• last year
You Are Mine Episode 4 (English Dubbed)
00:00 (Music)
00:10 (Music)
00:20 What's going on? What is this girl doing here?
00:27 What kind of people are you?
00:30 Don't you have any compassion? You were about to cause this poor girl to die.
00:35 Hey, slow down there, little lady. How dare you speak like that?
00:39 You are talking in front of Mrs. Barragat.
00:42 And so what? Should I stay quiet about what you did?
00:45 Look at me. You show some respect. Or else...
00:48 What are you going to do, huh? Go on, tell me.
00:51 Are you going to put me to death, too?
00:53 Stop speaking nonsense. No one is sending Elvon to her death.
00:57 We were just going to hide her until everything settled down.
01:01 What you're saying does not make any sense.
01:04 You knew that her brother was following her.
01:06 And what she was going to face whenever she left here.
01:10 Now you're going too far. No one can speak to me like that at my house.
01:17 You haven't even looked at me since I got here.
01:20 And you say you didn't want me here each chance you had.
01:23 And I never even said anything. I always showed you respect.
01:27 But what you're doing is too much.
01:30 You are ruining a very young person's life.
01:32 And I... I won't let that happen.
01:35 Come with me, Elvon.
01:41 Sefika.
01:43 You take Elvon to her room.
01:48 Oh no.
01:49 I don't trust you.
01:52 She's going to stay with me until Echdair comes.
01:54 You have no right to insist.
01:56 Okay, Sefika. Drop it.
01:58 And everyone back to work.
02:00 But you will stay right there.
02:14 Is it up to you to talk about justice in my house?
02:18 I have never had any problem with my rules.
02:21 And all my rules have always been valid.
02:23 Now that you brought this girl here, do you accept all of the consequences?
02:29 What's going on?
02:36 What's going on?
02:38 Echdair?
02:46 They were going to give Elvon to her brother.
02:49 What?
02:50 And why would you send her back?
02:55 I gave the girl shelter.
02:57 And how could you do this?
02:59 Why did you go behind my back?
03:01 The final decisions are mine to give.
03:04 Did you forget this, Echdair?
03:06 Hattise!
03:14 I'm here, sir.
03:16 Take Elvon to her room.
03:18 Mother, can we talk now?
03:34 You wait here, please.
03:38 That Istanbul girl is smart.
03:46 She brought Elvon here as if she had a right.
03:49 So, we are back at the start.
03:52 Oh, be quiet, Gulay. Go do something.
03:56 Mother, how could you do this without telling me?
04:08 You're not behaving like my son,
04:10 screaming and not obeying his mother and her customs.
04:13 Are you still my Echdair?
04:15 You know how much I respect you,
04:16 but it doesn't suit us not to help a poor person
04:19 who is in such bad need of help.
04:21 What's happened to you?
04:23 Is that girl from Istanbul turning your mind?
04:25 She is putting walls between us.
04:27 What does this have to do with her?
04:29 You wouldn't have disobeyed if she was gone.
04:31 And this Elvon issue would have ended.
04:33 She entrusted her life to me,
04:35 but you were sending her off to her death.
04:38 So you believe what your crazy wife says.
04:41 I am not putting anyone to death.
04:43 I sent her to the village so that she could hide a while.
04:46 But now, your wife exaggerated the issue and made a big fuss.
04:49 Mother, that girl is defenseless.
04:51 Her brother is after her.
04:53 How could you send her away?
04:56 Instead of thanking me for concealing your mistakes,
04:59 you question me?
05:00 I can't believe your lack of respect.
05:02 I may have made a mistake before.
05:05 It was a mistake. It's done.
05:07 And I do not want this humiliating,
05:10 dishonored, miserable girl in my house.
05:14 Elvon is under my protection.
05:16 When she feels safe and wants to go,
05:18 then she may leave as she likes.
05:20 But your mother, never do a thing without telling me.
05:24 You don't have to worry about Elvon.
05:46 She's safe now.
05:49 Is that all you have to say?
05:52 What do you expect me to say?
06:07 Would it mean anything anymore?
