Episod 431 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 17 Februari 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji M/S 123-124 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

  • 6 months ago
Episod 431 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 17 Februari 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Al-Ma'idah (5: 90-103) Halaman 123-124 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Al-Ma'idah ayat 90-103, halaman 123 hingga halaman 124. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Pendakwah, Ustaz Mohamad Zarifi Mohamad Daud.

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:14 To preserve the blessings and success
00:17 that Allah has bestowed upon us all,
00:20 Allah has given us guidance so that we do not
00:23 take the path of "Rijasun", the dirty path
00:26 that is spread by Satan.
00:29 Allah has given guidance in Surah Al-Ma'idah
00:32 to continue to succeed.
00:34 In the term of "Ulul Al-Baq", we can continue to
00:36 differentiate between the good and the bad.
00:38 And this is the discussion in this revision.
00:42 [Music]
01:04 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
01:06 Alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu ala rasulillah
01:08 wa ala alihi wa man wala
01:09 Shadadah la ilaha illallah, shadadah Muhammadan
01:11 wa ala Rasuluh, Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin
01:13 wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba'du.
01:16 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:18 We meet again in My Quran Time.
01:20 Quran Salat Imfad in our revision session
01:22 on page 123 to 124.
01:27 And Alhamdulillah today we are together
01:29 with our panel, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Zarifi.
01:32 How are you Ustaz?
01:33 Alhamdulillah, thank you.
01:34 Ustaz Fazil Sihai, yes?
01:35 Alhamdulillah.
01:36 Same as Ustaz Tamizhi today,
01:38 more or less the same clothes, Ustaz.
01:39 Oh, good.
01:40 Indeed, there is money today.
01:41 Siblings.
01:42 Siblings, that's what we want to hear.
01:43 Nasheed siblings.
01:44 Alhamdulillah.
01:45 Today, insya'Allah.
01:46 So, Alhamdulillah, thank you.
01:48 We will talk to Ustaz Zarifi together, yes?
01:50 For us to review together
01:52 page 123 and page 124.
01:56 Let's start our session with the prayer.
01:59 Subhanakallah a'ilma lana illa ma'allam tana
02:02 innaka antala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni 'ilma
02:07 We want to see together the 90th verse just now.
02:11 "O you who believe,
02:13 indeed, hard drinks are gambling.
02:15 Praise for the one who is in a state of misery and
02:17 has a share of the fate with the son of the arrow
02:19 is a sin, including the sin of the devil.
02:22 So, keep away from that sin,
02:24 so that you may succeed."
02:26 In this 90th verse,
02:28 we meet the term "rijsun"
02:30 as a term that is translated as "sin"
02:34 and "kajj"
02:36 If Ustaz could explain why this term was chosen
02:39 in this 90th verse
02:41 and what is the importance of managing success
02:45 when the fatwa of Mecca succeeds
02:48 and why this term was chosen for the companions
02:51 and also for us. Please.
02:53 Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad
02:55 wa 'ala a'ali Sayyidina Muhammad
02:57 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
02:59 Al-Fadhil Ustaz Fazrul, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Termizi
03:02 and all the viewers who are blessed by Allah.
03:04 Al-Fadhil Ustaz Termizi has presented
03:06 by reading the verse in the 90th verse
03:10 has given us a lesson.
03:15 Because the verse was revealed in the 90th verse
03:19 in this surah,
03:21 Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has revealed this verse
03:24 to two tribes
03:26 among the Ansar.
03:28 Because before the verse was revealed,
03:31 this surah, Surah Al-Ma'idah,
03:33 which forbids a total of four things.
03:36 The first is alcohol,
03:38 the second is gambling,
03:39 the third is prostitution,
03:41 and the fourth is gambling.
03:44 These four things are totally forbidden
03:47 when the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims
03:49 are in Madinah.
03:51 This verse was revealed.
03:53 Before that,
03:54 gambling and drinking alcohol
03:56 is among the habits of the people
03:59 since the time of Jahiliyyah.
04:02 So when the people of the Ansar
04:05 are drunk,
04:10 they don't realize that they are fighting
04:12 with each other,
04:14 fighting until they bleed.
04:16 Finally, this verse was revealed
04:18 which totally forbids
04:20 alcohol and the three things
04:22 that we mentioned earlier,
04:23 meaning the four things.
