• il y a 7 mois
00:00:00 God says I'm not moving until you get so upset with your circumstance that you're
00:00:08 willing to cry out and when you call on me I will answer
00:00:15 what if I told you that a cry is the signal to God that I'm ready to be
00:00:23 delivered
00:00:26 and the enemies that we see today we shall see no more I mean every Moses
00:00:44 online and every Moses in this building to shout we are coming out have your way
00:00:55 in this place today whatever you want done we submit our bodies as living
00:01:04 sacrifices holy and acceptable unto you which is our reasonable service thank
00:01:13 you that great is faithfulness in Jesus name we pray if you love the Lord say
00:01:23 amen hallelujah second Chronicles chapter 29 verse 3 and to contribute to the
00:01:33 brevity of time I'm just going to start reading the Bible says he in the first
00:01:38 year of his reign in the first month opened the door of the house of the Lord
00:01:43 and repaired them and he brought in the priests and the Levites and gathered
00:01:49 them together into the East Street and said unto them hear me ye Levites
00:01:56 sanctify not yourselves and sanctify the house of the Lord God of your fathers
00:02:03 and carry forth the filthiness out of the holy place so what is going on prior
00:02:12 to this guy Hezekiah being king his father Ahaz was the king and Ahaz had
00:02:21 turned Israel away from worship are you with me so far and so Hezekiah assumes
00:02:30 the throne and he takes over where his father left off his father closed the
00:02:38 doors to the temple Hezekiah actually preached this sermon before I wrote it
00:02:46 and the name of the subject is according to the action that Hezekiah did when he
00:02:52 received the throne you've all heard this statement before but I'm hoping to
00:02:57 give you new revelation on it look at your neighbor and say pastor wants to
00:03:01 talk about the doors of the church are open you may be seated in the presence
00:03:12 of the Lord the doors of the church are open how many of you all have been in
00:03:20 church long enough to remember when that was how the pastor ended every sermon
00:03:27 after he said he died on Friday I'm going to test your church knowledge he
00:03:41 stayed in the grave all night Friday night all day look at some of them like
00:03:52 what is it the weekend all day Saturday all night Saturday night I'm about to
00:04:00 find out how save you up but
00:04:03 I didn't know we all went to the same church early Sunday morning I ain't done
00:04:17 testing you he got out of the grave not with just some power but power to make
00:04:28 you walk right power to make you talk right
00:04:33 be - until now I thought that it was a church colloquialism that we just used
00:04:46 at the end of the message just to say the doors of the church open and and we
00:04:50 would open the doors of the church but what it really meant is that we had come
00:04:53 to the part of the service where you could respond to the message and you can
00:04:57 come and join the church I'm testing your knowledge but you could come by
00:05:03 letter by Christian experience or through baptism I grew up in a day in
00:05:13 church where if you left a church you have to get a letter from the church you
00:05:17 were at and you have to bring that letter to the church you were trying to
00:05:25 join and we didn't join church in the gym no they put chairs across the altar
00:05:36 and you have to sit in that chair and it'd be a secretary who wasn't allowed
00:05:42 in the pulpit church we have Ella Jean Smith coming to us from the Buehler
00:05:50 Baptist Church of Georgia she was the ministry leader at her church and she
00:05:57 comes through Christian experience at our church we had a little thing say how
00:06:03 do we treat her everybody was saying we welcome you we welcome you once we
00:06:09 welcome you twice we welcome you
00:06:14 that was our experience every Sunday not only was that our experience every
00:06:28 Sunday but oh back then you didn't just go to church at 10 no no no no no
00:06:37 you had to be there eight o'clock for Sunday school and we had this little
00:06:44 wooden board on the wall it said this Sunday three hundred and twenty six
00:06:51 dollars last Sunday 422 there was a lady with a folder tabulating all the manila
00:07:00 envelopes and the women's ministry would always win that was the church that I
00:07:11 grew up in that church in its practices doesn't exist much anymore the church
00:07:27 has always been under attack that's why Jesus had to say upon this rock I'll
00:07:35 build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it 2020 comes
00:07:48 and Kovac look like the gates of hell because here Jesus was in antiquity
00:07:57 saying that the gates of hell should not prevail against it and yet for a season
00:08:02 it looked like the doors of the church were closed whether you know it or not
00:08:10 every Sunday while all of you all were at home myself and the consortium of
00:08:19 people were in this room and I stood right here and I preached the Word of
00:08:26 God to the best of my ability as if this room was full because I knew that the
00:08:33 church was still open I only have one goal to maybe one primarily to let you
00:08:45 know that this building it's not the church
00:08:56 not a church if Bush Airport decided that they needed this space for a runway
00:09:05 let me just tell you now
00:09:08 and they just so so just so have to decide that the runway need to come
00:09:18 right round through here we gonna find somewhere else to go I'm gonna sell them
00:09:26 this building at high market value and we're gonna go build another one to the
00:09:32 glory of God because this ain't the church and the proof that it is not the
00:09:39 church is that we could lose the building and still be the lighthouse
00:09:45 watch history David wanted to build the temple for God but God says even though
00:09:57 you are my favorite King I won't allow you to be my architect because I can't
00:10:02 have a man with blood on his hands to build my building so he waited a
00:10:07 generation and built it with his son and by the way I didn't even plan to say
00:10:10 this what some of you all don't know is you're actually Solomon what you're
