friends, I am Dr. Bharti Junaib Bhatt.
00:20 In today's episode, I will give you information about Vata-Roka.
00:30 Why Vata-Roka is a common disease in Ayurveda?
00:35 And I will also tell you about the common treatment for Vata-Roka.
00:38 First of all, let's understand why Vata-Roka is a common disease in Ayurveda.
00:45 In Ayurveda, there are 80 types of air-related diseases.
00:52 Common people consider Vata-Roka as a disease of the body, or any other air-related disease.
01:02 But it is not so.
01:04 Vata-Roka can have many diseases.
01:08 Vata-Roka is a disease of the body due to which your diet is not proper, you drink cold drinks,
01:18 you don't sleep well at night, you don't eat regular food and you eat after 12 pm.
01:29 There are many such things that if the air in our body increases,
01:40 that is, the empty stomach also has air, we should not fast too much,
01:46 and even those who eat less can have air pollution.
01:51 If you keep all these things in mind, then there will be no air pollution.
01:57 It is important to note that it is said in the scriptures that
02:02 "Yam madhya na bhoktavyam, yam madhya rasotpati hi"
02:08 that is, you should not eat at 12 pm.
02:13 Then the body that nature has given us, it produces juice.
02:18 After that, when you eat, the air is polluted.
02:24 Now, being polluted means that the vata increases.
02:29 By increasing the vata, it tries to get out of where it has increased.
02:38 Sometimes the air is released, sometimes you get a cough,
02:44 sometimes when it gets on your head, it gives you a headache,
02:48 your eyes hurt, and if it gets stuck in the stomach, it cannot come out of anywhere,
02:54 then your stomach bloats with air.
02:59 Until you take it out with any medicine or any medicine,
03:05 the stomach will be in pain.
03:07 Now let's think about the diseases of the air.
03:10 This is a common thing.
03:13 You should not do all this, which increases the air.
03:18 Those who live a regular life, never get the disease of the air.
03:22 Now let's think about what the disease of the air is.
03:28 So we see the fear of knees, paralysis, polio, gout,
03:40 and swelling in the whole body.
03:43 There are 80 types of diseases due to the increase of air.
03:51 Now, the treatment of these various diseases can be made a complete description.
03:59 We tell you the general treatment, which you can do at home.
04:03 Because it is a long disease, it is a lot of money and time.
04:10 So you can treat this disease at home with home remedies or with a magnet.
04:22 Generally speaking, the disease of the air can be helped to destroy three things.
04:33 The first is to check.
04:37 Check means to check the area where the air has been released from a hot water bag.
04:46 And it should be checked every 2-3 hours. You do not get rest in 5-10 minutes.
04:52 There are many ways to check.
04:56 Like hot water, the house is made of a big brick.
05:04 If you heat it up and pour water on it, cool it down a little and wrap it in a cloth.
05:15 Wherever there is a gout, you can check for hours with a single brick.
05:22 That means the villagers can also treat this way.
05:27 This is giving any type of heat check.
05:32 The second treatment is to massage.
05:38 You can also use Mahanarayan oil for massage.
05:45 It is available in every village today.
05:50 You do not have to massage it by pressing it a lot.
06:00 Massaging with a light hand will reduce the air bubble.
06:08 The third treatment is to take hot water bath.
06:15 There are different ways to do this.
06:24 You can also take it with a modern tool.
06:27 If you want to take it at home, you can take a big bucket of water.
06:33 Fill it with Rasnadi Churn, Arundh Churn and Neem leaves.
06:40 When the water boils, close the lid.
06:43 While the water is boiling, take a plastic chair and place it in a place where there is no air.
06:55 Place the patient on it and cover the patient with a blanket or a thick blanket.
07:05 Wrap it around the chair.
07:08 Put a wet napkin on the head.
07:12 Place the water under the chair and remove the lid.
07:24 The steam that comes out of it will affect the whole body of the patient.
07:31 You should continue this treatment until the patient's face is not sweating.
07:39 This is a normal home-made treatment.
07:46 This can make a big difference in your disease.
07:52 Now let's see what medicines to take.
07:59 In Ayurveda, we can say that you should take one tablet of Vat Chintamani Ras three times a day.
08:10 If you have constipation, then you should take Trifla tablet at night.
08:15 You can also take Kishore Guggul, Dashaan Guggul, etc. with this medicine.
08:27 But you should take all these with the advice of a doctor.
08:31 Now let's think what should and should not be taken by a constipated patient.
08:38 First of all, a constipated patient should not walk around at night.
08:45 This will cause constipation.
08:48 Secondly, there should be something in his food that is not digestible.
08:55 He should eat light food.
08:59 He should not eat rice at night or during the day.
09:03 He should not eat rice with bitter grains.
09:08 He should not eat potatoes or other air-filled foods.
09:15 What should he eat?
09:18 He should eat Khichdi with Moong Dal.
09:21 He should eat Moong Dal with Khurak Roti.
09:26 Secondly, the more garlic is used by a constipated patient, the less his disease will be.
09:36 Taking garlic and ginger with ghee or oil every day will help in controlling constipation.
