Join the Screen Babble team as they discuss what they've been watching and give you some top tips for both new and old classics.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello, and welcome to Screen Battle,
00:14 your guide to what to watch.
00:15 We'll be tuning into hours and hours of TV
00:18 so we can tell you what you need to be switching on
00:20 and what's to be avoided.
00:22 I'm your host, Kelly Creighton,
00:23 and I'm joined by the wonderful National World TV critics,
00:26 Stephen Ross and Benjamin Jackson,
00:28 forging a path through the world of television,
00:30 be it good, bad or ugly.
00:32 - Oh, I like that.
00:33 (laughing)
00:35 - Remember, if you wanna see our faces,
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00:46 You'll find true crime stories, football news and analysis,
00:48 plus coverage of lifestyle, TV, film, and much more.
00:52 If you haven't tuned in before,
00:53 each week we'll be chatting about what we're watching,
00:55 as well as looking more closely at a new program
00:58 or something making the headlines in the deep dive.
01:01 This week, Stephen is going to tell us
01:02 about Noel Fielding's new venture,
01:04 the completely made-up adventures of Dick Turpin.
01:07 Finally, we'll go back to the future
01:08 to tell you about a program you may have missed
01:10 when it first aired or streamed.
01:12 Last week was coupling.
01:13 We're staying in the same era this week,
01:15 and Benji has a classic for us.
01:17 He's gonna talk about "Spaced."
01:19 But first, we'd like to talk about
01:21 what everybody's been watching.
01:23 Benji, you're up first this week.
01:25 - Well, I mean, it'd be rude
01:27 if I didn't re-watch "Dune Part 1,"
01:29 considering that it's out tomorrow.
01:31 And I was a bit awkward watching it at the cinema,
01:37 just because it felt kind of long.
01:38 That's the kind of situation you get sometimes
01:40 with Denis Villeneuve movies,
01:42 is that he loves a panoramic shot
01:45 of kind of like brutalist architecture.
01:46 He did it with "Blade Runner."
01:49 He did it with "Prisoners,"
01:50 and he's done, he does it again with "Dune."
01:52 I enjoyed it.
01:53 I thought that they kind of speed-run bits of it
01:57 just to get where they needed to do at the end.
02:00 - Okay.
02:01 - And given that Zendaya was prominently kind of advertised
02:04 for the original movie, I mean, she's in it,
02:07 but not that huge amount that you would expect
02:09 like a Lee and a Lillian.
02:11 Yeah, it's not a lot whatsoever.
02:14 So I'm hoping that with "Dune Part 2,"
02:16 it expands upon Chani, which is her character a bit more.
02:21 And I'm just really into it.
02:23 I just kind of, it's a space version of "Game of Thrones."
02:26 Is it not?
02:26 Maybe Steven could like stop me
02:28 if that's the laziest comparison he's had.
02:30 - No, it sounds about right, yeah.
02:32 - Yeah, so I definitely be watching that,
02:35 the school up ahead of the sequel that is out tomorrow.
02:38 And yeah, alongside "Spaced,"
02:40 I caught a little bit of a pre-spaced Edgar Wright,
02:44 Jessica Hines, and Simon Pegg TV series called "Asylum,"
02:49 which also had Julian Barrett.
02:51 It used to air on UK Gold,
02:53 and it was kind of the front runner for those,
02:56 let's call them new wave of alternative comedians
02:59 in the late '90s.
03:00 It was then just doing sketch comedy
03:03 before they went on and did either "Big Train"
03:05 or "Spaced" or stuff like that.
03:07 But two and a half hours watching "Dune"
03:10 will take it out on someone.
03:12 So after that, I'd go for a walk, listen to some music,
03:15 and become a clown. - Have a lie down, yeah.
03:17 - There's a hell of a lot of orange in that movie,
03:19 a hell of a lot of orange.
03:21 - Oh, it's funny, isn't it,
03:22 when you watch certain things that are like,
03:24 I always remember "Seven" was so dark.
03:26 You know, it's like messes which are your, I don't know,
03:30 visual, like your whatever's going on in your brain.
03:32 And yeah, you do need a break after some of those
03:34 particularly dark- - Yeah, I mean,
03:36 I thought my eyes were gonna get- - Monitoring.
03:37 - I thought my eyes were gonna get screen burn,
03:39 but it was a good movie.