04:25 When this verse was revealed,
04:27 Sayyidina Anas said,
04:29 "A companion named Abu Talha
04:32 has followed the instructions
04:34 of the Messenger of Allah,
04:35 which they have disowned."
04:38 Or we can say, "threw away."
04:40 "Throw away the bottles of alcohol
04:42 in this house.
04:43 They threw them away
04:45 because that is what was instructed
04:47 by Allah and the Messenger of Allah."
04:51 As we know,
04:52 as Ustaz Fazlur Rahman said
04:54 in the previous episode,
04:56 the prohibition of alcohol
04:58 has four stages.
05:00 The first one,
05:02 Allah Ta'ala did not prohibit it yet.
05:04 Allah Ta'ala stated in Surah Al-Baqarah,
05:08 Allah Ta'ala gave a sign that
05:10 drinking hard alcohol
05:12 or alcohol that makes you drunk
05:14 is not good.
05:16 Then, in Surah Al-Baqarah,
05:20 Allah Ta'ala stated,
05:23 "Both are beneficial,
05:31 but the sin is greater
05:33 than the benefit."
05:35 That is for the second one.
05:37 It is not prohibited yet.
05:39 The third one, Allah Ta'ala stated,
05:41 "Do not approach prayer
05:46 while you are drunk."
05:48 When you want to drink hard alcohol.
05:51 It means do not approach prayer.
05:53 It is not prohibited yet.
05:55 This is the fourth one.
05:57 Then, in Surah Al-Ma'idah,
05:59 verse 90,
06:01 Allah Ta'ala prohibited it totally.
06:03 That is why Abu Talhah
06:05 disposed of all the bottles of alcohol
06:09 in the house
06:11 in the streets of the city of Medina.
06:13 Someone said,
06:15 "At that time,
06:17 the city of Medina was flooded.
06:19 It was a disaster.
06:21 So, the first lesson is,
06:23 the companions held on firmly
06:27 to Allah's revelation
06:29 and the prophet's saying,
06:31 "Kanaba" is the sun.
06:33 The alcohol,
06:35 and the four serangkai,
06:37 alcohol,
06:39 prostitution,
06:41 gambling,
06:43 the four are the sun.
06:45 What does the sun mean?
06:47 It is a disaster.
06:49 So, the scholars discussed,
06:51 does the disaster mean
06:53 a disaster to its essence
06:55 or to its meaning?
06:59 Some scholars said,
07:01 "It is a disaster to its essence."
07:03 But the experts said,
07:05 "It is a sun."
07:07 The disaster means
07:09 to its meaning.
07:11 It means,
07:13 the four things are prohibited
07:15 because they are
07:17 dirt,
07:19 impurity,
07:21 and all of that
07:23 comes from the devil
07:25 and Allah's commandment,
07:27 "Avoid,
07:29 avoid, avoid yourself.
07:31 You avoid those four things,
07:33 you will be successful."
07:35 I would like to say to Fadhil Ustaz Zarifi,
07:37 to explain how
07:39 this verse 90
07:41 is a total prohibition.
07:43 It means,
07:45 there was a campaign
07:47 that said it was not good.
07:49 Then, it was followed by
07:51 a campaign that said
07:53 the sin was more than the benefit.
07:55 Then, it was
07:57 put in prayer.
07:59 Because they were praying,
08:01 but they were not allowed
08:03 to get drunk during prayer.
08:05 Only then, this prohibition was done.
08:07 This is a framework,
08:09 a framework in making
08:11 a transformation
08:13 in a place.
08:15 When we talk about
08:17 corruption,
08:19 or bad things,
08:21 we need to have those steps.
08:23 To say that this is not good,
08:25 its benefit, its bad effects, etc.
08:27 This is a way of thinking
08:29 that is brought
08:31 in the Quran,
08:33 "So that we may be guided by Allah."
08:35 And when we talk about
08:37 the Arab, Jew, Muslim, and Ansar,
08:39 there are four things in the verse 90.
08:41 However, in the verse 91,
08:43 it is only focused on two things.
08:45 That is,
08:47 "Alhamru" and "Al-Maysir".
08:49 Why?
08:51 We will read the verse 91 first.
08:53 You at home, read it first,
08:55 look back, and pay attention.
08:57 We will see it again after we rest.
08:59 My Quran Time, Quran Salat Infah.
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