NEW Fortnite Update is INSANE.

  • il y a 7 mois
00:00 *Battle Royale*
00:13 *Clears throat*
00:14 All bad
00:15 *Battle Royale*
00:18 Are you checking your live bets?
00:20 No, actually I didn't bet anything
00:21 What are you- Why are you being toxic today?
00:23 I'm not being toxic dude
00:24 And I put like a dollar on like ten of them
00:27 What does that mean?
00:29 I put a dollar to win $5000
00:31 *Battle Royale*
00:39 What the f***
00:40 *Battle Royale*
00:48 Okay, I'm one shot
00:50 *Battle Royale*
00:51 I got him
00:52 *Battle Royale*
01:01 Yo
01:03 *Battle Royale*
01:05 You would take that elimination
01:07 It's my boy Sammy
01:08 You would take that elimination Jibby
01:10 He's my guy, I'll take it
01:12 That's not how that works
01:13 I haven't found a single new item yet also
01:15 What's happening?
01:16 They just kind of fall out of the sky
01:19 Do they really?
01:20 Yeah
01:22 Airdrops
01:23 Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up
01:25 I gotta show you my new ride bro
01:27 I upgraded it, you ready?
01:28 Oh dude, same
01:29 I don't wanna see yours
01:30 No you do
01:31 I'll show you mine if you show me yours
01:33 Okay, that's actually sick, mine's better
01:35 Okay
01:40 Yeah?
01:41 I'll give it to you
01:42 What's your boost?
01:43 I mean your tires are average
01:44 Cause they're normal, look at mine
01:46 Okay, those are sick
01:48 Let me see your boost
01:50 So yeah, the normal boost, here's mine
01:52 How do you get that?
01:56 Listen Jibby, I can't tell you all my secrets dude
01:58 I've won so many games
02:01 Nope, nope, nope
02:02 Andre said it's more like Ellen and Keso
02:12 Wow
02:13 To be fair, I think Keso's literally three times your size
02:17 So I think that's actually inaccurate
02:19 Yeah, his channel's huge
02:21 You're right, that's what I'm saying
02:23 Alright, I got Pizza
02:27 And I got the Raphael's
02:30 Is it Sai or Saiyi?
02:32 Oh, someone's here Ty
02:35 Bro, a right click charge? These things are sick
02:37 Hey Ty, killjack?
02:40 Okay, so there's no fall damage
02:45 I don't want to pump shotgun chat
02:55 I am not good with it
02:57 Sai are used to blocking catch, not for stabbing
03:06 I feel like I'm hitting this guy
03:32 I don't know what-
03:33 Okay
03:52 Not bad
03:56 The Sai are not bad for mobility
04:01 You can double jump when you're holding it as well
04:03 Yeah, I'm getting sword movement vibes from this thing
04:14 It's really sick
04:15 Ty, I'm gonna need you to gas me up a little bit more here
04:18 I can't, I can't, I can't
04:20 It is my job to keep your ego in check
04:22 I can't stand when you have an ego
04:24 I'm the only one that can handle an ego for the both of us
04:27 I have zero ego
04:29 Jonathan, you can hear it in your voice
04:31 You're smiling, you're laughing through everything you're saying
04:34 I'm a top 5 Fortnite player
04:36 That's what I'm talking about, dude
04:38 My eyes have been like-
04:40 I love how you roast me all the time for being out of shape and fat
04:43 And you have the health of an 85 year old
04:45 You're excused
04:46 I have a sinus issue
04:48 Dude, you should see the pollen levels here in Florida right now
04:51 It's ridiculous
04:52 Oh, the pollen levels, dude, wow
04:54 Ain't no way
04:56 Alright, mom
04:57 What?
04:58 Are you feeling okay?
05:00 You know what, dude?
05:01 Is the pollen hurting your tummy?
05:03 It's not hurting my tummy, it's hurting my head
05:05 Uh, I got a guy right here
05:09 Team in team
05:16 That was actually a really nice jump to dodge that
05:25 I'm gonna take him out
05:26 Okay
05:27 I just- I just chokes hard
05:39 He's one shot up top
05:41 I just- I just chokes hard
05:43 He's one shot up top
05:45 I just- I just chokes hard
05:46 He's one shot up top
05:47 *clears throat*
06:09 I'm not gonna do that
06:12 I'm not gonna do that
06:13 Not bad
06:16 Are you hiding in a box and stealing my coins at the same time?
06:19 I swear, bro
06:22 Wait, no one can see me
06:24 This is why mom says I'm her favorite
06:30 Dude, Ty, check this out
06:34 You told me I don't have any money
06:35 Oh, where'd you go?
06:36 Careful, these guys might be diving on you
06:41 They are
06:42 I actually just got rocked
06:49 I have one for 50
06:50 I took a shield out completely
06:51 Bro, what the-
06:57 Pretty nice
07:10 Where'd he go?
07:11 Down here
07:13 Nice one
07:39 Nice one
07:40 I feel like that's what all families do during
07:55 movie watching festivities
07:58 Are you gonna get in the car?
07:59 Are you gonna get in the car?
08:00 Why are you getting out?
08:01 I know, that's the plan
08:03 I need you to get in the vehicle
08:08 The second you hopped out of a vehicle
08:10 The second you saw someone shoot across the map
08:12 I was ready to go, dude
08:14 I'm feeling a little aggressive today
08:16 Alright, well good
08:18 Because these guys just got eliminations right here
08:20 Shoot the car, JB
08:33 I'll do even better
08:35 I just shut it down
08:37 I'm gonna get you
08:38 Good job
08:46 Come to papa moon!
08:48 Oh, see those guys?
08:50 110
08:51 97, 146
08:53 I'm coming here
08:54 32
08:55 Dead
09:02 Nice!
09:04 They're getting shot at by somebody up top, I think though
09:06 The movement's crazy
09:24 I'm feeling slightly better
09:25 Allegro working!
09:29 Allegro working!
09:30 Oh, sh*t
09:38 Wow, that was lucky
09:45 Another day, another victory
09:50 We're going out for the OGs
09:52 OGs
09:54 Have shells in the pizza fly
09:55 Wait for nobody but the peace of God
09:57 Go ninja, we save the day
09:59 Fight the full clan and we break away
10:01 Come on