Guy's epic response when starving deer shows up at door

  • 6 months ago
deer @jeffletendre 3/8 11:00 am

transcript -
audio -
credit- jeffletendre/Instagram

(use 10% faster vo

It was truly magical. 08
s 00t02
(audio as loud as vo
(e -

I had to pitch myself
some mornings
how do I have a fawn
in my life like that? 00t03 with audio
(e 06t07
What's going on?

It's very unusual cont till 07
(e - 22t25 - 15% faster
(audio as loud as vo
(start with whistle then audio

it's something
that money can't buy.
(on camera - 10% faster 4:26t28
(e -
(audio as loud as vo

30:47 i'm jef...geobeats
Fairy's Story by GeoBeats Animals
(music -
(visual 00t04 with bit of audio
(e -

In June last year
I just saw this little baby
coming out of the woods
I was very surprised
'cause it was like a little dotted fawn
and there was no mom around. 59t1:05
(s -
(e -
(bit of audio -

so I was like, okay,
the mom must be
in the forest somehow.
(on camera
00:00 Can you handle this one?
00:01 It was truly magical.
00:02 What's going on?
00:02 It's very unusual.
00:03 Fairy!
00:05 It's something that money can't buy.
00:08 Slowly.
00:09 I'm Jeff Latham.
00:12 This is Fairy's story for Joobies.
00:13 In June last year, I just saw this little baby coming out of the wood.
00:17 I was very surprised because it was like a little dotted pond.
00:20 And there was no mom around.
00:21 So I was like, okay, the mom must be in the forest somehow.
00:28 I'm in Quebec, Canada.
00:30 I'm about an hour, 15 minute drive from Montreal.
00:32 That little thing just went back into the forest.
00:34 But I saw it again the day after.
00:37 And a couple of days and always alone.
00:40 So I just attached a bottle of milk near the bird feeder.
00:44 And I just saw that thing jumping into that bottle and starting suckling on it.
00:47 So I was like, okay, she is alone.
00:52 She needed milk to grow and she didn't have any.
00:54 Most likely Fairy's mother was hit by a car
00:56 because there's a road across the river from where I live here.
00:59 A couple of days after, I tried to hold that bottle and call her.
01:02 And actually she came.
01:03 I couldn't really touch her.
01:04 She wants more.
01:06 She was a bit shy.
01:07 She was afraid of the dogs.
01:08 She wants more.
01:09 And each day she would get more and more comfortable.
01:12 At some point, she completely trusted me.
01:14 She's like, this guy is giving me milk.
01:16 A dog, a baby pond, two love balls.
01:20 Must be my dad.
01:21 I don't know what she thought.
01:25 She would go wherever she wanted at night.
01:26 At midnight, she goes back to the forest.
01:30 And daytime, which was always not too far from the house.
01:33 I could whistle.
01:33 She would come.
01:34 Come on, little beautiful.
01:35 So the idea was always to take care of her, but let her free.
01:41 Unbelievable.
01:42 I play it tough, but if she was just late an hour or two in the morning,
01:46 I would stop worrying.
01:47 Because every time I'd get up, she'd be there already waiting outside on the land.
01:50 And she would start running towards me.
01:52 She's on fire this morning.
01:53 Like the most beautiful thing you can wake up to.
01:56 Where is she?
02:01 Where is she?
02:02 You are a big pup.
02:08 This is going to sound crazy, but she would not only come to me for milk.
02:13 She would come for love.
02:14 Whenever I work outside, she loves to be around.
02:19 It was just two different species liking each other.
02:21 I'm going to push her.
02:23 Yeah.
02:24 Hello, baby.
02:29 Hello, baby.
02:31 How are you doing?
02:32 How are you doing?
02:33 She would come in the house, but not for too long, just for a minute or two.
02:37 The door was open and I heard some hooves on the floor.
02:41 You sure you should...
02:42 That's not really Canadian.
02:44 I didn't want her to become a pet because I knew her house was a forest.
02:47 Aha.
02:47 She started learning to eat grass and eat different leaves
02:51 and learn to be a deer in the forest.
02:53 What is this?
02:54 Mushrooms.
02:56 Are you serious?
02:58 Look at that.
03:00 I was actually having a walk with her in the forest
03:06 and I would go off the trail because I didn't want other people to see her.
03:09 There's hunters around here.
03:10 So I would go right into the forest and she would follow me like a dog,
03:16 which was absolutely mind-blowing to me.
03:18 Come, baby.
03:18 Yeah, I don't want you to cross.
03:21 And she would be like, "Okay, where are we going, daddy?"
03:23 Let's go.
03:27 There you go.
03:32 She would have stayed right next to me 24 hours a day,
03:34 but unfortunately we have to work.
03:36 So I really wanted to meet animals of her kind and she did.
03:39 Hello, love.
03:42 Are you going to join your friends?
03:44 Why don't you join your friends?
03:48 She met with another mother and other two youngs.
03:51 Come on, guys. Come on.
03:52 At first, it was actually rough because the other mother had two youngs of her own.
03:56 So when she saw fairy, she saw fairy as competition.
03:59 And the mother was kicking fairy.
04:01 I actually got really surprised by it.
04:05 I said, "Why are you doing that? Why are you so mean to her?"
04:07 But then the mom also quickly linked fairy to her.
04:11 She was like, "I'm not going to do that."
04:12 And she was like, "I'm not going to do that."
04:14 And she was like, "I'm not going to do that."
04:15 And the mom also quickly linked fairy to getting food
04:18 because when fairy was there, I was there and I was giving the deer food.
04:21 So I said, "Okay, maybe she's not that much of a competition,
04:24 but she actually means food for us."
04:26 And I think it helped them bond.
04:27 I see fairy spending most of her days with them now.
04:31 After a while, they would come in the morning together,
04:33 leave together, and she's chosen her family over me.
04:36 They've been hanging out for weeks.
04:39 And when the first snowstorm, like mid-December, the four of them were gone.
04:42 And I've not seen them since December.
04:45 (whistling)
04:47 Fairy!
04:51 Where are you, cutie?
04:59 (music)
05:02 (music)
