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Episod 739 My #QuranTime 2.0 Sabtu 21 Disember 2024 Sesi Ulang Kaji Surah Yunus (10: 21-33) Halaman 211-212 Bersama Tokoh Ilmuan

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Hari ini My #QuranTime 2.0 mengulangkaji Surah Yunus ayat 21-33, halaman 211 hingga halaman 212. Turut sama berkongsi ilmu ialah Pensyarah Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah, USIM, Dr Muhammad Arif Musa.

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00:00In Surah Al-Makiyah, which emphasizes a lot about faith, what we need to understand is how human psychology
00:23confronts monotheism, confronts faith, and why this faith is so necessary for the soul of a person who is constantly changing in his life.
00:36We will discuss this in the next episode.
00:53Surah Al-Ma'idah
01:23Surah Al-Baqarah
01:44Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
01:46Alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulillah wa ala alihi wa man wala.
01:49Shadadillah, ilah illallah, shadadina muhammadin wa abduhu wa rasuluh.
01:52Allahumma salli ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.
01:56Amma ba'du.
01:57How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
01:59We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salan Imfaq today.
02:02Together, we want to review page 211 and 212 of Surah Yunus.
02:09And today, we are with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dr. Arif Musa.
02:13How are you, Ustaz?
02:14Alhamdulillah, I'm fine.
02:15Alhamdulillah, Ustaz.
02:16We meet again in My Quran Time.
02:18How are you, Ustaz?
02:19Alhamdulillah, Ustaz.
02:20We are in the presence of Sirih Pulang Kegang.
02:25Sirih Pulang Kegang.
02:28And today, we are with our guest, Ustaz Dr. Arif from Petaling Jaya.
02:34Petaling Jaya, Ustaz.
02:35Petaling Jaya, Ustaz.
02:36Kumpulan Mutiara Rawdah Taman Indah Jaya, Petaling Jaya.
02:41Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:43Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
02:47Sirih Pulang Kegang, Dr. Arif, right?
02:48Yes, that's right.
02:54Terima kasih Allah.
02:55And also, we are in the presence of Istiqomah Group.
02:56Yes, Istiqomah Group.
02:57Dr. Arif, you already know about Istiqomah Group.
02:59Forever, inshaAllah.
03:01And to all of you at home, we continue with Istiqomah, with Al-Quran.
03:04We pray that Allah grants wisdom to all of us.
03:08Glory be to Allah.
03:09Glory be to Allah.
03:17We would like to look at page 211 together with Dr. Arif today.
03:22We would like to start first by looking at verses 21, 22, 23.
03:29Why don't we first read together with Al-Fazl Al-Tarmizi, verse 22.
03:33What is the reality of the human soul that we would like to understand more in today's recitation.
03:41Verse 22.
03:42A bit long.
03:43Together with Al-Fazl Al-Tarmizi.
03:44Thank you, Al-Fazl Al-Tarmizi.
03:45Al-Fazl Al-Tarmizi, Dr. Muhammad Arif Musa.
03:47Then, ladies and gentlemen, Muslims and non-Muslims, companions of the Quran.
03:50May Allah's mercy be upon you.
03:52We are together this time in the recitation session.
03:55We would like to first read verse 22.
03:59We would like to read it together.
04:00For the beginning, maybe we can try to use the recitation of Taranum Bayati, inshallah.
04:06In Muratan, inshallah.
04:07What is Taranum, ladies?
04:09Bayati, inshallah.
04:10I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:28I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:58I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:28I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
05:58I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
06:23May Allah's mercy be upon him.
06:24Daripada ayat yang ke-22, ingin kita sama-sama memerhati daripada ayat 21, 22, 23 ni Al-Fatihah Ustaz Dr. Arif ni ya
06:31Bagaimana Allah menjelaskan tentang hakikat An-Nas
06:35Ya, se-awal wa-idha a-zhaqna n-nas wa-rahmatan min ba'di darra'a masyad'hum
06:39dan disambung sampailah kepada ayat 22
06:42Boleh Ustaz jelaskan apa yang sedang disampaikan ini?
06:47Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin
06:49Wa bihi nasi'ain wa salatu wassalamu ala Rasulihi l-Amin
06:52wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
06:53Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
06:56Penonton di studio, begitu juga penonton-penonton di rumah
06:59Al-Fadhil Ustaz Ustaz Tar dan juga Ustaz Fazrul
07:03Pandang sebelah sana tapi cakap nama Ustaz Tar
07:06Karena sudah
07:07Dari sini panggil Ustaz Fazrul
07:08Memproses sendiri
07:09Okey, tontonan perempuan dirahmati Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
07:14Kalau kita lihat pada ayat yang ke-21
07:17Dan juga ayat yang ke-22 ini menerangkan tentang satu sifat
07:21Yang ada pada manusialah secara umum
07:24Yang mana manusia ini
07:26Kita boleh katakan di saat
07:28Apa nama
07:30Kita berada dalam keadaan yang senang
07:33Maka dengan mudah kita melupakan Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
07:36Kalau kita berada dalam keadaan yang sukar
07:40Ataupun kita berada dalam keadaan terdesak
07:43Barulah kita mencari Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
07:45Menarik daripada kalau kita lihat lebih
07:47Khususlah pada ayat yang ke-22
07:50Kadang-kadang ia boleh menyentuh sehingga ke bab akidah pun dia boleh pergi
07:54Di mana ada sebahagian orang kafir ini
07:57Dikala senang
07:59Mereka menyirikan Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
08:02Tetapi dikala kita kata keadaan yang tenang
08:06Keadaan yang mudah, tidak terdesak
08:08Mereka akan
08:10Menyembah yang lain
08:11Dia boleh jadi sampai ke tahap itulah
08:13Maksudnya tenang dia menyembah
08:15Ya kalau tenang sebagai contoh
08:17Saya bagi contohlah
08:18Satu kisah yaitu Ikrimah bin Abi Jahal
08:22Disebutkan oleh ulamak hadith
08:25Di dalam kutub sunan
08:27Bahawa Ikrimah bin Abi Jahal ini
08:29Ketika mana pembukaan kota Mekah
08:33Beliau telah melarikan diri
08:35Sebab kita pun faham Nabi SAW datang
08:38Bersama dengan tentera umat Islam
08:40Lalu Ikrimah bin Abi Jahal lari
08:43Melarikan diri
08:44Bila dia lari itu dia naik satu kapal
08:46Yang kapal itu ketika sampai ke pertengahan laut
08:50Ombak naik
08:52Kita panggil apa itu?