06:09 You took your wedding ring off of your finger.
06:12 You didn't listen to me.
06:14 You gave up on me because of a mistake in my past.
06:17 And yes, I made a mistake.
06:20 But you weren't even in my life when that happened.
06:23 I sheltered the girl because her brother would kill her.
06:27 I wish that day never happened.
06:30 I would take it back if I could.
06:34 But I can't change the past.
06:37 I love you so much, Nagme.
06:46 So much.
06:48 But now, it has to be your decision.
06:57 I can't force you to stay here.
07:01 And it is all up to you.
07:12 Stay if you want.
07:15 Leave if you want.
07:21 Go.
07:24 [music]
07:27 Well, you don't have to be worried.
07:54 Edgedare didn't beg Nagme to stay around.
07:58 He said, "Stay if you want."
08:00 And he told her to go and stay if you want to stay.
08:04 You should have seen the look on Nagme's face.
08:07 She was so shocked.
08:09 I guess she thought he was going to beg her to stay here.
08:13 So, what will happen now?
08:17 Do you think that she's going to go?
08:20 We can't know what they will do.
08:22 He is angry right now.
08:24 But if he grows calmer, she will come back to him.
08:27 It is obvious from her look.
08:29 We have to think of something.
08:32 We can't let them make peace again.
08:34 And this issue must stop right here.
08:37 She should pack her things and go away now.
08:40 Look, Mother.
08:42 This might be the last chance that we have.
08:44 If she permanently stays,
08:47 we will never be able to send her away for good ever again.
08:52 Take this key.
09:13 And open up the bride's room.
09:17 Tell Sucron to prepare it as if a bride is going to move in.
09:22 Make sure she does it correctly.
09:24 What do you mean?
09:27 Are we going to accept the city girl?
09:30 Are we going to let her run the house then?
09:32 Not for the girl from Istanbul.
09:34 For Elvan.
09:35 Yet do it so that she can see.
09:37 I am sure that it will do the trick.
09:41 Go on. Get it started.
09:45 You are such a smart woman.
09:50 We will see how long you can stand a situation like this, you girl from the city.
10:04 (Horse neighing)
10:08 And so this is the bride's room?
10:16 Mm.
10:17 Ah, Mrs. Baraket prepared this room with such excitement.
10:22 She was going to choose the bride herself.
10:25 And open the doors with praying.
10:28 That's not how it happened.
10:30 This chance is for Elvan.
10:32 That village girl is so lucky.
10:35 But she should be thankful.
10:37 And she has Nagme to thank.
10:39 Don't you talk such nonsense.
10:41 Just because we sheltered her, it doesn't mean she'll run this house.
10:46 She will be the bride for now.
10:49 But when we are done with her, she will go back there.
10:52 To the trash where she's from and where she should end up forever.
10:58 Go on. Get back to your work.
11:01 I will open this chest right now.
11:03 Take out the dowry and I will bring everything for you.
11:07 (Gasp)
11:13 Oh, look at these lovely things.
11:17 We'll never see things like this.
11:20 I can't force you to stay here.
11:30 You decide.
11:32 Leave if you want.
11:34 Stay if you want.
11:36 You decide.
11:38 Go.
11:39 Look at all this preparation.
11:41 Cupboards and these chests full of things.
11:44 This is bursa silk.
11:46 I'm jealous.
11:48 I'm going to ask my mother to prepare for me too.
11:50 Well, she is the daughter of the great Mrs. Baraket.
11:54 So she can't sleep in rags now, can she?
11:57 Of course she will sleep on silk sheets.
12:01 Well, the bride is very lucky.
12:04 Look how beautiful all these are.
12:08 Mother Baraket got bed sheets that are prepared and fitted for a queen, didn't she?
12:13 Just look at the lacework on this gown here.
12:23 A person wouldn't dare wear it.
12:27 I am certain Mother Baraket had it all made.
12:31 It is time to use them now, she said.
12:34 Prepare the room with your hands, she must have said.
12:37 Did Mrs. Baraket say all that?
12:42 She was just screaming moments ago.