00:10:19 getting ready to do is build what your parents tried to build and God is going
00:10:26 to use your anointing to do what your father could not do and it wasn't
00:10:33 because he was weaker than you and it wasn't because he was incapable it just
00:10:38 meant that God reserved the temple for your time which means that you're not
00:10:44 gonna have to wait as long to do it because the temple has actually been
00:10:49 waiting on you to grow up before it would go up touch somebody say I've got
00:10:55 a Solomon's anointing Kovac tried to close the doors of the church and we
00:11:05 passed out more masks and hand sanitizer and we practice social distancing to the
00:11:13 best of our ability but look at us now because the gates of hell shall not
00:11:26 prevail against it y'all ready to go death brought Hezekiah to the throne a
00:11:38 has high to die first in order for Hezekiah to assume the throne see this
00:11:47 is something you've got to get because death is required for life most of us
00:11:58 never assume our kingly or queenly positions is because we don't know when
00:12:05 to pronounce a thing dead and so here you are trying to breathe life into
00:12:19 something that God said it must end for you to start you will never be in your
00:12:30 future and your past at the same time you have to decide either I'm going to be
00:12:38 who I was or I'm going to be who I am supposed to be and a double-minded man
00:12:50 is unstable in touching them say make up your mind make up your mind make up your
00:12:57 mind make up your mind when a has died the Bible says that his death was
00:13:06 welcomed you didn't hear what I said can I just take my time and it's his death
00:13:13 was welcomed which means that when he died Israel was like we've been waiting
00:13:24 do you know how many people who are waiting on you to fail waiting on you
00:13:37 and this is how you know they say stuff like well it's just your season what they
00:13:42 mean is I hope you only win for this short amount of time and they're hoping
00:13:50 that your season in so there's can begin I don't know if you know this but the
00:13:58 kind of anointing that a great man or great woman has works in any season do
00:14:07 me a favor tell your neighbor I'm here and I ain't going nowhere I'm going
00:14:14 nowhere I'm blessed and that's the way it's gonna be I'm highly favored and
00:14:20 that's the way it's gonna stay yeah keep saying it cuz you got to speak it if
00:14:24 you're gonna see it Bishop a has died and his death was welcome why was his
00:14:33 death welcome because the Bible says that he replaced the presence of the Lord
00:14:40 with idols let's just think about this they went from worshipping God to
00:14:46 worshipping idols because anytime we can't get God to do what we want him to
00:14:51 do we build something that will listen to us
00:14:55 it's like a person who thinks they're right they have to keep looking for
00:15:03 somebody to validate the perspective and even though nine people told him they
00:15:09 were wrong see they agree that just means two fools on the same page that's
00:15:23 this is what Nebuchadnezzar did to affix the Hebrew boys to turn away from God he
00:15:30 says I'm gonna build this golden image and he says if you don't bow to it I'm
00:15:37 gonna throw you into the fiery furnace what did the Hebrew boy said they said
00:15:42 listen we will not bow and if you have to throw us into the fire I'm
00:15:48 paraphrasing do it because our God is well able to protect us in the fire what
00:15:56 did Nebuchadnezzar do he threw them into the fire turned up the heat seven times
00:16:01 hotter trying to bake them quicker went on about his business was waiting on the
00:16:08 report to find out how quickly they had burned up they came and gave me reports
00:16:13 said King
00:16:16 them dudes made out of something else because we turned up the fire seven
00:16:25 times hotter and they walking around in the fire we open the door sniffed them
00:16:33 and they even smell like smoke their hair wasn't burned up their clothes
00:16:39 didn't have any scars on it and the only thing that burned up in the fire was the
00:16:45 ropes we wrapped around them can I tell you that sometimes the fire ain't for you
00:16:51 it's for the stuff
00:16:54 touch somebody say this fire gonna burn up the ropes this ain't about your heart
00:17:02 this ain't about your mind this ain't about your sin this ain't about your
00:17:06 relationship gosh trying to burn up the stuff that got you wrapped up so like
00:17:11 Lazarus you can come walking out of oh and by the way they said didn't we throw
00:17:23 didn't we throw three one for the father one for son then we didn't we throw three
00:17:35 men in the fire yes we did well I see another man and he looks like oh don't
00:17:45 y'all make me get happy like the Son of God touch somebody say he walks with me
00:17:51 he talks with me he I'm not by myself if God before me that's too early
00:18:03 this is you folks are not let me shout that loud that early I ain't been
00:18:07 preaching for five minutes
00:18:10 the enemy is trying to destroy worship
00:18:19 worship has benefits that you can't even think about the first thing a has dust is
00:18:24 he destroys the priesthood now you have to understand that the priesthood is is
00:18:30 didactic is dual it had a twofold perspective there was one priesthood
00:18:35 according to the order of a man named Melchizedek and that priesthood was about
00:18:42 receiving the Holy Ghost and the baptizing of the new convert and
00:18:46 worshiping God so he destroyed the priesthood of the of Melchizedek but
00:18:51 then there's the Aaronic priesthood so he destroys the priesthood what is a
00:18:56 priest one who stands in the gap between God and man so what he does is he
00:19:01 destroys the intercessor God so you gotta understand if you are a prayer
00:19:07 warrior to some of your families are still alive because you pray so what you
00:19:14 gotta understand is when you are a prayer warrior you are under surveillance
00:19:17 and under attack now I can just put it right here how many mamas pray for their
00:19:22 babies every night so you gotta understand when you pray for anybody who
00:19:27 has the potential to make it the devil wants to stand in the gap and destroy
