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Hi #SEAtizens! Apakah kalian sering lihat bahasa-bahasa baru anak Gen Z berseliweran di media sosial yang mungkin kalian itu gak paham, kayak “Delulu” “Rizz” atau “Let him cook” ?

Jangan sedih, simak konten kita berikut ini. Dijamin kalian akan merasa 70 persen lebih gaul.

Berikut Lima Slang Populer Gen Z ! Mana yang jadi favorit kalian, #SEAtizens


Do you spend sometime to scroll down the social media and stumble upon some Gen Z words you don’t understand like “Delulu” or “Rizz” or “Let him cook”?

No worry, check out our latest content, we guarantee you’d feel more trendy by 70 percent!”

Here is Five Gen Z Popular Slang!
Which one is your favorite?

#SEAToday #SEATodayLifestyle #languange #genz #rizz #doitfortheplot #romanempire #lethimcook #delulu #solulu
00:00 If you spend a lot of time on social media, you probably won't be unfamiliar with these popular Gen Z languages.
00:07 So let's talk about popular Gen Z languages.
00:10 The first one is Riz or Rizzler.
00:13 This word is taken from the word romantic charisma or charm.
00:17 And it can explain someone or for example, it can also explain how you feel charmed by someone's charm.
00:27 And this word became very popular in 2023, and it's now in Oxford Dictionary.
00:33 The second one is Roman Empire.
00:35 And Roman Empire is actually related to the character of Lord Gnome.
00:39 Roman Empire is to explain something that stuck in your head, like you're thinking about it 24/7.
00:46 For example, for me, my Roman Empire is my character in Hontai Star Rail.
00:53 The third one is Do It For The Plot.
00:55 Do It For The Plot is to explain something that you don't know what the outcome will be.
01:00 But you do it anyway.
01:02 And the fifth one is like, I'll just resign.
01:06 Do It For The Plot.
01:08 The fourth one is Let Him/Her Cook.
01:16 And this word, if we observe, it became popular because of the cooking of Chowapres.
01:22 And this actually means there's no one who can cook.
01:25 This is more or less like to explain or to encourage.
01:30 Like, let them or let this person do what this person is really good at.
01:38 The last one, and actually this is my personal favorite, is Delulu I Solulu.
01:43 Delulu is derived from the word delusional, while Solulu is derived from the word solution.
01:49 In this generation, I believe that being delusional is one of the key factors to be happy.
01:55 Remember guys, staying delulu is the solulu.
01:59 So this is like a whole new level of toxic positivity.
02:08 Like you know your life is going well, but you become delusional.
02:13 And you say, I'm okay, I'm fine.
02:16 I'm okay, I'm fine.
02:19 I'm okay, I'm fine.
02:24 I can take the pain.
02:27 The pain.