12:46 I'm just surprised that she...
12:48 That she accepted everything that has happened, you know?
12:53 Well, you understood wrong.
12:58 You know everything in here is for Elvan.
13:02 It was you who brought her back.
13:05 From now on, Elvan will stay here in the bride's room.
13:11 And it was planned for someone else.
13:18 I think that she is upset.
13:34 And now it looks like she will go run complaining her head off to Edgedare.
13:39 Here, take this.
13:42 You should knock on the door first and then come in.
14:00 Didn't your mother raise you with manners?
14:03 That is enough. Stop trying to make me angry.
14:06 What are you talking about?
14:08 That's why you opened the bride's room.
14:10 You are trying to make me give up.
14:12 You want me to get angry and leave.
14:15 But don't you get your hopes up.
14:17 Things that you do, they're not going to affect me.
14:20 And they will not affect my decisions.
14:23 It is Edgedare who will decide whether or not you stay here.
14:28 You are only a short-term wonder for him.
14:32 Only another mistake that he has made.
14:35 So he will soon send you to Istanbul.
14:38 Are you even aware of what you are saying?
14:40 We're already married. I am far beyond being a wonder.
14:45 Those papers you signed won't change the reality.
14:48 What reality are you talking about?
14:51 I'm talking about Elvan.
14:55 Elvan was a mistake for Edgedare. And she will always be that.
14:59 Is that what you think?
15:02 What are you trying to imply?
15:04 If I were you, I wouldn't be so sure of Edgedare.
15:07 After all, he's a man. You weren't expecting him to say he loved her.
15:11 He probably said what he had to say.
15:14 Mrs. Barakat, may I come in?
15:22 It's not the right time, Tayyar.
15:25 Mrs. Barakat, I urgently need some money.
15:29 I said it's not the right time, Tayyar.
15:31 (Sighs)
15:33 Shh! Hey, get up.
15:52 We're going. I can't stand sitting here.
15:54 Where are we going, Basir?
15:56 Where do you think, man? To Mr. Edgedare's giant farm.
15:59 I'll knock on his door, get Elvan, and purify my honor.
16:03 Have you lost your mind? Do you think that they'll give her to you?
16:06 I know that they're not going to give her over.
16:09 But if the three of us go to their door with guns,
16:12 then we'll see if they have the guts to keep her there.
16:16 Basir, okay, we are three men, but God knows how many they have.
16:20 That family's very rich. They'll throw us out the front door.
16:23 God knows how many men they have. Let's make another plan, please.
16:26 Dude, we can't make any other plans.
16:28 And I've been keeping my head down since the day Fayyaz brought Elvan back.
16:32 Plus, people have been gossiping.
16:34 Now what should I do, huh? I'll purify my honor. You understand?
16:39 One who stands up with anger will fall with loss, so let's sit and make a good plan.
16:44 Listen.
16:46 Are you coming with me or not? Tell me that.
16:55 Yeah, and I thought you two were men.
16:58 Basir, so how does this prove that we are men?
17:03 You should have watched out for his sister from the beginning.
17:22 From now on, you are going to stay right here.
17:25 Put your stuff down.
17:28 But of course, you're not staying.
17:31 Oh.
17:33 But if you want to stay here forever, you need to use your head, girl.
17:38 You need to be on good terms with me, and you will do as I say, okay?
17:48 Mother Barakat kept this room closed for several years.
17:52 And this room is for her daughter-in-law. She never let anyone else in.
17:57 And now that you have arrived...
17:59 Excuse me.
18:01 Can you leave us alone for a second?
18:03 I have some things to say to Elvan right now.
18:08 You can talk. I am not a stranger.
18:12 No, please. I am asking you. Go outside.
18:16 I'm going anyway.
18:18 Now speak. Tell me.
18:31 What do you want me to say?
18:34 I want to hear the truth from you now.
18:37 What went on between you and Ejder?
18:44 [Elvan's voice]
18:46 Ask if I had spent a day without Ejder?
18:53 So you're telling me that you were close?
18:57 We grew up together.
18:59 We spent our childhood playing in the olive groves.
