• 8 months ago
Episod 443 My #QuranTime 2.0 Khamis 29 Februari 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 3-5) Halaman 128

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 3-5 halaman 128 ini adalah:
* Pengkhabaran tentang keesaan Allah SWT dan pengetahuan-Nya yang luas (3)
* Pendustaan dan pengingkaran ayat-ayat Allah oleh kaum Musyrikin (4-5)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 3-5 halaman 128:
* Sentiasa berasa diawasi dan gunakan anggota tubuh badan sebaiknya (3)
* Tidak berpaling saat orang menyeru dakwah kebaikan (4)
* Hargai al-Quran sebagai sumber panduan kehidupan (5)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:12 When we read the surahs of Madaniyyah, we will find the Shariah, the rules from Allah SWT.
00:20 But when we read the surah of Makkiyyah,
00:23 it is a surah that provides the value of Tawheed to ensure our souls, our bodies are still devoted to Allah SWT
00:35 so that we can continue to build the strength of devotion, the strength that is provided by Allah SWT.
00:42 How is it built? We will follow the discussion in this episode.
00:47 [Music]
01:09 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
01:17 [Music]
01:45 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:47 Alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala Rasulullah wa ala alihi wa man wala.
01:51 Shara'ah ilahilallah, sha'a'ah ilana Muhammadin, abduhu wa rasuluh.
01:53 Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
01:58 Amma ba'du.
01:59 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
02:01 We meet again in My Quran Time.
02:03 Quran Salat Imfad this time.
02:05 Together we continue Suratul An'am, the sixth surah in the Quran.
02:11 The first surah in the group of Makkiyah, other than Induk Surah Al-Fatihah, which we have already learnt.
02:18 Which we repeat at least 17 times a day.
02:22 And when we enter the group of Makkiyah surah, it is as a confirmation of how to return to Tawheed.
02:31 How we rebuild our morals.
02:35 Before we implement the Shariah that Allah has given in most of the Surahs of Madaniyya.
02:42 And today we will read three verses.
02:45 The third verse to the fifth verse from Surah Al-An'am with Al-Fadl Ustaz Tirmidhi Ali.
02:50 How are you Ustaz?
02:51 Alhamdulillah, how are you?
02:53 Alhamdulillah.
02:54 We continue, we have entered a new surah.
02:56 Last night we entered and with Ustaz Tar.
02:59 And today we continue with Ustaz.
03:01 What is the comment of Surah Al-An'am before we continue?
03:06 When I started, I wanted to read Alhamdulillah.
03:10 The third verse of the surah.
03:12 The third verse, Alhamdulillah.
03:14 So let us pray to Allah together.
03:16 Allah continues to provide the door of wisdom to us with the prayer.
03:20 Subhanakallah, ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antal 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma.
03:28 Let us see what are the summary of the three verses today.
03:31 Starting with the third verse, we will read the information about the kindness of Allah and the knowledge of Allah which is very very wide.
03:41 Following the fourth and fifth verses, the distortion and distortion of the verses of Allah by the Mushrikun
03:48 which we will read and we want to see how it strengthens our self-esteem by tawhid
03:55 and at the same time it gives an effect to the morals in our lives.
03:59 Let us read together these three verses led by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tirmizi Ali.
04:04 Alhamdulillah, thank you Fadhil Ustaz Tirmizi Ali for watching.
04:07 My dear friends, Alhamdulillah.
04:10 We are grateful to Allah.
04:12 We can continue playing Quran time together.
04:16 Quran, prayer and Isha.
04:18 Alhamdulillah, today we will learn three more verses.
04:21 We will listen to the recitation of the holy Quran.
04:24 Then we will learn the teachings from the three verses, which are the third verse, the fourth and the fifth verses.
04:32 Let us focus on the recitation together, the audience at home and in the studio, and our students.
04:38 Alhamdulillah, may Allah make our day easier today.
04:41 Inshallah.
04:42 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:47 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:56 Allah has chosen the heavens and the earth.
05:07 He knows what you do and what you do not do.
05:23 And you do not give them any sign from the signs of their Lord,
05:44 except that they are on their own.
06:01 So they have certainly made a rope of fire.
06:14 And He has made clear to them the things which they used to mock at.
06:35 We have read the first verse, or the third verse, or the fifth verse, Surah Ali Imran.
06:42 We have started the first verse yesterday.