08:56Ombak beralun
08:58Gelombang ialah
09:01Membadai itu ayatnya
09:02Dia kena bagi pada orang dia juga
09:05Jadi ombak membadai
09:07Jadi ketika itu
09:09Kepten kapal itu dia cakap pada orang semua
09:12Dia kata
09:13Sekarang kamu berdoa kepada Allah sahaja
09:16Dia kata
09:17Sebab Tuhan-Tuhan yang lain tak boleh membantu kamu
09:19Kepten kapal itu pun cakap macam itu
09:21Jadi Ikrimah bin Abi Jahal pun berfikir
09:23Dia kata kalaulah dia kata
09:25Kalaulah tidak ada yang dapat menyelamatkan aku
09:29Di laut ini melainkan aku
09:31Ikhlaskan ibadah kepada Allah
09:33Niscaya kalau aku berada di daratan pun dia kata
09:36Mestilah perkara yang sama dia kata
09:38Sebab tak logik bagi dia
09:40Bila dia berfikir balik dia kata
09:42Kenapa bila di daratan
09:44Kita doa pada yang lain
09:46Tapi bila kita susah dalam keadaan terdesak
09:48Rasa ombak dan membadai macam itu
09:50Kapal nak terbalik baru kita teringat nak berdoa pada Allah
09:52Jadi kita boleh katakan bahwa
09:54Di situ dia tersedar
09:56Lalu dia membuat satu perjanjian dengan Allah
09:58Dia kata kalau Allah selamatkan dia pada kali ini
10:00Dia akan kembali ke kota Mekah
10:02Dan dia akan berjumpa dengan Nabi SAW untuk memeluk Islam
10:04Dan memang dia dapat kembali
10:06Dan dia dapat memeluk Islam
10:08Jadi kita katakan bahwa itulah manusia ini
10:10Bila dalam keadaan yang terdesak betul-betul
10:12Barulah dia nak kembali kepada Allah
10:14Padahal sebenarnya saranan daripada Nabi SAW adalah
10:18Kita kena kenali Allah ketika mana kita senang
10:22Barulah Allah akan kenali kita dalam erti kata
10:26Memberi bantuan, pertolongan, hidayah kepada kita
10:28Ketika mana kita susah
10:31Zakumullah khair, terima kasih
10:32Di ucapkan kepada Al-Fadil Ustaz Dr. Arief
10:34Menjelaskan bagaimana ayat 22 ini
10:36Tentang psikologi manusia
10:38Yang mudah untuk mengharapkan bantuan Tuhan ketika
10:42Ketika susah tetapi bila mudah
10:45Senang ini mudah pula dia berlakukan perkara syirik
10:48Ataupun menjauhkan diri
10:50Daripada Allah waktu itu dah sibuk sangat
10:52Pasal dah boleh bercuti saatnya
10:54Kadang-kadang dia punya sembahyangnya
10:56Quran dah tak kemana
10:58Kita doakan bagi Tuan-Tuan yang berada di rumah
11:00Yang berada di studio ini terus istiqamah bersama
11:02Bersama Tuhan
11:04Kita berehat sebentar main Quran time
11:28Al-Fadil Ustaz Dr. Arief
11:30Menjelaskan bagaimana ayat 22 ini
11:32Tentang psikologi manusia
11:34Yang mudah untuk mengharapkan bantuan Tuhan ketika
11:36Ketika susah tetapi bila mudah
11:38Senang ini mudah pula dia berlakukan perkara syirik
11:40Ataupun menjauhkan diri
11:42Daripada Allah waktu itu dah sibuk sangat
11:44Pasal dah boleh bercuti saatnya
11:46Kadang-kadang dia punya sembahyangnya
11:48Quran dah tak kemana
11:50Kita doakan bagi Tuan-Tuan yang berada di rumah
11:52Yang berada di studio ini terus istiqamah bersama
11:54Bersama Tuhan
11:56Terima kasih
11:58Terima kasih
12:26Terima kasih
12:28Terima kasih
12:30Terima kasih
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15:58Terima kasih
16:00Terima kasih
16:02Terima kasih
16:04Terima kasih
16:06Terima kasih
16:08Terima kasih
16:10Terima kasih
16:12وظن أهلها أنهم قادرون عليها أتاها أمرنا ليلا أو نهارا
16:32قادرون عليها أتاها أمرنا ليلا أو نهارا
16:46فجعلناها حصيدا كأن لم تغنب الأمس
17:00كذلك نفصل الآيات لقوم يتفكرون
17:16صدق الله العظيم
17:22bacaan ayat yang ke-24 yang panjang
17:26dan di hujung itu disampaikan perkataan
17:28كذلك نفصل الآيات لقوم يتفكرون
17:32mengapa ada perkataan يتفكرون
17:34apa yang sedang yang perlu kita pikir
17:38بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
17:40ayat yang ke-24
17:42kalau kita lihat ayat ini menceritakan tentang kehidupan dunia
17:47menceritakan tentang hakikat kehidupan dunia
17:50namun ia didatangkan dengan apa yang kita panggil sebagai mathal
17:54sebagai perbandingan di dalam Al-Quran
17:56Allah SWT menyampaikan kepada kita
18:00hakikat kehidupan dunia
18:02namun didatangkan dalam bentuk mathal ini
18:04untuk kita berfikir
18:08untuk kita berfikir
18:10sebab biasanya amthal Quran ini adalah
18:12bentuk kaedah
18:14kita kata ayat yang memerlukan kepada ta'amul yang lebih
18:18memerlukan kepada pentafsiran yang lebih
18:21kita tidak boleh hanya sekadar mengambil secara literal sahaja
18:25maksudnya ada pentafsiran di sebalik
18:28itu biasanya amthal
18:29kalau siapa yang faham amthal secara literal
18:31maksudnya maksud ayat tersebut tidak boleh capai
18:35jadi sebab itu kalau kita lihat amthal di dalam Al-Quran ini
18:38ada banyak
18:39contoh tentang golongan munafiq
18:41ada mathal, ada perbandingan yang diberikan
18:43untuk orang beriman ada perbandingan yang diberikan dan sebagainya
18:47tujuan ini apa sebenarnya?
