Dakota 38 (2012) Full HD Full Movies

  • 8 months ago
Dakota 38 (2012) Full HD Full Movies
00:00:00 Let's all pray we came this far.
00:00:13 We've come from beautiful people and they prayed.
00:00:22 So let's all pray together as a family.
00:00:26 (Praying in Tongan) These writers, they come from all over.
00:00:54 Canada, Montana, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, there's even a guy here
00:00:59 from Austria.
00:01:01 It's from all over the world.
00:01:03 These writers come.
00:01:05 And that's the point, that's what we're trying to do here is we're trying to reconcile, unite,
00:01:11 make peace with everyone.
00:01:13 Because that's what it means to be Dakota.
00:01:17 To be Dakota means to walk in peace and harmony with every living thing.
00:01:23 That is our way.
00:01:26 This ride came through a vision of a man by the name of Jim Miller.
00:01:31 And in that vision, he saw riders going east.
00:01:34 We're going home.
00:01:35 That's what we're doing.
00:01:36 We're going home.
00:01:37 In 2005, when I received this dream as any recovered alcoholic, I made believe that I
00:01:49 didn't get it.
00:01:52 I tried to put it out of my mind, but it's one of them dreams that bothers you night
00:01:56 and day.
00:01:57 (Praying in Tongan)
00:01:58 (Praying in Tongan)
00:02:22 (Praying in Tongan)
00:02:51 (Praying in Tongan)
00:02:54 St. Paul Pioneer Press, 1863.
00:03:03 Good news for Indian hunters.
00:03:05 The Indian hunting trade, if the game be at all plenty, is likely to prove a profitable
00:03:10 investment during the present fall and winter for our hunters and scouts in the big woods.
00:03:16 Having increased the bounty for each top knot of a bloody heathen to $200, there is likely
00:03:21 to be considerable competition in the trade, and the best shots will carry off the most
00:03:26 prizes.
00:03:27 (Praying in Tongan)
00:03:53 (Praying in Tongan)
00:04:09 With settlers encroaching on us, they push us onto a little bitty strip of land along
00:04:14 the river.
00:04:15 All of our people were put there and were not allowed to leave or hunt.
00:04:19 The Indians could not leave the reservation.
00:04:24 If they left without permission, they would be considered hosta and could be shot on sight.
00:04:34 They were supposed to be given rations, given the treaty, but people get greedy.
00:04:39 That's how they call them, "washichu."
00:04:41 They started skimming off the rations and pretty soon they were starving them.
00:04:45 That's when this trader said, "Well, let them eat grass."
00:04:49 And so they revolted.
00:04:51 And the fight occurred and many were killed.
00:04:54 It was a very short war.
00:04:56 It only lasted a few months.
00:04:58 When it was over, President Abraham Lincoln hung 38 of our leaders at one time, one pull
00:05:09 of the lever, which is today the largest mass execution the government's ever carried out.
00:05:14 My great-great-grandfather's waxwolf owl tail was hung that day.
00:05:38 Those of us that are on this ride descend from them 38 that were hanged.
00:05:45 We are the people of the land.
00:05:52 We are the people of the land.
00:06:22 You know, we'll never be able to feel what he felt, but we understand he was a spiritual
00:06:26 man and he cared a lot about his people.
00:06:31 I think if he was alive, he would have did the same thing.
00:06:34 To remember, he would have wanted to acknowledge the ancestors in a spiritual way.
00:06:41 And when I heard about this dream, Uncle Sheldon Wolfchild, he told me this dream that Jim
00:06:46 had and I wanted to be a part of it.
00:06:50 There's something about that ride that pulls you to it.
00:06:52 You want to get on a horse and help out.
00:06:55 You feel pain in your ribs, your back, your legs.
00:06:59 You get cold.
00:07:00 We've been through blizzards.
00:07:01 A lot of times, if you don't own a horse, you end up on the horse that nobody wants
00:07:05 to ride.
00:07:06 That's a sacrifice in itself.
00:07:28 I just want to tell everybody here that I love you very much.
00:07:36 We don't have to blame the Washichos anymore.
00:07:40 We're doing it to ourselves.
00:07:41 We're selling drugs.
00:07:46 We're killing our own people.
00:07:48 That's what this ride's about.
00:07:49 It's healing.
00:07:50 It's healing.
00:07:51 It's healing.
00:07:58 It's healing.
00:08:13 It's healing.
00:08:42 We were exiled from Minnesota by an order of the government which stated to annihilate
00:08:46 the Indian race or forever push us from the borders of Minnesota.
00:08:51 That's what happened.
00:08:53 Thousands and thousands of our people were slaughtered, froze to death, starved to death.
00:08:58 Disease took a lot of our people also.
00:09:02 A lot of them were marched on foot.
00:09:04 Some were brought on cattle trains.
00:09:07 Got down to St. Louis.
00:09:08 They put us on river boats and they were brought up the river to where we presently are now
00:09:14 at Crow Creek which was at that time a prisoner of war camp.
00:09:18 From there our people scattered to the four directions.
00:09:24 Some of them would jump off their boats and just drown themselves and they couldn't deal
00:09:30 with the hardships.
00:09:31 So it was a horrible thing.
00:09:33 They thought it was the end of their world coming here.
00:09:36 They had no more hope.
00:09:37 And so for us this journey back, this ride back is taking their spirits back, taking
00:09:44 it home to the homeland.
00:09:47 We're going to show up in Mankato at the hanging site on December 26th at 10am which is the
00:09:52 anniversary of them 38 that were hanged.