06:45 And we have connected to how Allah has given the knowledge of Tawheed to us with the proximity of the Quran.
06:53 In the previous episode, Allah revealed to the polytheists who associate Allah and the creation in the first verse.
07:00 And in the second verse, they doubted something that had already become a reality,
07:08 such as the birth or the existence of day and night,
07:11 when they did not associate with the time of death from Allah.
07:16 And there are two times of death that are mentioned in the second verse.
07:20 The time of our death and the time for our resurrection from Allah.
07:28 So once again in the third verse, Allah emphasizes "Wa Huwa" and He is Allah.
07:33 He is Allah.
07:34 When we talk about Allah, it is related to "Ilah" which has an effect on "Sembah" or "Taa'at".
07:42 "Fissamawati wa fil 'aud"
07:45 That is, Allah is worshipped in the "Taa'at", in the heavens and on the earth.
07:50 The word "Assamawati wa al-aud" or "Assamawati wa fil 'aud" has appeared in the first verse.
07:56 "Assamawati wa al-aud"
07:57 Why is it necessary to repeat?
07:59 Because in the first verse, when Allah talks about creating the heavens and the earth,
08:03 the polytheists or those who are philosophical about this divinity,
08:08 they say that God created the big things.
08:11 The big things like the heavens and the stars.
08:13 It is not a small thing.
08:15 Because we sin, Allah does not care.
08:19 He only cares about the big things.
08:21 So, because of the broken monotheism, the broken belief among people who are not Muslims,
08:27 sometimes there are Muslims who think that God does not care what we do.
08:34 Because it is not important.
08:35 The important thing is to take care of these big things.
08:37 So, Allah said,
08:38 "Wa huwa Allahu fissamawati wa fil 'aud"
08:41 That is, Allah is worshipped in the heavens and on the earth.
08:44 "Ya'lamu sirrakum"
08:46 Allah always knows your secrets.
08:48 He shows us the small things that we keep hidden in our hearts,
08:54 the faces of our relatives that we reveal or make clear in our lives,
08:58 even though it may not have an effect on the sun and the moon,
09:02 but the small things that we reveal, that we make clear, that we show, Allah knows.
09:08 And Allah always knows what you try.
09:13 So, when we try the good things, Allah knows.
09:16 And when Allah knows, even us, if we know, there are our children who do good.
09:21 They read the Quran, they memorize the Quran.
09:24 Even the loving father, the loving mother, says,
09:27 "Oh, my son is so grateful. He wants to give a gift."
09:31 Because we know that he is doing good.
09:33 But if he goes to beat his brother,
09:36 the mother will not say, "Just be quiet. Let him be."
09:39 The mother knows that you are beating him.
09:40 The mother is silent.
09:41 That is not a loving mother.
09:43 When we talk about a mother or a father,
09:48 "Wa lillahi'l-mathalul a'la"
09:50 more than that, for Allah,
09:52 when He knows that there is a servant who does good,
09:56 Allah will give a good reward, double.
10:00 But if there is someone who tries to show stubbornness,
10:03 disbelief to Allah, Allah knows.
10:06 And when Allah knows this, our faith causes,
10:10 even if my boss knows that I do good work,
10:14 when all the bosses, kings, Allah knows what we do,
10:20 for those who think of inheritance,
10:23 will take action to improve the situation.
10:27 Because, O Allah, we have received many blessings.
10:30 We should be grateful
10:33 so that this blessing will be maintained until the hereafter.
10:38 We will take a break.
10:39 My Quran Time.
10:40 Quran Salat Unfaq.
10:41 Insha'Allah.
10:42 [Music]
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14:25 Welcome back to my Quran Time.
14:27 Quran Salat Unfaq.
14:28 We are looking at the third verse
14:30 until the fifth verse from Surah Al-An'am.
14:33 The sixth verse which leads to the guidance of Tawheed to Allah.
14:38 If the fifth verse, Surah Al-Ma'idah,
14:40 we have already studied 120 verses.
14:43 How is it when Allah gives the blessing of success to all of us,
14:47 to the Messengers, the companions,
14:49 then we need to use it to fulfill the promise
14:52 and there are rules between Surah Al-Ma'idah and Surah Al-Madaniah.
14:57 But when we return to Surah Al-An'am,
14:59 which is revealed in one night,
15:03 accompanied by 70,000 angels,
15:06 to show that this Surah is very important
15:09 to accompany the Prophet in the middle and end of his Dawah.
