Uptown Balls vs. Chicago | Match 49, Season 4 - The Dozen Trivia League

  • 7 months ago
Jeff D Lowe | The Dozen: Trivia Competition
00:00 Welcome to the following presentation of the Dozen trivia by Bar School Sports.
00:05 [MUSIC]
00:15 >> The movie's called Get [BLEEP]
00:20 >> [LAUGH]
00:22 >> That is correct.
00:24 >> 14-13.
00:25 >> Benyans with Chick-fil-A.
00:28 >> Chick-fil-A, Chick-fil-A, Chick-fil-A.
00:30 >> Pony Poly.
00:31 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:35 >> Champions of the Dozen.
00:36 >> [APPLAUSE]
00:37 [MUSIC]
00:44 >> All right, it's the Dozen match, 49 of season four of the Dozen match, 385 overall.
00:48 Great match today.
00:52 Only reason it's not the primetime match of the week is because we delayed the Uptown Balls,
00:57 the Experts Booze Ponies match so many times, which will be happening this week.
01:03 Already been recorded.
01:04 Uptown Balls, 4-1-1, Chicago 5-1-1.
01:07 A combined 9-2-2 of these two teams, two of the best teams.
01:11 And the winner here, the winner will probably -- what I think will likely happen is the winner will likely play ZD.
01:18 And then if they win, will likely have a shot at number one.
01:22 >> Oh, wow.
01:23 >> I like the sound of that.
01:25 >> Big stuff on the line here, Body Armor and New Hampshire and Vodka, shout out to both of them.
01:29 Body Armor sponsored the niche category round, and New Hampshire and Vodka sponsoring bonus round,
01:33 and the double-sip lifeline.
01:35 Let's start out with Uptown, but we got to start with Smitty.
01:38 Smitty, last match, you guys played great.
01:40 Your mic was a disaster, though.
01:43 It wasn't as bad in the match, but I got more DMs and messages about --
01:50 >> You did.
01:51 >> Banning you.
01:52 It was -- it's the angriest fans have been at anyone this season.
01:56 >> Mm-hmm.
01:57 >> Sam.
01:58 >> I'd like to take the opportunity to apologize for it.
02:00 Obviously, if I knew it was that bad, or if anybody knew it was that bad,
02:05 I am either switching mics or trying to find a solution or just leaving the show.
02:11 I apologize to the dozen audience.
02:13 >> You can't do that.
02:14 >> I think it cost us -- like, we only moved up from seven to six after that.
02:18 We should have been like a top four or five team.
02:20 I'm blaming Smitty's mic might have cost us two ranking spots.
02:24 >> I'll agree.
02:25 I'll agree to that.
02:27 >> Glennie, I also didn't ask you last time.
02:29 You were called -- I haven't said this on record.
02:32 You were called while you were on a plane a few weeks ago.
02:35 >> Yes.
02:36 >> And you answered -- you gave half of an answer, which is unbelievable.
02:39 >> You know, honestly, I didn't know how that worked.
02:41 I don't know if you could FaceTime on planes or not, so I literally just panicked and hung up.
02:45 But I texted Marty immediately.
02:46 I texted you.
02:47 And it was the easiest -- like, for a --
02:49 >> It was friends and entourage.
02:52 >> For a white 30-year-old male, the fact that Marty didn't know that is insane.
02:55 It was Jeremy Pippen and Matt LeBlanc.
02:57 >> That's like a Trump and Biden, like the biggest people in our life.
03:05 >> Glennie answered on a plane, though.
03:07 >> I panicked.
03:09 >> We questioned if it was legal.
03:11 And before we get into it, we had a great watch-along on Sunday air.
03:15 Dave and Brandon Walker rewatched "The Infamous Chief," Memorial Day in 2020, in which you did --
03:26 you confirmed to me the other day, I mentioned the other night, after the drunk match, which you guys won, you did call me and apologize on behalf of Chicago.
03:34 >> Yeah, I was embarrassed by how drunk the crew was.
03:39 So it was Memorial Day weekend.
03:42 >> It was Sunday night Memorial Day.
03:43 >> In the middle of a pandemic.
03:47 >> Was the whole crew drunk?
03:50 >> Two-thirds of it.
03:51 I'll let you guess which two-thirds.
03:53 >> Two-thirds were blitzed.
03:56 >> I can't lie.
03:57 A drunk dozen sounds pretty fun.
03:58 I would like to do that.
03:59 >> Yeah?
04:01 >> You've drank a couple times.
04:03 There was a while where you said you had to have something or you were good.
04:07 >> Well, because I was traveling.
04:09 And there was a point in my life where I literally would be too scared to sleep in hotel rooms not drunk.
04:13 So I've since passed out.
04:15 >> Right.
04:16 >> Fair.
04:17 All right.
04:18 Let's get the trivia here.
04:19 Two of the best teams this season clashing right now.
04:22 Likely top five, whoever wins.
04:24 24 questions, 12 rounds of trivia, 25th being the bonus round, three lifelines.
04:28 Double up any category you want except for round 10 already worth two points.
04:31 And you have your call a friend and your double sip of Vodka and Amsterdam as well.
04:35 Compare those two lifelines together.
04:36 But can't use call a friend or double sip on anything worth two.
04:39 Written bonus round tonight.
04:41 Uptown balls, you'll go first.
04:43 Each time Smitty finds a person again with a great mic.
04:47 >> I thought we were ranked higher now.
04:49 >> No, they jumped -- well, they played last week.
04:52 They jumped you.
04:53 >> Oh, damn.