00:19:32 the person who holds the gap you better hear what I'm telling you so what a has
00:19:37 does is he destroys the priesthood because if I can remove the priest then
00:19:43 I remove the intercession so now when I pray because I sin God can't stand sin
00:19:51 so I destroyed the person who stands in between sin and man so that the
00:19:58 retribution of the sin can go directly to man God says Satan you think you're
00:20:03 gonna outsmart me you can destroy the priesthood but I got another plan at
00:20:08 Calvary I'm gonna become the high priest oh y'all ain't here with me and try to
00:20:16 kill me if you want to try to get in between in the beginning was the Word and
00:20:20 the Word was with God and the Word was God and there was nothing made that was
00:20:23 made without him so now he becomes the high priest and now we don't have to go
00:20:29 into a confessional and in the booth to tell another man who got the same issues
00:20:37 about my issues I can now go to God in my filth and say father I stretch my
00:20:46 hands to thee no other help I know if thou withdraw thyself from me can I
00:20:55 tell you something that religious people ain't gonna like you can come to Jesus
00:21:01 just all right I came to Jesus just as I was I was weary worn and sad I found in
00:21:13 him a resting place and he has made me glad I don't care if you got a stumble
00:21:18 to him I don't care if you come with your eyes blushed out red and hot I
00:21:23 don't care if you came out of the wrong bed last night come on to me all ye that
00:21:30 labor and I heavy laden and I will give you
00:21:36 but see there are people who want to close the doors of the church and they
00:21:50 only want the people who are good to be oh you know what I'm talking about they
00:21:59 only want the people who know the hymns and and and the ladies who have the long
00:22:04 skirts and God forbid you wear a skirt that's a little short they gonna judge
00:22:09 you but see let me tell you something to all of y'all whoever came to church and
00:22:12 got judged the people who judging you they wear the same outfit when they go
00:22:15 to Vegas they just don't wear it to church they be it they be on a strip
00:22:20 just trying to get chose and then come in here and judge you all have sinned
00:22:26 and come short of the glory of God I got one sentence the doors of the church are
00:22:33 open bring your miniskirt bring your purple hair bring your tattoos bring
00:22:43 your drugs bring your weed cuz we gonna lay it on the altar and God is gonna
00:22:48 start to transform your life and before I take it back I'll add more to it
00:23:02 Castro cares on him because he cares for you the problem that we have in our
00:23:10 modern dispensation is that we have made the church a social club only for the
00:23:15 cool kids in the clique who know how to speak in tongues and who know how to
00:23:20 shout and who know how to dress but there is room at the cross
00:23:29 I said there's room at the cross for you I believe that I may be in the minority
00:23:45 I just believe that you can come as you are you just don't have to leave like
00:23:48 you came watch this it's a system watch this he destroys the labors this is his
00:24:01 system you got to watch a has this guy was slick what he did was he destroyed
00:24:07 the labors let me explain to you bring up what a labor is if you got one there
00:24:12 there is a labor this was filled with water so the priest would have to wash
00:24:19 his hands and feed in it so that when he went to go pray he was ceremonially
00:24:27 clean because you could not enter into the temple oh thank you Jesus see when
00:24:35 you walked in the dirt it didn't matter if you were dirty out there but in order
00:24:42 to come in the temple you have to be clean right so they have to be
00:24:48 ceremonially clean it didn't take away their sins it was a ceremony you better
00:24:54 hear me it was a ceremony because even the people who were washing their hands
00:25:00 still had dirty hearts
00:25:06 so it was a ceremony and and they had to come but he didn't want that so he broke
00:25:13 all of the labors so now you have no priesthood and you have no ceremonial
00:25:23 cleanliness are y'all still tracking with me so he destroys all of that and
00:25:28 then he closes the doors of the church so now nobody is in the temple and they
00:25:36 turned away from God and they built golden images and the Bible says that at
00:25:43 least for the Israelites when they were building golden images the Bible says
00:25:48 that they all chipped in by giving their earrings to the temple see watch this it
00:25:55 was only big because everybody was in it
00:26:05 see because anything you give your ear to grows see some of y'all think you
00:26:12 ain't doing nothing wrong because all I did was listen but you got to understand
00:26:16 that when you listen it affects the way you think and when it affects the way
00:26:21 you think it affects the way you talk and when it affects the way you talk it
00:26:25 affects what you receive there are some things that you have to understand that
00:26:30 even though you are mature you ought to refuse to listen to y'all ain't gonna
00:26:36 say me cuz see we think well I didn't do nothing all I did was listen you are not
00:26:42 loyal if you let somebody sit around you and talk about your friend and all you
00:26:47 did was listen what you should have said is that's my friend I'm gonna tell him
00:26:51 exactly what you said and you lucky you still got teeth in your mouth because
00:26:56 the way we roll see y'all ain't loyal y'all are listening to anybody say
00:27:04 anything about anybody and then when you get around I'm talking about see that's
00:27:08 what I was saying you didn't say nothing all you did was give you earrings
00:27:14 come to me and say pass I'm gonna tell you about Bishop see on it ain't going
00:27:23 down it just ain't going down you can't tell me nothing and if you tell me
00:27:30 something that's true if I do have to deal with it I ain't gonna do it in
00:27:33 front of you because the next thing you got to understand is that just because
00:27:37 you got an issue with somebody doesn't mean it's everybody's to see I know this
00:27:48 ain't part of the sermon but where is the loyalty where is the trustworthiness