03:40 Just those panoramic shots can get a bit much.
03:43 - I'm sure that was the intention.
03:45 That was the intention to, you know,
03:46 really make you feel the atmosphere and be in the movie.
03:50 - I mean, he absolutely did it to me and me alone,
03:52 didn't he?
03:53 - Okay, fair enough.
03:56 Right, Stephen, what have you been watching?
03:58 Tell us, tell us.
03:59 - I've not been watching a huge amount,
04:02 but I have started "15 Stories High,"
04:05 the Sean Locke, London flat sitcom.
04:10 - Oh, yeah.
04:10 - It came around the same time as "Peep Show,"
04:14 I think about a year early in the "Peep Show" started,
04:16 but "15 Stories High" only runs for two seasons,
04:21 2002 to 2004.
04:23 It's really good.
04:24 It's a bit drier than "Peep Show," I guess,
04:28 and a bit more stripped back and much lower budget,
04:31 but it's Sean Locke living in this high-rise flat,
04:35 and he's a fairly weird, misanthropic guy
04:40 who doesn't like intimacy or being touched
04:45 or struggles to make friends,
04:47 and he gets up into lots of different scrapes.
04:51 And his new flatmate who moves in at the start of the series
04:54 is played by Benedict Wong,
04:56 who obviously went on to be in the "Doctor Strange" movies.
05:00 And they have a sort of weird relationship
05:05 where Sean Locke's character sort of, I don't know,
05:09 tries to rule the roost a bit in his castle
05:13 that is this sort of shitty two-bed flat
05:16 in somewhere in London.
05:17 But very funny, definitely worth a watch.
05:21 Obviously, it got a lot of attention after Sean Locke died.
05:24 It got put back on All 4 or Channel 4 Online
05:29 or, whatever it's called now.
05:31 And so I finally got around to giving it a proper look,
05:36 and it is very funny.
05:37 I think you could easily get through the two seasons
05:39 in a couple of days.
05:42 And it's something that if you do like "Peep Show,"
05:44 it's got the same sort of setting and format,
05:46 but it's a bit more, I guess, a bit more episodic,
05:49 and it's a bit, well, it's a lot drier,
05:52 but it's definitely, it's very, very classic
05:56 sort of Sean Locke humor.
05:58 It's co-written by him as well, as well as starring him.
06:00 And it's, yeah, very, very good sitcom.
06:03 - When was it out?
06:05 Do you know?
06:06 - 2002 to 2004.
06:08 - That was quite a long time ago.
06:09 All right, okay.
06:10 - Yeah, he's really like weirdly young in it,
06:13 'cause obviously he sort of came to prominence
06:16 through "10 Cats," and most of the time you see him on TV,
06:20 it's from the last sort of decade or so.
06:22 Yeah, it's a much younger Sean Locke,
06:26 but you can see where his comedy style comes from.
06:31 Yeah, it's a great flat share sitcom.
06:34 So if you're into flat share sitcoms,
06:36 it's probably one of the better ones I've seen.
06:38 - Okay, cool, cool, cool.
06:39 Anything else?
06:40 You've been watching anything else?
06:43 - I don't think so.
06:44 I've also re-watched "Dune Part One."
06:46 - Yeah.
06:47 - And I mean, I didn't love it the first time I saw it.
06:51 I thought, most like Benji said, very slow,
06:56 not an awful lot happens in the first one, really,
06:59 for a sci-fi epic.
07:00 I think some people probably felt quite undersold
07:03 expecting it to be a more sort of
07:06 traditional sci-fi blockbuster.
07:08 But I'm very excited for part two.
07:10 I am gonna go to the midnight screening.
07:13 I've read the books since,
07:16 so between watching the first one in the cinemas
07:18 and seeing the second one, I've read the first book,
07:21 which both movies are adapted from.
07:25 And it does seem like a lot more will happen in part two.
07:30 It feels like part one was set in the scene
07:32 and part two will have quite a big
07:35 physical battle sort of mezzanine scene.
07:40 I don't know, it's gonna be a lot more happening.
07:44 So I'm very excited for part two,
07:47 despite not being super keen on part one.
07:49 And I think I did prefer part one a little bit more
07:53 watching it the second time around,
07:54 knowing sort of having read the book,
07:56 I think that did help a little bit.
