FOMC Effect, Rupiah Menguat Meyakikan ke Rp15.600 per USD

  • 6 months ago
Rupiah menguat signifikan, dan kembali ke level Rp15.600 per dolar Amerika Serikat di tengah sikap Dovish The Fed di sepanjang 2024. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Kamis siang tadi, rupiah masih menguat signifikan di 0,53% di level Rp15.645 per dolar Amerika Serikat.


00:00 We move to the information of other trading indicators, where the Rupiah has strengthened significantly and returned to the level of 15,600 USD
00:08 in the middle of the Dovis-Defed's trend throughout 2024.
00:12 Quoted from the RIA to our trading earlier this afternoon, the Rupiah still strengthened significantly at 0.53% at the level of 15,645 USD.
00:22 Even intraday, the Rupiah was strengthened to 15,620 USD.
00:28 Where before, in our trading this morning, the Rupiah has been strengthened at 0.38% at the level of 15,680 USD.
00:39 The Rupiah's strengthening in the middle of the global market felt a great relief after FOMC-Defed gave a clarification about the prospect of a decline in the flower this year with a three-fold gap.
00:51 Meanwhile, the decision to maintain the Fed Fund Rate at 5.5% has been predicted by the market players and a number of previous economists.
00:59 Let's just see how the Rupiah exchange rate moves towards a number of major currency.
01:06 If you watch the graph on your television screen, you can see that the Rupiah movement towards the US Dollar seems to be able to sustain at 15,600, precisely at 15,668 Rupiah.
01:20 Then towards the Euro at 17,084 Rupiah, the Pound Sterling at 20,043 Rupiah, then towards the Japanese at 103.73 Rupiah.
01:30 [MUSIC]