00:27:53 where is the stuff that if we if we spend time together where is it that I
00:27:58 know I got somebody protecting me outside of my presence where where are
00:28:03 the loyal people if you loyal how let your boy
00:28:08 I know you I know come here man let me shake your hand
00:28:15 already know right on already know already know already know already know
00:28:22 Sarge ain't sat down in 13 years he's been standing right there every sermon
00:28:41 Bishop there's no priests I know you know this Raymond I know you know this
00:28:47 if there is no priests see who went to God for the people priest did we talked
00:28:53 about it so what happens if there's no priests there was no healing if the
00:29:00 order of Melchizedek was that's why we bless babies because according to the
00:29:04 order of Melchizedek in the priesthood you would bless the children that's what
00:29:07 happened to Eli remember when Hannah took her son to be blessed it's actual
00:29:12 biblical thing to bring your children to the altar remember he was walking around
00:29:16 the house the Lord said Eli Eli said to the priest did you call me he says he
00:29:22 calls his name again did you call me it was unto the fourth time that he
00:29:25 understood what God was saying but his mama brought him to the house of God
00:29:28 because eventually when God calls your name you'll know it's him he destroys
00:29:38 the priesthood so now nobody's getting healed no deliverance the children are
00:29:45 not being blessed for a thousand generations and everybody's at home just
00:29:50 suffering because he destroyed the priesthood and he destroys the laborers
00:29:57 which eventually contributes to the destruction of the entire temple I want
00:30:04 you to bring up the temple how it looked under the the leadership of a has
00:30:08 because now what let's do this first bring up the temple as it looked when
00:30:13 Solomon built it Solomon said I want everything to be gold because silver is
00:30:22 not good enough for God I want y'all to hear me now this is the temple that
00:30:29 David tried to build God wouldn't let him he let Solomon do it Solomon built
00:30:35 the y'all not listen he built the whole thing out of gold the if they had today's
00:30:45 dispensation this would have been gold this would have been gold this would
00:30:51 have been gold the bathroom faucets would have been gold the toilets would
00:30:56 have been gold everything was made out of gold and he said no silver in my
00:31:01 daddy's house are y'all not listening he builds this temple and the first thing
00:31:10 that he does to ensure his success is to relocate the Ark of the Covenant the Ark
00:31:18 of the Covenant is the representation of the presence of God he put it in the
00:31:22 holies of holies and only on the Day of Atonement could Aaron the Aaronic
00:31:29 priesthood go behind the veil and atone for the sins of the world how did he do
00:31:34 that through blood sacrifice and even the altar was made out of gold the lamp
00:31:40 stands made out of gold the table of showbread made out of gold everything in
00:31:47 the temple was made out of gold because gold represents divinity gold represents
00:31:55 God in the scripture that's why the Ark of the Covenant was gold on the outside
00:31:59 wood in the middle and gold on the inside why because gold represents God
00:32:06 wood represents flesh that's why Isaiah said that the decay of the Shittim wood
00:32:12 is representative of the flesh so the Ark of the Covenant three layers gold
00:32:17 wood gold father son Holy Spirit and the golden lampstand that gave light to the
00:32:26 temple was made out of one piece of gold even though it had seven extensions it
00:32:32 was hammered out of one piece of gold why because there was one Lord y'all in
00:32:39 Bible class right now one faith and one baptism do me a favor I'm just gonna go
00:32:47 on and teach tell your neighbor there's only one God the only one God there's
00:32:51 only one God we are not a monotheistic people excuse me polytheistic people we
00:32:58 are not a polytheistic people poly meaning many polygraph many lies we are
00:33:03 a monotheistic people mono one we got one Lord that's why there's no way to
00:33:09 the father except by him now I know it sounds polytheistic because there was
00:33:12 father son and Holy Spirit but the three are one he is not three gods he is one
00:33:17 God acting in three different persons so when he created the world he was father
00:33:21 when he raised us from the dead he was son and now he's walking with us as the
00:33:25 Holy Ghost but all three are one he's at the right hand of the father yet he is
00:33:30 the father yet he's in this room and yet he's everywhere at the same time and if
00:33:37 it's confusing to you remember this his ways are not your ways and his thoughts
00:33:44 are far above your thoughts God is the only one who could be both prophet
00:33:49 priests and King all at the same time yet he was God and became man and
00:33:56 tabernacled amongst us but he never left heaven and while he was dying on the
00:34:03 cross he was still on the throne and while he was in the grave dead he was
00:34:10 still alive because he did not faint he actually did die yet he was still living
00:34:15 and when he rose up out of the grave he did not ask for permission he told
00:34:20 himself self it's time to get up how do I know he can do it because when he was
00:34:25 creating he talked to himself let us create man in our image and after our
00:34:32 likeness
00:34:35 and the old song says all three make one and while he is a hundred percent man
00:34:47 he's still a hundred percent God and while he was sitting next to his father
00:34:55 he was descending like a dove and while he was being baptized in the Jordan River
00:35:01 he turned around and said this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased
00:35:07 he's the puppet master pulling all of the strings at the same time healing the
00:35:14 land and cursing the land bringing down the rain and causing the famine because
00:35:20 he's God all himself so a has that's who you up against and you trying to close
00:35:33 the doors of the church to a man and a spirit who can be both at the same time
00:35:42 and the people are frustrated because they're saying I remember the glory days