04:54 >> Yeah.
04:55 But you're essentially tied.
04:56 It's -- yeah.
04:57 Here we go.
04:58 Chicago.
04:59 Chief financial person.
05:00 First category is the NBA.
05:02 NBA.
05:06 The closest series during the 2007 Spurs path to title was a six-game series against a Pacific Division team in the West Semis.
05:13 35 seconds for Uptown balls.
05:16 >> What is that?
05:17 No way.
05:18 >> Sorry.
05:19 Hold on.
05:20 Something's happening.
05:21 I think the ceiling of the men's bathroom has collapsed.
05:25 >> Oh, my.
05:26 >> And I'm right next to it.
05:27 And everyone is -- everyone is --
05:29 >> There's a big ruckus outside.
05:31 >> Can you hear it too, Smitty?
05:33 >> I'm upstairs by the kitchen.
05:34 There's a bunch of rooms open, I think.
05:36 >> I might have to move.
05:38 This is great.
05:39 >> I'm just trying to see if they get bored of it.
05:41 All right.
05:42 They're leaving now.
05:43 They're leaving now.
05:45 >> Okay.
05:46 Sorry.
05:47 I don't know.
05:48 >> I don't know.
05:49 >> It was chaos.
05:50 >> They're leaving now.
05:51 They're leaving now.
05:52 >> All right.
05:53 Yeah, a tile came down on the toilet.
05:54 Nobody was on it.
05:55 A bunch of kids outside.
05:57 >> Oh, my God.
05:58 >> It shouldn't be our office.
05:59 I promise you that.
06:00 It shouldn't be this office.
06:02 >> It should never be Chicago.
06:03 Only in New York.
06:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:05 >> Need an answer in.
06:06 >> I don't really know.
06:08 >> No.
06:09 Trailblazers maybe?
06:10 >> Yeah, my gut was trailblazers, but --
06:12 >> Okay.
06:13 That was me too.
06:14 Just --
06:15 >> Portland trailblazers.
06:16 >> No fucking clue.
06:17 >> 2007.
06:18 It makes me think that it was, like, those Blake Griffin Clippers teams.
06:26 Does that sound right?
06:29 >> That sounds a little early for Blake Griffin to me.
06:32 >> So then what about Sacramento with, like, Weber and Pasia and all those guys?
06:37 >> That I like a lot more, but that might have been too late.
06:40 I think he was more when I was in, like, middle school.
06:42 Pasia and them.
06:43 And I graduated high school in 2007.
06:46 So I do like Sacramento more.
06:50 >> All right.
06:51 Sacramento final.
06:53 >> Suns, Suns.
06:55 >> I think that was the Bloody Nash series.
06:58 >> Yeah, you're right.
06:59 >> Too much going on there.
07:01 >> Boris D.O.
07:03 >> Ceiling collapsing.
07:05 The irony of Tommy in Chicago but the ceiling collapse in the back in New York.
07:09 >> Yeah, leaking ceiling still ruining my life.
07:12 >> Tommy's never going to leave.
07:13 >> The closest series during the 2004 Pistons path to title was a seven-game series,
07:17 excuse me, against the Atlantic Division team in the East Semis.
07:22 >> '04.
07:25 Atlantic.
07:35 >> What about Washington when they had that dude who put up, like, 30 fucking points a game for that stretch?
07:42 >> Gilbert Arenas?
07:43 >> Yeah, Gilbert Arenas.
07:45 >> I don't think they ever got out of the first round.
07:48 >> I'm throwing names out there.
07:50 >> Yeah, I kind of want to say '04.
07:56 We'll go Allen Iverson, 76ers teams.
08:00 >> That's the Nets territory, right?
08:03 >> Nets, right?
08:04 Yeah, because --
08:05 >> They were making the finals more on this time.
08:08 >> It's not the Knicks.
08:09 I mean, Celtics or Raptors are the only two other teams.
08:12 >> Yeah, let's go Nets.
08:15 >> New Jersey Nets, final answer.
08:18 >> On the board, 1-0.
08:20 Uptown Balls with a basketball steal.
08:22 Celebrity mashup, anyone want to double mashup?
08:24 Kelly?
08:25 >> No.
08:26 >> No, let's wait.
08:27 >> Come on, Kelly, double it.
08:28 >> Yeah.
08:29 >> No, we save our doubles for later.
08:30 We save our doubles for later.
08:32 >> Uptown Balls?
08:33 I don't know what they double anymore.
08:35 Uptown Balls has a different double every match.
08:38 >> No, we always double baseball draft.
08:40 >> I'm getting dozens.
08:42 >> I heard, but I don't care.
08:44 Should I move or what?
08:46 >> Hey, there are rooms up here.
08:50 >> Okay.
08:51 >> Kelly destroying people.
08:52 Here we go.
08:53 >> Hopefully they'll stop now.
08:54 It's like, leave it.
08:55 Shut the fuck up.
08:56 Anyway.
08:57 >> Celebrity mashup, no double for anybody.
09:00 This is for Uptown Balls, two celebrities.
09:06 >> That's Brendan Fraser and Josh Brolin.
09:10 >> Sounds good to me.
09:12 >> Yep, that's exactly who it is.
09:14 Brendan Fraser and Josh Brolin, final answer.
09:18 >> That is correct.
09:20 >> Go, Glenn.
09:21 >> Nice, Balls.
09:22 >> Chicago to make it 2-1.
09:23 >> I didn't know Josh Brolin.
09:25 >> I would have got that one.