18:49kalau kita kata tujuan ini lebih kepada takribus surah
18:52ataupun kita kata nak mendekatkan pemahaman
18:55kepada manusia
18:57sebagai contoh
18:58dia ada banyak lah kalau kita nak sebutkan
19:00tujuan amthal digunakan
19:02dia ada banyak
19:03tetapi yang paling asas
19:05ataupun yang paling utama yang saya boleh katakan disini adalah
19:07untuk mendekatkan pemahaman
19:09sesuatu perkara itu kepada kita
19:11dan sebab itu amthal ini biasanya
19:13disebutkan pada
19:15perkara-perkara yang besar
19:17perkara-perkara yang besar
19:18untuk membentuk
19:20pemikiran kita
19:21untuk membentuk
19:22akhlak kita
19:24sebagai contoh saya bagi contoh
19:25kalau disinilah kita ambil yang ini terus
19:27sebab amthal ini satu topik yang sangat luas
19:29untuk kita nak bicarakan
19:30disini Allah SWT benar-benar ingin kita
19:33memahami apakah
19:34hakikat kehidupan yang sebenar
19:36dan bagaimana kehidupan ini
19:38sangat singkat
19:39dan dia ada peringkat-peringkat
19:41dia disini
19:42kalau kita lihat di dalam ayat ini
19:44contoh kalau disini disebutkan bagaimana
19:46air yang turun
19:47daripada langit
19:48bercampur dengan bumi
19:50keluarlah pokok-pokok
19:52yang kemudian
19:54dimakan oleh
19:55apa namanya
19:56binatang dan manusia
19:58kemudian bumi itu bertambah subur
20:00kemudian sampai satu masa
20:01ia hancur
20:03jadi kalau Allah SWT nak sampaikan kepada kita
20:05bahwa kehidupan kita
20:06yang kita banyak sangat memberi
20:08fokus kepadanya
20:09sehingga kita lupa
20:10ramai di kalangan kita
20:11yang lupa kepada hari akhirat
20:13dia hanyalah
20:14peringkat ini saja yang dia akan lalui
20:16kamu akan hidup
20:17daripada sini
20:18sampai satu masa
20:19kamu akan berasa kuat
20:20sebab bila kita lihat
20:21ayat itu
20:22bila sampai ke
20:24kita kata dia mekar
20:25maksudnya manusia ini
20:26sampai ke satu masa
20:27dia akan rasa
20:29dia akan matang
20:30dia akan menguasai
20:31banyak perkara
20:32menguasai ilmu
20:34menguasai kekayaan
20:35memiliki kekayaan
20:36dan sebagainya
20:38ketika kita berada di atas itu
20:40kita tidak boleh ke tempat lain
20:41mengingat kita akan jatuh balik ke bawah
20:44maksudnya bila kita sudah sampai
20:45ke takut yang paling tinggi
20:46sampai satu masa
20:47kita akan jatuh balik ke bawah
20:49dan Allah akan tarik balik
20:50semua nikmat yang diberikan kepada kita
20:52dan cara yang paling mudah
20:53untuk kita nak faham
20:54Allah mematikan kita lah
20:56bila Allah mematikan kita
20:57segala harta apa yang kita ada
20:58pada hari ini
20:59akan diserahkan kepada orang lain
21:02kalau kita pakai harta itu
21:03contoh sebab manusia ini
21:04harta dia yang betul-betul
21:05harta dia
21:06apa yang dia makan
21:08yang iyalah
21:09yang dia dah cerna
21:10itu memang betul harta dia
21:11dan yang kedua adalah
21:12yang dia pakai
21:13dan pakaian itu dah hancur
21:14itu baru betul harta dia
21:16ada pun yang lain
21:17kita katakanlah kereta
21:18ke apakah
21:19sampai masa
21:20ia akan pergi kepada orang lain
21:21ataupun rumah
21:22sampai masa
21:23ia akan pergi kepada orang lain
21:25jadi pendek kata
21:26hakikat kehidupan kita
21:27seperti itu sebenarnya
21:28jadi siapa
21:29Allah SWT memberikan di sini
21:30agar kita
21:31berfikir tentang perkara ini
21:33pertama sekali kita berfikir tentang
21:34untuk memahami amfal tersebut
21:36dan yang kedua
21:37untuk kita sentiasa
21:40dan berfikir tentang
21:41hakikat kehidupan itu sendiri
21:43agar kita tidak tenggelam
21:45bila seseorang itu
21:46tidak memahami
21:47dan tidak menghayati
21:48itu bila berlaku masalah
21:49ke apa
21:50dia rasa seolah-olah
21:51this is the end of the world
21:52dia rasa
21:53ini lah
21:54habislah penghayat
21:55ini habis tak boleh buat apa
21:57jadi bila kita faham
21:58bahwa kehidupan dunia