15:15 And how to face the people who associate Allah SWT
15:21 and the companions to strengthen their faith
15:25 in Tawheed to Allah SWT.
15:27 And this is the role of Tawheed.
15:29 Tawheed we are studying is not only for the ordinary people,
15:33 the lower level people.
15:35 Tawheed is actually for the lower level people,
15:38 the upper level people.
15:40 This is to strengthen our true self.
15:43 The more we do Tawheed,
15:45 what effect will it have?
15:46 It will strengthen our morals.
15:48 And if we sum up what are the morals
15:50 for the 13 years that the Prophet SAW fought with Tawheed,
15:55 the morals are called 'Adil'.
15:57 They are the people who do not have the obligation of zakat,
16:01 the obligation of hajj,
16:03 the obligation of closing the Aura,
16:05 the obligation of distancing from alcohol or alcohol.
16:10 They are still eating the food if we want to explain.
16:13 But they are the people who always keep the justice,
16:17 the universal values that are in the human level,
16:21 the effect of Tawheed to Allah SWT.
16:26 Let's continue reading the fourth verse together.
16:30 How was the process of training that was brought by the Prophet SAW
16:36 was responded by the polytheists?
16:39 Let's read the fourth verse together with Sachin Mizi.
16:41 I will be reading to you.
16:45 [Reciting]
16:48 [Reciting]
16:51 [Reciting]
16:54 [Reciting]
16:57 [Reciting]
17:00 [Reciting]
17:04 [Reciting]
17:07 [Reciting]
17:35 [Reciting]
17:38 [Reciting]
17:41 [Reciting]
17:49 What does 'Ayah' mean?
17:51 'Ayah' is from the word 'Ay' which means something that tests.
17:54 Because every time we meet 'Ayah', 'Ayah' can be in two forms.
18:00 One is in the Quran, the word of Allah.
18:04 The other is the verse of Allah's greatness in the world,
18:08 in the world of creation, phenomena in our lives.
18:11 So these two types are the verses of whom?
18:15 They are from their God, which is brought to them.
18:19 But what is their response?
18:21 [Reciting]
18:24 Here we need to understand that the verse of Allah should test us,
18:29 make us feel amazing, feel like 'Ya Allah'.
18:32 When we see a verse of the Quran,
18:34 even though we don't understand it, we need to prepare our mind and heart,
18:38 there must be something that amazes us.
18:42 In the Surah Jinn, when the Jinn are read and heard the Quran,
18:46 they say, "This Quran is an amazing Quran."
18:51 In English, right?
18:52 In Malay, "Wow, what an amazing Quran."
18:56 So this is how the Jinn interact with the Quran.
19:00 So when we all hear the Quran,
19:03 even though we don't understand it yet,
19:05 there must be something amazing in this verse.
19:11 And more than that, Allah also appears in our lives
19:16 with the phenomena that happen.
19:18 When we see the clouds, trees, the light,
19:22 all of that is a verse or a miracle of Allah's greatness.
19:29 But the response from the polytheists is,
19:32 Allah says, "They are deviating."
19:37 What does 'mu'ridin' mean?
19:38 It's from the word 'arada'.
19:40 We have read in Surah Al-Baqarah,
19:43 when the angels are informed,
19:46 explained, that is called 'arada',
19:49 it is shown.
19:50 So when we use the word 'arada',
19:53 'arada' is someone who tries to hide or hide
20:01 from the truth.
20:03 'Arada' is to explain the truth.
20:05 But 'arada' means someone who tries to hide
20:09 and deny the truth that is already in them.
20:13 So, going back to the polytheists,
20:16 why do they 'mu'ridin'?
20:18 It's not that they don't know.
20:19 They know that what makes this nature
20:22 is not statues, not humans, not creatures,
20:26 but Allah who is highly praised, highly powerful.
20:30 They know.
20:31 But why?
20:32 When they are arrogant,
20:35 when they ignore the day of the hereafter,
20:38 in the second verse,
20:39 "Tam'tarun",
20:40 doubting the day of resurrection,
20:43 'ajal musamman'
20:45 then the effect is,
20:47 they take all the signals.
20:50 This verse is also a signal that shows Allah's greatness.
20:53 The signal is that they don't care.
20:55 So if we have a phone right now,
20:57 if we get a signal,
20:58 the effect is that it will vibrate.
21:00 So when we get a signal from Allah,
21:04 our heart should be excited.