09:28 >> This one is --
09:30 >> Javier, he was a killer.
09:33 >> No, it's definitely Jack Black.
09:36 >> Yes.
09:37 >> Jack Black and Joe Manganiello in the middle, his eyes.
09:42 Yeah.
09:43 >> I don't know who the fuck that is.
09:45 Whatever Kelly said, final.
09:47 >> Jack Black, Joe Manganiello.
09:49 >> That's correct.
09:50 >> I'm going to do Joe Manganiello.
09:52 >> He's hot.
09:53 It's going to shock you.
09:55 I only can see his eyes here.
09:57 >> Is he still in the office?
09:59 >> Yeah.
10:00 >> Yeah, very recently.
10:02 2-1.
10:03 Big barstool guy, Joe Manganiello.
10:05 He's in the office all the time.
10:07 NFL next category, 2-1 Uptown Balls with the lead.
10:11 What 10,000-yard wide receiver played the final year of his career with Carolina in '06?
10:19 >> That's a little --
10:21 >> Not Steve Smith, obviously.
10:26 >> Could it be --
10:28 >> It's like Mushi Muhammad territory, right?
10:30 >> No, he was later than that.
10:32 I don't know.
10:34 This is --
10:35 >> T.O., which was --
10:37 >> No, it's not T.O.
10:38 >> T.O. is past.
10:40 >> Torrey Holt or Terry Holt or some shit.
10:42 >> That's not a bad guess.
10:44 Or Isaac Bruce.
10:45 >> Right.
10:46 One of those.
10:47 >> One of those, one of double dip?
10:49 >> No, because we have no fucking idea.
10:51 >> Torrey Holt, final answer.
10:53 >> Other side.
10:57 >> Moose went to the Bears after Carolina.
10:59 >> Yeah, it's not him.
11:05 >> I don't know why I want to say like Keyshawn Johnson, but, like, that also doesn't sound --
11:11 >> Four.
11:12 >> Do you have anything, Dave?
11:13 >> Two.
11:14 >> Keyshawn Johnson, final.
11:16 >> That's correct, 2-2.
11:19 >> Nice pull.
11:20 >> Hell, yeah.
11:21 Let's go.
11:22 >> Chiefs and Chiefs.
11:23 Can they get 3-2 for the lead?
11:25 What 10,000-yard running back played the final year of his career with Baltimore in 2011?
11:30 >> Jamal Lewis?
11:32 >> No.
11:35 This makes it sound like he was, you know, played one year with them, not --
11:39 >> Right, right.
11:40 >> Jamal Lewis was earlier.
11:42 >> Right.
11:46 >> 10,000-yard back.
11:52 >> Someone from --
11:53 >> Fred Taylor?
11:56 >> Jacksonville, yeah.
11:58 >> Jacksonville, New England, did he go somewhere after that?
12:00 I think Fred Taylor's a good guess.
12:02 >> I like that.
12:03 Yeah, that's --
12:04 >> All right, final answer, Fred Taylor.
12:06 >> I think it's Willis McGahee, yeah.
12:09 >> Yeah, because he was on the --
12:11 >> He was, like, after this.
12:13 >> He was definitely on the Tebow Broncos team, and then I think he went to the Ravens.
12:17 I think -- I thought Willis McGahee, too.
12:20 We both thought it.
12:21 That's --
12:22 >> Okay, if you both thought --
12:24 >> Willis McGahee.
12:25 >> Okay, Willis McGahee, final answer.
12:28 >> Ricky Williams.
12:31 >> Wow.
12:32 >> That's the only player I know.
12:34 >> Right up after three.
12:36 >> Here we go, 2-2, evened up.
12:38 They each got a point and each got a steal.
12:40 Music next category.
12:41 I want a double music.
12:42 >> Double.
12:44 >> We'll double.
12:45 >> Doubled up for Chicago.
12:46 11-0 this season.
12:48 Doubled up.
12:49 Uptown Balls double, still on the board.
12:51 This is for Uptown Balls.
12:53 Title is 2016 song.
12:55 I need a title.
12:56 Title.
12:57 Here it is.
12:58 [ Music ]
13:11 >> I don't know.
13:12 >> I know the song.
13:14 >> She's looking at you.
13:16 >> Here again.
13:18 >> Yep.
13:19 [ Music ]
13:28 >> You know it, Kelly?
13:29 >> I think it's maybe whatever.
13:33 >> I have no idea.
13:34 I just know it goes --
13:35 [ Music ]
13:41 >> There are phone -- I don't know if there's a phone a friend.
13:45 >> Should I bring Gia in here?
13:48 >> Do you think she'd know?
13:53 >> I'm the only other woman out there.
13:55 >> Play it again.
13:56 >> Yep.
13:57 >> How good do you feel about whatever?
14:03 >> Whatever, I guess.
14:05 >> Five second count.
14:06 >> Maybe she still knows it.
14:08 >> I'm going to say whatever.
14:10 >> Whatever.
14:11 >> Whatever.
14:12 >> It's this is what you came for.
14:15 It's Rihanna Calvin Harris written by Taylor Swift.
14:19 >> Obviously.
14:20 >> Obviously.
14:21 >> This is what you came -- yeah.
14:24 >> Final.
14:25 >> I just thought the name of the song was ooh.
14:27 >> That's correct.
14:28 Three to two.
14:29 >> There you go, Kelly.
14:30 >> I was worried it was what we came for.
14:32 Thank God it was your.
14:33 >> 2014.
14:35 >> ♪ I don't care, go on and tear me apart ♪
14:44 >> ♪ Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na ♪
14:47 >> Sky full of stars.