00:35:47 of Solomon I remember when the temple was made out of gold show the temple in
00:35:54 the days of a has now the temple is destroyed
00:36:01 the people are fighting they're stealing the artifacts that's the golden lampstand
00:36:14 some people who call themselves friends are now being thrown overboard everybody's
00:36:23 fighting the temple is in disarray and if the truth is the truth this is really
00:36:32 a picture of denominational conflict
00:36:40 the Baptist don't like to coach it coach it don't like Pentecostal now everybody's
00:36:47 running away from the denominations and they love to proudly say I go to a non
00:36:53 denominational church hush your mouth because your non denominational church
00:36:57 ain't nothing but another denomination of people who decided to do things the
00:37:01 same way guys I didn't I didn't create Baptist I didn't create Methodist I
00:37:13 didn't create Pentecostal ism I created the church I created the church and I
00:37:22 filled it with my glory I filled it with my presence and I feel doing myself as
00:37:32 such that when the service goes on and the minister can't preach everybody's
00:37:38 not shocked walking away said we had one of them services what a pastor couldn't
00:37:42 preach God says I'm looking for it to be a regular occurrence that every time you
00:37:52 come in church it has the potential to flip in such a way that God can take
00:37:58 over the room and do with it whatever he decides to do I don't care if it's first
00:38:05 Sunday second Sunday third Sunday fourth Sunday or fifth Sunday every day is the
00:38:10 day of Thanksgiving and every time you get in your car and you drive here you
00:38:15 need to be saying I entered into his gates with Thanksgiving and I entered
00:38:21 into his courts with praise can I help you you should be praising before praise
00:38:27 starts this is the truth how many of y'all let's be honest you just sit back
00:38:36 like that ain't really my favorite song but okay which means you're reacting to
00:38:44 the music and not to the God that the music is about you should never get
00:38:51 excited about the song you should get excited about the person the song is
00:38:56 directed to when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me
00:39:05 that's enough right now to flip this building upside down and for you to
00:39:11 begin to worship the Lord watch this in spirit speaking of spirit and in truth
00:39:18 it just hit my spirit right now there's a pastor in Atlanta Georgia his name is
00:39:24 Pastor Mark Moore the name of his church is called spirit and truth and Pastor
00:39:29 Mark I was I was looking online on Instagram I talked to my wife about this
00:39:34 yesterday we were looking on Instagram and we saw that you were trying to build
00:39:39 a church and we saw half of your ceiling had been refinished and the other half
00:39:45 had not been and you were raising money and I think that I heard that you had
00:39:49 about fourteen thousand two hundred and seventy seven dollars left so that your
00:39:54 church can have church on Easter I want to let you know that money will be in
00:39:59 your bank account on Monday morning all because we are the church of Jesus
00:40:05 Christ touch somebody say help me build the temple you will have it we're trying
00:40:14 to build something we're going to sew into what you're finishing it is no
00:40:19 secret what God can do what he's done for others he will do for you I want to
00:40:25 find the people who want the temple to be open I didn't say your local building
00:40:31 I didn't say your grandmama church I said who wants the temple open I don't
00:40:45 care what I gotta do I'm gonna help open the doors of the church not the
00:40:51 lighthouse I said the Church of Jesus Christ let me start by saying this I'm
00:41:00 gonna be done when he started building the church again he didn't start with
00:41:07 the youth ministry see that's if just be honest right now in this dispensation
00:41:14 time people want to know what y'all got for the kids you'll never have nobody
00:41:19 interviewing the church I'm about how's the worship what they got for teens y'all
00:41:26 got a singles ministry y'all got men's ministry y'all got y'all got y'all got
00:41:32 y'all got and and this is what's happening to the church I said this
00:41:35 yesterday on a meeting we went from service to customer service
00:41:40 we we went from being glad that they said unto me let us go to the house of
00:41:53 the Lord - I don't like their website
00:41:59 okay that y'all go that church mouse it
00:42:12 he started with worship because you were created help me Holy Spirit to worship
00:42:25 and he opens the doors of the church and the Bible says and he repaired them watch
00:42:34 this how many of y'all ever gone in somebody's house they don't go out a lot
00:42:39 and I'm not being facetious this is true and you walk in some people house and
00:42:43 just got a smell say dang go say y'all ain't gonna raise your hand but they
00:42:50 like I know people's like that and from those of y'all who are not see we don't
00:42:58 have these in Houston but I'm from the Midwest we have basements let me tell
00:43:04 you something every basement smell the same you can just smell water when you
00:43:10 walk in the basement when we'd be honest with you when y'all wasn't here and this
00:43:16 place was closed we had to make sure that we kept it fumigated and irrigated
00:43:21 because when the doors of a building don't open the air stay you see where
00:43:30 I'm going Tony actually it's called stale stale air now most of y'all when
00:43:38 you hear the word stale it don't mean that that your flaming hot same crunchy
00:43:45 these these Cheerios is stale stale by definition means not fresh and unpleasant
00:43:59 so when the doors of the church were closed the air was stale why because
00:44:07 when there is no H back when the air doesn't move carbon builds up attaches
00:44:16 to moisture and the room becomes stale and it has a stench so what happened
00:44:25 when a has closed the doors it started to stink in church and the reason why it
00:44:32 stunk in church is because all of the air in it was old and they didn't want
00:44:38 no new people I mean new air
