• last year
You Are Mine Episode 3 (English Dubbed)
00:00 [Music]
00:15 Mr. Eshdar! Elvan's brother wants to kill her!
00:19 [Music]
00:24 She made a huge mistake sleeping with you!
00:26 [Music]
00:46 And it all happened before you went into the army!
00:49 My daughter told me everything! I am at your complete mercy!
00:56 Why are you talking all this nonsense? Do you think it is easy to be a wife to him?
01:02 Why did your daughter do the dirty with my son?
01:07 I think you need to throw them out!
01:15 Yeah, throw them out!
01:24 Oh my god! Don't send me away!
01:26 Please don't throw me out! Don't do that Mr. Eshdar!
01:28 Shut up! Shut up!
01:30 Please have mercy! Please!
01:32 Ali!
01:34 Just let them stay!
01:36 [Music]
01:41 Whatever the reason might be, she came to my door and is begging for help!
01:46 I can't send her back!
01:48 My son! What are you doing? What decision is this?
01:53 I say she'll stay under my protection!
01:56 Now that she has come to our door, it is unsuitable for us to send her back!
02:02 Do you want me to reject someone who came to our door and is begging for help, mom?
02:08 I don't want to hear objections from anyone! She will remain under my protection!
02:13 I don't want to talk about this issue again!
02:17 And now, the case is closed!
02:20 We have all stopped our work now and are dealing with your ex-girlfriend!
02:25 You are thoroughly confused, Eshdar!
02:28 I said she will stay here!
02:30 Oh may god bless you! May god bless you!
02:39 Okay, okay! We understood! Let's take them away now!
02:42 Come on! Come here! Let's go!
02:45 Let's go! Come on! Let's go!
02:55 What's happening?
02:57 If you're ready, we can go!
02:59 Let's go! Let's go! Come on!
03:03 Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
03:17 What's happening, Eshdar?
03:29 Why are you so angry right now?
03:32 Is it about that girl back there?
03:35 Who is that girl? Why is she crying, Eshdar?
03:39 They are having trouble and wanted help from us.
03:46 So what is the trouble?
03:48 Never mind that. Don't you worry about this.
03:54 Did you talk with your mom?
03:56 No, not yet.
03:58 She'll be calmer now. Let's go and see her. What do you think?
04:02 I don't know.
04:03 Enough feeling sorry for yourself now.
04:08 You achieved what you wanted.
04:11 How long are you gonna stay in this damn house now?
04:15 Mom!
04:16 Didn't I tell you before to keep away from this house and keep away from my son?
04:33 I didn't have any other choice.
04:36 My brother would have me killed.
04:39 I had to. I had to come to your door.
04:43 You're a deceitful liar.
04:45 And I can see right through you.
04:47 Who knows what's going through that mind of yours or what you're planning to do.
04:51 I always take the bull by the horns.
04:54 I'm not deceived at all.
04:56 Don't think that you are clever or you will come out a loser.
05:00 Oh, for God's sake!
05:01 Well, you shut up!
05:03 And you will leave the first chance you get.
05:06 And you will keep your mouth shut until you go.
05:12 After all the things you have done, don't you have any mercy?
05:16 Don't dare. Never come close to my son.
05:19 And don't you leave this room, understand?
05:22 Even your breath will be unseen.
05:24 Did you even hear what I am telling you?
05:27 Did you hear me, girl?
05:30 Did you hear me, girl?
05:31 [Crying]
05:41 [Sigh]
05:42 Where is Alvan?
06:02 Mother!
06:03 Where is Alvan?
06:05 She's at Yenel Mesler's farm.
06:08 What's she doing there?
06:09 Is it that dishonored Eshder, huh?
06:12 Oh, that's just great.
06:14 Does he think that he can do what he wants, huh?
06:17 He thinks he can have what he wants?
06:19 Now that we're working for him and on his land,
06:22 I will kill both Alvan and Eshder.
06:24 Please stop, son!
06:25 No!
06:26 Eshder will restore Alvan's honor. Don't do this.
06:28 How can he restore it, mom?
06:30 Eshder is married.
06:31 Is he going to leave his new bride and marry her, huh?
06:34 You stay out of my way.
06:35 For God's sake, stop!
06:36 Stop! Stop!
06:39 And so, on one hand, there is Alvan.
