Brummies share their thoughts on the vape ban

  • 6 months ago
Disposable vapes are set to be banned across England, Scotland and Wales in a bid to protect children's health. Some have argued this is an overreach by the state. I'm here today in Birmingham to get people's thoughts on whether or not they support the ban.
00:00 I'm not a smoker anymore myself, quite a long time ago, but in terms of disposable
00:07 vapes, I think there can be an argument for safety depending on the quality and depending
00:14 on how much access there is to them, but I think if they are treated sensibly, I think
00:21 they're a really good way to break a cycle of addiction rather than cause them.
00:28 I think that obviously it can lead to easier access, it can lead to addiction, but the
00:35 same can be said about a lot of things, alcohol, cigarettes, anything like sugar for example.
00:45 I think I'll go with if it's to protect the children then I'm for it.
00:53 I really don't know because I feel a lot of people's rights are being encroached over
00:57 and over so I don't know if we're stepping too further again into what people can and
01:03 cannot do as human beings, but if I go by as by my child I'll say okay, it's good.
01:10 I hadn't actually heard of the Vape Man, but I'm not a smoker.
01:15 I think that if it's helpful for kids, if it protects them from potentially dangerous
01:24 diseases or cancer, then I think it's justifiable to ban it.
01:30 This is the disposable one I think, then yeah definitely.
01:34 I know obviously we've got a few mutual friends who do vape, certainly some of the lads I
01:38 live with, and I think they're all for it.
01:41 They switched a long time ago over to the bigger cartridges, the non-disposable ones
01:45 and I think they're really fussed.
01:46 They buy all their flavours online in bulk so they just refill it, recharge it.
01:51 Yeah, I think it's a good idea.
01:54 The amount of plastic waste, I don't think people realised at first exactly how much
02:01 electronic waste they were creating, that they had batteries in and things like that.
02:07 If you sell electronic items you're supposed to recycle them.
02:12 I'm not sure most vape shops have been doing that particularly.
02:18 So yeah, I think obviously people not smoking is probably good, he says.
02:24 But yeah, I don't think that the environmental impact necessarily makes that a good trade-off
02:31 either.
02:32 I totally agree with the banning of vapes, vape pens, because it's helping the environment,
02:41 helping children.
02:43 And to be honest, I come from a society whereby we try to protect our children from this thing.
02:48 So it's really a good thing.
02:50 I have a son, which is a baby, and I'm just trying to make sure the environment is sustainable
02:56 enough for him.
02:57 And we're under net zero, the carbon net zero thing, so it's a really good plus for us.
