• 6 months ago


00:00:00 The second commitment ceremony of the experiment is just hours away.
00:00:07 With intimacy week coming to an end for some of our couples, the week has helped them reach
00:00:12 a new level in their relationship.
00:00:14 You awake?
00:00:15 Mm-hmm.
00:00:16 How are you feeling?
00:00:17 Good.
00:00:18 Relaxed.
00:00:19 You want me to make you breakfast?
00:00:20 Uh, Alyssa, that would be lovely.
00:00:21 Thank you.
00:00:22 After Jesse accused Claire of cheating with Adam, intimacy week has resulted in a major
00:00:34 turnaround for the couple.
00:00:36 I just like...
00:00:39 Yeah, I slept okay.
00:00:42 Our feet touched for a second.
00:00:44 I was like, "Oh!"
00:00:45 Our feet touched.
00:00:46 Are you not a foot person?
00:00:47 No, I'm okay.
00:00:48 I was just like...
00:00:49 I was actually more thinking like, "Oh, is she not a foot person?
00:00:56 Like, is she going to wake up and be like, 'Oh, our feet are touching his feet.
00:01:00 Yuck.'"
00:01:01 No, I'm such a foot person.
00:01:02 Okay, cool.
00:01:03 I think we're making really, really good progress.
00:01:06 We're really just enjoying each other's company and really bouncing off each other.
00:01:11 So, tell me about marriage.
00:01:14 We had such a nice night last night at the dinner party.
00:01:17 Like, great that for once the drama wasn't about Jesse and I.
00:01:21 The sage worked, obviously, so great.
00:01:26 For Bronte and Harrison, their journey in the experiment hasn't been easy.
00:01:31 And at last night's dinner party, Harrison admitted he had taken another woman's number
00:01:37 on a night out with some of the boys.
00:01:39 Some girls came up to us at a bar.
00:01:42 She goes, "You're so hot.
00:01:43 Can I get your number?"
00:01:44 And I said, "No, but I'll take yours."
00:01:46 Oh, Harrison.
00:01:47 Are you going to let me finish the story?
00:01:50 No, that's shit.
00:01:51 What did you make of all that stuff last night about Harrison getting the girl's number?
00:01:59 Oh, yeah.
00:02:00 Look, it doesn't bother me.
00:02:04 It's just a number.
00:02:05 He says he deleted it.
00:02:07 I've been in that situation before, and the only reason I've ever given my number away
00:02:12 is so that the person just leaves me alone.
00:02:14 I get it.
00:02:16 Yeah, all right.
00:02:18 He probably should have said, "Hey, I'm married," but it's a lesson.
00:02:23 Finally, I did a party where I got along with Bronte, and we had each other's backs, and
00:02:30 it was just all positive.
00:02:31 So, as a married man, do you think you should be taking on people's phone numbers?
00:02:37 Oh, look, no.
00:02:38 But I just didn't want to reject the girl.
00:02:41 You know?
00:02:43 So...
00:02:44 I handled that situation as best I could at the time, and Bronte understands that.
00:02:51 It is what it is.
00:02:53 So, for me, it's over.
00:02:56 However, Bronte and Harrison weren't the only couple affected by the events at last night's
00:03:04 dinner party.
00:03:05 Yeah, last night was a bit of a big one.
00:03:10 Yeah, I definitely wasn't expecting that at all.
00:03:14 Janelle overheard me telling Adam about those girls on Saturday night, and I just told them
00:03:21 that we deleted their numbers as soon as we walked off.
00:03:24 I didn't even take their number, so it was fine.
00:03:26 It was weird.
00:03:27 Yeah.
00:03:28 After some miscommunication, Harrison allowed the group to think it was Dan who had taken
00:03:34 a woman's number.
00:03:36 Did you get someone's number in Bondi?
00:03:38 No, no.
00:03:39 I couldn't imagine you doing that.
00:03:40 No, not at all.
00:03:41 Damaging Sandy's trust.