06:45 On the other hand, there's this girl.
06:47 What are we up against?
06:49 Just do not give up, mother.
06:50 Now that Alvan is here,
06:52 that means there is a way to get rid of Nagme.
06:55 Say whatever you want, Safika.
06:57 I've had enough of this.
06:58 That's enough.
07:05 Let's take advantage of this.
07:07 We'll keep Alvan as a second wife.
07:10 And if we succeed in making her go to bed with Eshder,
07:14 then maybe the city girl will leave.
07:16 Are you out of your mind, Safika?
07:19 But listen, once the city girl decides to leave here,
07:23 that is when we will deal with Alvan.
07:26 All of these city girls will be gone.
07:29 And then you can take my uncle's daughter as your sister-in-law.
07:34 And you would have a wedding for 40 days and 40 nights.
07:40 And you would have a wedding for 40 days and 40 nights.
07:44 Ahmet.
08:06 Just like we arranged it, okay?
08:09 You keep watch in front of the farm.
08:11 You will inform me as soon as Alvan goes out.
08:15 That's what I hope.
08:17 I'll have my honor back.
08:19 [♪♪♪]
08:22 [♪♪♪]
08:25 [♪♪♪]
08:28 [♪♪♪]
08:31 [♪♪♪]
08:34 [♪♪♪]
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08:53 [♪♪♪]
08:57 [♪♪♪]
09:01 [♪♪♪]
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09:14 [♪♪♪]
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09:25 [♪♪♪]
09:29 [♪♪♪]
09:33 [♪♪♪]
09:37 [♪♪♪]
09:42 [gasps]
09:44 You really scared me.
09:49 Why didn't you call?
09:51 What's that look for? Has something happened?
09:59 Nagme?
10:01 You okay?
10:07 Mm-hmm.
10:09 When she suddenly appeared, it really scared me.
10:12 The glass slipped out of my hands.
10:15 Never mind it. Leave it there.
10:17 Sucran and Hatise will clean it.
10:20 In the morning you didn't look well. Are you better now?
10:25 Yes.
10:28 Glad to hear it.
10:31 Have a good night.
10:34 [♪♪♪]
10:37 I don't think I can sleep. Do you want to go out?
10:42 Okay. Sure. I'll just have water and come back later, okay?
10:45 Okay.
10:47 [♪♪♪]
10:50 Have a good night.
11:16 [♪♪♪]
11:18 Mrs. Baraket?
11:20 [♪♪♪]
11:23 Will it always be like this?
11:28 Will you never accept me? Is that it?
11:32 Will you always stay furious at me?
11:37 If you get together without asking your families,
11:40 you have to accept the consequences.
11:43 [chuckles]
11:45 And this is nothing. The storm has only begun to brew.
11:49 [♪♪♪]
11:52 [♪♪♪]
11:55 My mom says she wouldn't forgive me.
12:20 And Mother Baraket is angry.
12:23 It's not considered unfair.
12:31 [♪♪♪]
12:34 If someone had come and said to you
12:38 that you would end up marrying a strange guy that...
12:41 that you don't know,
12:43 and that you would go live in a different city,
12:46 would you believe it?
12:49 I don't think that I would.
12:52 We made a big decision that affects everyone.
12:59 So their reactions are normal.
13:02 They will see our determination in a while
13:11 and eventually accept this marriage.
13:14 Don't you worry.
13:17 [♪♪♪]
13:21 [♪♪♪]
13:47 Tahir, I made your favorite soup. Come on.
13:51 Let's eat while it's hot.
13:54 -So is that lentil soup? -It is.
13:56 -Yummy, thanks. -Here.
13:58 [sighs] Want me to help you?
14:02 No, I can eat by myself.
14:04 Okay, but will you watch out?
14:07 Oh.
14:11 You won't tell my mom, will you, Auntie Besame?
14:16 She wouldn't let me eat hers.
14:18 She said I wouldn't eat a meal today.
14:20 She'll be angry if she sees me eat this.
14:23 Okay. Okay, dear, don't you worry. I won't tell. Eat.
14:27 Oh.
14:30 You're so cute.
14:32 Oh, you're so cute.
14:34 [♪♪♪]
14:40 [♪♪♪]
14:43 I'll see you this evening.
14:53 If you would like, we can go out. What do you say?