21:59hakikatnya memang seperti itu
22:00jadi insyaAllah
22:01ia akan membuatkan kita
22:03lebih kita kata
22:04lebih bersedia
22:05untuk menghadapi
22:06cabaran kehidupan
22:07ia akan membuat kita
22:08kita kata
22:09lebih dekat dengan Allah SWT
22:11dan kita tidak tenggelam
22:12ketika saat kita senang
22:13sebab kita tengok pada
22:14ayat-ayat atas itu
22:16saat senang
22:17lupa pada Allah
22:18lupa pada Allah
22:20saat sukar
22:21barulah nak ingat
22:22pada Allah SWT
22:23dan saya ingat
22:24kalau bab ini kan
22:25saya ingat lah
22:26ada seorang hamba Allah
22:27yang saya kenal
22:28ada satu masa
22:29dia menghadapi kesukaran
22:30dalam hidup
22:31memang dia datang
22:33saya semua kan
22:34jadi pada masa itu
22:35kita boleh nampak
22:36masyaAllah memang
22:37mulazamah dengan surau
22:39subuh pun dia ada
22:40tapi bila nampak dia
22:41bahkan kadang-kadang
22:42kita kadang-kadang busy
22:43tak ke surau kan
22:44tak sempat ke surau
22:45dia mulazamah masyaAllah
22:47kemudian masyaAllah
22:48Allah hilangkan
22:49mudarat yang
22:50yang kena pada dia
22:51lepas itu
22:52saya tak nampak dah
22:55tak nampak dah kan
22:56maksudnya memang
22:57bila suskar
22:58maka Allah lah
22:59tempat dia nak
23:00dia masih duduk kat situ ke
23:01atau dah pindah dah
23:02ada lagi
23:03ada lagi
23:04tapi dah tak nampak dah
23:05tak nampak
23:06jadi macam itulah sifat manusia kan
23:08jadi kita kena sedar lah
23:11Allah s.w.t
23:12bukan Tuhan kita ketika
23:13susah sahaja
23:14Allah s.w.t
23:15adalah Tuhan kita juga
23:16ketika mana kita senang
23:18terima kasih
23:19dijawabkan pada Dr. Arief
23:20untuk menjelaskan
23:21tentang ayat 24 ini
23:22hakikat tentang
23:23kehidupan manusia
23:24kehidupan kita
23:25di dunia ini
23:26yang sebenarnya
23:27amat sementara
23:28saya gunakan istilah tadi
23:29hidup ini
23:30singkat dan berperingkat
23:32hidup ini
23:33berperingkat dan singkat
23:34jadi bila ada
23:35peringkat-peringkat itu
23:36ada masa kita akan
23:38kalau dah naik itu
23:39memang akan turun lah
23:40dan paling mudah
23:41untuk turun itu
23:42adalah apabila
23:44dipanggil oleh
23:45Allah s.w.t
23:46itu pasti
23:47tapi kadang-kadang
23:48di tengah-tengah itu
23:49adalah bisnes jatuh
23:50keluarga jatuh
23:51banyaklah benda
23:52yang jatuh
23:53yang menyebabkan kita
23:54jangan bertuhankan
23:56pada waktu
23:58dan jatuh sahaja
23:59tapi ketika naik itu pun
24:00sebenarnya masih
24:03daripada Allah
24:04dan itu adalah
24:05tujuh satu tempat
24:07yang akan kita bincangkan
24:08daripada ayat 25
24:09kita berehat dahulu sebentar
24:10My Quran Time
24:11Quran Salat Ibn Faqh
24:35Quran Salat Ibn Faqh
25:22Hadis itu
25:23Ada hadis lain?
25:24Contoh lain?
25:25Kita boleh konsilkan
25:26Yang kedua adalah
25:29mentaliti sebahagian
25:30masyarakat kita
25:33...believe that on the night of the 27th of Ramadan...
25:38...or the night of the 27th of Likur...
25:40...the soul will return.
25:42Or on the month of Ramadan, the souls of those who have passed away...
25:45...will return to their homes to see their children and grandchildren.
25:50This is not the case.
25:54Sometimes, some communities provide light.
26:00If it's to lighten the path, then it's okay.
26:03But if there is such a belief...
26:07...that the angels will easily come...
26:10...or the souls of the ancestors will return to their homes...
26:15...then this is not the case.
26:18In fact, it contradicts the authentic hadith.
26:30...to the home of peace...
26:35...and guides whomsoever He will...
26:43...to a straight path.
26:53God Almighty has spoken the truth.
27:23Arif, the words yada'u and wuyahdi...
27:27...when Ustaz talked about this temporary world...
27:30...short and long.
27:33And Allah says yada'u and wuyahdi.
27:36What is the difference between these two words?