19:04 We would walk in the countryside.
19:08 We used to pick the olives. I was so happy.
19:12 Then he went to Istanbul to study.
19:15 That was the first time we were apart.
19:19 I used to wait eagerly...
19:23 for the day he returned on summer holidays.
19:26 We used to hug so tightly on the nights he returned.
19:31 He's been in my life forever.
19:34 He taught me love, being loved, and life.
19:39 I experienced everything. And with him.
19:42 So then it wasn't just a single night between you two, is that it?
19:48 A single night?
19:51 We spent many months.
19:53 And we shared many years together.
19:56 It wasn't days and nights.
19:58 Don't you understand what I mean?
20:00 We loved each other.
20:02 Then you broke us up.
20:04 You came along and totally confused him.
20:07 And obviously, he wanted to spend some time with you.
20:11 And if you weren't here, I wouldn't have gone through all of these things.
20:15 Edgder was going to marry me.
20:17 But nothing is over.
20:21 There has always been a connection between me and Edgder.
20:25 That you can never separate.
20:27 He is going to get bored of you.
20:30 He never gave up on me.
20:33 He never will.
20:37 I'm sorry.
20:40 I'm sorry.
20:42 There has always been a connection between me and Edgder.
20:56 That you can never separate.
20:58 He is going to get bored of you.
21:00 He never gave up on me.
21:06 He never will.
21:08 Edgder!
21:09 What did you say to make her act like that?
21:12 You were trying to get rid of her, isn't that right?
21:20 Well, you've almost won.
21:23 I over exaggerated every single word.
21:25 I told her I had endless history with Edgder.
21:27 And that he adored me.
21:29 And that she was nothing but a toy for him.
21:31 And that he would eventually return himself to me.
21:36 Girl, what an evil thing you really are.
21:39 Was she convinced?
21:43 And would she leave the room like that?
21:46 What if Edgder finds out about your lies though?
21:50 And he will find out.
21:53 And he'll make you very sorry for lying to him.
21:56 I risked even death when I came.
21:59 So he can kill me.
22:03 I'm ready to die in his arms.
22:06 Well, well.
22:10 How courageous you are.
22:13 He went to kill her himself.
22:25 Is it easy to kill a person?
22:27 You'll see he'll be calling us from prison tonight, huh?
22:30 I'm sure that he is in big trouble by now.
22:32 The Seer's a crazy man.
22:34 He'll do whatever he's obsessed with.
22:36 What if he does kill her?
22:38 It's good we didn't go.
22:40 So you've decided to leave.
23:01 I have nothing to say to you.
23:03 And you lied to me.
23:05 You lied to me by looking into my eyes.
23:08 Why did I even trust you?
23:12 Why did I believe you?
23:14 My mother was right.
23:15 I made a big mistake.
23:17 What are you saying?
23:20 What lie are you talking about?
23:22 You said it was a one night affair.
23:24 You said everything was left in the past.
23:27 [♪♪♪]
23:56 Hello, welcome.
23:57 Bags are in the back.
23:59 There's more in there.
24:04 Okay, sir, I'll get them.
24:08 Come on, all of us, move it.
24:10 I'll get that, Ollie.
24:11 No, wait, sir, I've got it. It's my duty.
24:13 They're not heavy anyway.
24:15 You had a relationship for years.
24:23 You were in love with each other.
24:25 Everyone knows about your affair.
24:28 Even your mother.
24:30 That's why everyone is eager for me to leave this place.
24:34 No one wants me in this house, nobody.
24:37 And just who told you all of this nonsense?
24:40 Your forever love, Elvonne.
24:42 And you believed her?
24:46 You preferred to believe her rather than to believe me?
24:49 That's enough.
24:51 I don't want to hear any more lies.
24:53 More lies, huh?
24:55 Of course, you were waiting to hear them, weren't you?
24:58 And now you have an excuse.
25:00 You didn't even ask me if they were true or not.
25:03 Come.
25:06 Let go of me. Stop, stop it.
25:09 Let's see if Elvonne can tell me whatever it is she told you.