00:09:58 When you have dreams, you know when they come from the creator.
00:10:08 You just know it.
00:10:11 And I was knowing it's a significant dream because he says, "I've got to tell you this."
00:10:16 And so he gets up and he says, "I've got to tell you this."
00:10:19 And I don't know what it means but...
00:10:22 And he started telling me.
00:10:25 He was being directed to make these offerings around the horse.
00:10:30 The horse would carry these offerings.
00:10:33 And that these offerings were for all of the men that were hung in Mankato.
00:10:42 Didn't know about Mankato until I had this dream in 2005.
00:10:49 In his dream he's seen all these, the 38 basically being hung at the same time and they were
00:10:55 all reaching out and holding each other's arms.
00:11:12 Our ancestry starts over there in Mankato.
00:11:16 So keep that in your hearts.
00:11:18 Keep that in your minds as we travel.
00:11:23 So I love you guys very much.
00:11:26 I'm a real easy man to talk to.
00:11:30 I'm kind of a quiet guy.
00:11:33 I pretty much keep to myself.
00:11:37 But any atrocity that happened to you, any of you, it happened to me.
00:11:45 I was sexually abused, physically abused, spiritually abused, emotionally abused.
00:11:53 I have blood on my hands.
00:11:54 I'm a Vietnam veteran.
00:11:57 I spent time in Leavenworth.
00:12:01 So I've been through the course.
00:12:08 Any of you need to talk to me, call me a sign.
00:12:12 We're all equal in this room.
00:12:16 Nobody's higher or better than anybody.
00:12:19 We're all equal.
00:12:21 So let's have a real beautiful ride.
00:12:25 We got a long haul ahead of us.
00:12:28 I never did this before.
00:12:31 I don't know what to expect in the next 16 days.
00:12:34 But you do.
00:12:36 You're my family.
00:12:38 [speaking in foreign language]
00:12:50 This horse has the six directions that we use in our ceremonies.
00:12:54 The two front legs represent the west and the north.
00:12:58 The two back legs represent the east and the south.
00:13:01 The head points up.
00:13:02 The ears point up.
00:13:04 Represents Wakatake.
00:13:06 Up above, the tail points downwards towards Mother Earth.
00:13:11 When you put those six directions together, it creates a sacred center to bring Wowaka
00:13:17 in.
00:13:19 It's a sacredness that you can only have with these six directions.
00:13:23 You can pray while you're on your horse.
00:13:25 You can think about a lot of things.
00:13:27 Some people can remember things that ancestors went through.
00:13:31 It's the horse leading the way because of its healing power.
00:13:35 [singing in foreign language]
00:13:42 It was good to walk in their steps and be on the land where they were.
00:14:12 It's a completely different energy around here.
00:14:17 Feel it.
00:14:19 I feel like a different person now that I came here.
00:14:33 Today we're riding because of the healing.
00:14:37 That we need to continue.
00:14:40 The reservation where I'm from is the poorest county in the United States with an average
00:14:44 household income of $5,000 per year.
00:14:48 We also have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
00:14:52 There is something that we suffer from.
00:15:01 So basically I'm riding for my family because they need help.
00:15:07 I already lost my oldest brother.
00:15:13 He passed away four years ago.
00:15:17 And two of my other brothers are sitting in jail.
00:15:20 My family is slowly falling apart and this is why I'm doing this for them.
00:15:27 Now my little brother, he's getting sent away.
00:15:34 I wanted to go see him before he gets sent away next year.
00:15:39 But I came here and I don't regret coming here.
00:15:47 So all I can say is I'm honored to be on this ride.
00:15:51 And I thank you for listening to me.
00:16:04 It's just not for our Dakota people but everybody involved.
00:16:07 So if you have horses or you want to be a part of the ride, I mean, come join us.
00:16:12 This is our family and we want you guys to be a part of it.
00:16:16 Thank you.
00:16:20 I didn't know Mankato, like 38 Native Americans were hung here.
00:16:24 I had no idea about that.
00:16:26 I'm not Native American but my mom's like Native Canadian and up there.
00:16:31 So just having a little bit of that in me and hearing this, it really means a lot.
00:16:38 So, thank you.
00:16:41 It was pretty good talking to them, letting them know our side of the story.
00:16:48 And not what just came out of some book that some dude wrote.
00:16:53 Coming from the real thing and the people that are experiencing it.
00:16:58 Yeah, it was pretty good.
00:17:01 Pretty good ride.
00:17:03 In spite of the burnt burger and the doughy pizza.
00:17:11 And I really don't associate with Caucasian people.
00:17:16 I don't know why.
00:17:17 It's just, I don't know, I never really, I used to like when I was little, I had like
00:17:21 different races of friends when I was little.
00:17:25 Like we might as well just put it on the table too because it's the truth and it's the only
00:17:28 way that we're going to be able to come together.
00:17:31 You know, like my people and me and we've talked about this, there's a lot of racism.
00:17:37 You know?
00:17:38 So I think, and I'm willing to say yeah, you know, I have some racist moments where I think
00:17:42 oh okay, you know, like they just did that because they're a white guy.
00:17:46 Or they're not going to get it because they're white.
00:17:48 They're just not.
00:17:49 I was like feeling like I didn't want to be a part of this anymore because I was feeling
00:17:55 like everybody was talking to me as like Dakota Sarah.
00:17:59 Like oh well, like, you know, like you're Dakota first.
00:18:02 So I'm going to ask everything, all my questions based on your race.
