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Episod 468 My #QuranTime 2.0 Isnin 25 Mac 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 63-65) Halaman 135

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 63-65 halaman 135 ini adalah:
* Sindiran kepada orang Musyrik yang memohon keselamatan ketika ditimpa musibah (63)
* Hinaan dan celaan kepada kaum Musyrik yang tetap sombong diri (64)
* Pengkhabaran azab dan ujian ke atas kaum yang berdusta (65)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 63-65 halaman 135:
* Berdoa kepada Allah ketika senang dan susah, ketika aman dan takut (63)
* Tidak kufur nikmat setelah mendapat pertolongan dan perlindungan Allah SWT (64)
* Jauhi dosa-dosa yang menjemput azab dan kemurkaan-Nya (65)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [Music]
00:17 If we rely on ourselves in life,
00:21 to face various challenges,
00:23 we may be weak and we will die.
00:27 When we rely on Allah SWT,
00:29 we learn about faith and Tawheed,
00:32 there is a psychology of Tawheed
00:34 that Allah has stated in the Quran.
00:37 Follow the discussion in this episode.
00:40 [Music]
01:02 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
01:07 Say, "Who will save you from the darkness of the land and the sea,
01:20 calling it to itself, hidden and hidden?
01:29 Allah almighty has spoken the truth."
01:37 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.
01:39 Alhamdulillah wa salatu wasalamu 'ala rasulillah wa 'ala alihi wa man wala
01:42 shaytanir la ilaha illallah, shaytanir rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
01:44 wa ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
01:48 amma ba'tu.
01:50 How are you ladies?
01:51 We meet again in My Quran Time,
01:53 Quran Salat Infaq.
01:54 We would like to discuss verses 63-65 of Surah Al-An'am.
01:59 Surah that provides guidance on how to have faith,
02:02 how to strengthen the Tawheed to Allah.
02:06 Today we will read together with Al-Fadhil Ustaz,
02:09 Tirmidhi Abdul Rahman.
02:11 Alhamdulillah, Al-Fadhil Ustaz.
02:13 Alhamdulillah.
02:16 As you say, whether I am healthy or not,
02:18 but I must say, Alhamdulillah.
02:20 InshaAllah. We are the Ummah of Alhamdulillah.
02:23 And Surah Al-An'am is the second Surah that begins with Alhamdulillah
02:27 before we meet Surah Al-Kahfi,
02:29 Surah Fadhil and Surah Sabaq.
02:31 And Alhamdulillah, this is repeated,
02:33 there are many times that it is repeated in Al-Quran.
02:36 In Surah Al-An'am, we have already met at this time.
02:39 Alhamdulillah, if Allah destructs to the root of the people
02:44 who do wrong in life.
02:47 Let us start our session today with the prayer of Subhanallah.
02:51 "Illamalana illama 'alam tana innaka 'ntala 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni 'ilma"
02:58 Let us see what are the summary of the three verses today.
03:01 Starting with the 63rd verse,
03:05 which we will read in page 135.
03:09 "A warning to the polytheists who ask for salvation when they are in trouble."
03:14 Following the 64th verse,
03:16 "A disgrace and a curse to those who associate partners with Allah,
03:20 who still claim to be self-sufficient."
03:23 Following the 65th verse,
03:24 "A warning of punishment and a test on the people who deny the message from Allah."
03:31 Let us read together these three verses today
03:34 with Al-Fatihah Ustaz Tammizy Abdul Rahman.
03:36 Thank you Al-Fatihah Ustaz Fazlul.
03:38 Ladies and gentlemen,
03:39 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
03:41 Ayahnya Dalbonda, the news today is with Al-Quran,
03:46 even though we are in a busy schedule,
03:49 but we are still choosing and it is facilitated by Allah SWT to be with Al-Quran.
03:55 Therefore, we are grateful to Allah SWT,
03:57 Alhamdulillah, for the blessings and blessings of Allah SWT.