25:15 [Footsteps]
25:17 Basir?
25:42 Elvonne!
25:44 No, no!
25:46 Don't move or I'll shoot!
25:48 [Gunshot]
25:49 Help, help!
25:51 Elvonne!
25:57 Where the hell are you, Elvonne?
25:59 Where's Elvonne?
26:02 Where's Elvonne?
26:03 Where is she?
26:05 [Screams]
26:06 Don't come near her!
26:09 Elvonne!
26:11 [Footsteps]
26:13 No, Edgdare!
26:18 Edgdare, take this.
26:27 Help me! Someone help me!
26:32 Edgdare, Edgdare, please save me! He's coming!
26:40 Edgdare!
26:41 Basir!
26:44 Put that gun down.
26:51 She embarrassed us all, Edgdare. I'm going to kill her.
26:56 Edgdare, I beg you, don't leave me.
26:59 Basir, I said put it down.
27:06 I don't want to shoot you.
27:10 [Gunshot]
27:11 As you wish.
27:17 Nagvi!
27:24 Nagvi!
27:26 Tell me, huh? You're wife or Elvonne? Huh?
27:32 Make your decision!
27:34 You decide!
27:38 [Crying]
27:40 Edgdare, you hurt him.
27:45 Give him the girl.
27:49 Listen to your mother's word.
27:54 Give me the girl, Edgdare!
27:56 [Crying]
27:59 [Crying]
28:08 No one can interfere! Give me Elvonne!
28:12 Okay. Calm down.
28:17 I'll shoot anyone who even moves now!
28:20 Now you tell me! Is it your wife or Elvonne?
28:24 I'm going to give you Elvonne.
28:28 No, Edgdare, no!
28:29 Nobody touch me! Don't move!
28:32 No, Edgdare, no!
28:34 Elvonne! Elvonne! Don't move!
28:37 Let Nagvi go!
28:39 No, no!
28:41 Come on! Come on!
28:43 No, Edgdare! No!
28:46 No!
28:47 Stay right there!
29:01 Don't shoot!
29:04 I'm not going to harm anyone. I came for Basir.
29:08 Take this dog away.
29:15 I don't want to see you here again.
29:16 Did you hear me, man?
29:18 You're going to leave Elvonne alone.
29:22 Nagvi, are you okay?
29:39 Oh, Elvonne!
29:44 Elvonne!
29:45 Okay, move! Move away!
29:49 Elvonne! Elvonne, open your eyes!
29:53 Someone bring Cologne!
29:55 Will you get it? Come on!
29:59 Come on!
30:07 Elvonne, open your eyes!
30:09 Open your eyes!
30:11 [breathing heavily]
30:14 [breathing heavily]
30:42 Oh, gosh! Can you believe all that?
30:45 Your brother looked so scary and mad.
30:47 I got so scared. What if something had happened?
30:50 God blessed us with mercy. Thank God.
30:52 Remember how Edgdare protected you?
30:59 He was such a man.
31:00 He stood in front of the gun but didn't let go.
31:03 Mother Barakat raised up a decent son.
31:06 And he had said such words that
31:10 a stranger would think that his wife is you rather than Nagmi.
31:13 Ah well, you get some rest.
31:17 And he said such words that
31:29 a stranger would think that his wife is you rather than Nagmi.
31:32 [music]
31:34 Okay, this is over.
31:52 You need a divorce now.
31:54 No, mom. I can't divorce him.
31:57 Because I still love him.
32:01 I don't want to get divorced.
32:03 Honey, then why did you come here?
32:05 Huh? What do you want?
32:07 I don't know.
32:09 All I know is that I don't want to be away from him.
32:13 But he's so far away.
32:15 [crying]
32:19 [crying]
32:21 You see what happened?
32:34 See the trouble the village girl caused us?
32:37 It is not right for Elvan to stay here, Edgdare.
32:40 She needs to leave this house.
32:42 Is her life more important than ours?
32:46 We talked about this already.
32:48 I have to protect the girl.
32:50 She's going to stay longer.
32:53 That's all I will say.
32:55 Is it worth it to deny what I say?