00:18:08 You have to understand there's a certain amount of curiosity coming into a situation.
00:18:12 I mean if someone from Africa came to me they would have a million questions I'm sure about
00:18:17 Adam the white guy, the Italian kid from Long Island.
00:18:21 So the fact that the questions are getting, you know, directed at me makes me feel like
00:18:26 oh Adam was the only one who was asking questions, the only one who didn't come from the heart.
00:18:31 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:33 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:35 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:37 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:39 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:41 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:43 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:45 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:47 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:49 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:51 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:53 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:55 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:57 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:18:59 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:01 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:03 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:05 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:07 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:09 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:11 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:13 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:15 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:17 [Sounds of a car driving by]
00:19:19 Supposed to be getting storm here in the next couple days.
00:19:21 Be real cold.
00:19:23 Real cold.
00:19:25 Forecast this morning said Saturday, Sunday, Monday, blizzard warnings.
00:19:27 So,
00:19:29 I'm not sure what's going on.
00:19:31 I'm not sure what's going on.
00:19:33 I'm not sure what's going on.
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00:24:11 I'm not sure what's going on.
00:24:13 I crossed there today. I was crying, coming.
00:24:17 I wonder what my relatives endured when they came down on the boat.
00:24:23 When we were taken off the boat, our first homeland in 1863,
00:24:27 our first home was the stockade.
00:24:31 Sitting Bull heard about that as a young man.
00:24:34 He came on horseback to see how the people were being treated.
00:24:39 And they were being treated worse than animals, they said.
00:24:42 And that's why he stood his ground like that.
00:24:46 These people call me today.
00:24:49 There was two ceremonies that were going on back home called Uipis.
00:24:55 They said that crazy horse in Sitting Bull is riding with us.
00:25:01 That means a lot to me.
00:25:05 [boat engine]
00:25:09 I went out with a regular pair of gloves and was out there about 15 minutes,
00:25:24 and my hands started to get frostbite.
00:25:27 I saw the weather report, and it said 45 below, 50 mile an hour winds.
00:25:31 It said you're taking your life in your own hands if you're on the road.
00:25:35 [boat engine]
00:25:38 Wait until noon, 12 o'clock.
00:25:54 We'll see what the weather looks like.
00:25:56 The last time I walked with people, men and women like this, I was in a Marine Corps.
00:26:03 Yesterday, you know that bad blizzard?
00:26:06 These riders wanted to go.
00:26:09 They saddled up, they warmed their horses up.
00:26:11 We couldn't even see 50 yards.
00:26:13 Cold.
00:26:15 They still wanted to ride to make this trip.
00:26:25 That's how important this is to us.
00:26:29 So if you don't mind, we're going to just kind of wait this out.
00:26:32 Yeah, and then if it gets really bad, we got that Quonset.
00:26:35 We can put the horses in there. There's quite a bit of room in there.
00:26:38 Can we take a look?
00:26:39 Yeah.
00:26:40 Okay, let's go do that.
00:26:42 So let's get some panels and panel this off.
00:26:45 Okay.
00:26:47 [music]
00:27:14 I got the horses in the Quonset, and so I came back home.
00:27:17 And then I'd say it was like 4 o'clock or something.
00:27:20 Yeah, it was late afternoon.
00:27:22 When Jerry called and said, "Where can we go to buy hay?
00:27:26 Because the horses need hay."
00:27:28 I don't know where I'd send you.
00:27:30 I know a lot of guys have got hay, but I don't think you can get there.
00:27:33 But I said, "I'll try."
00:27:35 When he came back to the door, and he was all full of snow,
00:27:38 and I said, "What happened?"
00:27:40 He said, "We've got to get the tractor going because I'm stuck up here in the ditch."
00:27:45 He said, "I didn't even make the corner."
00:27:47 I thought, "Oh, my God, if it's that bad, why are you even out?"
00:27:50 [music]
00:27:53 She gets me out, and I tell her, "You just need to take the tractor. Go home."
00:27:57 Then I take off west, and it's terrible.
00:28:01 Again, I can't see anything.
00:28:03 There's drifts on the road, and all of a sudden I'm right in a ditch again.
00:28:07 This is over a mile from home.
00:28:10 He called me, and he said, "How are you doing?"
00:28:13 I said, "Not very good right now."
00:28:16 I said, "I'm in a ditch."
00:28:18 He said, "What?"
00:28:19 I said, "Yep, I ran in a ditch trying to get to town."
00:28:23 It's crazy, man. It's like, holy--
00:28:25 I never really thought of those people doing something like that.
00:28:31 She went out in the tractor and found him somehow in that blizzard.
00:28:37 You almost can't top that as far as support or commitment to what we're doing.
00:28:45 [music]
00:28:53 All the way from Marty, South Dakota.
00:28:55 Do we have any Choctaws in the house?
00:28:57 Follow me, Mark. Follow me, Ron.
00:29:00 [music]
00:29:07 [singing]
00:29:11 [applause]
00:29:17 Look at their tiki bows.
00:29:20 [laughter]
00:29:23 All right.
00:29:25 All right, brothers.
00:29:27 [music]
00:29:55 We come with a message of forgiveness and healing,
00:29:58 and we all got to share this planet together.
00:30:01 Well, that's the purpose of your ride is to have some reconciliation.
00:30:06 You think that's already happening maybe in some ways.
00:30:09 Oh, no doubt.
00:30:10 I had an outpouring of support and love.
00:30:13 Wessington Springs, they end at holiday.
00:30:16 So I give my blessings to them, and we pray for them.