04:01 Alhamdulillah.
04:02 And we also, Ustaz Fazl,
04:04 Ustaz Fazl, you have been in Juhu for a long time, right?
04:06 Yes, I was born and raised in Juhu.
04:10 Why did you go far? Where did you go?
04:11 I went out.
04:12 Went out? Is it far from Simpang Renggam?
04:13 It is close.
04:14 Close.
04:15 And today we are close to the people of Simpang Renggam
04:20 because we are together with the group of Muslims who recite Simpang Renggam.
04:25 JDT, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
04:27 Waalaikumsalam.
04:29 Thank you for coming to Teratak Ma'ik Quran Time.
04:32 May this joy continue in life
04:36 and certainly be accompanied by Al-Quranul Karim.
04:39 And also the companions of Istiqamah.
04:43 And the parents of our viewers,
04:45 Istiqamah are always with us in front of the TV screen
04:48 and those who follow us on our platform.
04:52 May the blessings of Allah SWT be upon you.
04:55 We want to read three verses,
04:56 which are verses 63, 64 and 65.
05:01 We haven't read with Taranum Sobah for a long time.
05:05 Let's try to start with Taranum Sobah.
05:10 Three verses this time, inshallah.
05:12 Are you ready?
05:14 Oh, the question is like we have to read it alone.
05:16 We will read together, inshallah, these three verses.
05:19 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:23 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
05:31 Say, "Who will save you from the darkness of the land and the sea,
05:42 that you call upon Him in humility and in secret?
05:58 Say, "Allah will save you from it and from the fire of Hell.
06:18 Say, "Allah will save you from it and from every distress.
06:32 Then you will associate others with Him."
06:39 Say, "He is the One Able to send upon you a punishment from above you,
06:58 that He may send upon you a punishment from above you,
07:11 or from beneath your feet,
07:23 or that He may dress you in a garment and make you taste a punishment from above you.
07:41 See how We explain the verses, that they may understand.
08:05 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
08:12 We have read the verses 63-65,
08:16 which connect to how Allah introduces us to Allah in the previous verses,
08:22 verses 60, 61 and 62.
08:25 When we have been introduced to Allah,
08:27 who is very powerful,
08:29 who controls and kills us at night,
08:31 and also the rule of Allah,
08:33 who is Al-Qahir,
08:35 who is the most dominant over all His creatures,
08:38 no one can change the will of Allah.
08:42 In the 63rd verse, Allah has asked the Prophet SAW,
08:45 the companions and us,
08:47 to convey the message of this Tawheed,
08:50 with the words,
08:52 "May You save me from the darkness of the fire of Hell.
08:56 I will not be able to see it,
08:58 nor will I be able to see it,
09:00 nor will I be able to see it."
09:02 What does this mean?
09:03 It is a call to ask the people,
09:05 and at the same time,
09:06 to strengthen our faith.
09:08 Who can save you from the darkness of the earth and the sea?
09:14 And you pray,
09:16 with a full sense of humility,
09:18 with patience,
09:20 with softness,
09:21 "If Allah saves me from this problem,
09:25 I will be a grateful person."
09:27 This is the psychology of Tawheed,
09:29 or the faith in the human being.
09:31 When we are overwhelmed by darkness,
09:34 which means,
09:35 this darkness is the darkness or the problem,
09:37 the problem on earth is,
09:39 if we drive a car nowadays,
09:41 in the past,
09:42 we might get lost in the sand,
09:43 but nowadays,
09:44 if we drive a car,
09:45 and see the oil is already dripping,
09:48 at that time,
09:49 what happens?
09:50 The engine starts,
09:51 the air conditioner is turned off,
09:52 and then,
09:53 "O Allah, help me, O Allah."
09:54 Or else,
09:55 if you are on the highway,
09:56 and you see there is nothing on the left or right,
09:57 nothing,
09:58 it's dark.
09:59 This is what is meant by,
10:00 "Zuluma til bar",
10:02 which means,
10:03 the darkness on earth.