27:39If we look at the 25th verse...
27:44...Allah Almighty says...
27:49...if we look at the translation here...
27:51...and Allah calls man to Darussalam...
27:54...the interpreters explain that Darussalam is heaven.
28:01And Allah guides whomsoever He will...
28:05...to a straight path.
28:09So, between yada'u and wuyahdi...
28:12...if we look here, yada'u is more like a call.
28:17So, Allah calls man.
28:19How is that call made?
28:23...we can say...
28:27...with Allah calling man...
28:30...inviting, giving guidance.
28:33Allah Almighty gives His commands...
28:37...what needs to be done.
28:39Allah Almighty gives His prohibitions.
28:42So, that is how Allah Almighty calls man.
28:47And if we look from another perspective...
28:51...yada'u is also...
28:53...in the interpretation of guidance...
28:55...yada'u is there.
28:57Yada'u is there.
28:59For example, in one verse...
29:01...Allah Almighty says about the Prophet...
29:03...peace and blessings be upon him...
29:05...wa innaka la tahdi ila sirati mustaqim.
29:08And indeed, you, O Muhammad, are giving guidance...
29:11...to a straight path.
29:13Giving guidance there...
29:15...actually brings meaning, yada'u.
29:18Because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him...
29:20...we say that to give guidance...
29:22...we can say that...
29:24...giving guidance in terms of inviting...
29:26...we can say that many people can do that.
29:29Da'wah, we can say that we can all...
29:31...do da'wah, if Allah wills it.
29:33However, to give guidance...
29:35...it is more specific.
29:36So, the call here, first of all...
29:38...inviting, many people can do that...
29:41...but to give guidance...
29:43...only belongs to Allah Almighty.
29:45Secondly, that call...
29:48...we can invite many people.
29:50That call is for everyone.
29:52That is why this Qur'an addresses...
29:54...all human beings and jinn.
29:56That is why...
29:58...Allah Almighty sometimes...
30:01...says words or dialogues...
30:03...with human beings and jinn.
30:05O Ayyuhannas, Allah only...
30:07...dialogues with human beings.
30:09So, this call is for everyone.
30:11However, the guidance...
30:14...is only for the people of...
30:17That is why...
30:18...'Wallahu yada'u ila dari salam' is for everyone.
30:21It is not there.
30:22However, it is in Mayyashah.
30:23However, when it comes to giving guidance...
30:25...it is in Mayyashah.
30:26What does it mean?
30:27It means that Allah only...
30:29...gives guidance to those...
30:31...whom He desires.
30:32In other words...
30:34...it is only for certain people...
30:37...whom Allah Almighty...
30:40...gives guidance to.
30:41So, everyone receives the news.
30:43However, those who benefit...
30:46...from the news...
30:47...or from the revelation...
30:49...are those whom Allah Almighty...
30:52...gives guidance to.
30:54So, that is the difference...
30:55...between yada'u and yahdi.
30:57Wallahu ta'ala a'lam.
30:58Thank you, Dr. Arief, for explaining...
31:00...the term yada'u ila dari salam...
31:02...and highlighting...
31:04...the term Mayyashah...
31:06...and the term hidayah...
31:07...ila syaratul mustaqim.
31:08There is an expensive term...
31:09...called Mayyashah.
31:11Some people are discussing...
31:13...whether Mayyashah means...
31:14...Allah or man.
31:16Of course, it is Allah.
31:18If we have a desire...
31:20...it is a positive thing.
31:22It is a good thing.
31:23However, we know that...
31:24...the one who has the most power...
31:25...to determine the desire...
31:27...is Allah Almighty.
31:29But, let's not say that...
31:30...we do not have a desire.
31:31Do you want to go to the Quran?
31:34If we do not have a desire...
31:36...how can Allah answer...
31:39...our desire?
31:42This is the understanding...
31:44...of the 25th verse...
31:46...that makes us...
31:48...be offered to heaven.
31:50But, we need to make an effort...
31:52...to get the hidayah...
31:54...because if we do not make an effort...
31:56...we will be worried.
31:57It means that...
31:58...only certain people...
32:00...are honored...
32:01...to get the hidayah...
32:03...and get the hidayah...
32:05...Dar es Salaam...
32:06...for a short while.
32:08Let's continue with...
32:09...what is in Dar es Salaam.
32:11Usually, people say that...
32:12...Dar es Salaam is Brunei.
32:14But, this is not.
32:15This is not Brunei.
32:16This is...
32:17...the heaven.
32:18Let's read the 26th verse.
32:21Let's read it together.
32:24Thank you, Al-Fatihah Fazrul...
32:25...Al-Fatihah Dr. Arif Musa...
32:27...and ladies and gentlemen...
32:28...may Allah bless you.
32:30The 26th verse...
32:32...we are going to read it again...
32:34...or we are going to read it...
32:36...using Taranum Sikah, inshallah.
32:38What Taranum?
32:41I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
33:02Surah Al-Fatihah.
33:33Surah Al-Fatihah.
33:36Surah Al-Fatihah.
33:37We have just read the 26th verse.
33:38Lilladhi na'ahsanul husna.
33:40Who is Al-Ahsanul Husna?
33:43What does it mean by Waziyadah?
33:48Allah SWT said...
33:50Lilladhi na'ahsanul husna waziyadah.
33:52For those who do good...
33:54...they are given the best reward in heaven...
33:57...and an addition.
33:59And an addition.
34:01So, we understand here...
34:03...that Allah SWT...
34:06...will give rewards...
34:08...to those who do good.
34:10Lilladhi na'ahsanul husna is for those who...