21:07 We feel, "Oh, okay, okay."
21:08 So it's like that.
21:09 It's not just a momentary thing.
21:11 Or more than that,
21:13 when there is excitement,
21:15 we should respond,
21:17 "Who wants to make a phone call?"
21:18 But if there is someone who,
21:20 no matter how excited the phone is,
21:22 no matter how loud the sound is,
21:23 he does,
21:24 that is a 'muridin'.
21:26 Someone who ignores it.
21:28 Why?
21:29 Because he has other interests.
21:32 These people of kufr,
21:34 they have other interests.
21:35 They feel that their wealth,
21:37 their status,
21:38 that is more important.
21:39 The idea they have,
21:40 the ideology they have,
21:41 that is more important
21:42 than the verse from Allah
21:46 that should give an effect to them.
21:49 So the first step,
21:51 to ignore is the first step
21:54 that leads to the second and third step,
21:58 the damage to a person
22:00 when the verses of Tauhid are explained
22:03 from Allah SWT.
22:05 What are the second and third things?
22:07 We will go into this in the next verse.
22:09 But we will first look at the choice words this time.
22:13 The word is "Ya'lamu Sirrakum Wa Jahrakum"
22:17 The word 'Jahrakum' is from the word 'Jahara'
22:21 something that is real, clear, and clear.
22:24 It is mentioned 16 times in the Quran.
22:26 It appears in Surah An-Nahl,
22:28 Surah Al-Anbiya,
22:29 and also Surah Al-A'la.
22:31 So when it is said about
22:33 what is explained, Allah knows,
22:36 what is hidden, Allah knows,
22:38 what is explained by people.
22:40 Some people say, "We believe."
22:43 In Surah Al-Baqarah, "We believe."
22:45 But actually, what is explained, Allah knows,
22:48 in your heart, you do not believe.
22:50 To such a level, Allah knows.
22:52 What we hide, we give charity secretly,
22:55 others do not know.
22:56 But Allah knows,
22:58 and we give charity because of Allah,
23:00 because we want to get a name,
23:02 or because of someone.
23:04 All of that is in the knowledge of Allah SWT.
23:08 So what we hide, we must keep it.
23:10 And what we explain, what we show,
23:13 we must keep it,
23:15 because we hope Allah will accept
23:18 all of that as a practice,
23:20 only for the people.
23:22 We will take a short break.
23:24 Until next time, Quran Salah.
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27:48 Alhamdulillah, we are back with Quran Time.
27:50 Quran Salat Ifaat.
27:52 You heard the recitation of Tarabuh from Fadhil Sattafazzil just now,
27:56 in the third verse and also the fourth verse.
27:58 And now we want to learn a little bit,
28:01 the words, the sections of the ayat Tajweed,
28:04 together we will organize
28:06 from the point of reading our Quran,
28:09 and when we can read the words of the Quran,
28:13 it is easy for us to start the process of memorization of the Quran.
28:19 If we memorize it when we are not fluent yet,
28:22 when we see it, it is difficult to remember the Quran.
28:25 Even reading it,
28:27 we are still stumbling,
28:29 to enter the memory is a bit difficult.
28:31 But if we can read it smoothly,
28:34 with our eyes, tongue, mouth, everything,
28:37 it will make it easier for us to remember the verses of the Quran that we read.
28:42 Alright, we want to see a little bit of the fourth verse.
28:48 The fourth verse, as usual, I stand up.
28:53 The fourth verse is,
28:55 [Arabic]
29:03 We focus on the words.
29:05 [Arabic]
29:20 One, two, start.
29:23 [Arabic]
29:29 Once again,
29:30 [Arabic]
29:32 The first one is the one that is on top,
29:34 and then there is the dead Hamzah.
29:36 Where we kill Hamzah without making a sound,
29:39 the sound of Hamzah.
29:41 The Hamzah is a sound that is really broken.
29:44 It is held by the Hamzah's throat.
29:47 Hamzah's throat is in our throat.
29:50 [Arabic]
30:08 Once again,
30:09 [Arabic]
30:15 There are some mistakes that can happen.
30:17 [Arabic]
30:20 There are some mistakes.
30:21 [Arabic]
30:26 The sound disappears.
30:27 [Arabic]
30:39 Because of Hamzah.
30:41 Then,
30:43 [Arabic]
30:53 Nun is dead and met Hamzah.