00:44:41 just us church they didn't want whore mongers and thieves and robbers in the
00:44:51 church all they wanted was Pharisees and Sadducees so the air was stale God says
00:45:02 not my church so watch what God does in Acts chapter 2 to open the doors of the
00:45:10 church and when Pentecost had fully come there was the sound of a mighty Russian
00:45:19 the reason why God opened the church with wind is because God says I'm tired
00:45:25 of this stinking atmosphere and I'm fanning out all of this stench because I
00:45:33 want my worship to get to my nostrils and be a sweet I don't know who I'm
00:45:40 talking to in this place today but I got a word from God you ready God told me to
00:45:45 tell you the wind is coming the wind is coming oh I'm gonna talk to y'all over
00:45:51 here the wind is coming there is something in your life that has been
00:45:55 decaying and dead and it stinks and God says I'm about to send a fresh wind I'm
00:46:00 about to shake up things for you and I'm about to change the smell of your
00:46:05 circumstance give three people a high-five and say the wind is coming the
00:46:08 wind is coming the wind it's coming to my house it's coming to my marriage it's
00:46:12 coming to my job it's coming to my creativity slap somebody say the wind is
00:46:17 coming
00:46:20 some of y'all been in the same position for the last five years all of a sudden
00:46:29 you gonna feel a wind just pushing you into your destiny
00:46:34 ask your neighbor can you feel that at your back that's the wind of God telling
00:46:39 that you almost to your destiny I need about 500 people to shout there's a wind
00:46:45 coming there's a wind coming there's a wind coming look for somebody who ain't
00:46:51 looking at you tell them a wind is coming the wind is coming a wind is
00:46:55 coming if you ain't too scared find somebody who looked like they got
00:47:03 purpose just kind of push them in the back and say that's the wind that's the
00:47:07 wind that's the wind that's the wind that's what God's about to do he's about
00:47:12 to send somebody who will give you a little assistance and push you into your
00:47:17 destiny somebody shout wind wind wind wind
00:47:23 God's about to shake it up I said God's about to shake it up when you go in your
00:47:32 job the wind is coming when you get to your house you going with a fresh wind
00:47:39 when you go to fill out the application you going with the wind when you go to
00:47:45 the bank to get the new house you going with the wind somebody shout going with
00:47:50 the wind
00:47:53 there's a wind coming there's a way come you gonna be walking and all of a
00:48:07 sudden
00:48:10 what right now right now your pace is about a two-year pace to get where
00:48:19 you're going and God gonna wait just until you don't thank you Holy Ghost I
00:48:27 declare in the next season your life you gonna get whiplash you gonna get
00:48:31 whiplash I'm telling you right now God's about to push you into the next
00:48:36 dimension somebody shout wind
00:48:42 why would he call you an eagle if you didn't need wind if you ever seen an
00:48:51 eagle at his best eagles are not flapping all day long that's what pigeons
00:48:56 do because when you live low you gotta fly like hell to stay afloat but when
00:49:03 you get on eagles wings
00:49:06 somebody shot I'm soaring into the next dimension I'm soaring into the next
00:49:12 level I'm soaring into the next atmosphere somebody's shot wind wind
00:49:16 wind
00:49:19 there's a wind coming I know what I'm talking about this wind gonna have you
00:49:34 your babies your mama your sisters your cousins Earl Craig Shayla pookie
00:49:46 Nini
00:49:49 [Music]
00:50:09 there's a wind coming so when all of a sudden clients that you didn't even
00:50:18 expect what your QuickBooks about to start going off ding ding ding ding ding
00:50:24 ding your stripe account about to tell you we're gonna have to raise the rate
00:50:31 on you because you bring it in too much
00:50:34 that's for you where's for you take it
00:50:45 just sales out of nowhere power cash out B
00:50:54 demo pop
00:50:59 [Music]
00:51:02 listen but if you don't open your doors you won't experience the wind
00:51:29 cuz some of y'all want to win but you so closed off you like to stay to
00:51:39 yourself you don't like people you an introvert
00:51:47 no so many people talking about the introvert you ain't no introvert you
00:51:50 just selfish and standoffish and you don't trust people and that is not the
00:51:57 definition of introvert I don't trust people cuz when I was in elementary they
00:52:07 stole my pizza
00:52:10 I don't trust me cuz I see how they did my mama and here you are with a man that
00:52:26 don't intend you to do like your mama's man did you but if you keep acting like
00:52:30 it's happening to you it's gonna happen to you because you are bracing for an
00:52:34 accident that wasn't gonna happen and when you brace for an accident that
00:52:37 wasn't gonna happen you end up having it because you were braced for it
00:52:42 it's closed off I don't you got women around I don't like women you a woman
00:52:52 and you don't like women how you a woman and don't like women and then tell me
00:52:59 and we posing like you to y'all make up your mind all the fellas like yeah dog
00:53:08 say that that's why I go to this church man thank you for bringing me here baby
00:53:21 my wife don't tell me about this he's up there acting crazy sorry baby you got to
00:53:39 open the doors don't listen to Teddy P
00:53:49 Teddy P gonna keep you out your blessing
00:53:54 okay I'm coming back I'm sorry my fault Keon I'll come back okay
00:54:14 Oh the doors he repaired the doors what do doors represent it must be Melba it
00:54:27 must be something important because Jesus then says I am the door so if he's
00:54:34 willing to accept the nomenclature then there must be something special about
00:54:39 doors if you study it since I'm almost done doors represent agreement so not
00:54:54 only is a wind coming but there is an agreement coming God is about to make an
00:55:06 agreement with you and if God says it it shall come I know what I'm talking
00:55:17 about I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor have I ever seen the seed
00:55:23 begging bread if God said it you can count on it Tony said it earlier I live