00:03:43 Absolutely I didn't get a girl's number.
00:03:45 No, absolutely not.
00:03:46 No, that would be f***ing stupid.
00:03:48 The reason I'm getting so hyper...
00:03:51 Like, I'm getting so triggered right now is because I like you.
00:03:55 And then I'm hearing this shit.
00:03:57 Of course I'm going to react.
00:03:58 What do you want me to do?
00:03:59 I was upset last night.
00:04:01 I was not in a good place.
00:04:03 I've, you know, lashed out a little bit because I really like this person.
00:04:09 And I don't want to become more vulnerable with someone who isn't in the same place that I'm in.
00:04:15 That's what I'm struggling with right now.
00:04:17 Where is Dan at?
00:04:18 I can't have you back if you're at bars giving people your number or taking numbers from girls.
00:04:23 But I wasn't.
00:04:24 So that's the thing, but you were with Harrison.
00:04:26 Oh my God.
00:04:27 And Harrison is saying that he got a girl's number.
00:04:30 And he's also saying that he got a girl's number.
00:04:33 If he didn't do it, why is he saying it?
00:04:35 He must have done it.
00:04:37 Why would you say that?
00:04:38 I don't know why he would say that.
00:04:40 I don't understand.
00:04:41 I don't understand the stuff that Harrison says, right?
00:04:43 It was just as shocking for me as what it was for Sandy as well.
00:04:49 To me it was just an innocent drink at a bar.
00:04:55 So I'm a bit mad, a bit angry, a bit pissed off.
00:04:59 Harrison breaking down our relationship into that situation is not on.
00:05:04 I really feel that Harrison crossed the line there.
00:05:09 So you can't blame me if someone's saying those exact words.
00:05:13 I at least am listening to it.
00:05:14 But I'm not saying I'm believing it.
00:05:16 But it's still a lot.
00:05:18 Like someone says that to you and you're just like, "Oh, hang on a second.
00:05:20 Here I am thinking everything's going well, everything's great."
00:05:24 And then I'm there and they're saying this stuff to me.
00:05:26 I'm like, "Wait, what? Am I an idiot?"
00:05:29 Nothing happened.
00:05:30 Yeah, so at least we're on the same page with that.
00:05:32 That you would believe that that's not acceptable behaviour for someone who's married.
00:05:36 Absolutely. 100%.
00:05:37 We both agree on that. 100%. No doubt.
00:05:41 I have my own, obviously, you know, trust issues.
00:05:48 But so far his actions say that he's a truthful person and I can trust him.
00:05:54 So I need to believe that what Dan is saying is true.
00:05:57 I just want to move past it.
00:05:58 If he didn't do it, that's all I'm focusing on at the moment.
00:06:02 And if I have any other reason to not believe it, then we'll have that chat.
00:06:06 I could give you a kiss, but I don't want none of that red lip he's had.
00:06:17 One for the party.
00:06:18 With the second commitment ceremony looming...
00:06:22 Are you going to miss me?
00:06:24 ...the couple soon decide whether they will continue in the experiment or leave.
00:06:28 All right.
00:06:30 Nice.
00:06:31 Here is to...
00:06:32 How hot you look.
00:06:34 Thank you.
00:06:36 Over at Melissa and Josh's apartment, things remain frosty between the pair,
00:06:41 with Melissa criticising Josh for his lack of physical intimacy.
00:06:46 You have a problem with intimacy, Josh, and I'm too much for you, and you don't know what to do.
00:06:52 I'm too much for you.
00:06:53 No, you-- I am, Josh, and I'm going to speak my truth for every goddamn woman in the world.
00:06:58 Oh, hallelujah!
00:06:59 You know, having someone personally attack you is not my idea of a relationship.
00:07:06 Are you ready to go?
00:07:08 Yeah, I'm ready.
00:07:09 You look nice.
00:07:11 Yeah, it's a different look.
00:07:13 You look very nice as well.
00:07:14 You know, look, there's been really great moments in this marriage.