14:57 That would be nice. Maybe we can visit my mom?
15:00 Whatever you want, dear.
15:03 [chuckles]
15:05 Don't be late, okay? I'll miss you too much.
15:13 Don't you worry. I love you a lot.
15:16 And I love you so much, too.
15:18 [♪♪♪]
15:22 [♪♪♪]
15:25 What's happening here?
15:47 My Aunt Besame made some soup for me.
15:51 Don't talk so much.
15:53 I am your mother, and you'll only eat whatever I give you.
15:58 I have some stuff to do in the kitchen.
16:04 [♪♪♪]
16:08 [♪♪♪]
16:11 [clattering]
16:23 [gasps]
16:25 Didn't I tell you not to teach motherhood to me?
16:28 I wasn't telling you anything.
16:30 I know that Tahir loves that soup, so I was--
16:33 Why is it that you think you need to feed my son, huh?
16:36 You want to make him love you, right?
16:39 You should have thought about that when you gave him to us.
16:42 He didn't die.
16:44 You'll never know the love of your son.
16:47 Now that you consented to give your son,
16:50 you'll only want him each time that you see him.
16:53 You will keep away from him, and don't you ever even touch him.
16:57 You will stay away from your son.
16:59 I don't want to catch you with him.
17:01 Do you understand me?
17:04 He is my son and not yours. He is my son!
17:07 [sobs]
17:09 Mom, what did you do?
17:13 Poor thing, you didn't have to say such mean things, you know.
17:16 And you even dare to defend that woman? You dare?
17:20 That woman is the one who gave birth to Tahir.
17:23 And you're not his real mother. Who do you think you are?
17:26 [screams]
17:28 -You are taking me as your daughter! -No, let me go!
17:31 -Hear what you are saying to me, young lady! -Will you stop it? Have you gone mad?
17:36 Why are you beating her like that? How can you treat your daughter like this?
17:40 You know what? You should mind your own business.
17:43 -She is my daughter and I will beat her! -You can't do that.
17:47 Look at me, Mrs. Bride.
17:51 We are not as civilized as you are.
17:53 If you don't like it, you can go!
17:55 You will pay for what you are doing to her. Come here.
17:58 [sobs]
18:00 [sobs]
18:02 I will show you what it means to interfere in my business!
18:08 Smart Alec.
18:11 Are you okay?
18:24 Do you want some water or something?
18:26 Thank you so much.
18:28 [sobs]
18:30 I'm sorry I couldn't help but interfere when I saw her behavior.
18:42 Does she always beat you up?
18:54 [sobs]
18:56 Why did you come to this house?
19:01 This house is a nightmare.
19:09 It's impossible to be happy here.
19:16 If you are smart, you would leave.
19:20 [sobs]
19:22 [sobs]
19:24 Mrs. Besame?
19:44 Sorry, may I come in?
19:49 Of course you may come in, Nagme.
19:52 I want to ask you something.
19:58 Tahir...
20:01 Is he really your son?
20:05 I guess you found out.
20:10 He is. Tahir is my son.
20:17 But I can't embrace him now.
20:20 I can't smell him and I can't caress his hair.
20:24 I had to give him to my brother Samal when he was a baby.
20:31 But how could they do that?
20:34 How could they want you to do such a thing?
20:37 But how could...
20:40 How could they separate a mother from her son?
20:43 This is just unscrupulous.
20:47 [sniffles]
20:49 Brother Samal and Safika's son died during military service.
20:53 When brother Samal had a heart attack,
21:00 I became the one who helped him cling to life.
21:03 My... my son and me.
21:06 I used to love Samal as much as my own brother.
21:09 I was cut to the heart when I saw him like that.
21:12 And then one night...
21:14 [crying]
21:17 Tahir...
21:32 Tahir...
21:34 You're daddy's little boy.
21:38 Tahir...
21:42 You're daddy's little boy.
21:45 You're daddy's little...
21:47 Yeah, yeah, I miss my boy.
21:50 Tahir...
21:53 Oh, I miss you, my son.
21:55 Hmm?
21:57 Oh, my son.
21:59 I'm so glad you didn't die.
22:02 I know you didn't die.
22:05 I know you didn't die, my Tahir.
22:08 Tahir...
22:10 [sobs]
22:12 Tahir...
22:15 Tahir...