00:55:28 by the statement God always ends and well done so if all ain't well God ain't
00:55:33 done he always ends in well done doors represent agreement revelations 3 and 8
00:55:47 says I have set before you an open door baby when I read this it killed me I
00:55:55 promise you I couldn't get this out of my head how many of you all know that
00:55:59 sometimes we say scriptures but we quote them like we remember them but we're not
00:56:04 actually quoting them the way God wrote them and if you just quote what you
00:56:10 think you remember you're gonna miss the point because you gotta say what God
00:56:17 said I have set before you a what no that's what I've been saying my whole
00:56:31 life bring up Revelation chapter 3 verse 8 I'm gonna wait on it
00:56:41 Revelation chapter 3 verse 8 I know that works behold I have set before thee an
00:56:55 open door and what now how many of you all know that the Bible is a
00:57:07 transliteration of Greek Hebrew and Aramaic which means that sometimes we
00:57:15 read it in English but God didn't speak English so when they were conjugating
00:57:22 the verbs sometimes scriptures get away from the original text which is why you
00:57:27 can open the NIV Bible and get a different set of words so I went back
00:57:31 and read it in the original and the Bible says in Revelation chapter 3 verse
00:57:37 8 it says in the original language I have set before you a door opened that's
00:57:43 totally different because if he sets before you an open door it means that
00:57:54 sometimes you could be walking through a door that somebody else left open see
00:58:02 when you go home today maybe you got a wife maybe you got children you're gonna
00:58:06 go in the bathroom perhaps the door is open it doesn't mean it was open for you
00:58:10 it just means the last person that went in there left it open when they came out
00:58:13 but when God says I have set before you a door open it meant that he actually
00:58:18 saw you coming and said what I'm trying to tell you is that the next door you're
00:58:27 going to go through was one that was opened slap somebody say I got an open
00:58:33 door and that door was open for
00:58:43 touch me people say open doors open doors open doors open doors
00:58:47 that's why the Bible says I open doors that no man can and I shut doors that no
00:58:56 man can the next door that you go to will not be a door that was
00:59:03 circumstantially open because it was a passageway God will literally turn the
00:59:11 handle and open the door for watch this and then he will give you the key to the
00:59:24 door and then doctor he'll say this to you behold I stand at the door because
00:59:33 once I give you the door then I'm going to give you permission to let me in and
00:59:41 all I got to say to God is the doors of the church are open what am I saying to
00:59:48 God whatever you give me I'll give it back to you if you bless me I'm gonna
00:59:55 let matter of fact I will bless the Lord at and his praise shall continuously be
01:00:01 in my mouth is there anybody in the balcony that feels like the door is
01:00:05 opening for you let me read that whole scripture watch this I said before you a
01:00:20 door opened which no man can shut watch this because thou has a little strength
01:00:27 and has kept my word and has not denied my name what did I mean it means you are
01:00:37 so we almost gave up but something told you hold on a little while longer any
01:00:46 anybody almost gave in it was like life getting so hard it's about to break me
01:00:54 down but then you heard Joe say though he's slated yet well I trusted him
01:01:02 anybody feel the second wind coming touch somebody say I feel my help coming
01:01:09 I told myself I wasn't gonna do all that so let me get back to being urbane
01:01:24 and and together and speaking with my multi-syllabic expressions and keeping
01:01:32 myself together as an even-keeled minister of the gospel don't y'all make
01:01:39 me shout I told myself I said self myself said hmm I said self we're gonna
01:01:44 go up here we're gonna do the gospel the way God wants it done and we're gonna
01:01:47 stay but as soon as the doors were open the Bible says Hezekiah said all right
01:02:05 the doors they repair Tammy said okay are they they open the Bible says that
01:02:12 he says all right as soon as he woke up in the morning he went to the temple and
01:02:20 said it's time to worship the drums didn't even come in from Amazon yet
01:02:29 guitar center hadn't even sent the lead what no the the Hammond the b3 wasn't
01:02:39 there yet pro tools wasn't in there nothing was there and he said we're
01:02:44 going to worship the Bible says early did he rise and he worshiped now watch
01:02:51 this oh god I gotta quit when they start worshiping well this whoa
01:03:00 well when they start worshiping the Bible says the first thing he says is
01:03:06 it's time for atonement see we don't know why sometimes our worship lacks
01:03:17 power because I'm gonna tell you right now there is a reason why when Paul and
01:03:24 Silas shouted the bars broke open because that means that they had a power
01:03:29 when they worship that the average person didn't have so how do you have
01:03:33 bar-breaking power how do you shout to the place that when you say God is good
01:03:40 stuff just starts open atonement what is atonement atonement is the retribution
01:03:51 or the payment given for sin how did they atone they would get thank you
01:03:59 Jesus for the word they will get an animal cut his throat let the blood
01:04:08 spill on the altar and then they would burn it on the brazen altar because in
01:04:15 order for sin to be atoned for something had to die and the thing that had to die
01:04:23 had to be a lamb
01:04:27 behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world so what you see in
01:04:37 the Old Testament concealed we now see in the New Testament revealed because
01:04:43 Jesus says y'all got to have a lamb every year on the day of atonement I'm
01:04:47 gonna settle all of that I'm gonna go to the cross and be the Lamb of God and let
01:04:55 him stick me in the side and my blood is gonna come streaming out and when I die
01:05:00 one time ain't nothing gonna have to die no more because I am the Lamb of God
01:05:07 slain before the foundation of the earth