09:49 And a person who eats daily will not have constipation.
09:56 That is why using garlic is as important.
09:59 Now let's see how to use a stick for constipation.
10:15 We have told you that the stick has been used to remove the disease of paralysis.
10:27 We also tell you that if you have any one in your house, neighborhood or relative who has paralysis,
10:36 then you should tell them that the joints of the fingers are formed and the hands and feet stop turning.
10:54 Similarly, it happens in the feet as well.
10:56 So, you cannot wear shoes properly.
10:59 So, paralysis can also be cured with this stick.
11:05 Now let's see how.
11:07 Paralysis is a disease caused by massaging a large stick with a stick.
11:17 Paralysis can be caused by the whole body or half of the body.
11:24 This is called Ardhang Vayu.
11:26 So, if you massage the whole body with a stick, it gives a very good result.
11:41 So, you can control the disease of paralysis with the help of a stick.
11:45 And you can also slowly get rid of it.
11:48 In this video, we have told you about the paralysis.
11:56 If it happens, what is the treatment for it?
12:00 And tell us about the Ayurvedic medicines.
12:02 In this way, we can control 80 types of paralysis.
12:12 Today, I want to tell you something about paralysis.
12:19 It can happen to anyone from a small child to an old man.
12:27 First, let's think about why paralysis happens.
12:32 Due to some mistake, there are some germs in our body.
12:43 For example, if you cough, you get a fever.
12:46 If you have a cold, you get a fever.
12:49 If you have a mosquito bite, you get a fever.
12:52 If you get a cold, you get a fever.
12:55 So, why does paralysis happen?
12:58 The reason for paralysis is that the germs in our body want to get out of our body.
13:12 It is a miracle of nature that it brings out the germs in our body.
13:23 Paralysis means the increase in body temperature.
13:28 When we see a high temperature, we call it paralysis.
13:35 How do germs come out of the body?
13:42 If someone has a slight fever, any bitterness can cause the death of the germs.
13:56 If you have a severe fever, you can put a wet cloth on your head.
14:07 In general, you should keep a few things at home to prevent any bitterness.
14:18 If a small child has a common cold or fever, do not give him an injection.
14:27 Give him a small portion of Sudarshan Ghan Vati and give him a drink of water.
14:37 If you have a common fever, you can get rid of the germs.
14:40 Sometimes, the temperature of the body rises to 3-5 degrees.
14:49 It is important to have a thermometer in your house.
14:54 Just like food and water are important in every family, the thermometer is also important.
15:01 We can't say anything about fever.
15:04 Because fever can be of many types.
15:09 You can know from the thermometer how much fever is.
15:14 If you have a common fever, you should do home treatment.
15:17 You will be fine.
15:18 If you see a fever of 4-5 degrees in the thermometer, you should immediately treat it.
15:26 Because there are many types of fever.
15:30 You will know after getting it tested.
15:33 We tell you that the one who has a permanent fever,
15:39 means the body temperature remains 1 or 2 degrees, it is called a cold fever.
15:48 Due to this fever, the body gradually becomes cold.
15:55 This fever cannot be destroyed by taking bitter medicine.
16:00 For such a patient, you should keep Mahasudarshan Ghan Vati in your house.
16:10 Soak one or two tablets in water at night.
16:15 Drink that water without eating in the morning.
16:23 Doing this for a month, the cold fever, which is the body temperature,
16:30 is permanently eliminated.
16:33 This is its ultimate medicine.
16:35 So friends, today we talked about fever.
16:40 If there is any external disease in the body,
16:46 the body temperature increases, fever occurs.
16:50 We can see different types of diseases.
16:54 The topic we are reading, watching and listening to today is swine flu.
17:02 In the next episode, we will discuss about swine flu in detail.
17:11 For fever, we told you to boil ginger water and drink it.
17:21 So that you do not get the effect of germs from the environment.
17:27 In this video, we will tell you about one disease,
17:34 its general Ayurvedic treatment and how we can control this disease with a magnet.
17:46 We get a little scared when we hear the name Ebola.
17:53 When this disease was widespread, the whole world was afraid of it.
18:01 We got such insects on the banks of the river Ebola in Africa.
18:08 The insects entered the body of a person while walking.
18:15 They spread so much in such a short time that the whole body got hot,
18:22 vomited, fainted and then died.
18:27 What happened in this disease?
18:31 The body started to get fever and people started running away from each other.
18:39 Because at that time, the government had no medicine for this disease.
18:45 I was there, but people saw this disease for the first time in the world.
18:51 That's why there was no medicine for this disease.
18:57 Various medicines were published in the newspapers.
19:01 People who ran away from there were afraid of them wherever they went.
19:06 This was also true because this disease was going to spread very quickly.
19:11 Then we controlled them.
19:14 Now, all the foreigners living in that country, Indian, American, XYZ,
19:22 they all started running back to their own country to save their lives.
19:30 You must have read in the newspaper that
19:34 they had a strict check at the airport and if they saw a slight fever, they hospitalized them.
19:41 And then the Ayurvedic experts were asked if there was any cure for this disease.