34:12...do good deeds.
34:14Ihsan, right?
34:15Do good deeds.
34:16Always try to do the best.
34:19If you do good deeds, there is reformation...
34:21...and there is ihsan. What is the difference?
34:22Yes, if I refer to doing good deeds...
34:24...because when we want to translate it...
34:26...we have to...
34:27...because if we want to translate ihsan...
34:29...we have to look at the first definition...
34:31...given in the hadith of the Prophet SAW.
34:33That is...
34:34...when asked about ihsan...
34:36...the Prophet SAW said...
34:42For me, that is a definition...
34:43...that we cannot...
34:44...we have to hold on to the definition...
34:45...because that is a definition...
34:46...given by the Prophet SAW himself.
34:48Where is ihsan?
34:49If we understand...
34:50...it is when we worship Allah...
34:52...as if we are seeing Him.
34:54And also...
34:56...if we do not see Him...
34:58...then we know that...
34:59...Allah is actually seeing us.
35:01That is the definition of ihsan.
35:02So here, when we say...
35:05...so when we want to translate ihsan...
35:07...we don't have to use our own language.
35:08So sometimes we will put...
35:10...reforming his deeds.
35:12Meaning, from time to time...
35:13...he will try to do the best.
35:15Not only...
35:16...if it is muslihun...
35:17...maybe we can say...
35:18...he is reforming...
35:19...the things that are lacking...
35:20...or reforming...
35:21...the things that are lacking.
35:22For ihsan, we can say...
35:24...he will always do the best.
35:26If today...
35:27...for example...
35:28...he has done...
35:29...the sunnah of dhuha...
35:30...tomorrow he will mix it...
35:31...with other sunnah.
35:32Or today...
35:33...he did infaq here...
35:34...then he will always...
35:35...ihsan means...
35:36...he will always...
35:37...try to do the best.
35:39...when we say...
35:42...it is not reforming...
35:43...the things that are lacking...
35:44...it is reforming...
35:46...always upgrading.
35:47Always upgrading.
35:48So Allah SWT says...
35:52For those who always...
35:53...try to upgrade...
35:56...it is hard to translate...
35:58...upgrade their actions...
36:00...then Allah will give them...
36:02...also goodness.
36:03Meaning the goodness here...
36:04...must be...
36:05...first of all...
36:06...referring to the Darussalam...
36:08...referring to the heaven...
36:09...of Allah SWT.
36:11And this extra...
36:12...and addition...
36:13...this addition...
36:14...if we see in the...
36:15...Tafsir books...
36:16...there are a lot of stories...
36:17...saying that...
36:18...the extra here...
36:19...refers to...
36:20...seeing Allah SWT.
36:22Because we know...
36:24...in the hadith...
36:25...of Prophet SAW...
36:26...the believers...
36:28...we say...
36:29...the people who...
36:30...are honoured by Allah SWT...
36:32...after they have enjoyed...
36:34...all that Allah has given in heaven.
36:37Then Allah SWT asks them...
36:39...do you want more?
36:41Then the believers...
36:43...who are in heaven...
36:44...the inhabitants of heaven...
36:45...also ask Allah SWT...
36:46...He says...
36:47...didn't you...
36:48...carry our burdens?
36:49Didn't you...
36:50...save us...
36:51...from the torment of hell?
36:53Didn't you give us...
36:54...all these things?
36:55What else do we want?
36:57Then when the hijab was cut...
36:59...the inhabitants of heaven...
37:01...could see...
37:02...Allah SWT.
37:04Then the scholars say...
37:06...that is what is meant...
37:07...by the extra here.
37:09So this verse...
37:10...in a way...
37:11...it is a proof...
37:13...to the Sunnah people...
37:15...that we will see...
37:17...Allah SWT...
37:18...in heaven later.
37:22...if we want to talk about...
37:24...the concept of hijab...
37:25...and how...
37:26...if we compare...
37:27...between verses 26 and 27...
37:29...we can see...
37:30...the difference...
37:31...if we have time...
37:32...we will talk about it later.
37:34We will talk about it later.
37:36...let's take a short break...
37:37...from the Quran Time.
37:38Quran Salat Imfah.
37:39God willing.
37:51May Allah bless you.
38:21May Allah bless you.
38:52The Jews...
38:53...had a lot of tombs.
38:54They had a lot of tombs.
38:55So the Prophet...
38:56...couldn't enter.
38:57The Muslim soldiers...
38:58...couldn't enter.
38:59At the end, the Prophet said...
39:03The Prophet said...
39:04...I will give this flag...
39:05...to a man...
39:06...who will...
39:07...pass through...
39:08...the tombs of Khaibar...
39:09...and he is a man...
39:10...who is loved...
39:11...by Allah...
39:12...and His Messenger.
39:13So all the companions...
39:14...were asking...
39:15...who is the man...
39:16...that the Prophet praised...
39:17...and loved by Allah...
39:18...and His Messenger?
39:19If I'm not mistaken...
39:20...the Prophet came...
39:21...to elevate himself...
39:22...or to lift himself...
39:23...if I'm not mistaken...
39:24...to elevate himself...
39:25...so that the Prophet...
39:26...could see him first.
39:27...could see him first.
39:28But when all the companions...
39:31...the Prophet said...
39:32...where is Sayyidina Ali?
39:33Where is Ali?
39:34So the Prophet...
39:35...if I'm not mistaken...
39:36...at that time...
39:37...Sayyidina Ali...
39:38...was having an eye problem...
39:39...so the Prophet...
39:40...pulled his eye out...
39:41...and said...