10:04 It means,
10:05 one of the darkness is,
10:06 when we feel like we are lost,
10:08 the oil is not there,
10:10 we just see it dripping.
10:12 So,
10:13 even when we talk,
10:14 we don't talk,
10:15 we just stay silent.
10:17 We are sweating,
10:18 we are sweating,
10:19 we drive slowly,
10:20 we think,
10:21 "I hope the oil will increase."
10:22 We will think of all kinds of things at that time.
10:24 So, what happens?
10:26 Someone who experiences this hardship,
10:29 whether on land or on the sea,
10:31 will definitely pray.
10:33 Pray to whom?
10:34 Only to Allah.
10:35 Even if that person is a Hindu,
10:37 a Buddhist,
10:38 or an Islamist,
10:41 everyone will pray to Allah,
10:43 "Taddarru'an wa khufiyata"
10:45 with a feeling of low self-esteem,
10:47 a feeling of low self-esteem,
10:48 and he is silent.
10:49 He doesn't say,
10:50 "O Allah, help me, O Allah."
10:51 He says,
10:52 "O Allah, help me, O Allah,
10:53 give me,
10:54 help me, O Allah.
10:55 I will be a grateful person
10:58 who will always return to You.
11:00 I will do good, O Allah."
11:01 This is the psychology of the 63rd verse.
11:06 Imam Fakhr-ul-Razi states that
11:07 if we have a problem,
11:09 there are four conditions for us to pray.
11:11 The first is to ask for help.
11:13 The second is to pray.
11:14 The third is to be silent,
11:16 with a low self-esteem,
11:18 and the fourth is
11:20 to always remember and be grateful to Allah,
11:24 to be positive to Allah.
11:26 These are the conditions for a person to come out of darkness or hardship.
11:30 But more than that,
11:31 the format of prayer stated in the 63rd verse
11:35 explains to anyone,
11:37 whether they are Muslims or not,
11:39 whether they believe or not,
11:40 whether they pray or not,
11:41 whether they read the Quran or not.
11:42 In difficult times,
11:43 this is the psychology.
11:44 And what happens,
11:46 what is the negotiation that happens
11:48 in difficult times,
11:49 is continued in the 64th verse.
11:51 But we will take a short break.
11:53 Bye. Quran Time.
11:54 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
11:55 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
11:57 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
12:24 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
12:41 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
12:45 Recite in the name of your Lord who created.
12:52 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
12:56 Every day at 12.30pm on TV9
13:00 and Astro 149.
13:03 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
13:06 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
13:12 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
13:24 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
13:34 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
13:54 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
14:23 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
14:43 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
15:11 Quran Salat Mufaqqah.
15:39 As-salamu alaykum.
15:40 As-salamu alaykum.
15:41 As-salamu alaykum.
15:42 As-salamu alaykum.
15:43 As-salamu alaykum.
15:44 As-salamu alaykum.
15:45 As-salamu alaykum.
15:46 As-salamu alaykum.
15:47 As-salamu alaykum.
15:48 As-salamu alaykum.
15:49 As-salamu alaykum.
15:50 As-salamu alaykum.
15:51 As-salamu alaykum.
15:52 As-salamu alaykum.
15:53 As-salamu alaykum.
15:54 As-salamu alaykum.
15:55 As-salamu alaykum.
15:56 As-salamu alaykum.
15:57 As-salamu alaykum.
15:58 As-salamu alaykum.
16:00 Because when we talk about Tawheed, for some people, they say, "Tawheed, Iman, studying, what's the big deal?"
16:05 But, apparently, when Allah states in verse 63, we study Tawheed, Iman, we strengthen Iman so that we are clear.
16:14 Especially when there is darkness, that is, the darkness of darkness.
16:20 If someone is anxious, stressed, he feels like it's dark.
16:24 He says, "I can't think."
16:26 There are some who faint when there is darkness in their lives.