07:58 But yeah, it'd be interesting to see if they go on
08:01 to make a part three or part four,
08:04 because obviously the seven main June books
08:07 in the original Frank Herbert series.
08:10 - Seven, yeah, I was gonna ask, yeah.
08:12 - Although a lot of them don't,
08:13 a lot of them will focus on different characters
08:15 and different time settings.
08:17 But yeah, it'll be interesting to see how that goes,
08:20 if it does go into a full franchise thing.
08:23 - Okay, cool, yeah.
08:24 I mean, it seems like it will,
08:27 but yeah, I guess then probably gauge it
08:28 on how this one goes.
08:30 - Yeah, the first film made less than 500 million,
08:33 which obviously sounds like a lot,
08:35 but for a blockbuster with a hundred
08:38 and something million budget,
08:40 it wasn't a huge,
08:42 I think part two is gonna do pretty well though.
08:45 I mean, it's the blockbuster of the year
08:47 when it's not being released in the middle of COVID.
08:49 I think part two could top a billion, but we'll see.
08:53 - Okay, cool.
08:55 Yeah, I was sort of polishing off a few things.
08:58 I finished "True Detective."
08:59 Did either of you watch that?
09:00 "True Detective" season four?
09:02 - I was caught season one.
09:03 - Yeah, no, I followed it.
09:05 - Did you the whole thing?
09:07 Oh yeah.
09:07 - Yeah, what did you reckon to it?
09:09 - I actually really liked it.
09:11 And I was like, I'm not sure I'm gonna like this
09:13 because it's not really,
09:15 judging from the previous series,
09:16 which I never watched in full,
09:17 I was just like, eh, it's not really my thing.
09:20 But, and even at the start, I was a little bit like,
09:23 because it's one of these things
09:24 where there's like a sort of a otherworldly
09:27 or sort of horror element to it,
09:28 I was like, oh, is this,
09:29 sometimes I find them hard to believe kind of thing.
09:32 But actually it all sort of came together quite nicely
09:37 and it wasn't too unbelievable.
09:39 You know, this sort of otherworldly thing
09:41 was more a spiritual thing by the end of it,
09:43 rather than a sort of a horror element.
09:45 Everything explained itself quite well.
09:46 But I mean, from what I've understood of it,
09:49 it's quite the inversion of some previous series
09:52 because you've got two female leads, they're very strong.
09:55 It's very much a feminist sort of tale
09:59 and epic journey battle, both sort of internally
10:03 and externally, and yeah, set in this like place
10:08 that's always dark, you know, and-
10:11 - I mean, I think-
10:12 - There's a lot of menacing undertones, yeah.
10:14 - That's why, I mean, I think one of the first episodes
10:18 when I joined Screen Babble,
10:19 I spoke about how much I loved the first True Detective
10:22 and how the scenery very much was
10:26 an integral part of the cut.
10:27 And I think that is the beauty of the latest season
10:31 with Jodie Foster is that the scenery itself
10:35 becomes kind of like part and parcel of the cast.
10:37 It becomes quite, it becomes visually kind of stunning
10:42 and serves an importance in the narrative as well.
10:45 I think that the second season and the third season
10:47 were just kind of like, oh, people like true crime.
10:50 Like, no, we kind of like the atmosphere that way
10:52 along with it as well.
10:54 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get you.
10:57 There was a new writer in this one, Issa Lopez,
10:59 and I think she's done a smashing job on it all together.
11:02 Obviously, Jodie Foster, like quite a big name as well
11:05 to bring in, and she, oh, she plays a blinder in it.
11:08 Like, she's just fantastic.
11:10 She's a really angry woman in it, you know,
11:13 but like tough as nails.
11:15 Like the two female leads, like they could be male leads.
11:20 You know, they're like very believable
11:22 as these really tough cops, you know,
11:24 that are fighting their own battles
11:26 and, but not in a kind of a cliched way,
11:29 but just like, it's quite, it feels quite real.
11:31 And yeah, I just thought it was really good.
11:34 I really enjoyed it.
11:34 And I would highly recommend that to anyone.
11:37 And the other thing I watched was,
11:39 and I mentioned it briefly last week, was breathtaking,
11:41 which was the new Jed Mercurial three part on ITV.
11:45 We'll be back in part two,
11:47 where we're going to talk about "Spaced"
11:48 and I can never remember the full name of the Dick-
11:52 - The completely made up adventures of Dick Turpin.