01:05:11 so when Jesus died there was no need for another sacrifice because Jesus is so
01:05:21 perfect everything he does once is done forever follow me drink of this water
01:05:27 you'll never thirst again eat of this food you'll never hunger again why
01:05:31 because when Jesus does it once it's good enough somebody say it's good
01:05:40 enough somebody say it's good enough so don't let nobody make you think that
01:05:49 you're gonna lose your salvation now this I gotta spend a few seconds on
01:05:54 because there is no condemnation there are a lot of people in here right now
01:05:59 that thinks that you got to keep on going back to God saying I'm sorry and
01:06:05 you do for your sins but you once you accept Christ you never have to worry
01:06:15 about your sin okay who needs more clarity sins s-i-n-s lying ten
01:06:28 commandments that's an online that's an I still doubt should not cover it I'm a
01:06:33 jealous God I have no other God before me okay that's when I commit adultery
01:06:37 those are the things those are sins but none of those sins send you to hell
01:06:45 there was only one sin that can send you to hell and that's the sin of
01:06:49 non-belief so when Jesus Christ died he died for sin which means that once I
01:06:59 confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart God has raised his
01:07:02 son from the dead there is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ
01:07:07 Jesus listen to me when you are saved you are always saved once God gets in
01:07:25 your heart you don't have to worry about it again I'm used to sweating I'm good
01:07:31 I do this I just sin so Jesus died on the cross because the wages of sin is
01:07:47 death but the gift of God is eternal life and those whom he foreknew he
01:07:58 predestined and now I am sanctified set apart and now I am the righteousness of
01:08:12 God in Christ Jesus even though I have no righteousness in me there is no good
01:08:22 even in this flesh dwelleth no good thing Paul says of all sinners I am the
01:08:27 chief and yet with all of that because the blood that gives me strength from
01:08:40 day to day it will never ever lose its power can I see the people as I leave
01:08:53 you who don't shout because you got another person who ain't in the bank
01:09:02 shouting cuz they approved you for a car you can't afford I want to find out does
01:09:13 anybody still have a shout in them because of the blood
01:09:31 that was that was so that was so cute give me another one y'all devil that
01:09:37 was so cute that was so cute that was so cute okay okay that does sound like you
01:09:41 thank God that your cell phone bill got paid I want you to forget about your
01:09:47 house cuz it could burn out forget about your car cuz it can give out I want you
01:09:54 to forget about your clothes they can wear out good one but the blood gives me
01:10:05 strength from day to day and it will never lose its power now we grew up
01:10:16 Baptist I want to find out anybody in here who got a shout inside of you
01:10:22 thanking God for the blood
01:10:27 come on lighthouse come on online somebody I said shout for the blood give
01:10:36 your neighbor high-five and shout neighbor the blood still still works
01:10:46 anybody know the blood still works I'm alive because of the blood I survived
01:10:54 cancer not because of chemo but because of the blood I still got my mind not
01:11:02 because of a therapist but because of the blood if there's anybody here that's
01:11:07 under the blood I want you to read your head back and shout over the next 30
01:11:12 seconds
01:11:17 come on somebody come on somebody the Bible says if there have been no
01:11:30 shedding of the blood there will be no remission of sin
01:11:34 watch this anybody know anybody in here or you yourself have ever experienced
01:11:40 cancer raise your hand I'm about to speak a word into your life cancer goes
01:11:48 into partial remission which means that when they test you they don't see as
01:11:56 many cancerous cells as they did when it was aggressive but there is another
01:12:02 level to remission called complete remission and complete remission means
01:12:08 that if they don't see any cancerous cells within five years the doctor
01:12:13 declares you to be healed what am I saying in this place today the reason
01:12:19 why some of y'all patty-caking is because you're just used to partial
01:12:23 remission but God told me to tell you that once he heals you this time
01:12:34 oh yeah there's gonna be complete remission
01:12:38 slap your neighbor say this time when I come out I'm not going back in when I
01:12:46 get under pressed you ain't gonna be able to press me again when I get on
01:12:50 single I ain't gonna be in the streets no more when I get rich I ain't never
01:12:55 being broke another day in my life somebody shall complete remission
01:13:03 good God I want everybody who knows that God's about to do a new thing and he's
01:13:09 about to complete what it started I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to lose your
01:13:14 voice lose your mind and give God
01:13:19 Oh
01:13:21 now watch this praise leads to remission
01:13:41 so if you're trying to fight off something that's trying to kill you you
01:13:45 can't be like hallelujah
01:13:50 devil trying to kill you amen
01:13:55 devil trying to kill your child come on Jesus take the wheel when something
01:14:07 comes up on you like it has been coming up on you over the last 60 days I want
01:14:15 you to praise that devil back into complete remission praise the Lord in
01:14:22 the sanctuary praise him with the psalter in heart
01:14:25 praise them on the Timberland dance
01:14:29 let everything
01:14:36 and everything
01:14:43 that has spread
01:14:47 praise the Lord
01:14:50 oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I feel it
01:15:03 anointing oh yeah strongholds are breaking there's power in the name of
01:15:08 Jesus I hear change falling in the spirit I hear breakthrough freedom
01:15:15 tenacity overcome overflow miracles science and wonders
01:15:25 there's something about that name there's something about that name there's
01:15:35 something about that name somebody stop Jesus
01:15:40 Jesus
01:15:43 you
01:15:45 you
01:15:47 you
01:15:49 you
01:15:51 (whooshing)
01:15:53 (whooshing)