00:07:18 When I turned around when I first saw Mel at the altar, I felt an instant connection.
00:07:22 I felt a calmness and a reassurance.
00:07:24 And there has been nice moments during intimacy.
00:07:28 Thor's hammer!
00:07:29 We had a lot of fun in our place, and a lot of laughs.
00:07:33 God, this is going to be big.
00:07:34 Just like Thor's hammer.
00:07:37 There's going to be a lot of Thor's hammer jokes here.
00:07:39 But each time when I think that we're about to get to a heart, it just goes down to a new depth.
00:07:45 You want to discuss before we go?
00:07:48 No, I'm good.
00:07:51 Yeah, I think it'll be a long night.
00:07:53 Yeah.
00:07:56 I feel like we're just in such an awkward space, you and I, now.
00:07:59 Mm.
00:08:01 Yeah, I agree.
00:08:02 I agree.
00:08:04 We are.
00:08:05 Yeah.
00:08:09 I don't know.
00:08:11 Do you think we can turn this around, or do you think this is toast, or how are you feeling?
00:08:17 I don't know.
00:08:18 Yeah, I'm not sure.
00:08:22 Yeah.
00:08:25 Caitlin and Shannon remain in separate apartments
00:08:34 after an eye-gazing task during intimacy week
00:08:38 left Shannon realising she's not alone.
00:08:43 The eye-gazing task,
00:08:45 left Shannon realising that Caitlin's not the woman he envisaged.
00:08:50 I thought you were going to come down that aisle, yeah, and completely blow me away.
00:08:54 Because I honestly, those things that I was saying about X, whatever,
00:08:59 I wouldn't have even contemplated of saying that.
00:09:02 I just would have just cut it.
00:09:05 (SOMBRE MUSIC)
00:09:07 This last week with Shannon, it's been horrendous.
00:09:14 The person I've seen this past week
00:09:18 is not someone that I want to be in a relationship with,
00:09:21 and it really has taken me by surprise.
00:09:24 I really do honestly think I've been nothing but good to him.
00:09:27 I don't think I could have done anything more.
00:09:31 So going into this next commitment ceremony,
00:09:34 I need to be assertive.
00:09:36 I need to hold him to accountability.
00:09:39 Because he has not treated me like I am a human that he is living with,
00:09:44 let alone a human he is married to.
00:09:46 I'm appalled.
00:09:48 I'm disgusted.
00:09:50 And I will not sit down and take this shit anymore.
00:09:53 I'm going in tonight and I'm going to show him that I am strong.
00:10:00 I am a strong woman.
00:10:01 I'm not here to play games.
00:10:03 Because I do deserve better.
00:10:06 - Hey, eh? - Greetings, gents.
00:10:23 - Hello, guys. - Evening. - Welcome.
00:10:25 Good to see you all.
00:10:29 Cheers.
00:10:30 - Greetings, ladies. - Hello, ladies. Come on in.
00:10:45 Go and grab a seat. Settle in.
00:10:50 Hello. How are you?
00:10:52 I'm good.
00:10:56 - Me too. - Thank you.
00:10:58 Welcome, everybody, to the second commitment ceremony.
00:11:03 Now, as you know already,
00:11:05 these moments during the experiment here
00:11:09 are the moments that we all have to remember.
00:11:12 And we all have to remember that.
00:11:15 These moments during the experiment here
00:11:18 are incredibly important to your overall progress
00:11:22 through this process.
00:11:24 Each time you sit with us, it will get harder.
00:11:27 We will ask more important questions, we will dig deeper,
00:11:31 and we will get to the bottom of what is going on in your relationships.
00:11:35 And make no mistake,
00:11:40 what we saw last night at the dinner party, frankly,
00:11:44 was very polarising.
00:11:46 And this tonight will be an occasion
00:11:49 where we will get to the bottom of things
00:11:52 and we will absolutely look at your behaviour in great detail.
00:11:57 No one is going to get away from this commitment ceremony
00:12:03 without taking accountability.