11:54 - Thank you, okay.
11:56 See you in part two.
11:56 (upbeat music)
11:59 And the other thing I watched was,
12:05 and I mentioned it briefly last week, was breathtaking,
12:08 which was the new Jed Mercurial three part on ITV
12:12 about the NHS, about some consultants, doctors, nurses
12:17 on the frontline during COVID.
12:22 And you know what?
12:24 It was interesting because the first episode
12:28 was a tough watch.
12:30 The second episode was unbearable.
12:33 It was so sad.
12:34 And I mean, like literally,
12:36 I think I cried through about 60% of it.
12:38 Like it was really, and I'm not a particularly teary person.
12:42 It was horrendous.
12:43 But I think it's that thing of like,
12:45 it was bringing a lot of stuff back, you know,
12:47 from the pandemic and things like,
12:49 just silly things like forgotten about,
12:51 like the way you'd have to like move six feet away
12:53 from someone if you met them on the footpath or whatever,
12:55 just weird things like that.
12:56 But to see obviously what the doctors and nurses
13:01 and people on the frontline had to go through
13:02 and some of the decisions they had to make
13:03 and some of the things they did to try to make people
13:06 feel more comfortable and suited in their final days
13:10 and hours, and oh my God, it was just heartbreaking.
13:14 Right, so the deep dive, Stephen, tell us this.
13:18 I watched the trailer for this and I have to say,
13:20 I think it looks very funny.
13:22 Tell us.
13:23 Yeah, so the completely made up adventures of Dick Turpin
13:26 is a six part Apple TV series starring Noel Fielding
13:31 as the eponymous highwayman.
13:34 It's quite, I don't know if dry is the right word.
13:39 It's a, well, kind of a sitcom
13:43 'cause it is a situational comedy.
13:44 It's just the situation is that Dick Turpin
13:47 has accidentally killed the leader of this highwayman band
13:50 and becomes the new leader, but he's a vegan.
13:55 He likes knitting mittens.
13:57 He, his dad, who's played by Mark Heap
14:00 from "Friday Night Dinner" and also "Space."
14:02 So that's a little connection there.
14:06 His work's at a butcher's and his son's not really cut out
14:08 for that lifestyle.
14:09 (laughing)
14:12 There's a touch of "Our Flag Means Death" about it as well.
14:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:16 It's got such a great cast of,
14:21 Yeah.
14:22 Everyone from British TV.
14:24 Uh-huh.
14:25 Everyone, all the people.
14:27 It's like they've gone through the cast of "Taskmaster"
14:29 from the last like five.
14:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:31 (laughing)
14:33 You've got Joe Wilkinson as in Chowdhury,
14:36 as I say, Mark Heap, Hugh Bonneville,
14:40 Geoffrey McGiven, who's-
14:41 Oh, Hugh Bonneville, there's a couple of one-liners
14:43 from Hugh Bonneville 'cause he's this kind of
14:45 arch enemy, isn't he?
14:47 Yeah.
14:48 And yeah, the gags, the name-related gags are-
14:52 Yeah, that's a lot of it.
14:53 A lot of it is wordplay and it's very funny,
14:56 very well-written.
14:57 The thing I wasn't so sure about was,
14:59 so the first episode I thought was outstanding.
15:04 I thought this is gonna be great.
15:06 And then they began to introduce like this fantasy element
15:08 and it became a bit more "Good Omens"-y
15:10 and now every episode is very fantastical.
15:14 So you have like witches sort of bursting into flames
15:18 and haunted coaches and things, but it handles it.
15:22 It's okay, you've got a warlock,
15:24 as in Chowdhury plays Craig the warlock,
15:25 who's a little rusty.
15:29 And you have Diane Morgan as his sort of DVLA equivalent
15:33 coming to test his warlock abilities.
15:35 But really no feeling for Star.
15:39 It was never gonna be straight up and down though,
15:41 like "Noel," was it?
15:42 There was always gonna be something surreal
15:44 or random thrown in there, yeah.
15:47 It's not as off the wall as "Mighty Boosh"
15:49 or "Reality, Crowd Honor" thing,
15:51 but it's very funny because you kind of get the feeling
15:55 that it's Noel's personality is very much part
15:58 of his character in this.
16:00 And the gang are not cut out for high womanship.