14:49 Sky full of stars.
14:50 >> That.
14:51 >> Final.
14:52 >> Five to two.
14:53 >> Big round, Kelly Keegs, big round.
14:56 >> Good one.
14:57 Those are good songs.
14:58 >> Three points here for Chicago.
15:00 College hoops next category.
15:03 Who was the fourth final four team in 2015, the same year Duke took down Wisconsin after the Badgers
15:09 shocked undefeated Kentucky?
15:11 >> Could be Arizona or -- all right.
15:17 So Wisconsin.
15:18 >> They were number one seats.
15:21 >> So who did Duke beat?
15:23 That was Jalil Okufor.
15:26 Arizona came to mind but I don't know if that's right.
15:31 Fuck, I watched this tournament so much.
15:34 Michigan State maybe?
15:37 >> Need something in.
15:40 Answer a lifeline in five.
15:42 >> I would go Michigan State or do we want to do -- Reeds?
15:46 >> Smitty.
15:47 >> Michigan State final answer.
15:49 >> Five to three.
15:50 Good ball by Sommer.
15:52 >> Trust yourself.
15:53 >> Who was the fourth final four team in 2016, the same year Villanova beat UNC at the buzzer after the
16:01 Tar Heels beat Syracuse.
16:03 35 seconds.
16:08 >> Is it Duke?
16:10 >> Do you want to call Riggs?
16:12 >> Yeah, let's call him.
16:14 >> We're going to call Riggs.
16:16 Haven't been called in a while.
16:18 >> Hopefully he's doing something.
16:20 >> Yeah.
16:21 >> Call a friend off the board Chicago, they'll have their double sipper mating the rest of the way.
16:34 >> I feel like it's Duke.
16:36 Not even kidding.
16:37 >> It's definitely Duke.
16:39 >> Hello, Bob, we've got a dozen questions for you.
16:42 >> All right.
16:43 >> Who was the fourth final four team in 2016, the same year Villanova beat UNC at the buzzer after the Tar
16:53 Heels beat Syracuse.
16:55 So it was Villanova, UNC, Syracuse and who in 2016?
17:02 >> Oklahoma.
17:04 >> Oklahoma.
17:05 Final answer.
17:07 >> Six to three.
17:09 That's correct.
17:10 >> Maybe Bob.
17:12 >> Movies.
17:14 >> You should be allowed.
17:16 >> You should try to call Riggs yourself.
17:19 >> Here we go.
17:21 Seth Rogen voiced a CGI alien in this 2011 sci-fi road trip comedy film that all stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
17:28 >> Paul, final answer.
17:30 >> Six to four.
17:32 >> I don't get to do that.
17:34 >> I watched a wild movie on a flight the other day.
17:36 I was shocked.
17:38 >> I've been talking about it all day.
17:40 >> I know two people have seen that movie.
17:43 I couldn't believe they even had it on the flight.
17:46 >> It was Hathaway and Sudeikis nicely laughing on a bench.
17:51 Insane.
17:53 >> Six to four to make it seven.
17:55 Four going to the bonus round.
17:57 Megan Fox had a role in this 2012 romantic dramedy and sort of sequel to "Knocked Up" starring Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann.
18:03 >> This is 40.
18:05 >> This is 40, yeah.
18:07 >> Seven to four going into the bonus round.
18:10 Keep in mind Uptown Bowls has all of their lifelines including their double.
18:13 Pens and paper out.
18:15 Showdown bonus round time.
18:17 >> Time to make the doubles.
18:19 >> Showdown bonus round time.
18:21 Here's how it works.
18:23 It's a closest guess battle.
18:25 Team with the closest guess gets a point.
18:27 First team to three points gets two points in the match.
18:30 You'll go one at a time.
18:32 No helping your teammates at all.
18:34 If after three rounds we don't have a winner, we keep going.
18:37 First to three points.
18:39 And then anyone can go after that.
18:41 If you get a dead on, you get two points.
18:43 Two points.
18:45 Who do you want to have go first, Smitty?
18:47 >> Tommy, you rolled last time.
18:49 You want it?
18:51 >> Sure.
18:53 >> Against who, chief?
18:55 >> I'll go against Tommy.
18:57 >> Tommy against chief.
18:59 Here we go.
19:01 Tommy.
19:04 Career regular season saves by MLB reliever Eric Gagne.
19:20 Pens down in three, two, one.
19:22 Tommy reveals.
19:24 >> 441.
19:27 >> That's high, chief.
19:29 >> I said 190.
19:31 >> I like that guess.
19:33 >> Correct answer is 187.
19:35 One to nothing, Chicago.
19:37 >> You had like five good years, right?
19:40 >> Yeah.
19:42 >> Five good years.
19:44 >> He won the shot young, didn't he?
19:46 >> Yeah.
19:48 >> MVP and shot young, yeah.
19:50 >> Who do you want next, Smitty?
19:52 >> Go get them, boss.
19:54 >> I want to go against Keegan.
19:56 >> We'll go against Keegan.
19:58 >> I want Keegan.
20:00 >> Glennie against Keegan.
20:02 Here we go.
20:04 Duration in seconds of don't stop believing by journey.
20:08 >> Oh, wow.
20:10 >> Sopranos balls.
20:12 >> They don't play the whole song in the Sopranos.
20:15 >> Yeah.
20:17 >> I didn't think about that.
20:19 How long is that?
20:21 >> Do I have to do the math, too?
20:23 >> Glennie has never heard that song.
