Varadkar has reservations about NI command paper on economy

  • 6 months ago
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said he has some reservations about the Northern Ireland command paper, particularly in response to the language used in regard to an all-island economy.

He said Northern Ireland has the opportunity to benefit from trade and economic growth and investment coming from all parts of the world. Report by Alibhaiz. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00 I do feel a sense of confidence from the new executive that this is here to last. Obviously
00:10 we're keen to help in any way we can, particularly around north-south issues and east-west issues.
00:15 In terms of reform, I think that should wait a bit. It's important that we allow the parties
00:21 to do their work, to get to know their reefs, their ministries, to work together. Reforms
00:29 have been made before, they can be done. I have read the summary and I don't agree with
00:34 it, as you won't be surprised to hear. As a country and as a government, we take security
00:40 and defence very seriously. We're dramatically scaling up our defence budget in the Republic
00:46 of Ireland and also we're getting more involved in international security. I see the future
00:51 of the economy here as being very bright and I think Northern Ireland has an opportunity
00:57 to leverage its access to the EU single market, being within the UK internal market as well,
01:05 and also building up the north-south economy. So I don't think it's a choice. I think Northern
01:10 Ireland has a great opportunity now to benefit from trade and economic growth and investment
01:16 coming from all parts of the world.