00:30:19 Thank you very much.
00:30:20 Yep, very well done.
00:30:21 I appreciate it.
00:30:22 Thank you. That was wonderful.
00:30:23 Yep.
00:30:24 Thank you.
00:30:25 We'll get that microphone if you do, and we'll let you.
00:30:28 Thanks a lot.
00:30:29 That was good.
00:30:30 You did a good job.
00:30:31 Thank you.
00:30:34 I love you guys, and you guys have a good day.
00:30:37 Oh, you as well.
00:30:38 We'll be around.
00:30:39 We've got lots of good pictures to get here today.
00:30:41 Okay. Thank you.
00:30:42 You bet.
00:30:43 Have a safe ride.
00:30:44 You bet.
00:30:45 Yeah.
00:30:46 Yeah, this is awesome.
00:30:48 To hear someone who's not angry at all and says,
00:30:52 "Oh no, this is about forgiveness."
00:30:54 Wow, not what I expected.
00:30:57 There's a lot of racism in this state.
00:30:59 There are a lot of people that are against dating in this state
00:31:03 and kind of don't make any bones about it.
00:31:06 It's okay to be who you are.
00:31:08 You're Native, and you should be proud of it
00:31:10 no matter what tribe you're from.
00:31:12 Get to know your history because we are an awesome people,
00:31:17 and you guys should be so proud of that.
00:31:21 [chanting]
00:31:28 I was in an 8-by-5 cell, and it was hard.
00:31:32 It was really hard.
00:31:33 I shed some tears in there.
00:31:35 They said, "Men don't cry," but we do.
00:31:38 It takes a real man to cry.
00:31:41 [applause]
00:31:43 Thank you.
00:31:45 The reason why I'm doing this journey is so I can maybe help
00:31:49 a lot of you in this room today because our people are lost,
00:31:53 and it's up to us to keep our language and our culture alive.
00:31:56 We have to be the leaders because we're the next generation,
00:32:00 and it's up to us.
00:32:02 If not, our culture is gone, our language is gone,
00:32:05 and the Makaiza, the youth, the next generation, they won't.
00:32:08 They'll be lost.
00:32:09 They'll have nothing to turn to.
00:32:11 On November 26, I celebrated a year of drugs and alcohol.
00:32:14 I ain't going to lie.
00:32:16 Sometimes I feel like using.
00:32:18 I call my old buddies back home and say, "Oh, come on,
00:32:21 have a beer with us.
00:32:22 Let's go get high.
00:32:23 I got this joint."
00:32:26 But I choose to pray and go to sweat lodges.
00:32:29 During the summertime, we attend sun dances.
00:32:32 It's hard growing up where I'm from.
00:32:34 Pine Ridge is a hard place to live.
00:32:36 They call it Poverty Plains, but we choose to live like that.
00:32:40 Now me riding is to hopefully make a change for our youth
00:32:44 so that they won't have to grow up in a society that we grew up in today.
00:32:48 [music]
00:32:57 Knock, knock.
00:33:03 I got caught speeding, and he left me behind.
00:33:10 I put the lights on him, so I drove around.
00:33:14 Went in the trees and parked.
00:33:20 Any suggestions from life here, boss?
00:33:26 My main concern is life today.
00:33:31 What's next in Canada?
00:33:37 My family from here, it's good to see everybody in.
00:33:41 My main thing was to see you guys laughing, fed, and all that stuff like that.
00:33:48 I extend my thanks.
00:33:50 You guys are coming over this hill down here, this little town.
00:33:53 That was what I got afraid of.
00:33:56 Man, these semis on 34, they're going to come flying over,
00:34:00 and it's cold and icy.
00:34:03 I just stayed up there, and I see vehicles try to slow them down.
00:34:15 This is a lady right here.
00:34:16 This is a step.
00:34:17 She has been really great in coordinating so much of the food, the help, the whole works.
00:34:25 She's been fantastic.
00:34:27 I had food coming all morning to my house, so my truck was loaded.
00:34:38 Yeah, there was not even a question.
00:34:39 As soon as we heard about it, we got the e-mail, we responded back right away and said,
00:34:42 "Yeah, count us in. We'll help out."
00:34:45 When they marched the 38 to be hung, they marched them to Manikato,
00:34:49 and then after they hung them, they buried them in a mass grave,
00:34:52 and the doctors from the local area, they dug up the bodies and used them for science.
00:35:03 So when we learn that history, then it's really hard.
00:35:21 I'm just curious what's going on on the land back here.
00:35:23 I'm just curious what is going on. I've seen all the trailers here.
00:35:26 I grew up in Minnesota, and I had no idea that there had been a hanging of 38 warriors.
00:35:34 And then the boarding schools, of course, to try to turn all the Indians into white people,
00:35:41 and their spiritual ceremonies were illegal until 1978.
00:35:46 Maybe U.S. white America will reach, or maybe is reaching,
00:35:53 the point where they can start acknowledging what really happened in this country.
00:35:59 They can acknowledge the massive land theft, 3 billion acres within the continental United States.
00:36:06 Maybe they can acknowledge the broken treaties, over 400 of them broken and violated
00:36:13 by the United States of America and its U.S. Euro-American citizenry.
00:36:18 Maybe they can acknowledge the genocide that occurred,
00:36:23 16 million Native people within the continental United States around 1500.
00:36:29 And by four centuries later, 1900, the U.S. Bureau of Census said there was 237,000 left in the U.S.
00:36:39 What happened?