20:25 >> Is it the amount of time of the song, how long the song is?
20:29 >> Duration in seconds of don't stop believing.
20:31 >> Oh, in seconds.
20:33 >> Seconds, yeah.
20:35 >> I'm trying to do the math right now and you're fucking me up.
20:39 >> All right.
20:41 >> Down in five, four, three, two, one.
20:45 Glennie.
20:47 >> I put five minutes and two seconds or 302 seconds.
20:51 I don't know.
20:53 >> Kelly.
20:55 >> Oh, no, y'all.
20:57 >> Oh, boy.
20:59 >> Math is not my thing.
21:01 I put 153, but that's wrong.
21:03 I didn't do the math right.
21:05 >> I thought you were going to say like 900 seconds.
21:07 >> No, 153.
21:09 I meant to do four minutes times 60.
21:11 Six times four is 120.
21:13 Too late now.
21:15 >> Four times four is not 120.
21:17 >> I'm sorry.
21:19 >> I'm sorry.
21:21 >> Too late now.
21:23 >> Two times four is not 120.
21:25 >> Anyway, the correct answer is 251.
21:27 It's tied up.
21:29 >> Whatever, dude.
21:31 >> Oh, that was sad.
21:33 >> Actually, Kelly, if you would have done four minutes --
21:35 >> I was trying to do four minutes times 60 seconds with a couple extra seconds at the bottom.
21:41 >> If you would have done the math right, I think you would have won that.
21:45 >> Sorry, Kelly, we got Harry Potter coming up.
21:47 >> Sorry, y'all.
21:49 >> One-to-one.
21:51 Dave against Smitty.
21:53 >> I feel like I'm streaming right now.
21:55 This is exciting.
21:57 >> This is what it's meant for.
21:59 Dave since Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars.
22:01 Dave since Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.
22:03 What, did you know that, Glennie?
22:05 >> Yeah, I know exactly where I was.
22:07 >> I do, too.
22:09 [ Laughter ]
22:11 >> Fuck.
22:13 >> We are recording this on the 26th.
22:15 We are recording this on the 26th of February, by the way, for those who are fact-checking at home.
22:25 >> Are the Oscars later this year?
22:27 >> I guess you probably can't say.
22:29 >> Yeah, I can't help it.
22:31 >> They are.
22:33 They're in March.
22:35 >> They are later.
22:37 >> I might have made a colossal fuck-up.
22:39 >> We're used to that.
22:41 >> No, Dave.
22:43 >> The numbers are taking us down.
22:45 >> Smithy, you reveal first.
22:47 >> The math will check out.
22:49 >> Are we ready?
22:51 >> Fuck, I can't believe it.
22:53 >> Smithy, reveal.
22:55 >> 672.
22:57 >> Okay.
22:59 >> Dave.
23:01 >> 727.
23:03 >> I think Dave's got it.
23:05 >> Someone's off by 29.
23:07 Someone's off by 26.
23:09 The correct answer is 701.
23:11 >> How about some confidence, Tom?
23:13 >> I was right.
23:15 >> Go again.
23:17 Go.
23:19 >> I wasn't sure if it was last year or the year before, to be honest.
23:21 I guess two years.
23:23 >> Pretty close.
23:25 >> Would you have got it, Glenn?
23:27 >> Yeah.
23:29 It's the early -- I think it might have been either last week of February or first week of March.
23:31 This year it's the second week of March.
23:33 >> I thought they were always in February.
23:35 >> The writers strike and everything's moved it.
23:37 Who on Facebook is the best writer?
23:39 >> I'm going to go with the writers strike and everything's moved it.
23:41 Who wants to go next?
23:43 It's 2-1.
23:45 Smithy.
23:47 >> I'll do it.
23:49 >> Tommy.
23:51 >> Balls.
23:53 >> Balls against who, chief?
23:55 >> Is there math involved?
23:57 >> Yeah, is there math involved?
23:59 >> I would like redemption, but math I can't do.
24:01 >> I didn't carry the one over properly, as you can see.
24:03 >> Okay.
24:05 >> Let's have teags and balls go head to head.
24:07 >> This is a wild one for the two of you.
24:09 This is a wild one for the two of you.
24:11 >> Oh, no.
24:13 Oh, no.
24:15 >> Total episodes of the original "Jersey Shore."
24:17 >> Oh, fuck.
24:19 >> Which I actually -- if you both told me you knew it spot on, I would believe you.
24:21 So this is --
24:23 >> I feel like Glenn might have this spot on.
24:25 >> Chicago gets it.
24:27 They win.
24:29 Uptown Balls gets it dead on, they win.
24:31 If not, if they just get it, it's tied up.
24:33 >> I'm going to go with the Chicago.
24:35 >> It's tied up.
24:37 >> We're also really close to a Taylor Swift question.
24:39 I've got to move down.
24:41 >> That would not be allowed.
24:43 Pens down in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
24:45 Balls.
24:47 >> I have 72 right there.
24:49 >> 72.
24:51 Kelly.
24:53 >> I said 64.
24:55 >> That's good, Kelly.
24:57 >> 71.
24:59 We're not in the balls.
25:01 >> Almost ended it.
25:03 >> We're going to do an odd number.
25:05 >> Last one.
25:07 Who do you want, Smitty?
25:09 >> I want you, Dave.
25:11 Let's dance.
25:13 >> That's not your decision.
25:15 >> He doesn't get to decide.
25:17 >> I'm good at these ones.
25:19 >> I know.
25:21 >> I didn't like Smitty.
25:23 >> That's how we're going to line up.