19:49 And many scholars told us the cure in a scientific way.
19:56 I will tell you some of them.
19:59 This disease, which we call Ebola today,
20:05 thousands of years ago, our sages wrote about it in their Ayurvedic scriptures.
20:13 Here they have written that fever is not of the same kind.
20:22 When we get fever, there is a medicine at home, they eat it all.
20:28 But it's not really like that.
20:31 Fever occurs in three ways, vata, pitta and kapha.
20:36 The vata, pitta and kapha, the quality that has increased or decreased,
20:44 this is how fever occurs.
20:46 So, every vata, pitta and kapha has a different treatment.
20:50 There are different medicines.
20:52 The symptoms of Ebola disease,
20:56 first of all, the reason, symptoms and treatment.
21:01 The reason is that this insect can enter through the skin, cough or blood from one body,
21:14 and increases so fast that it becomes difficult to treat it.
21:21 All this is also mentioned in Ayurveda.
21:24 In Ayurveda, it is also called vata, pitta, janya, bukhaar, pitta, rakta.
21:36 Because pitta means heat,
21:40 so because of this insect, the blood of the body becomes very hot,
21:46 fever comes, fever gets on the head,
21:49 and then the nerves that burst,
21:54 it takes out the blood from the body from somewhere,
21:58 from the nose, ears, eyes or mouth,
22:02 and then the person does not get fever.
22:05 In this, Ayurveda has told that if the disease of pitta, rakta has occurred,
22:13 then how to treat it?
22:16 So, there is a special remedy for it.
22:21 If there is a lot of fever, then first of all, water should be put on his head.
22:26 Be careful that the fever does not get on the head.
22:29 This disease usually affects the weak person quickly.
22:35 If the person is healthy, then it affects him less.
22:38 Now for that, he has a headache,
22:43 he feels nauseous and starts to faint.
22:47 Now how to treat it?
22:50 So, the medicines that have been told in the form of treatment,
22:53 there are many medicines in it that ordinary people know about it.
22:59 One is Chandrakala Ras, Sudarshan, Pitapra and Chandan.
23:06 If these things are used in the right way, in a scientific way,
23:14 then this disease can be cured if it has started.
23:19 Similarly, if there is a common disease like Ebola,
23:24 which has occurred due to pitta,
23:28 that is, headache, nausea, is a sign of pitta,
23:32 then also you can keep these medicines in your home and give them to the whole family.
23:43 Now we think of this disease as a negative treatment.
23:50 If someone has pitta fever,
23:54 symptoms of pitta, we have told, nausea, dizziness and high fever.
24:02 So, at this time, if this magnet is kept on the stomach,
24:09 its water is given for 2 hours,
24:14 and if it is nauseous,
24:19 then there is an Ayurvedic medicine called Chardhi Repo.
24:25 If it is given by keeping it on the magnet,
24:29 then its qualities increase by 1000 times.
24:33 In this way, we can treat many diseases with this magnet,
24:40 because the magnet is also a part of Ayurveda.
24:46 Now you will think that you have given the name of the medicine,
24:54 how to take it?
24:57 So, medicines are made in different quantities of each company.
25:03 Maybe it is written on the bottle of each company.
25:07 If you have a common fever, then you can take the medicine yourself.
25:12 In the olden days, there was a box of Sudarshan in every house.
25:17 Now people of today do not know this name.
25:21 So, you should keep one box, its pills are also available.
25:24 And this pill, taking one pill can reduce the fever.
25:30 If it does not reduce, then you can take one pill in the morning, afternoon and evening.
25:33 Similarly, sandalwood, papad and Sudarshan,
25:40 if you get the mixture of all three,
25:42 then take 1/4th spoon of each,
25:45 take 1 glass of water and boil it.
25:48 When half the water is left,
25:51 then if all the members of the house take 2 spoons,
25:55 then they also do not have fever in this season.
26:00 In this way, if you take Ayurvedic medicine wisely,
26:06 then there is no side effect.
26:09 One thing special,
26:11 Ayurvedic medicines are not hot.
26:15 What is hot and what is cold,
26:18 should be checked by the doctor.
26:20 You cannot say with your own will that it will be hot or cold.
26:24 Taking a little medicine has no side effect and the fever is gone.
26:30 One more thing,
26:32 if someone has a fever in your house in the middle of the night,
26:36 or if he starts vomiting,
26:39 then we are seeing that until the doctor's medicine is not opened in the morning,
26:44 he will keep vomiting.
26:47 Can't you keep some medicines in your house,
26:51 like for vomiting, if you want, then remember,
26:55 there is a pill called Chardiripu.
26:58 If you vomit a little, you can give it to the children,
27:02 you can also take big ones,
27:06 give one pill to 2 children, give half to the children,
27:10 vomiting will be gone in 2-3 hours.
27:13 Similarly, if you have a cough, you can take Kutajghan Vati.
27:17 In this way, you can treat any fever.
27:25 In the next episode, we will bring another disease,
27:31 which will give you general knowledge and you can also do home remedies.
27:37 Stay healthy, stay happy and keep meeting us. Namaste.