00:36:43 [music]
00:36:48 [music]
00:36:53 [music]
00:36:58 [music]
00:37:03 [music]
00:37:08 [music]
00:37:13 [music]
00:37:18 [music]
00:37:23 [music]
00:37:28 [music]
00:37:33 [music]
00:37:38 [music]
00:37:43 [music]
00:37:48 It's like my brother and I, we grew up shaking hands with everybody,
00:37:51 whether you seen them last night or, you know, stick that old black paw out there.
00:37:57 Let somebody shake that thing for you, you shake it back.
00:38:01 And when you got love in your heart, they feel that love.
00:38:04 It could be the most bitter SOB there, but, you know, he'll cool off and slow down.
00:38:12 Like I said, we don't discriminate against anybody on this ride.
00:38:17 Anybody's welcome.
00:38:19 I was always scared to tell people that I loved them, and I'm not anymore.
00:38:27 So I just want to tell you guys I love you, and thank you for being here.
00:38:33 I know it's hard, but let me know if you need anything.
00:38:36 I'm more than willing to help.
00:38:39 [speaking in native language]
00:38:42 [footsteps]
00:38:44 No, it's her ankle.
00:38:45 That one guy said he saw her step in a crack.
00:38:49 Yeah, it's her ankle.
00:38:51 [footsteps]
00:38:57 Well, she ain't going to make this ride.
00:39:06 You may not know it because I don't tell very many people,
00:39:14 but I'm 100% combat-related disabled, 100%.
00:39:22 [singing in native language]
00:39:31 Jim knows what I'm talking about.
00:39:33 [shouting]
00:39:46 As a Vietnam combat veteran, my PTSD really kicked in today.
00:39:52 It's a post-traumatic stress disorder.
00:39:56 I'm 100% disabled, and the doctors tell me not to be on the horse.
00:40:06 Today is really kicking in.
00:40:08 [singing in native language]
00:40:32 I'm glad you guys let me be part of this.
00:40:37 [singing in native language]
00:40:53 With that wowa coming inside those six directions,
00:40:56 you place a man or a woman on a horse,
00:40:59 you give it the seventh direction,
00:41:01 which is the chokata, the center of all things.
00:41:05 It represents mitaakwe awas, everything is related and balanced,
00:41:11 and you put that all together and you move forward,
00:41:14 you're able to create power as you go.
00:41:19 So that was their justification for going to war,
00:41:25 that it was either to defend themselves rather than starve to death.
00:41:33 I learned a lot about the 38 plus 2,
00:41:37 because while I was on that ride, I could really look into the past.
00:41:42 While you're sitting on that horse, it makes you realize
00:41:45 you have a lot of time to think.
00:41:48 [music]
00:42:11 [speaking in native language]
00:42:39 [singing in native language]
00:42:53 They say that the spirits are the ones that lead the people.
00:42:56 They are in front of that staff.
00:42:58 They're the ones taking us through this cold weather.
00:43:02 These elements, they say these elements are a part of life.
00:43:05 [music]
00:43:13 We didn't realize how inspirational this was going to be.
00:43:17 If they would bless us by coming back again some year,
00:43:20 we would really welcome them.
00:43:23 We hope it's an annual event,
00:43:25 but we hope the weather is a little bit more cooperative.
00:43:28 [music]
00:43:57 [music]
00:44:09 We wanted to put "Welcome to our farm" on it,
00:44:12 but we didn't know how to spell it or how to say it.
00:44:15 So he came up with the word for "thank you."
00:44:19 We thought we can park all the vehicles.
00:44:21 We have lots of land, and we have pasture for the horses
00:44:24 and a shop to feed everybody.
00:44:26 We just thought it was just a really neat thing you're doing
00:44:29 and a good message for the season
00:44:31 and something we wanted our kids to experience with all of you,
00:44:34 and we thought it would be more personal here.
00:44:37 I'm going to sing the song on behalf of my relatives here
00:44:42 to honor you today for this grateful thing that you have done for us.
00:44:46 [singing]
00:45:02 [music]
00:45:31 [music]
00:45:43 We couldn't even see.
00:45:44 I mean, the cars couldn't even see.
00:45:46 The horses were doing this, like faces--
00:45:48 the wind's coming from this way, and everybody's going this.
00:45:51 Julian stops, gets out, "We're shutting it down, we're shutting it down."
00:45:53 Everybody gets off their horses.
00:45:54 There's not room enough in the car.
00:45:56 I look over, and there's Gus's truck and trailer
00:45:59 and we're in a ditch over, like things going terribly wrong,
00:46:03 and it didn't need to happen, man.
00:46:05 It just--you have to have a conversation.
00:46:07 Talk about it.
00:46:08 We have two days of rest, the 21st and the 22nd.
00:46:10 Today is the 20th, right?
00:46:12 You don't ride today.
00:46:14 You wait for the storm to pass Saturday and Sunday,
00:46:16 like the weather report said it was going to be horrible,
00:46:19 and then you ride on the days of rest.
00:46:21 He hit the ditch back there.
00:46:23 There's no room for our horses.
00:46:25 Yeah, you got to make arrangements.
00:46:27 There's no horses there.
00:46:29 You know, you're going to stop it, you got to haul them back.
00:46:32 Shit, man.
00:46:33 You just stop, stop.
00:46:34 We keep on riding.
00:46:35 I don't know.
00:46:36 I got to have my horse safe, not out in the middle of the road.
00:46:40 Makes complete sense to me, but since I'm not involved in this,
00:46:43 I'm not a leader, I can't--
00:46:45 You are a leader, Adam.