25:25 >> Don't get the private Smith.
25:27 >> Smitty picking the opponent.
25:29 Smart.
25:31 >> Dave, did you versus Smitty?
25:33 >> I want Smitty, too.
25:35 >> Here we go.
25:37 >> I call, too.
25:39 >> Days between Tom Brady's first and final Super Bowl.
25:41 Days between Tom Brady's first and final.
25:43 There's math on this one.
25:45 Days between Tom Brady's first and final Super Bowl.
25:47 >> That's calendar math, which is the hardest math.
25:49 >> Really is.
25:51 A couple leap years, maybe.
25:53 >> Probably four of them.
25:55 >> Probably four of them.
25:57 >> I'm going to go with Dave.
25:59 >> I'm going to go with Tom.
26:01 >> Pens down in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
26:03 For the win, Smitty.
26:05 >> 6-4, 6-5.
26:07 >> Dave.
26:09 >> 7-7, 3-0.
26:11 >> 7-7, 3-0.
26:13 Both are off by less than 1,000.
26:15 So they're good guesses.
26:17 But the correct answer is 6,000.
26:19 >> I'm going to go with Dave.
26:21 >> Dave, you're up.
26:23 >> I'm going to go with Dave.
26:25 >> Dave, you're up.
26:27 >> The correct answer is 6,944.
26:29 Uptown Balls wins the bonus round.
26:31 >> Let's go.
26:33 >> And it's in theory tied because they have the double.
26:35 Next category is college football.
26:37 >> Please nobody look at that work that was put out there,
26:39 that times table.
26:41 >> College football.
26:43 Anyone want to double college football?
26:45 I mean Uptown Balls.
26:47 >> Devastating performance by me.
26:49 So sorry.
26:51 >> After totaling over 1,700 yards and seven TD catches at
26:53 Alabama from 2013 through 2016,
26:55 this tight end got drafted in round one by an NFC South team
26:57 of Uptown Balls.
26:59 >> OJ Howard.
27:01 >> Yeah, yeah.
27:03 On the box, right?
27:05 >> Yeah, box.
27:07 >> So you want the player, not the team, correct?
27:09 >> OJ Howard, yes.
27:11 >> OJ Howard.
27:13 OJ Howard, final answer.
27:15 >> 7-7, Chicago can regain the lead.
27:17 After totaling over 1,400 yards and 15 TD catches at Penn State
27:19 from 2014 through 2017, this tight end got drafted in round two
27:21 by an AFC East.
27:23 >> Dave?
27:25 >> Penn State tight end.
27:27 So that was when they were, like, in the Big Ten championship
27:29 then.
27:31 Who was on that?
27:33 >> The fucking quarterback got drafted by the Jets in the second
27:35 round, too.
27:37 >> No, that wasn't -- I don't think that was -- it doesn't
27:39 matter.
27:41 Who was the fucking tight end?
27:43 >> Ten seconds.
27:45 >> I don't know.
27:47 >> I don't know.
27:49 >> I don't know.
27:51 >> Ten seconds.
27:53 >> Five, four --
27:55 >> Pass.
27:57 >> I don't have it.
27:59 >> Mike Jasicki.
28:01 >> Yeah.
28:03 >> Yeah, Mike Jasicki, final answer.
28:05 >> We partied with him on the Jersey Shore to tie it all
28:07 together.
28:09 >> Great, great.
28:11 We're back.
28:13 >> Four in a row.
28:15 They have the lead.
28:17 Grocery products next category.
28:19 This is for Uptown Balls.
28:21 >> Dukes, Dukes is so loud.
28:23 >> A girl in a yellow coat holding an umbrella has been a
28:25 mascot used by this food-related brand since 1914.
28:27 Oh, what's the raisins?
28:29 >> Sunkist.
28:31 >> Are you sure?
28:33 >> Is that a drink?
28:35 >> No.
28:37 >> Little Debbie or something?
28:39 No, that's a cookie.
28:41 It's the raisins.
28:43 Can we just say that?
28:45 >> I don't know.
28:47 >> It's the raisins.
28:49 Can we just say raisins?
28:51 >> Raisin brand?
28:53 >> That's a cereal.
28:55 >> I thought it was Suns.
28:57 >> Ten seconds to an answer or a lifeline.
28:59 >> Sunkist might be tuna.
29:01 >> Let's go with Sunkist.
29:03 >> No.
29:05 >> There's no lifeline to use here.
29:07 Who the fuck knows.
29:09 >> Sunkist.
29:11 >> Final answer.
29:13 >> I think it's Morton's salt.
29:15 >> Morton's salt.
29:17 >> That's correct.
29:19 They tied it back up.
29:21 >> I thought that was a layup.
29:23 I'm kind of shocked you didn't get that.
29:25 >> What's the raisin, lady?
29:27 >> Raisins is Sunmaiden.
29:29 >> Sunkist is tuna.
29:31 >> No, Starkist is tuna.
29:33 >> Yes.
29:35 >> Sunkist is soda.
29:37 >> Frank is going to break down that wall and yell at you for
29:39 saying Sunkist is tuna.
29:41 Here we go.
29:43 >> To regain the lead.
29:45 Since 1977, this food-related brand has been represented by a
29:47 smiling mascot known by the name of Lefty the glove.
29:49 >> Hamburger helper.
29:51 >> Hamburger helper.
29:53 >> Final.
29:55 >> Nine to eight.
29:57 >> I missed hamburger helper.
29:59 >> That's the number one white trash food there is.
30:01 It's delicious.