39:42...sayyidina Ali...
39:43...is the one...
39:44...who held the flag...
39:45...and went towards...
39:46...Khaibar's army...
39:47...or towards Khaibar's tomb...
39:48...which was closed...
39:49...meaning that...
39:50...the army was in trouble.
40:18Surah Al-Nazim
40:44Surah Al-Nazim
40:45We are back in My Quran Time
40:46A very beneficial Quran
40:47We are going to...
40:48...review pages 211...
40:49...and 212...
40:50...from Surah Yunus.
40:51And in the previous verse...
40:53...we discussed about...
40:55...those who do good...
40:57...always do good...
40:58...and do good...
41:00...or getting closer...
41:01...to Allah...
41:02...subhanahu wa ta'ala...
41:03...there is a group...
41:04...who do bad...
41:06...and in the hereafter...
41:08...in their time...
41:10...they are told...
41:11...to them...
41:12...wa qala...
41:13...syuraka uhumma kuntum...
41:14...iyana ta'budun...
41:15...in verse 28...
41:16...faqafa billahi syahidam...
41:18...bayinana wa bayinakum...
41:20...Ustaz Dr. Arief...
41:21...if you can explain...
41:22...about how...
41:23...the events in...
41:24...Yawmun Mahsyar...
41:26...when all of them are gathered...
41:28...the dialogue...
41:29...and the reality...
41:30...that we need to learn...
41:31...in this time...
41:35...so verse 28...
41:37...and also verse 29...
41:39...are among the dialogues...
41:41...that are reported...
41:42...in Al-Quran...
41:43...this dialogue...
41:44...has not happened yet...
41:45...but Allah SWT...
41:48...that this dialogue...
41:49...will happen...
41:50...as mentioned...
41:52...so this...
41:53...we can say...
41:54...we can see...
41:55...the end...
41:56...so what...
41:57...we need to do...
41:58...to avoid...
41:59...being put in...
42:00...in the same group...
42:01...that is actually...
42:02...the teaching...
42:03...that we need to take...
42:04...so here...
42:05...we see...
42:06...this dialogue...
42:07...is about...
42:09...the polytheists...
42:10...and also...
42:11...their relatives...
42:12...their relatives...
42:13...their relatives...
42:14...because here...
42:15...it is mentioned...
42:16...and remember...
42:17...on that day...
42:18...we gathered...
42:19...all of them...
42:20...then we said...
42:21...to the people who...
42:22...worship Allah...
42:23...stay in your place...
42:24...you and...
42:25...your allies...
42:26...your allies here...
42:27...what is meant here...
42:28...are the relatives...
42:29...that they made...
42:31...to Allah SWT...
42:32...that is what is meant...
42:34...so this dialogue...
42:36...between them only...
42:38...those who worship...
42:39...and those who are worshipped...
42:42...Allah SWT...
42:44...fazailna bainahum...
42:45...ya Allah...
42:46...this is what we say...
42:47...how regretful...
42:49...and hopeless...
42:50...are the disbelievers...
42:53...fazailna bainahum...
42:54...Allah decided...
42:56...the disbelievers...
42:58...and what they worship...
43:01...there is no more...
43:03...between them...
43:04...in other words...
43:06...we humans...
43:07...worship something...
43:09...we don't do that...
43:10...in a...
43:11...in a situation...
43:13...we don't put hope...
43:14...means our hope is empty...
43:15...it's impossible...
43:16...human worship something...
43:18...or worship God...
43:20...is because we put hope...
43:22...so that we are saved...
43:24...in one day later...
43:26...whether we as Muslims...
43:29...other religions...
43:30...so when they worship...
43:32...actually they put hope...
43:33...that this is...
43:34...God who will give intercession...
43:36...to us...
43:38...as an example...
43:39...the people of Mecca...
43:40...when they worship...
43:41...they say...
43:50...they say...
43:51...these things...
43:52...will become our...
43:54...with Allah SWT...
43:56...that's it...
43:57...if we worship directly...
43:58...pray directly...
43:59...there is no intercession...
44:00...these people...
44:01...want cable...
44:02...want intercession...
44:04...when they...
44:05...create that intercession...
44:06...then Allah SWT...
44:07...says here...
44:09...the cable...
44:10...that they claim to have...
44:11...the intercessor...
44:12...the intercessor that they claim to have...
44:13...actually doesn't exist...
44:14...doesn't exist...
44:15...then Allah actually...
44:17...these things...
44:18...become verbal...
44:19...in the hereafter...
44:21...and they will say...
44:24...those are their words...
44:26...they say...
44:28...never worship us...
44:30...we don't even know...
44:36...Allah says...
44:37...Allah is enough...
44:38...in this matter...
44:40...where we don't even know...
44:41...the story actually...
44:42...we don't even know...
44:43...we worship us...
44:44...we don't even have...
44:45...the mind at that time...
44:47...you worship us...
44:48...ask for help...
44:49...to us...
44:50...ask for all kinds of things...
44:51...to us...
44:52...we don't know...
44:53...about this deed...
44:55...it shouldn't be...
44:56...become verbal...
44:57...to us...
44:58...so the kafir people...
45:00...sometimes there are people...
45:01...who worship God like this...
45:02...for decades...
45:03...their struggle...
45:04...is all based...
45:05...on this matter...
45:06...for example...
45:07...the people who fought...
45:08...in the battle of Salib...
45:09...for example...
45:10...why do they fight...
45:11...so seriously...
45:12...because they want to...
45:13...fight for their religion...
45:14...fight for...
45:16...we say...