00:46:46 We are all leaders.
00:46:47 Yeah, we're all leaders.
00:46:48 Come on.
00:46:49 That's a great saying, and I'd like to believe that.
00:46:53 All we're doing here is a lack of communication.
00:46:56 That's all we have.
00:46:59 I told you guys when we first started,
00:47:01 I'm not only the person that had the dream,
00:47:05 so I try to step back and I try to let these leaders step up.
00:47:11 [indistinct chatter]
00:47:19 Could have made it easier.
00:47:20 He's pretty much taken on the--
00:47:22 Yeah, they knew there was--
00:47:23 I thought that was the only thing that saved some lives, too.
00:47:27 This girl got kicked.
00:47:29 I saw that.
00:47:30 She got kicked this morning.
00:47:31 Oh.
00:47:32 A little girl got kicked by Chris' wife.
00:47:35 Oh, my goodness.
00:47:36 Right in the hand.
00:47:37 Yeah, right across the knuckles.
00:47:42 Where I come from, everybody's mostly still mad about what happened,
00:47:48 and that's probably another reason why I don't really get along
00:47:54 with the Caucasian people.
00:47:56 It's because of the 38th?
00:47:58 Yeah.
00:47:59 [helicopter whirring]
00:48:05 [indistinct chatter]
00:48:09 [♪♪]
00:48:13 [gunshots]
00:48:18 [♪♪]
00:48:23 They rose up to defend themselves, starving to death,
00:48:28 to protect their land, their way of life, and their people.
00:48:36 Was it wrong to defend ourselves?
00:48:42 That's the question.
00:48:46 Within weeks, 500 whites, settlers, soldiers,
00:48:50 and government agents were dead,
00:48:52 along with a smaller but unknown number of Indians.
00:48:57 There were pretty horrendous deeds done on both parts.
00:49:00 I mean, some immigrant from Germany
00:49:04 who wasn't privy to the signing of Traverse to Sioux Treaty
00:49:07 was probably pretty shocked to see his wife's womb cut open,
00:49:11 a baby taken out and brained against a tree,
00:49:13 just as later when New Ulm people attacked the Indians
00:49:16 and killed a woman's child in front of her.
00:49:19 You know, there's no heroes here.
00:49:21 It was just, it was an ugly situation.
00:49:25 When I think about Abraham Lincoln, that's hard to swallow
00:49:29 because he freed the slaves, but yet really succumbed
00:49:35 to pressure from the people to hang, you know.
00:49:40 There were supposed to be 300,
00:49:42 over 300 that were supposed to be executed,
00:49:47 but he reduced it to 38, you know.
00:49:51 We say this is a spiritual ride.
00:49:55 We're going to be the first ones to ask for forgiveness.
00:50:00 We want to say our apologies.
00:50:06 As the natives, we want to step up and say, hey, we apologize.
00:50:12 So we're going to be the first ones to forgive what happened
00:50:17 when they hung our ancestors in 1862.
00:50:21 We're going to be the first ones to forgive.
00:50:25 [music]
00:50:53 You know, I have anger in my heart too,
00:50:55 and I took care of it the best I can.
00:50:57 And I feel like I've done pretty good in the last 10 years,
00:51:01 moved forward pretty good, and it's time to let those things go
00:51:06 and press forward, you know, in a positive way.
00:51:10 [applause]
00:51:13 You know, Poncho and I are the ones who are interacting
00:51:21 with the family, talking with Eli, talking with Taylor,
00:51:23 the daughter she just Facebooked me, talking with Brady, you know,
00:51:27 because if we're not talking with them, everybody else, you know,
00:51:32 within my opinion of the Native community,
00:51:35 is doing their own little thing in the corners.
00:51:38 Dave said he's never been into a white person's home,
00:51:40 and he's from Sistin, you know, and that's where all those guys are from.
00:51:45 So it's probably hard for them.
00:51:48 I know it's hard for them, but those people could not have made it easier.
00:51:51 And I'm not saying what they were feeling,
00:51:53 but this family, like, they had "Wopita for Peace" on their shirts
00:51:58 with a horse in rainbow letters.
00:52:00 It could not have said, like, "Welcome" with their names on the back.
00:52:03 I mean, they went to a lot of trouble for this.
00:52:05 I don't know if they normally walk around with that
00:52:07 or they did it for this ride, but they had, you know,
00:52:09 the whole--they had the whole thing going.
00:52:13 I feel like we let them down a little bit, actually, as a community.
00:52:17 I don't know, it's just how I grew up, not having them trust us
00:52:21 or thinking we were going to steal something or, you know,
00:52:24 something was going to go missing and they were going to blame us.
00:52:27 So I didn't really feel comfortable stopping at all those houses.
00:52:31 I mean, it's cool that they did that, man.
00:52:34 I like that a lot.
00:52:36 It's pretty crazy how it all worked out for the horses and for us.
00:52:42 [horse neighing]
00:52:44 [laughing]
00:52:47 What are you doing?
00:52:49 Recording.
00:52:51 What's your name? Amber.
00:52:53 Amber? Are you going to ride, Amber?
00:52:55 Are you? Are you excited? Yeah.
00:52:58 You're a part of this group now, so, like, don't be afraid to tell them
00:53:01 how you feel because they don't know that, you know?
00:53:04 To, like, do it publicly is a big--is a big thing.
00:53:09 But now you're part of the group, so--
00:53:11 What, am I? Do you know what I'm saying?
00:53:14 I feel like I am, but then it's kind of like, you know, am I?