32:58 The other one left.
33:00 You can see what value she gave to you.
33:03 Mother, enough!
33:05 Please leave me alone.
33:07 I don't want to be rude.
33:09 Edgdare, end this issue before it gets any worse.
33:15 I can't end it, Mom.
33:17 I cannot.
33:21 Don't you understand?
33:24 I love her.
33:28 She went through hard times.
33:30 A gun was pointed at her head today.
33:33 Maybe she needs some time.
33:36 That girl is not suitable.
33:39 Everyone has their match.
33:41 Let her be happy where she belongs.
33:44 She can't be without me.
33:46 I can't be without her.
33:49 Yes, send me the divorce files as soon as possible.
33:59 Yes, I know that we need Nogme's signature.
34:04 Of course, you send me the files as soon as possible.
34:07 I have to hang up now. Okay.
34:10 Okay.
34:11 Okay.
34:12 Honey!
34:14 It's all over.
34:21 Don't be upset.
34:23 The Istanbul girl finally went.
34:35 We got rid of her.
34:38 We are kind of done with Elvan as well.
34:41 We need to send her away soon too.
34:43 Or else she will cause us trouble.
34:45 We can't send Elvan anywhere.
34:47 Why are you saying that?
34:49 Her scumbag brother has become an enemy to us.
34:52 He is so furious.
34:54 He could do something again.
34:56 I have two children and may God protect them forever.
34:59 That girl is going to stay here, Safika.
35:01 I said she's staying.
35:03 Do you really think I want that girl in this house?
35:06 You think I don't think about you and my grandchildren,
35:09 but I can't make Ejder listen.
35:11 Let's see what other problems he will bring.
35:14 Let's just do what Ejder wants.
35:16 Let Elvan stay longer and maybe she'll be useful.
35:20 Don't you see Ejder's mind is still on Nogme?
35:24 He can go and bring the girl back here any minute.
35:28 (Sigh)
35:30 Tell me, why did Elvan's brother want to try and kill her?
35:40 Well, I guess it was to keep his honor.
35:44 What does honor mean?
35:46 Look, don't think about all this.
35:51 Continue with your drawing.
35:56 I spoke with my brother and we need to increase the security here.
36:00 He finds us two men, reliable men.
36:02 They need to guard the gate.
36:04 They should prevent anyone from coming in here.
36:06 Sounds like a plan.
36:08 Uncle, I will guard the gate and I won't let anyone in.
36:12 Oh, really? You've become a big man, haven't you?
36:16 Of course I am, just like my uncle Ejder.
36:19 Take that!
36:20 Oh, I'm shot!
36:21 I wasn't holding a gun. How did you get shot?
36:24 You mustn't hold one.
36:26 Guns are not for children.
36:28 I'll tell my dad and he'll buy me a gun.
36:30 Oh, yeah? But a toy gun, though.
36:32 He will, when I'm all grown up.
36:35 Come here! Put down your gun!
36:40 Don't run! Don't run!
36:42 Come here! Put down your gun!
36:45 Don't run! Don't run!
36:47 Don't run!
36:49 I got shot! I'm down!
36:54 Tahir!
36:56 Why are you in the dirt?
36:58 Didn't I just dress you up right now?
37:00 How quickly you've gotten filthy!
37:02 It's okay, my dear.
37:04 And don't yell at him.
37:10 He's just playing.
37:15 Mind your own business.
37:17 Come inside!
37:22 Come inside!
37:23 We are going to change your clothes.
37:25 I don't want to.
37:26 Don't you answer back to me!
37:28 You have to do as I say. Now move!
37:30 I don't care. I'm going to stay.
37:32 I said get inside now!
37:34 My arm hurts. Let go of me, Mom.
37:37 You're hurting me.
37:39 Move!
37:40 I don't care. I don't want to change my clothes.
37:43 Don't make me.
37:44 Come on! As if I'm bathing you right here.
37:46 Move it!
37:47 I'm not going to change my clothes.
37:49 Tahir, don't make me angry. Now get upstairs!
37:51 But I don't want to.