22:18 Tahir, son...
22:20 [sobbing]
22:23 I didn't understand.
22:31 If I had known what would happen...
22:33 Oh, if I had known...
22:35 I would have taken my son at that moment.
22:37 I would have stopped them.
22:40 I'm begging, Besame.
22:42 Give your son to Samal.
22:44 He thinks he's his son.
22:48 That would be his joy of living.
22:51 He would have reason for living.
22:54 It would give him something to live for.
22:57 No, but I'm his mother.
22:59 Samal is like my own brother.
23:02 A loss is also sad for Samal.
23:08 But he must consent.
23:10 Please, girl.
23:21 I am helpless, Besame.
23:24 If you're unable or unwilling, that wouldn't be right.
23:33 I cannot take him away forcibly.
23:38 Please, Besame, do what's right here.
23:41 Please, for God's sake.
23:43 I wish there were another way.
23:48 But I can't think of anything.
23:51 My grandson has died. I need to save my son.
23:55 I am begging, Besame. I am begging.
23:59 I'm begging.
24:01 I'm begging you, please.
24:03 I'm begging.
24:04 Don't take him away.
24:06 I'm begging.
24:07 Don't take him away.
24:09 Thank you, dear. Thank you, dear.
24:12 We are going to Samal.
24:14 Come here, child.
24:16 Come here. That is right.
24:18 I'll take him. Oh, yes.
24:20 I'll take him to Samal.
24:22 Come.
24:23 Come.
24:24 Come.
24:25 Yes, I'll take him.
24:27 Yes.
24:29 [sobbing]
24:31 How could I give him away? I did.
24:44 I am so sorry.
24:46 My son. He is my son from my own flesh and blood.
24:50 I carried him in my stomach for nine months.
24:52 I gave birth to him. I suckled him.
24:54 But I did not stand up.
24:56 I cannot do without him.
24:58 I regret this.
25:00 You took away my baby.
25:04 You took away my baby, Alas.
25:09 Our son is not far away. He is next door.
25:13 But I can't embrace him and I can't say that he is my son.
25:17 It's because of you.
25:23 You couldn't object to your mother.
25:25 You didn't stand up for me. You didn't support me.
25:27 Damn you. Damn you.
25:29 Besame, one of them is my son and the other one is my brother.
25:32 What else can I do?
25:34 I will never forgive you. Never.
25:36 Never.
25:38 I will never forgive you.
25:41 You have saved your brother's life, but now you have killed me.
25:45 You have just buried us alive.
25:49 Don't speak that way, Besame.
25:51 Look, we do love each other. We have our love.
25:55 If we are together, then well, come on, listen to me.
25:58 There isn't any "we" anymore.
26:00 Now forget me.
26:02 I cannot love you.
26:04 I do not want someone who can't protect his family.
26:10 Don't do this, Besame.
26:16 I can't live without you.
26:19 I can't live without you.
26:21 Look, we are Besame and Alas.
26:26 We cannot separate from each other.
26:30 You have separated me from my son.
26:36 You have taken him from me.
26:38 I don't want to be with you anymore.
26:49 You do not exist for me.
26:51 You're nothing to me.
27:00 And from now on, I'll live here for my son.
27:03 Get out.
27:08 Get out!
27:12 Get out!
27:14 I may have given birth to him.
27:34 But he has never been mine.
27:40 When I first came to this house, I was like you.
27:43 In love, full of spirit.
27:46 Over the years I have withered.
27:49 And they have taken my son from me.
27:52 And Alas remarried.
27:54 This house hasn't given anyone happiness.
27:58 And now you'll be like me.
28:03 How can you say that to me?
28:07 How can you say that to me?
28:09 Everyone's fate is different.
28:12 In a few years, the sparkle in your eyes will die.
28:18 And life will become so unbearable.
28:21 Edgdur will protect me.
28:26 Is that what you think?
28:28 You should have taken a better look at things before you came here.
28:31 Your protector already has a woman.
28:36 What are you talking about?
28:38 Do you know why Elvon came to this house?
28:42 Wait, but who's Elvon?
28:45 Oh, is she the crying girl?
28:48 Do you know who that girl is?
28:51 She was Edgdur's girlfriend before you.
28:56 This is not true.
29:04 Edgdur would never do such a thing.
29:06 I know he loves me.