45:17...the followers of other religions...
45:18...are the same...
45:19...sacrificing their lives...
45:20...to fight for their religion...
45:22...in return...
45:23...when they meet...
45:24...with Allah SWT...
45:25...the God...
45:26...that they fought for...
45:27...that God...
45:29...released Himself...
45:30...from them...
45:31...so imagine...
45:33...for example...
45:34...we have invested everything...
45:35...in one thing...
45:36...our investment is...
45:38...a scam...
45:39...as an example...
45:41...a lot of people got scammed...
45:42...if we say that...
45:43...people can relate...
45:44...if it's a loss...
45:45...it makes sense...
45:46...it's a scam...
45:49...a lot of people got scammed...
45:50...if it's a money scam...
45:51...God willing...
45:52...Allah SWT will return...
45:53...to us...
45:54...from His blessings...
45:56...if it's a faith scam...
45:57...Allah SWT...
45:58...we have to...
45:59...only realize...
46:00...in the future...
46:01...who else...
46:02...wants to save us...
46:03...at that time...
46:04...Allah SWT...
46:05...Allah SWT...
46:06...Allah SWT...
46:07...thank you Dr. Arief...
46:08...how much...
46:09...we have to be careful...
46:10...at that time...
46:11...to make sure...
46:12...our faith...
46:14...the right faith...
46:15...not that...
46:16...we depend on...
46:17...the logo...
46:18...of the shop...
46:20...the scam...
46:21...the scam...
46:22...that actually...
46:23...if we say...
46:24...in our time...
46:25...if this verse...
46:26...may be said...
46:27...by the polytheists...
46:28...but if the Muslims...
46:29...can also be trapped...
46:30...in this matter?
46:32...the Muslims...
46:33...that's why we have to be careful...
46:34...this is not only...
46:36...in a manifest way...
46:37...sometimes the Muslims...
46:38...can also do...
46:39...without being aware...
46:40...doing things...
46:41...that are polytheistic...
46:42...and we have to understand...
46:43...that polytheism...
46:44...is a deed...
46:45...that is not forgiven...
46:46...by Allah SWT...
46:47...Allah SWT...
46:48...Allah does not...
46:50...the people...
46:51...who polytheize...
46:52...and we are aware...
46:53...between the teachings...
46:54...the teachings...
46:55...of this time...
46:56...all kinds of teachings...
46:57...that we have found...
46:58...until there are...
46:59...who take...
47:00...who acknowledge...
47:02...but suddenly...
47:03...there is another God...
47:04...who is also there...
47:05...among the Malay people...
47:08...we say polytheism...
47:09...that's why we have to...
47:10...always be careful...
47:13...that's why...
47:14...among the scholars...
47:15...he has mentioned...
47:16...what practices...
47:17...that can lead to polytheism...
47:18...this polytheism...
47:19...if we can...
47:20...we have to be far from polytheism...
47:21...don't do...
47:22...a practice...
47:23...that is close...
47:24...that allows us...
47:25...there is a possibility...
47:26...to fall into polytheism...
47:27...that's why...
47:28...we wear...
47:30...for example we wear tangkal...
47:31...prohibited by Prophet SAW...
47:33...even Prophet SAW said...
47:34...whoever wears tangkal...
47:35...that thing...
47:36...will not increase...
47:37...only weakness...
47:38...to you...
47:40Prophet SAW...
47:41...when he saw...
47:42...companions wearing tangkal...
47:43...he took off the tangkal...
47:44...threw it far...
47:47...Prophet SAW...
47:48...in this...
47:51...very firm...
47:52...but in the law...
47:53...sometimes Prophet SAW...
47:54...there is also...
47:55...that he...
47:58...human weakness...
48:00...the situation...
48:01...but when...
48:02...when the law...
48:03...does not care...
48:04...because there is no...
48:05...we say...
48:06...oh this thing is bad...
48:07...in the law of faith...
48:08...so it can't...
48:11...oh it's okay...
48:12...once in a while...
48:13...we can...
48:14...hold on to other teachings...
48:15...to test...
48:16...as an example...
48:18...to test...
48:19...feel what...
48:22...it is not...
48:23...no badness...
48:24...in this law of faith...
48:25...so we say that...
48:26...in the law of faith...
48:27...then we have to hold...
48:28...we have to know...
48:30...know what...
48:31that can bring us to shirk,
48:33the doing of khurafat,
48:35we have to know all of these things.
48:37Don't just say, oh, I didn't know.
48:39You can't, right?
48:41So, fulfill our responsibility,
48:43learn these things
48:45so that we won't be questioned
48:47by Allah SWT. Allah gives us
48:49wisdom, eyes, and so on.
48:51For what?
48:53For us to worship Allah. And that worship
48:55won't be perfect. As long as
48:57we don't sincerely worship
48:59Allah SWT fully
49:01and stay away from shirk.
49:03Thank you, Dr. Arief.
49:05We pray to Allah SWT
49:07that our family stays away from shirk
49:09because it doesn't compromise
49:11what we learn
49:13in the Quran. At the end, we pray
49:15together with Al-Fadhil Sastar Mizi Abdul Rahman.
49:19I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
49:21In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
49:29In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
49:59In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:01In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:03In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:05In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:07In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:09In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:11In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:13In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:15In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:17In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:19In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:21In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:23In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:25In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:27In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:29In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:31In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:33In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:35In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:37In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:39In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:41In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:43In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:45In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:47In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:49In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:51In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:53In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:55In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:57In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
50:59In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:01In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:03In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:05In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:07In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:09In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:11In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:13In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
51:15In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