16:06 They're all quite soft, really.
16:11 Yeah, there's definitely a sense of poking fun at,
16:15 I don't know, Gen Z or the snowflake culture or whatever.
16:19 And it's like, I'm not a traditional highwayman.
16:21 That's the kind of vibe of it.
16:23 And we're gonna do things differently,
16:25 which is again, very similar to our flag means death,
16:28 that sort of tone.
16:29 But it looks like it has an amazing budget though
16:32 for a British comedy, doesn't it?
16:34 Yeah, that's the thing that surprised me.
16:36 I guess that's the Apple TV dollars.
16:38 I mean, some of it, I think intentionally
16:41 the fantasy elements aren't too realistic.
16:46 They look a bit cheaper.
16:48 And I don't know if that's a budget thing
16:50 or because they're trying to make
16:51 an authentic British comedy and it would be weird
16:53 if somebody had a super high budget,
16:56 which I think is gonna be the line
16:58 that "Doctor Who" has to tread now
16:59 that it's got the Disney money coming in.
17:01 They want to keep it in that camp,
17:03 practical, deeper effects type thing.
17:08 - But no, it's very episodic.
17:10 So each episode they have this different obstacle
17:13 they need to overcome.
17:14 For instance, they need to rob the unrobable coach
17:17 or they need to basically get rid of this witch
17:22 that's come to the village.
17:23 And I think she's called the Reddle Hag or something.
17:27 And it's okay because she won't come
17:29 unless her name is said 27 times.
17:32 Which then leads to a conversation
17:36 about how often someone realistic would say Reddle Hag
17:39 because Reddle Hag's not a very common word.
17:41 And no one in their right mind would say Reddle Hag 27 times.
17:44 And that's quite a funny moment.
17:47 But it's all very stupidly funny, I guess.
17:52 Like it's stupid.
17:53 - Yeah, stupidly.
17:54 Yeah.
17:55 - Yeah, they work very well.
17:56 It's very, very, very funny stuff.
18:00 - So Apple TV, I have to admit, I was like,
18:02 "How can I get access to Apple TV
18:04 after watching the trailer?"
18:05 So that's a good sign, I think,
18:07 for if they're punting it around the place.
18:11 How many episodes and when is it online?
18:13 - So there are six episodes
18:15 and it premieres on the Friday, the 1st of March.
18:19 So tomorrow as this goes out.
18:20 - Fantastic.
18:22 Okay, thank you, Stephen.
18:23 Benji, so we'd coupling last week
18:27 and now we're gonna talk about space
18:30 because we are in that sort of era.
18:33 And I realized the other day that this came out
18:38 the day after I turned 18.
18:41 There you go.
18:41 - Really?
18:42 I mean, I know it came out in 1999, 2001.
18:46 I missed most of it the first time round
18:50 as I was, what, still 16?
18:52 - There you go.
18:54 - I'd have been turning one when it came out.
18:57 - Turning one.
18:58 - I'm surprised you were alive, actually.
19:00 So that makes me feel better.
19:01 (laughing)
19:03 - Yeah, no, that's, now I feel incredibly old,
19:07 but you know, I'm probably just--
19:08 - You're still not the oldest, Benji.
19:10 - I don't know.
19:10 I'm probably the same age as the characters now,
19:13 but what can be said about space
19:15 that hasn't been said before?
19:17 For those unfamiliar with the premise,
19:20 we have Tim and Daisy at the very first episode.
19:23 They're both flat hunting
19:24 because things in their love lives
19:26 didn't really go according to plan.
19:28 They find a really great apartment in a place in London,
19:32 which is a series of apartments or flats run by Marsha.
19:37 The only problem is that to move in,
19:39 they have to pretend that they are a married
19:42 or a soon-to-be married couple.
19:45 So the nucleus of the whole tension in space
19:50 is of course, are they gonna get found out?
19:52 Then of course, you've got on top of that,
19:54 maybe they might just fall in love.
19:56 - But much like Stephen mentioned with Dick Turpin,
20:01 much like we brought up with coupling
20:03 and also the Mighty Boosh we've mentioned earlier,
20:06 it's just a fantastic ensemble
20:08 and how they managed to interweave
20:11 one or two kind of storylines each episode,
20:14 but seamlessly get all the characters involved.