30:03 >> It's the best.
30:05 >> Cheesy, powder, garbage.
30:07 It's gross, but in there it's good.
30:09 >> With those noodles.
30:11 >> Oh, yeah.
30:13 >> This is for uptown balls.
30:15 >> We're losing our double for baseball, I assume.
30:17 >> This Asian country has two capitals, the constitutional
30:19 capital of Kuala Lumpur and the administrative capital of
30:21 Padre Haya.
30:23 You have all three lifelines.
30:25 You can't double this.
30:27 >> Do you want to grab KB, Tommy?
30:29 >> He's on the yak.
30:31 >> You don't want to disrupt the yak.
30:33 >> It's too much of a money-maker.
30:35 >> That's a good one.
30:37 >> I'm going to go with the yak.
30:39 >> It's too much of a money-maker.
30:41 >> That's crazy.
30:43 >> They have a flow going on.
30:45 They'll be upset.
30:47 >> If anybody can do it, Tommy, it's you.
30:49 Just be like, hey, I'm Tommy.
30:51 >> Dan gets really mad about that.
30:53 >> He actually hates when people bust in.
30:55 >> He sent a mass email about it last week, bitching at everyone.
30:57 >> I'm going to go get KB.
30:59 >> All right.
31:01 >> Good luck.
31:03 You should call him first.
31:05 >> Can I call him and if he doesn't answer, I go get him?
31:07 >> No, it's the other way around.
31:09 If they're not there, you can call them.
31:11 But you can't call, then go find them.
31:13 >> There he is.
31:15 >> KB, KB, KB.
31:17 >> Dozen phone a friend.
31:19 >> No.
31:21 >> Malaysia.
31:23 >> Malaysia, final answer.
31:25 >> Nine.
31:27 >> That was easy as fuck, Smitty.
31:29 You should be ashamed of yourself.
31:31 >> You should do a snowman on your own.
31:33 >> Yeah.
31:35 >> The capital of the constitutional capital of
31:37 Sucre and the de facto executive capital of La Paz.
31:39 >> The piece?
31:41 >> Is it?
31:43 >> That's what.
31:45 >> You guys got that?
31:47 I don't know this kind of shit.
31:49 >> I don't.
31:51 >> La Paz, South American country.
31:53 >> I would say let's skip this.
31:55 >> Why?
31:57 >> First thing that came to my head.
31:59 So I think it's Ecuador.
32:01 >> Ecuador is the capital of the
32:03 constitutional capital of La Paz.
32:05 >> Ecuador is Quito.
32:07 >> Start railing off.
32:09 It's not Brazil, it's not Colombia, it's not Venezuela.
32:11 >> Could it be Bolivia?
32:13 >> Bolivia?
32:15 That's maybe.
32:17 >> Paraguay.
32:19 >> You have your double sip if you want it.
32:21 >> Might as well, right?
32:23 >> Yeah, use it.
32:25 >> I like Bolivia, actually.
32:27 >> Double sip, double sip.
32:29 First one is Uruguay.
32:31 >> Paraguay.
32:33 >> 10 seconds.
32:35 >> Bolivia.
32:37 >> What?
32:39 >> I kind of want to guess Paraguay now.
32:41 >> I need an answer in 5, 4.
32:43 >> Kelly?
32:45 >> Bolivia.
32:47 >> I don't know why.
32:49 >> Bolivia.
32:51 >> That is correct.
32:53 >> That would have been dangerous.
32:55 >> I will note, chief did say Paraguay,
32:57 but he did not say final answer.
32:59 >> True.
33:01 >> Wow.
33:03 >> What a match.
33:05 >> Niche category time.
33:07 New York Yankees presented by Body Armor for Uptown Ball.
33:09 Well, they're not presented by Body Armor,
33:11 the niche category is.
33:13 And Golden of Fire, Goblet of Fire.
33:15 >> Oh, thank God.
33:17 >> For Chicago to make it 11-10.
33:19 The Yankees traded for two first base/DH players
33:21 during the 2019 season.
33:23 Kendrys Morales,
33:25 this player from the Mariners.
33:27 Do you know it, Dave?
33:29 >> No.
33:31 Not off the top of my head.
33:33 >> Fuck.
33:35 Hold on.
33:37 I have somebody in my head.
33:39 >> You don't have a phone a friend, by the way, Jeff.
33:41 >> I was literally just looking at the roster.
33:43 >> You're looking at the 2019 Yankees roster?
33:45 >> Hey, are we going to talk about each other's
33:47 backswings the entire time?
33:49 >> Give him a break.
33:51 >> Give him some class.
33:53 >> We're not talking about the Yankees.
33:55 >> Give him some class.
33:57 >> I have someone in my head, but I don't remember
33:59 him being on the Mariners.
34:01 I don't remember them getting him from the Mariners,
34:03 but I need something.
34:05 >> All right.
34:07 Edwin Encarnacion, final answer.
34:09 Final, Smitty?
34:11 >> Final.
34:13 >> Correct.
34:15 11-10.
34:17 >> What the fuck was he on the Mariners?
34:19 >> I know.
34:21 That was my answer.
34:23 >> He was on the Mariners, and then he was
34:25 re-traded to New York.
34:27 >> And then the next year he was on the White Sox,
34:29 and he sucked.
34:31 >> Gobble to fire.
34:33 What was the name of the charm used by both Cedric
34:35 Diggory and Flore de La Cour to breathe underwater?
34:37 >> Bubble head charm.
34:39 >> Final.
34:41 >> 12-11.
34:43 Major League Baseball.