30:55 What is his punishment?
30:57 His punishment is to say,
30:58 [Arabic]
31:00 Nun is dead.
31:01 Nun's death is explained.
31:03 Nun's death is touched.
31:05 When Nun is dead,
31:06 [Arabic]
31:07 Without making a long sound.
31:09 [Arabic]
31:13 Because of meeting Hamzah.
31:16 So,
31:17 I have mentioned several times,
31:19 the word Hamzah in Al-Quran,
31:21 when we meet Hamzah,
31:23 there is a punishment.
31:26 So, we have to be careful when we meet Hamzah.
31:28 For example,
31:29 [Arabic]
31:41 Because Hamzah is far away.
31:43 Hamzah is far away.
31:46 So, we have to be careful Hamzah.
31:50 That's why,
31:51 in the Quran,
31:53 it is read with 'ibdal'.
31:55 [Arabic]
32:18 Okay.
32:19 It means,
32:20 it is read by killing Hamzah.
32:23 We cannot read it in a way,
32:25 that Hamzah is more than Hamzah.
32:27 Okay.
32:28 It is the same with the second sentence.
32:30 That's why,
32:31 in the recitation of Al-Quran,
32:32 some people read it with 'ibdal'.
32:33 [Arabic]
32:35 Because they meet Hamzah.
32:37 Because it is hard to kill Hamzah.
32:39 Because there is a recitation,
32:40 [Arabic]
32:41 It is read,
32:42 [Arabic]
32:44 There is also a recitation,
32:45 [Arabic]
32:47 It is read,
32:48 [Arabic]
32:50 People know that,
32:51 when they meet Hamzah,
32:52 there are many laws.
32:54 We see in the second sentence,
32:56 [Arabic]
33:23 Here, I want to focus on the last sentence.
33:26 [Arabic]
33:35 Okay.
33:36 The letter 'Ayn' that dies,
33:37 after the 'Mim' that is in a row,
33:38 is the hope.
33:39 [Arabic]
33:40 We call it,
33:41 [Arabic]
33:44 That 'Ayn'.
33:45 [Arabic]
33:47 Not 'Mu'.
33:48 But we call it,
33:49 [Arabic]
33:52 'Ayn' is in the middle of the 'Krongkong'.
33:54 Then, there is a letter 'Roi' that is in a row below.
33:57 [Arabic]
33:58 We call it,
33:59 [Arabic]
34:01 Then, 'Dod' that is in a row below.
34:03 It must be pronounced,
34:04 [Arabic]
34:10 At the same time,
34:11 the letter 'Roi' that is in the middle,
34:14 between 'Mu' and 'Dod' that is in a row below,
34:17 must be pronounced.
34:19 We cannot read,
34:20 [Arabic]
34:21 If it is 'Mu' and 'Ri',
34:22 it is not allowed.
34:23 That is a thick 'Roi'.
34:24 'Ri'
34:25 But we read,
34:26 'Ri'
34:27 To say one is easy,
34:28 'Ri'
34:29 But when it is next to 'Dod',
34:31 the letters that are still afraid,
34:34 then 'Roi' becomes thick.
34:35 [Arabic]
34:36 It cannot be 'Mu' and 'Ri'.
34:37 [Arabic]
34:39 We say,
34:40 [Arabic]
34:42 [Arabic]
35:01 'Ri'
35:02 We write,
35:03 'Ri'
35:04 'Dhi'
35:05 'Ri'
35:06 'Dhi'
35:07 'Ri'
35:08 'Dhi'
35:09 'Ri'
35:10 'Dhi'
35:11 'Dhi'
35:12 'Roi'
35:13 'Dhi'
35:14 'Roi'
35:15 'Dhi'
35:16 'Roi'
35:17 'Dhi'
35:18 'Roi'
35:19 'Dhi'
35:20 'Roi'
35:21 'Dhi'
35:22 'Roi'
35:23 'Dhi'
35:24 'Roi'
35:25 'Dhi'
35:26 'Roi'
35:27 'Dhi'
35:28 'Roi'
35:29 'Dhi'
35:30 'Roi'
35:31 'Dhi'
35:32 'Roi'
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35:34 'Roi'
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35:36 'Roi'
35:37 'Dhi'
35:38 'Roi'
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35:43 'Dhi'
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36:00 'Roi'
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36:03 'Dhi'
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36:33 'Dhi'
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36:35 'Dhi'
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