00:53:23 [applause]
00:53:33 A lot of us are getting sore throats and headaches and stuff,
00:53:39 and it's kind of hard to be in this climate if we're not used to it.
00:53:43 And I know the Canadians, they don't care.
00:53:45 They go around naked. [laughing]
00:53:48 I seen Carl walking down the creek with just a blanket on this morning.
00:53:55 He was going to chop a hole in the ice and take a bath, he said.
00:54:00 But I think one of our leaders here made some medicine in that container over there.
00:54:06 Feel free to get some, especially now when it's really warm.
00:54:10 That's--us guys take medicine as high as we can take it.
00:54:15 [indistinct chatter]
00:54:27 I mean, I don't want this ride to end.
00:54:29 I want to keep this ride going because this is the only time I ever felt happy
00:54:35 because back home it's really hard and makes me feel good riding for my people.
00:54:43 [music]
00:54:50 Our people suffer from something.
00:54:58 An elderly woman of full-blood Dakota from where I'm from in Crow Creek,
00:55:04 I was with her one time and a lot of bad things were going on, a lot of bad things.
00:55:10 And I had asked her, "Why does this always happen to us?
00:55:14 Why do we do these things to each other? Why does it always happen?"
00:55:20 And she didn't say nothing. She was driving a car for a while.
00:55:26 I looked over at her and she was crying.
00:55:29 She said in her language, "Ioki shicha," a deep, embedded genetic depression.
00:55:39 See, our people at one time, the Dakota people, all Native Americans,
00:55:44 had a very strong connection with the Creator, a very strong connection with Mother Earth,
00:55:52 a very strong connection with nature, the forces of nature, all living things on this planet.
00:55:58 And all this was taken from us like that.
00:56:01 [music]
00:56:06 And we lost this connection with everything that we had.
00:56:10 That's where this depression comes from.
00:56:13 A lot of our people are severely depressed and they don't even know it.
00:56:17 This depression is just now clinically diagnosed as the same thing soldiers suffer from
00:56:23 when they return from combat.
00:56:28 [gunfire]
00:56:32 [music]
00:56:36 [music]
00:56:41 [gunfire]
00:56:44 [music]
00:56:49 [music]
00:56:54 [music]
00:56:59 [music]
00:57:04 [music]
00:57:09 [music]
00:57:14 [music]
00:57:17 In 1967, in 1968, I served in a place called Vietnam.
00:57:26 A lot of young people don't know where that's at.
00:57:31 And at that time, I took 38 lives.
00:57:41 Had no connection.
00:57:44 Didn't make no connection with Mankato.
00:57:48 Didn't know about Mankato until I had this dream in 2005.
00:57:53 [gunfire]
00:57:57 There was 38 that were hung, and how does that all tie in?
00:58:03 I can't say that I know. I mean, I really don't.
00:58:07 But he had an experience around the fire,
00:58:12 which I'm not going to go into deeply because it's his experience,
00:58:18 which clearly showed him some things that he needed to do
00:58:22 to release the 38 Vietnamese men that had been killed, killed by him.
00:58:28 [music]
00:58:32 And all of this was told to him by his mother,
00:58:35 and his mother passed away when he was 10,
00:58:38 but she came out of the fire and told him he needed to do this.
00:58:43 [music]
00:58:48 [singing]
00:58:53 [singing]
00:58:58 [singing]
00:59:05 I'm kind of an emotional guy.
00:59:11 Those coming down the road, my boarding school days kicked in.
00:59:17 My days in Vietnam kicked in, riding into the city.
00:59:23 So all my abandonment issues, the hurts and the pains that I went through,
00:59:30 coming down the highway this morning.
00:59:37 I was wondering what our people went through the day before the hanging.
00:59:42 What were their thoughts?
00:59:47 Their feelings?
00:59:51 In the early hours of Friday the 26th, as the time of the execution approached,
00:59:57 some of the Dakota men lay sleeping on the floor.
01:00:01 At dawn, many of the condemned men said goodbye to their captors
01:00:05 in a display that fascinated the reporters.
01:00:09 They shook hands with the officers who came in among them,
01:00:13 bidding them goodbye as if they were going on a long and pleasant journey.
01:00:17 [music]
01:00:33 And they all wanted their medicine man to speak on their behalf.
01:00:37 The words are, "Don't let your heart be sad. We're going to see each other again.
01:00:42 And when we see each other again, your heart and my heart's going to be so happy
01:00:46 it's going to cry when we come together again."
01:00:49 That's what the song says.
01:00:51 [singing]
01:01:11 Although it's been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you.
01:01:24 Merry Christmas, guys.
01:01:26 [applause]
01:01:29 It was the day after Christmas when they hung them.
01:01:33 That's terrible. That's something very terrible to do during such a sacred time.
01:01:39 And those are things that we're slowly trying to wipe away, and it's working.
01:01:46 And so the ceremony continues as we eat tonight, get up in the morning and get our horses,
01:01:55 have our ceremonies, and start our final ride to the hanging site.
01:02:01 [chatter]
01:02:15 For this event, for the memory of the 38th Dakota, not only do we have a horse, a ride,
01:02:21 we also have a run.
01:02:24 Not only are we remembering, we're honoring our ancestors
01:02:27 and those that have passed and struggled before us.
01:02:31 [chatter]
01:02:38 It means a lot to me.
01:02:40 We're kind of chasing through the footsteps of the 38th Dakota, plus two that had to go through this,
01:02:46 so we're kind of--I don't know how to explain it,
01:02:49 but we're kind of going back through that experience again.
