4,1 Juta Ton Beras Impor akan Masuk di 2024

  • 7 months ago
4,1 juta ton beras impor, akan masuk ke pasar Indonesia sepanjang tahun ini. Jumlah impor beras tersebut, dipastikan akan menjadi rekor impor tertinggi.


00:00 The importation of 4.1 million tons of rice will enter the Indonesian market this year.
00:05 The amount of rice imported will be the highest record of import.
00:10 The government decided to increase the task of rice import to the island's population by 1.6 million tons
00:20 for the duration of 2024.
00:23 After previously the island was tasked to import 2 million tons of rice for the implementation of 2024.
00:30 But the island still has to implement the import of 500,000 tons of rice,
00:36 part of the 2023 task which reached a total of 3.5 million tons.
00:41 With that, the rice imported that will enter the Indonesian market in 2024
00:47 can reach 4.1 million tons if the block succeeds in implementing all the tasks.
00:54 Director of Import Deep Gen Foreign Trade Ministry,
00:59 Arief Sulistio announced that the national rice kingdom this year
01:03 will be 7.89 million tons of stock rice at the end of 2023.
01:09 Meanwhile, the national needs for 2024
01:12 is predicted to reach 31.21 million tons with production target of 32 million tons.
01:19 This production is concerned that it is not enough to meet the needs until the end of the year.
01:25 Moreover, the BPS has predicted a potential deficit of 2.82 million tons of rice
01:30 in the period from January to February 2024.
01:35 So from the rice import plan that has been agreed in 2024
01:39 for the allocation of imports for rice to the general needs
01:43 is a total of 2 million tons. This is the block's task.
01:47 Then there is an addition based on the record of the task of the Ministry of Coordinating the Economy
01:53 on February 5, 2024.
01:56 There is an addition of rice imports to the general needs of 1.6 million tons.
02:03 If the implementation of rice imports throughout 2024 will not be the highest record,
02:08 before the rice import throughout 2023 reached 3.06 million tons,
02:14 the figure was the highest in the last five years.
02:18 From Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
02:22 IDX Channel coverage team.
02:25 (bell chimes)