• 7 months ago
Jake Roberts Spring Media Day
00:00 >> What was your first impression when you decided to pull the trigger and
00:04 make the Oklahoma this go around?
00:06 >> When I made it official, I think my first impression was probably how
00:10 passionate the fans are.
00:12 My phone was blowing up big time, but I'm familiar with the program and
00:18 growing up in Norman, I know what OU football is about and how the fans are.
00:24 And it was just kind of everything that I had expected.
00:27 It was really exciting, so I'm super thankful to be here.
00:31 >> You've had two portal journeys this time.
00:35 What were you kind of looking for?
00:36 What was that process like going from Lortex to Baylor?
00:39 And then how was that different when you knew that you wanted to do it again?
00:44 >> Yeah, it's, I don't know, going through it the first time,
00:48 you're learning so much.
00:50 Your head's kind of on the swivel and
00:52 you're just hearing from so many different people.
00:55 The second time around, it was kinda I knew what I was looking for and
01:00 knew what I was listening for in these relationships and these talks and stuff.
01:07 You kinda just find out what's important and what's not and
01:11 what you're looking for in a spot.
01:13 And I just kinda used the experience I had learned from the first time around to
01:17 guide me and make it a little easier on myself the second time around.
01:20 >> But what were those things that,
01:22 was there just one thing that you're like, I want this?
01:25 >> I just, there wasn't one specific thing.
01:30 It was probably just a strong relationship and
01:32 trust is the biggest thing that I've been looking for.
01:35 Especially being a one year guy, I have one year left and
01:40 I gotta make the most of it.
01:41 So I can't take a chance on anything.
01:44 I wanna do the best I can to make an informed decision.
01:48 That's my thinking going into the portal.
01:50 And then when OU reached out and I have that prior relationship with Coach and
01:55 I can control that familiarity, that trust, it's there.
01:59 The rapport has been built over years and
02:02 I think that was just the biggest thing for me, just being comfortable.
02:08 >> What was, were those calls odd initially the first time of having your old coach
02:13 recruiting you again almost?
02:14 >> Yeah, it was a little weird at first.
02:16 It was just, I had talked about it earlier.
02:18 It's just seeing his name pop up on your phone again, it's like, wow, dang.
02:24 All right, here we are, let's go.
02:26 It's pretty cool.
02:26 It's just nice to hear from him again and it was cool to just get to chop it up.
02:32 It wasn't like some big recruiting spiel.
02:34 It was just talking to an old friend.
02:36 So it's good to be back with him and the coaches here are awesome.
02:40 Really enjoy getting to know everybody.
02:42 >> What were your impressions of Joe John?
02:44 I know you had the relationship with Seth.
02:46 >> Yeah, yeah, Joe John's been awesome.
02:49 Really cool during recruiting.
02:51 Laid out a really solid plan and was honest throughout the whole thing.
02:55 That's what you want, just honesty.
02:57 And a guy that knows ball and loves ball and cares about his players.
03:03 And he's just got a good personality.
03:06 I like how his coaching style and it's been really good getting to learn from him.
03:12 These first month and a half that I've been here and
03:16 I've really enjoyed getting to know him.
03:19 >> How special is it not just to have Seth,
03:21 the guy you're familiar with, Joe John, a tight end guy.
03:23 Like two guys that know tight end HVAC,
03:26 that's tough to orchestrate the whole offense type thing.
03:29 >> Yeah, yeah, it's having that history that they have with tight end usage.
03:34 Joe John playing tight end, Coach Luttrell playing full back and
03:38 how they've used him in the offenses that they've been a part of in the past.
03:41 It's kind of a no brainer.
03:44 It makes you excited as a tight end.
03:45 I played for Coach Luttrell for three years.
03:49 I know what to expect and I'm excited to get after him.
03:53 >> How excited was the family?
03:55 I mean, you've always been around, it's not even too far, but to be right back.
04:00 >> I think it's priceless for them.
04:02 I think they're so excited.
04:04 It's really good to be back.
04:06 And it's not like I was across the country, but
04:09 at the same time I wasn't down the road.
04:11 So it's been really nice to be able to see them more often.
04:16 And when you get some free time, it's like you can spend it with people that you
04:20 really like, you've missed a lot.
04:22 Like I haven't been able to be around my friends from back home and
04:26 my parents and stuff.
04:27 And it's good to be able to see them again and
04:30 be around Nate and Riley and my siblings.
04:32 And it's really nice to be home, familiar town and familiar faces.
04:37 >> Last one for me, a couple years ago, you and Varkey's had a really good job
04:42 splitting up duties, both super involved.
04:45 How big was that knowing that you've been there and
04:48 seen that multiple guys can kind of coexist with Devon, guys like that?
04:53 >> Yeah, absolutely.
04:54 I think that's a big deal.
04:55 It's gonna be a good solid room and lots of guys that contribute.
04:59 And when you have that, competitiveness brings the best out of everybody.
05:04 And yeah, I've lived it.
05:07 You can see that multiple guys can get production in the offense and
05:12 it's not a worry of mine.
05:13 And I think I'm able to bring a lot of experience and
05:17 help these younger guys transition.
05:20 Same thing at Baylor, we had a really strong tight end room and
05:24 duties were split among all of us.
05:27 When you have multiple guys that can play, you're not wearing anybody down too much.
05:31 And you're able to stay fresh and keep defenses on their heels.