16:32 So, darkness in the earth and in the sea is of various kinds.
16:37 Some are very extreme, some are like that.
16:41 Some people are afraid they are on a ship, for example.
16:46 There are people who are in trauma.
16:48 Trauma that is when, say, they get on a plane, for example, when they are in the air pocket,
16:52 the one that hits the clouds, it's like that.
16:56 And at that time, what happens to the Muslims or non-Muslims, even the atheists who do not believe in God,
17:01 they will say, "Oh my God!"
17:03 And at that time, what will they pray?
17:05 "Tadharu'an wa hufiyata"
17:07 In a way that is very humble, with a soft, sincere feeling.
17:12 They know that the truth that can save them at that time,
17:16 for example, I once got on a plane,
17:18 it was spinning, landing in the city of Baru.
17:22 There was a friend, it was spinning, landing in Penang.
17:25 It went to Penang and then back to the city of Baru.
17:27 What I want to say is that when God tests in the earth and in the sea,
17:33 including in this space and also in the sea,
17:36 actually it is normal for a human being,
17:40 "I will be a good person, O Allah. After this, I will not do it again."
17:44 He will say it slowly.
17:46 And Allah teaches again in verse 64 to make it clear,
17:52 how psychology when facing this challenge,
17:56 we can face it and we can act in the best way.
18:00 Let's read verse 64.
18:02 Thank you, Mr. Fadhil.
18:04 Ladies and gentlemen, this is a verse from Allah SWT.
18:06 The 64th verse we want to read.
18:09 Let's try to read it in one breath.
18:14 Let's try.
18:16 Surah Al-Qasas.
18:18 Say, "Allah will save you from it and from every distress.
18:31 Then you will associate others with Him."
18:42 Say, "Allah will save you from it and from every distress."
18:50 Surah Al-Qasas, verse 64.
18:52 Say, "Allah will save you from it and from every distress."
19:02 Allah uses the word "Mudarik".
19:05 Mudarik means Allah.
19:07 He will save us when we run out of oil,
19:11 or we are lost in the middle of the forest,
19:14 or we are lost in the middle of the city.
19:17 We can panic even in the middle of the city.
19:19 If we look at the trauma in the middle of the people,
19:22 it can cause panic attack.
19:25 Panic attack is when we don't know what is happening.
19:29 So, who can save us?
19:31 Once again, it is emphasized in verse 64.
19:33 Allah.
19:34 "Allah will save you from it and from every distress."
19:38 What does "distress" mean?
19:39 "Distress" is the darkness.
19:41 "Distress" is a difficulty that is hard to bear.
19:48 So, in the middle of the city,
19:49 we may be lost or run out of oil.
19:51 We say, "O Allah, please help us.
19:53 Please give us a little.
19:54 Please don't give us an inefficient engine."
19:56 We say all kinds of things.
19:57 Whatever we can pray to Allah,
20:01 we will pray with devotion and sincerity.
20:05 But when we talk about this caravan,
20:07 it is something that makes us feel hopeless.
20:12 We feel hopeless.
20:14 It shakes the soul.
20:16 It is related to an accident.
20:19 If we look at the car,
20:21 it will shake.
20:23 So, it is completely destroyed.
20:25 If it is a darkness,
20:26 it may be dark but there is light.
20:29 But the light is not found.
20:31 Like the oil shop.
20:33 "O Allah, please help us.
20:34 If only the oil shop could be brought closer.
20:36 O Allah."
20:37 It is like the children in the exam.
20:39 "O Allah, please help us.
20:40 When the examiner examines us,
20:42 he examines us,
20:43 all the answers will be correct."
20:45 I have thought about it.
20:47 It is a difficult time.
20:49 But what does Allah say?
20:50 When "thumma"
20:52 The word "thumma" in verse 64,
20:54 "And after a while,
20:55 "An-tum-tushrikun"
20:57 You said before,
20:58 you want to be grateful,
21:00 to return to Allah,
21:02 to return to the Quran,
21:03 to perform prayer.