37:53 I said move it along!
37:55 Move it!
37:57 She made the kid cry again.
37:59 I've never seen her kiss and hug that little boy at all.
38:03 What kind of heart does she have?
38:05 You mustn't say that, Hatice.
38:07 You should pity her.
38:08 Why should I?
38:09 Don't you see what she does to the little boy all day, my dear Sucron?
38:13 Oh, Safika is not a bad mother.
38:16 Honey, it's not easy.
38:18 You know that she lost her own child.
38:20 She loved Tahir so much that if a needle touched his finger,
38:24 she would sit all day long and cry for him.
38:27 I think she's scared to love the boy too much.
38:30 Yeah, right. As if she behaves like this only to Tahir.
38:33 She does the same to Daphne.
38:35 Look, as I said, she became like this when she lost Tahir.
38:38 She can't show her love to her children
38:40 because there's a fear of losing them again.
38:42 Otherwise, Safika is a nice woman.
38:45 Some people become like this when they lose children.
38:47 Oh, well, I don't know that.
38:50 Oh, Sucron, sweetheart, I think she has a temperature.
38:53 Are you serious?
38:55 Feel her head.
38:57 I better go and give her medicine right away.
39:00 If you didn't worry about the boy so much,
39:15 Safika wouldn't be so bad.
39:17 Am I wrong?
39:21 Let's live our own life all is dear.
39:23 Wouldn't it be nice if we had a child?
39:26 If I give birth to a son, you will kiss and hug him more.
39:29 Listen, Zamal, can't you hear the boy crying?
39:40 Your wife, Safika, is not a child.
39:42 I told you not to be so strict.
39:44 I can't stand seeing him like this anymore.
39:46 Is this why you took my child from me?
39:48 Besame, will you please be quiet?
39:50 Shush. The boy is going to hear you and go into shock.
39:53 That bitch, Safika, has already shocked the boy.
39:56 If you care about Tahir so much, Zamal,
39:58 then don't let Safika make him upset.
40:00 You take care of him.
40:02 Look, Besame, thank God we raised Tahir up to be this age.
40:06 And now, for God's sake, don't start blaming us
40:09 for not being able to raise him up.
40:11 Don't start blaming us because he cried a few tears.
40:14 Okay? I'll go and talk with Safika. I'll go.
40:17 So just calm down, okay? Just calm down.
40:20 I want to wear this shirt.
40:29 No, you're not. You take it off. I said take it off!
40:32 I said be quiet!
40:39 Safika! Safika, what are you doing?
40:41 Safika, what are you doing?
40:43 He's gotten all filthy, and he's gotten me into trouble, too.
40:46 Everyone hears you downstairs.
40:48 You have caused enough of a disturbance. I said that is enough.
40:51 Oh, for God's sake! I said for you to wear this one!
40:54 God's sakes, move away! You move away!
40:57 What is your problem?
41:00 How many times have I told you not to make this boy cry
41:02 and to stop pushing him around, huh?
41:04 How many times have I said this?
41:06 He's a crybaby. What can I do?
41:08 Crybaby? As if I don't know my wife?
41:10 As if I don't know you?
41:12 Now take your medicine and go to bed!
41:17 Don't make me lose my...
41:19 You are making me angry.
41:24 They are putting you against me, aren't they?
41:26 God knows what they're saying. You keep getting frustrated.
41:30 Safika, go outside.
41:36 Dad, I didn't do anything.
41:38 My mom got angry again.
41:40 I was just having fun with my Uncle Alice.
41:42 Don't cry, my son. I'm not angry. Don't you worry.
41:45 I'm not angry with you, little man.
41:47 Come here, my little man. Come here, you.
41:49 Come here right now. Yes, you come here to me.
41:52 It's okay. It's okay, all right? It's okay.
41:55 Sukron, get outside.
42:03 I said get outside!
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42:45 This envelope is for you, ma'am.
42:47 Thank you so much.
42:48 It's my pleasure. Have a good evening.
42:49 Thank you.
42:50 Who was that, Mom?
43:01 Only a bellman. He came to the wrong door.
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