• last year
(Adnkronos) - "L’occupazione, in generale, ma” soprattutto “l'occupazione femminile è particolarmente cresciuta. Questo è un dato che dà una bella soddisfazione a chi governa e a chi è interessato alla parità fra uomo e donna. Però, io tengo molto anche all'aspetto culturale, al fatto che abbiamo creato, su questo piano, la legge sulle Stem per facilitare l'accesso di donne e ragazze alle materie Stem (scientifiche, Ndr), materie del futuro che aprono più possibilità lavorative”. Sono le parole di Eugenia Roccella, ministro per la Famiglia, per la Natalità e per le Pari Opportunità, in occasione dell’incontro promosso oggi a Roma da Farmindustria con il patrocinio del ministero per la Famiglia, la Natalità e le Pari opportunità, intitolato ‘Natalità: questione di coppia’.


00:00 What do you think about the new law on gender equality?
00:04 The occupation in general, but the female occupation, has particularly grown.
00:08 This is a fact that gives a nice satisfaction to those who govern,
00:15 who are interested in equality between men and women.
00:19 But I also care a lot about the cultural aspect,
00:25 and the fact that we have also made the law on STEM on this plan,
00:31 to facilitate the access of women and girls to STEM subjects,
00:37 which are known to be those of the future and those that open up more job opportunities.
00:42 But I really care about the project we launched on March 8th,
00:48 on the recognition of the female role in the history of our nation,
00:56 and therefore, to the "Italy of Women".
00:59 This is the name of the project.
01:01 We would like to bring out from the territories, from the bottom,
01:04 the female figures who have made history in Italy,
01:08 but have been forgotten, they are not in the textbooks.
01:11 There are many who are not yet known in their own territory,
01:18 and therefore we hope that through this project,
01:21 which will involve the municipalities, the cultural advisory boards,
01:27 but also the libraries, the archives, all the subjects that are active in the cultural field,
01:35 I hope that this female presence will be re-composed,
01:41 which has always been there in the history of Italy.
01:43 Also because I think that this serves to make it clear,
01:47 it also serves, as I can say, from a cultural point of view,
01:51 against violence, for equality in general,
01:54 because it serves to make it clear that women are not a minority,
01:58 they are a majority, and above all, they have always been good,
02:02 there have been.