20:16 And for as much as I love Simon Pegg and Jessica Hine
20:19 as Tim and Daisy, I mean, Nick Frost
20:22 was absolutely fantastic in the series
20:25 as Tim's best mate.
20:27 Stephen mentioned Mark Heap,
20:29 who I think is one of the best character actors
20:32 England's ever produced.
20:34 He plays Brian, the tortured artist
20:36 who plays up to the pretension beyond belief.
20:40 You have just a myriad of cameos as well,
20:44 including David Walliams,
20:46 who played Brian's former gay lover,
20:50 who they go and visit at an art exhibition.
20:52 That episode in particular, I love
20:54 because it references cheap speed
20:57 that they bought off a uni student in a pub
20:59 and play in "Resident Evil 2,"
21:01 which was the video game du jour at the time.
21:05 Me being just a, people ask me,
21:07 how do I have a treasure trove of crap in my head
21:09 of pop culture knowledge?
21:10 And it kind of helps that watching "Spaced"
21:13 was kind of so many reference points,
21:17 referencing "Pulp Fiction,"
21:19 referencing, like I mentioned, "Resident Evil 2."
21:22 All of these really at times esoteric,
21:24 nerdy pop culture references that,
21:27 thankfully, if you own the DVD,
21:29 much like they did with the "Shaun of the Dead" DVD,
21:31 you can bang on the subtitle track,
21:33 which will tell you exactly
21:35 where the pop culture reference comes from.
21:37 But it was "Spaced" and "Russ Novel,"
21:42 when I was at university,
21:43 that became a rite of passage.
21:45 Everybody used to get around, consume whatever
21:48 would imbibe them on that evening.
21:50 And we would just run through "Spaced."
21:52 And I, much like the Sopranos,
21:55 have to at least once a year check in on Tim and Daisy
21:58 and see how they're doing.
22:00 It's fantastic.
22:01 And I'm glad they've not done a Blu-ray release
22:03 because to quote Edgar Wright,
22:04 "What would be the point?
22:05 It kind of looks crappy anyway.
22:07 It would just look crappier
22:08 if we put it in high definition."
22:10 So all of that is available on,
22:12 if you're in the UK, All4, Channel 4,
22:15 whatever they've decided to brand themselves.
22:17 This time, without a subscription.
22:20 So, you know, yeah, I might have to put up
22:22 with the odd advert here and there,
22:23 but no, it's one of the best comedies
22:26 and another fine example of, like Stephen mentioned,
22:30 that interesting alternative comedy set
22:33 that we got in the late '90s coming together
22:35 and creating something brilliant.
22:37 - Emerging.
22:38 - And it's also kind of timely that as of recording,
22:41 Simon Pegg is allegedly working on a "Galaxy Quest 2."
22:45 So he's just kind of-
22:46 - Simon Pegg has become massive, hasn't he?
22:48 I mean, you could not have guessed back in the space days
22:51 that he would be doing "Mission Impossible" movies
22:54 and whatnot, you know, but some would argue
22:57 that was some of his better work, I suppose,
22:59 back in the day and things like "Shaun of the Dead,"
23:01 et cetera, but yeah, it's, well,
23:03 it's always good to see British actors coming up like that
23:06 and making it all the way to-
23:08 - If I could be selfish for a minute,
23:10 just come back and do like some more
23:12 of that pop culture stuff, please.
23:14 It was just fantastic.
23:15 I mean, it's great that Edgar Wright and everyone's
23:17 gone off to do big things, but just come back.
23:19 It doesn't have to be space.
23:21 Just collaborate a little bit more again.
23:23 - Oh, well, it's forgiven.
23:24 Oh, well, it's forgiven.
23:25 Okay, thanks for that, Benji.
23:27 Thank you, too, for joining us this week.
23:29 Do look out for Friday morning's
23:30 Screen Babble Weekend Watch,
23:32 which we'll preview what to watch over the weekend
23:34 and beyond.
23:35 If you have any suggestions for what TV
23:37 we need to get into our lives,
23:39 do get in touch with us via social media.
23:41 We'd love for you to rate, review,
23:42 and subscribe to the podcast
23:43 so we can reach as many TV lovers as possible.
23:46 We'll be back next week with more Screen Babble.
23:48 Ciao for now.
23:49 - Bye. - Bye.
23:50 - Bye.
23:51 (upbeat music)
23:53 (upbeat music)
23:56 (upbeat music)