Has going for a night out simply become too expensive?

  • 6 months ago
the UK pub closure rate continues to climb. It’s now often over five pounds for a pint, making a night out too expensive for many.

We have been out to ask people if they still manage a night out or whether the treat has simply become too expensive.


00:00 The money's just much, much, much tighter than it was pre-pandemic.
00:07 So yeah, I've got less disposable income.
00:10 Newport was just absolutely banging back in the day.
00:14 It was amazing.
00:15 Like, I'm 53, so I'm talking like early 90s, late 80s, early 90s.
00:19 And right up until like early 2000, it was just the best night of life.
00:24 I mean, the pubs were lovely.
00:25 There was not any trouble.
00:27 People used to come from all over the shop to go to Newport.
00:29 It was just renowned for a good night.
00:31 You walk into town now, and do you know what?
00:33 It's awful.
00:34 The pubs are run down.
00:35 There are all kids in there.
00:36 It's like if you get to a certain age, there's nowhere to go.
00:39 Once you're over like 30, I think you're literally, it's just rubbish now.
00:44 Probably not, and that's an age thing rather than anything else.
00:47 But city nightlife can be, I probably wouldn't step into the city so much, whereas I'd go
00:53 more to the out of town venues.
00:56 A more quiet event I'd probably be looking for rather than the big nightlife.
01:01 It's a degree of cost, but also it's just, you know, convenience.
01:06 And a lot of my friends don't go out so much anymore either.
01:08 So it's a sort of a homeward bound journey at the moment.
01:13 If young people don't go out that often, it's because also our lifestyle is changing.
01:18 Personally, I just don't like it as much as I did before.
01:23 And also you have to admit that it's really expensive to go to clubs now.
01:27 You have to pay, pay for the drinks.
01:30 So yeah, it can be really, really expensive.
01:33 Well, it's getting expensive now to go out in an evening anyway.
01:39 Cost of living is one of the things why people can't go.
01:42 And also the fact that people can buy beer in the supermarket now for a fraction of the
01:46 price that people are drinking at home.
01:49 I remember hearing a few weeks ago that the Prism nightclub up there just shut or was
01:54 planning to shut down.
01:55 And I think that could be indicative of the way the sort of nighttime economy could be
02:00 going in.
02:01 Just in terms of pricing, it's simple as that.
02:03 People just can't, a lot of people now can't afford to either go to the pub, go on a night
02:09 out in nightclubs, come on a night out in the city centre.
02:12 I do go out to the pubs occasionally, but it's not as much as I used to in my 30s and
02:18 40s.
02:19 So I think it's just age related for me.
02:21 No, I don't go out of an evening now.
02:24 If I do, I go out early, say about six o'clock, and then I try and get back for about half
02:31 nine in the evening.
02:32 Are there any reasons why you don't go out as much?
02:37 It's not the cost.
02:38 And I would love to be able to dine in a restaurant of an evening, but I don't feel safe anymore.
02:45 I'll probably go out more in my 40s than I've ever gone out.
02:48 There's great choice in Birmingham.
02:50 Whatever you're into, there's something for you.
02:53 From Craft Ale pubs to the big chain places, you can get great food.
02:57 I don't know what would make me go out more.
02:59 Price is a factor.
03:00 I don't let it stop me from going out, but it is now always at the back of my mind.