21:04 But after that,
21:05 you are safe.
21:06 When Allah has saved you,
21:07 the Quran is lost,
21:10 the prayer is late.
21:12 So, Allah explains this.
21:14 What is this?
21:17 This is what is explained
21:20 to inform us that
21:23 the struggle of faith,
21:25 the struggle of Tauhid,
21:26 is not just a struggle
21:27 in the college,
21:29 or outside.
21:31 It is about ourselves.
21:33 We need Allah very much
21:35 in times of ease and difficulty.
21:37 But what is the challenge?
21:39 When we are safe and at ease,
21:40 usually people forget.
21:42 People forget.
21:43 During the COVID-19,
21:44 everyone returned.
21:45 But when they can start to take leave,
21:48 when there are various things,
21:50 the account has increased,
21:51 at that time,
21:53 it is easy for people
21:54 not to place
21:56 the true appreciation,
21:58 the Asya Kirin,
21:59 in its place.
22:00 When we do not appreciate
22:01 in its place,
22:02 the Quran that should be placed
22:03 high in our souls,
22:05 is lowered,
22:06 that can lead to
22:08 "Tushrikun"
22:10 You try to place,
22:12 we all put,
22:13 an ally to the holiness of the Quran,
22:16 the importance of Allah SWT.
22:19 In regards to the choice of words today,
22:21 we will see,
22:22 the word is
22:23 "Tada'u Nahu Tadaru'an Wa Hufiyata"
22:27 "Tadaru'an" is from the word "Dara'a"
22:30 we have discussed in the previous episode,
22:32 "Tunduk Patuh Rendah Hati"
22:35 It is a combination,
22:37 "Dara'a" is between "Khusyuk"
22:39 and "Khudu'"
22:40 "Khusyuk" is in our physical aspect,
22:42 we prostrate always,
22:44 we bow always,
22:46 that is a sign that we have "Khusyuk"
22:49 the first part of "Tadaru'an"
22:51 and the second is "Khudu'"
22:53 "Khudu'" is our emotion,
22:55 we feel that,
22:56 "Ya Allah, I am a miser, Ya Allah"
22:58 Indeed, we often forget,
23:00 we forget Allah,
23:02 when we are happy,
23:03 one, we forget who helped us,
23:05 but we forget who helped us all this time,
23:08 from Allah,
23:09 it quickly disappears,
23:11 the consideration disappears,
23:12 and this is what causes us to remember Allah,
23:15 remember the verses of the Quran,
23:17 when we read it many times,
23:19 every day we read,
23:20 "Alhamdulillah Rabbil 'Alamin"
23:22 that is to make us,
23:23 force us to be grateful,
23:26 what we said in the 63rd verse,
23:28 "Lana kunan naminash shakirin"
23:31 so that is the motivation to our children,
23:34 if they ask for prayer,
23:35 what is the prayer for?
23:36 Prayer is to be a person who appreciates,
23:39 Allah gives many things,
23:41 Allah saves,
23:42 Allah gives us many blessings,
23:44 to show gratitude,
23:46 at least 5 times,
23:48 5 times a day,
23:49 on time,
23:50 please be grateful,
23:52 don't be a person who is too shirkun,
23:55 to be grateful,
23:56 but praying at 3.30pm,
23:59 but asking Allah's help to get 5A,
24:03 on time,
24:04 no one took SPM in 2024,
24:09 he wants to get the result in 2066,
24:13 10A but 2066,
24:14 it's too late,
24:15 if he can get the result in 2025,
24:17 10A,
24:19 Mashallah,
24:20 be grateful,
24:21 but after that,
24:22 and this is the hope of psychology,
24:25 it can be cured by remembering Allah,
24:29 at all times,
24:30 we take a break,
24:31 my Quran time,
24:32 Quran Salah Jum'ah,
24:33 in 5 minutes,
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