01:02:52 [drumming]
01:02:58 I've always believed in that they're watching over us,
01:03:02 like it's not just us out there running.
01:03:05 So that's just kind of the way I see it.
01:03:08 We know our history, and it hurts, but we're no longer in that prison no more.
01:03:13 Reconciliation means something to everybody, and I think it's a collective.
01:03:18 And we actually also had the opportunity to catch the run.
01:03:22 We ran for two miles at about 3 a.m.,
01:03:25 so it's been quite an adventure for the five of us who were there last night.
01:03:29 So thank you to the riders. Thank you to the runners.
01:03:32 [chatter]
01:03:38 [music]
01:03:52 On that fateful day, they were let out of the prison compound.
01:03:58 They were shackled and chained together.
01:04:02 They had hoods on them.
01:04:05 And the children began waiting and weeping.
01:04:10 One of the prisoners, in a loud voice, said,
01:04:13 [speaking in Cherokee]
01:04:15 "Hear me, my people.
01:04:18 "Today is not a day of defeat.
01:04:23 "It is a day of victory.
01:04:25 "For we have made our peace with our Creator,
01:04:28 "and now go to be with Him forever.
01:04:32 "Remember this day to tell our children, so they can tell their children,
01:04:36 "that we are people who die an overly death.
01:04:41 "Do not mourn for us. Rejoice with us.
01:04:44 "It's a good day to die."
01:04:46 [music]
01:04:56 And then he lifted up his voice and began singing.
01:05:00 [singing]
01:05:14 [music]
01:05:34 [singing]
01:05:44 [music]
01:05:54 [singing]
01:06:04 [music]
01:06:14 [music]
01:06:30 I just want to tell all of you that I love you.
01:06:34 We're doing this for our children, our grandchildren.
01:06:41 And I want to thank all of you that helped me fulfill this dream.
01:06:49 It's been a blessing for our people.
01:06:54 53 years ago, I entered first grade,
01:06:59 and I was taught nothing but misinformation
01:07:03 about the people that preceded me on this land.
01:07:06 And it wasn't until the 1980s,
01:07:09 when I walked into my first powwow at the Land of Memories,
01:07:12 when I realized that I didn't know anything except lies,
01:07:17 for the most part.
01:07:19 And so I started that day to listen.
01:07:22 Whereas the Dakota people lived in unity with the land for many years,
01:07:26 long before the European people came,
01:07:28 and whereas the Dakota people have suffered unimaginable hardship
01:07:32 over a long period of time,
01:07:35 and whereas the land and riches they once had
01:07:37 were gradually removed from their control,
01:07:40 and whereas the Dakota people have many times been forcibly relocated
01:07:44 at the whim of the United States government,
01:07:47 and whereas one outcome of their trials
01:07:49 was the largest mass execution ever recorded in U.S. history,
01:07:53 during which 38 Dakota were hanged,
01:07:55 and whereas the Dakota people have put forth tremendous effort
01:07:59 in an attempt to continue to heal from their suffering over all these years,
01:08:04 and whereas the people of this community welcome the Dakota people
01:08:09 to be part of our community today and always,
01:08:13 and whereas the people of this community recognize
01:08:16 the responsibility we must bear in this healing process,
01:08:20 and whereas the people of this community
01:08:23 wish to be part of the healing process as the wounds begin to close.
01:08:28 Now therefore, in recognition of the tremendous contribution
01:08:31 made by the Dakota people toward that healing process
01:08:34 to our community and communities in the region,
01:08:37 I, John D. Brady, Mayor of the City of Mankato, Minnesota,
01:08:39 do hereby proclaim December 26, 2008
01:08:42 to be Dakota Reconciliation Okiksuye Day.
01:08:47 And in the sense of true reconciliation,
01:08:50 I just want to say, welcome back to your home.
01:08:55 [applause]
01:09:09 I have just one little thing, and then I'll let you go.
01:09:12 Just a little symbolism of that welcoming,
01:09:15 I'm going to also offer Jim a key to the city of Mankato.
01:09:19 [applause]
01:09:24 It's a key that opens no locks, it only opens hearts.
01:09:27 [laughter]
01:09:33 Thank you very much.
01:09:36 I thank each and every one of you here in this room.
01:09:41 I thank the city of Mankato.
01:09:45 I hope this opens a jail cell or two.
01:09:47 [laughter]
01:09:54 [music]
01:10:03 I'm going to pass this staff on.
01:10:06 I have 2 extra feathers for the 2 Dakota
01:10:10 that were hung 2 years later,
01:10:13 and I'm going to present them to him also.
01:10:18 We are going to keep this going.
01:10:21 From here, forever, we're going to keep this ride going.
01:10:29 There was a bald eagle just after he started singing.
01:10:33 It was soaring just above us there.
01:10:36 To see that, to see something like that,
01:10:42 would make you cry,
01:10:45 make any man cry to see something like that, you know,
01:10:49 happening, because this is real.
01:10:52 You know, it's not going to end for me,
01:10:55 I'm just going to keep the happiness with me.
01:10:58 I'm not going to, like, once this ride ends,
01:11:00 I ain't going to leave my emotions right there
01:11:03 and just go back home to what I was doing.
01:11:06 I'm going to take it with me, it's going to come home with me.
01:11:10 Let's cry for that reconciliation.
01:11:14 Let's go home and reconcile our families, our differences.
01:11:20 Let's go home and hug our children,
01:11:23 tell them that we love them.
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