29:08 You're lying.
29:10 It was the same thing with Alas too.
29:13 Sooner or later he went to bed with another woman.
29:16 I put up with this so that I could stay near my son.
29:22 So, what about you? Can you stand this?
29:27 [♪♪♪]
29:31 [♪♪♪]
29:35 [♪♪♪]
30:01 You should have taken a better look at things before you came here.
30:04 Your protector already has a woman.
30:07 I put up with this so that I could stay near my son.
30:11 So, what about you? Can you stand this?
30:16 [♪♪♪]
30:20 [♪♪♪]
30:23 [♪♪♪]
30:29 Hello?
30:30 Edgdur?
30:33 Please, can you come home?
30:36 I need to talk to you right now.
30:39 It is very urgent.
30:43 [♪♪♪]
30:47 [♪♪♪]
30:50 [♪♪♪]
30:53 [♪♪♪]
30:56 [♪♪♪]
30:59 [♪♪♪]
31:02 What's happening?
31:05 [♪♪♪]
31:09 [♪♪♪]
31:12 [♪♪♪]
31:15 [♪♪♪]
31:18 Listen, you better tell me the truth.
31:20 Were you Edgdur's girlfriend before?
31:22 You will answer me!
31:25 Why are you saying nothing?
31:28 What are you doing here? Get out, come on!
31:32 [♪♪♪]
31:39 [♪♪♪]
31:42 [♪♪♪]
31:45 [♪♪♪]
31:48 [♪♪♪]
31:51 Nagme? What happened? Tell me.
31:54 Is it true what I've heard?
31:56 Was that girl your girlfriend?
31:58 And did you sleep with her as well?
32:01 I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to make you upset.
32:05 Don't you touch me!
32:07 I had no idea that you were this kind of man,
32:10 but I guess now I see the real you.
32:12 Look, it's not what you think, and she wasn't my girlfriend.
32:15 It was only one night. It happened a while ago.
32:20 A while ago? But nothing has finished!
32:24 In this house, there are tears behind every door.
32:27 All the women have been broken, every one of them!
32:30 Tell me, Edgdur, is such a life waiting for me as well?
32:34 Will I have a life with your second wife? Tell me!
32:37 Just let me explain it. I had to take her in.
32:40 Otherwise, they would kill her.
32:42 I know that you're lying to me.
32:44 How could you think such a thing?
32:46 Don't you trust me at all?
32:48 [♪♪♪]
32:52 Nagme, don't you dare.
32:55 [♪♪♪]
33:01 I don't want a life that is full of tears, okay?
33:05 [♪♪♪]
33:12 [sniffles]
33:14 Nagme!
33:17 If you walk away now, you can never return again!
33:21 [♪♪♪]
33:27 Nagme!
33:29 [♪♪♪]
33:34 [sniffles]
33:36 My lady!
33:41 My lady!
33:44 Mr. Edgdur and Mrs. Nagme, they were outside arguing.
33:48 Mrs. Nagme gave the ring to Mr. Edgdur and left.
33:52 You're sure of that?
33:56 I am sure, Mrs. Safika. I have seen with my own eyes.
34:00 [♪♪♪]
34:07 Hm.
34:10 Looks like the issue's finally finished here.
34:13 It was easier than I thought.
34:23 Well, now that Mrs. Nagme's gone for good,
34:27 we don't need Elvan here anymore, do we?
34:30 Go tell Ali to take Elvan home.
34:36 Now is the time for Elvan to go.
34:39 [♪♪♪]
34:46 [sniffles]
34:48 [♪♪♪]
34:55 Hey, Mom.
34:57 Mommy!
34:59 Where is Elvan going, Mom, huh?
35:01 Stay out of it. Mind your own business.
35:04 But, Mom...
35:06 But are you going to send her to her brothers to die?
35:10 [♪♪♪]
35:17 [♪♪♪]
35:25 [♪♪♪]
35:31 I can't believe her.
35:33 [♪♪♪]
35:38 [♪♪♪]
35:43 [♪♪♪]
35:48 [♪♪♪]
35:53 [♪♪♪]
35:59 Oh, Mother.
36:01 Oh, Mother, please.
36:04 Take me away from here, please.
36:06 Okay, my dear.
36:08 It's over now.
36:10 All right, we're going now.