34:45 Are you going to double up?
34:47 >> We always double baseball, baby.
34:49 >> Huge.
34:51 >> When teams -- I know double things often.
34:53 I usually don't put them at the end of the match.
34:55 It's a little unfair.
34:57 >> I agree.
34:59 >> But Uptown Balls haven't been doubling baseball lately.
35:01 >> A double -- it's two points whether it's round one
35:03 or round 12.
35:05 >> It's very true.
35:07 Primarily a catcher but also playing first base as
35:09 Angels hitter launched 20-plus homers each year
35:11 from 2008 through 2010.
35:13 >> Mike Napoli?
35:15 >> Yeah.
35:17 >> Mike Napoli, right?
35:19 >> Yeah.
35:21 >> He was on the team in 2013.
35:23 I know he was on Texas.
35:25 >> He's the first baseman catcher.
35:27 >> Yes.
35:29 >> Right?
35:31 >> No, no, no.
35:33 I'm just going through the catalog.
35:35 I think if there's anybody else --
35:37 >> They had like Jeff Mathis.
35:39 He sucked.
35:41 It's got to be Mike Napoli.
35:43 >> No, catcher, first baseman.
35:45 It can't be anybody else.
35:47 >> 13-12, they have the lead.
35:49 Chicago can tie it up here.
35:51 >> It's a double.
35:53 >> Come on, David.
35:55 >> Primarily a catcher but also playing left field
35:57 as Braves hitter launched 20-plus homers in both
35:59 2013 and 2014 before joining Houston in 2015.
36:01 >> Houston.
36:03 >> Tie it up.
36:05 >> 20 --
36:07 >> Come on, Dave.
36:13 >> Not Berkman.
36:15 >> Come on, Dave.
36:17 >> Shut the fuck up, Smitty.
36:19 I got another 13, Maldonado.
36:21 >> Five, four, three, two --
36:23 >> All right, Dave says Maldonado.
36:25 >> Evan got it.
36:27 >> Mathis, finally.
36:29 >> God damn it, Dave.
36:31 >> God damn it, Dave.
36:33 >> I'm going to go with Maldonado.
36:35 >> I'm going to go with Maldonado.
36:37 >> I'm going to go with Maldonado.
36:39 >> I'm going to go with Maldonado.
36:41 >> I'm going to go with Maldonado.
36:43 >> God damn it, Dave.
36:45 >> That may have been the most --
36:47 when I think of two players that are literally twins,
36:49 it's Evan Gaddis and Mike McQueen.
36:51 >> Yeah.
36:53 >> Uptown Bulls for the win.
36:55 >> I wish we had a baseball guy on this show,
36:57 on this team.
36:59 [ Laughter ]
37:01 >> There we go.
37:03 >> They're viewing it on HBO Max in 2022.
37:05 John Cena --
37:07 >> Peacemaker.
37:09 >> Peacemaker, final answer.
37:11 >> That is correct.
37:13 That's the win.
37:15 Uptown Bulls, 5-1, your best start ever.
37:17 Other side for points.
37:19 Debuting on Showtime in 2021,
37:21 Melanie Linsky and Christina Ricci have starred
37:23 in this Emmy-nominated supernatural thriller.
37:25 >> Yellow Jackets.
37:27 >> I know.
37:29 >> Melanie Linsky.
37:31 >> 15-13, only the second regulation loss for Chicago
37:33 this year.
37:35 They're 5-2-1.
37:37 Will not drop, probably just swap in the standings.
37:39 >> Good game.
37:41 >> Huge match for Uptown Bulls.
37:43 Big win.
37:45 Tommy, big match.
37:47 Glennie still leading scorer in the league, by the way.
37:49 >> I had a bad match.
37:51 >> Come on.
37:53 >> You did good, balls.
37:55 >> What a win.
37:57 Smitty, it's the mic, maybe.
37:59 >> Great one.
38:01 >> It's the mic, definitely.
38:03 Tommy and balls played great games.
38:05 We took advantage of their weaknesses, which seemed to
38:07 be a good thing.
38:09 We're happy.
38:11 >> It was a good game.
38:13 >> They said baseball.
38:15 >> Good game.
38:17 I'm disappointed in myself.
38:19 Really, math.
38:21 Holy shit.
38:23 That's embarrassing.
38:25 >> You have to do a math equation.
38:27 >> I've pitched out of the gym many times.
38:29 >> The most pitched category.
38:31 >> 424 divided by 7.
38:33 >> I think we've done math.
38:35 >> You did.
38:37 I remember it.
38:39 >> It would be cruel to me.
38:41 I'm just saying.
38:43 >> Your four minutes thing was --
38:45 >> I would have put that at four minutes and 22 seconds.
38:47 I would have put that song at.
38:49 I have no idea what that is in seconds.
38:51 >> It's like 260.
38:53 You would have won.
38:55 Still two great teams.
38:57 I can see these two teams face each other in the tournament.
38:59 Both teams easily going to make the tournament.
39:01 Uptown balls, 5-1-1.
39:03 Shot at ZD probably coming up soon.
39:05 Long-time tournament rival.
39:07 Two more matches tomorrow.
39:09 Team Manhattan against Smokin.
39:11 First match since that trade.
39:13 Who knows what's going on.
39:15 We're recording this on Monday.
39:17 Who knows what's going on.
39:19 Sunday night, experts against booze ponies.
39:21 Thank you for watching.
39:23 Thank you to Sarah Voigt and body armor.
39:25 We'll talk to you next time.
39:27 [Music]
