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elang hari raya imlek, beberapa vihara mulai banyak didatangi umat untuk berdoa, tapi di Vihara Gayatri, Tapos, Depok ada hal unik. Pengunjung bisa mandi di 7 sumur yang dipercaya bisa membawa berkah! Penasaran dong!

Simak #SEAOnTheGo berikut ini!


Chinese New Year is near, and some temples are getting more and more visitors that come to pray, but there's something unique in Gayatri temple located in Tapos, Depok. Visitors can take a refreshing bath from the 7 wells that are belived can bring blessings. Facinating, isn't it?

Check out SEAOnTheGo journey there!

#SEAOnTheGo #imlek #ViharaGayatri #ChineseNewYear #GongXiFacai #TahunBaruChina #SEAToday


00:00 [Music]
00:13 Jelang Hari Raya Imlek is usually filled with various events or traditions.
00:19 Well, this time Ondogo wants to invite you to see one of the unique traditions in Wihara Gayatri.
00:26 Let's go!
00:27 Wihara Gayatri, which has been established since 1983, is an icon of holy places for the people of Yogyakarta and its surroundings.
00:35 The atmosphere is cool, calm, and you can feel it right away when you step on your feet in a wihara built on a 6-hectare land in Tapos, Yogyakarta.
00:47 At first glance, this wihara looks like a common wihara with several rooms for worship.
00:54 But what makes this wihara special is the seven wells that are believed to bring blessings.
01:01 My name is Mulyawati, the fifth child of Linawati, the owner of Wihara Sumur 7.
01:08 As long as this well was created, my mother dreamed repeatedly, not once or twice, but repeatedly dreamed.
01:16 She asked to build a well for the people who came to this holy place.
01:22 According to Cici Mei Mei, the name of the ancestor, the water of these seven wells never drained, even though it was raining.
01:28 Each well also has different health benefits.
01:30 There is a well of Seri Ningsi to enlighten the body and mind, Seri Waras to bring health and zentosa,
01:36 Seri Lunguh for the position of the king, Seri Kunaratih Kumajaya to lighten the soul,
01:42 Seri Rezeki to facilitate the fortune, Dewi Seri Mulyasari for treatment, and Seri Poncowarno to reject the evil.
01:52 The ritual is as usual, we ask God Almighty with the people here,
01:59 ask for blessings, health, whatever we want can be given.
02:07 Those who come to this Wihara Gayatri have various religions, Islam, Hindu, Buddha, Catholic, Konghucu, and others.
02:16 Not mixed together.
02:19 According to her, the important condition for bathing here is the mindset.
02:22 Rarely, there are unique stories from visitors who experience different events.
02:27 There are guests who come to bathe, but not all of them bathe.
02:33 There are people who pay attention, some people drink water from the seven wells,
02:37 but because of their habits and beliefs,
02:41 but some people who don't bathe say, "Oh, it feels bad if I drink."
02:47 "There is an incident, I keep vomiting."
02:49 My mother asked, "What's on your mind?"
02:54 She said, "I just want to drink, but I want to vomit."
02:58 Finally, she told me to drink water, and then it stopped.
03:01 For the people of Konghucu, bathing is also useful to cleanse themselves before the new year.
03:07 So that they can call the new year with a cleaner soul.
03:12 From the heart, we have to clean everything, the house, everything.
03:17 So the soul has to be clean.
03:19 We just want to pray for health, fortune, for the family, for the people.
03:26 We think of bathing to get rid of all the bad things from last year.
03:33 We clean it up to enter the new year, so we are cleaner.
03:40 Ah, what do you think, citizens?
03:42 Do you and your family have a unique tradition of bathing?
03:45 Comment below.
03:48 [City of Konghucu]
