• last year
SEAtizens, ternyata sirup termasuk konsep ketahanan pangan warisan nenek moyang, loh!

Yuk, kita kenalan sama salah satu Sirup khas Cirebon, sirup Tjampolay, yang udah 80 tahun membagikan kenangan manisnya di Indonesia.


SEAtizens, it turns out that syrup is a part of food security tactic inherited from our ancestors!

Let's get to know one of Cirebon's signature syrups, Tjampolay, who has been around for 80 years, bringing sweet memories to Indonesians.

#SEAlifestyle #Cirebon #Tjampolay #Sirop #Kuliner #KetahananPangan #Warisan #Budaya
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:07 Sweet, sour and exclusive.
00:11 Hey, we're not talking about your beauty.
00:14 We're talking about Cirebon's signature syrup.
00:17 Let's talk about the origin of the Champolay syrup.
00:20 [MUSIC]
00:22 For Cirebon people, this brand is not a stranger anymore.
00:25 But did you know that Champolay actually has a fruit?
00:29 Champolay is a Dutch fruit.
00:31 The funny thing is, this drink is also popular among Dutch people
00:35 who often feel the excitement of living in tropical areas.
00:39 One of them is Cirebon, which is a coastal area.
00:42 Although the fruit is not from Cirebon,
00:44 the origin of the syrup is made from Dutch fruit.
00:48 Not only the fruit is delicious,
00:50 Dutch fruit can be grown throughout the season.
00:52 The concept of fruit juice has been around since the time of the Chinese.
00:57 They only innovate with the ingredients around it.
01:00 According to the history of Cirebon,
01:02 Champolay syrup was first produced by Tan Tjek Chiu in 1936.
01:08 He is about 88 years old.
01:11 At first, the flavor variants were only rose and rose and orange acid.
01:16 After the 90s, the taste developed and the most famous was banana milk.
01:21 The concept of syrup is actually a conservation concept.
01:26 When the ingredients are gone, they preserve the ingredients.
01:30 So actually Champolay syrup is one of the 0.5% of the wealth of syrup in Indonesia.
01:39 Imagine when the sweet and rich syrup is met with the fresh ice or your favorite fruit.
01:47 It's so good, especially in the middle of the sunny Cirebon.
01:52 Have you ever tried this, Zenn?
01:56 Which Champolay syrup do you like the most?
01:58 Don't forget to comment.
02:00 [Music]