36:12 [♪♪♪]
36:16 [♪♪♪]
36:21 [♪♪♪]
36:26 [♪♪♪]
36:31 [♪♪♪]
36:36 [♪♪♪]
36:39 Mrs. Baraket, I swear I didn't say anything.
36:43 She came to my room.
36:45 Ali, this girl's job is over here.
36:48 [♪♪♪]
36:50 No! Mrs. Baraket! Mrs. Baraket!
36:53 Get her off!
36:55 No, I can do this, Mr. Baraket!
36:57 Please, no!
36:59 No! I can work for you.
37:02 Please, feel pity for me.
37:04 I'm begging you.
37:06 Please don't. I'm begging you.
37:08 I'm begging you.
37:10 Let me stay.
37:12 Please don't send me back to my brother.
37:15 Oh, no, don't make me go.
37:17 [sobs]
37:19 Let's go. Come on.
37:21 Brother Ali, have pity on me.
37:24 Let me go and you won't see me again.
37:26 Do not be stubborn, dear. We are doing our job here.
37:29 Get into the car. Get in.
37:31 Come on, daughter.
37:33 Do you have a conscience?
37:35 Are you really cruel?
37:37 Mrs. Baraket, how can she be so cruel?
37:39 [sobs]
37:41 [♪♪♪]
37:46 [sobs]
37:48 [♪♪♪]
37:53 [♪♪♪]
37:58 [♪♪♪]
38:03 [♪♪♪]
38:08 [♪♪♪]
38:13 [♪♪♪]
38:15 Hello, Basir.
38:17 I think they've sent Elvan home.
38:19 If you hurry, you can catch them on the village road.
38:22 Don't worry.
38:24 My dear, it's over now.
38:26 You made a mistake, and so now you're back early.
38:30 That's all. It was all a mistake.
38:33 [♪♪♪]
38:36 Let's go back home now.
38:38 Please wait, Nagmeh.
38:40 Listen, Nagmeh, wait. Don't go.
38:42 They all played a trick on you.
38:44 Yeah, in order to get rid of you, they got Elvan,
38:46 and now they're sending her back.
38:48 You're the only one who can save her now, my sweet Nagmeh.
38:51 I called my uncle, but he didn't answer.
38:54 Please help.
38:56 No.
38:58 Your job is over here.
39:00 It's over.
39:02 Oh, please.
39:04 [♪♪♪]
39:09 [♪♪♪]
39:14 [♪♪♪]
39:19 [♪♪♪]
39:23 [♪♪♪]
39:28 Nagmeh!
39:29 Get in the car.
39:31 Nagmeh!
39:33 Nagmeh, no!
39:35 Nagmeh! Open the door!
39:37 Nagmeh!
39:39 [♪♪♪]
39:43 [♪♪♪]
39:48 [♪♪♪]
39:53 [♪♪♪]
39:58 [♪♪♪]
40:03 [♪♪♪]
40:09 Sister Nagmeh, come on, please. Drive faster.
40:12 [♪♪♪]
40:17 Brother Ali, please don't take me.
40:20 Please, I'm begging you.
40:22 Don't take me back there, please.
40:25 [♪♪♪]
40:31 Sister Sugan, say something, will you?
40:36 [♪♪♪]
40:43 [♪♪♪]
40:48 [♪♪♪]
40:53 Ali!
40:55 [♪♪♪]
40:58 Brother!
41:00 [♪♪♪]
41:04 He's going to kill me!
41:06 Oh, calm down, dear. Stop your crying, come on.
41:09 No, Elphont!
41:11 Stop it! Elphont!
41:13 Basir, don't!
41:15 Elphont! Basir! Elphont!
41:17 Don't! Elphont!
41:19 That's Basir! That's Basir! He has a weapon!
41:23 [sobs]
41:25 Please don't do this!
41:27 [screams]
41:29 [sobs]
41:32 Get in the car now!
41:34 Hurry, hurry, hurry!
41:36 [♪♪♪]
41:46 [♪♪♪]
41:59 Oh, damn, Nagmeh, I don't want to be seen.
42:01 Okay.
42:03 [♪♪♪]
42:13 [♪♪♪]
42:23 [♪♪♪]
42:33 [♪♪♪]
42:43 [♪♪♪]
42:53 [♪♪♪]
43:03 [♪♪♪]