Parità di genere, Bellini: “Non si può scegliere tra carriera e famiglia, sono due aspetti conciliabili”

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “E’ importante dare la possibilità di essere effettivamente contemporaneamente mamme e mogli chirurghi, non è un ostacolo alla famiglia. Questa è la campagna che io vorrei venisse compresa. Non si può pensare che bisogna scegliere tra la carriera e la famiglia. Sono due cose perfettamente conciliabili”. Lo ha detto Maria Irene Bellini - Gender Equity in campo medico, Facoltà di Medicina ed Odontoiatria dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, in occasione dell’incontro dal titolo: Parità di genere, un nuovo paradigma nel Dna dell’organizzazione e un valore della PA per promuovere eccellenza e professionalità, organizzato dal Comitato Unico di Garanzia (Cug) dell’Inps


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00:25 The mother who is a surgeon, I'm talking about my generation, now is different,
00:30 won't be able to imagine such roles,
00:35 children as well, because there are professions where
00:40 the "female" is a burden.
00:42 So we need to act, as I said, on language.
00:46 I launched a campaign, I'll tell you about it later,
00:50 "How I became a woman in surgery".
00:52 We know that English has become ubiquitous,
00:54 so "How I became a woman in surgery",
00:56 to promote the identification of the educational process
01:00 and the possibility of seeing a surgeon,
01:04 or a surgeon, whatever you want to call it.
01:06 And then, what is important,
01:08 is the possibility of being, at the same time,
01:13 mothers, wives, surgeons,
01:16 the family is not an obstacle.
01:18 This is the campaign that I would like to be digested.
01:25 You can't think that you have to choose between your career and your family.
01:29 These are two perfectly agreeable things,
01:31 obviously, you have to be helped by this.
01:34 Fortunately, today society is all connected with the supports.
01:41 The IMSS has already launched, let's say,
01:47 they are already in action,
01:49 tax relief for mothers,
01:51 which, I repeat, are certainly useful.
01:54 However, it is not enough, it is a problem,
01:56 I will talk about it later,
01:58 also about mentality within the workplace,
02:02 where the tools have not been designed for women,
02:05 where a mother does not have the possibility
02:09 to bring her child to the workplace,
02:12 therefore, the asylum.
02:14 These are all small things,
02:18 which, in my opinion, all together,
02:20 give the dimension of the problem,
02:23 which is not only of the surgeon,
02:25 but since the surgeon needs to be in the room for a long time,
02:28 to operate,
02:30 in the profession of the surgeon,
02:32 they are certainly more heard.