00:12:06 Our first couple up on the couch
00:12:12 are
00:12:13 Jessie and Claire.
00:12:17 - Hello. - Hello.
00:12:24 Well, this is a very different couple.
00:12:32 Have we actually met this pair?
00:12:34 Hi, I'm Claire. This is my husband, Jessie.
00:12:36 I feel like we need a reintroduction.
00:12:39 I know.
00:12:40 Wow. Can you help us understand this transformation in the two of you?
00:12:47 One thing I really liked what you said, John,
00:12:51 earlier in the experiment,
00:12:53 was you basically told me that I need to take charge.
00:12:56 Like, I pull back so that Claire can take to the stage
00:13:01 - and be her full self. - That's right.
00:13:03 And then you said I resent her for that.
00:13:05 I was like, holy... Yes, I do do that.
00:13:08 And there has been moments throughout this week
00:13:11 where I normally would have just not said anything,
00:13:15 but I've forced myself, in a good way, to contribute.
00:13:21 So we're now seeing your true self, your authentic self with her.
00:13:26 - It's a lot more. - Certainly.
00:13:28 A lot more.
00:13:30 Jessie, how would you describe the feelings you're starting to develop for Claire?
00:13:37 Hm.
00:13:38 I mean, I wouldn't have...
00:13:40 I wouldn't have reacted to certain things last week
00:13:45 if I wasn't feeling...
00:13:47 You know, if I wasn't feeling a certain way about Claire, so...
00:13:50 Yeah, I like her.
00:13:57 - You've got romantic feelings. - Yeah.
00:14:02 Yeah. And what about you, Claire?
00:14:05 What about you, Claire?
00:14:06 For me, I really am enjoying being in Jessie's company.
00:14:14 I enjoy our humour.
00:14:16 I enjoy the connection that we have built this far.
00:14:19 And so I'm hoping to explore that with more challenges that we get
00:14:23 and the more we progress in this, for sure.
00:14:26 Have you guys kissed?
00:14:32 No.
00:14:34 Not yet.
00:14:35 Why not?
00:14:37 Claire, are you physically attracted to Jessie?
00:14:40 Yes, I am.
00:14:42 Are you, Jessie, physically attracted to Claire?
00:14:45 Yes!
00:14:48 OK. I love the enthusiasm. That's good.
00:14:55 I can see you're looking forward to it.
00:14:59 You can see it on your horizon and you're looking forward to it.
00:15:03 I love this. The anticipation is building.
00:15:06 - It's going! - It's coming!
00:15:08 The progress here is just incredible.
00:15:12 It's so amazing to watch the two of you.
00:15:14 The change from last week.
00:15:16 Hopefully it's even better next week.
00:15:18 OK, well, let's go to the decision.
00:15:21 Claire.
00:15:23 I've seen the sides of Jessie that I really like
00:15:26 and for that reason, I wrote...
00:15:30 Stay and with a kiss, because hopefully we can have our first kiss on camera this week.
00:15:34 Ooh, first kiss is coming!
00:15:36 Are you, Jessie?
00:15:40 All right, stay.
00:15:46 Yes, you did.
00:15:48 Well, you two kids, I think this week's all about that connection.
00:15:57 Going deeper.
00:15:59 And if the first kiss happens this week, well, we won't be complaining either.
00:16:03 Have a great week.
00:16:06 Thank you.
00:16:08 I'm proud of us for the progress we've made.
00:16:13 Good job, guys.
00:16:15 I think that we've put in the hard work, we've taken the advice of the experts,
00:16:18 we've put it into motion and I'm really excited for the weekend.
00:16:21 Couldn't have put it better.
00:16:23 Couldn't have put it better.
00:16:24 Our next couple on the couch...
00:16:32 Bronte and Harrison.
00:16:37 Hello, you two.
00:16:47 Hello.
00:16:49 Guys, how are you going?
00:16:52 It's been an interesting week.
00:16:54 Bit of a 180 from both of us, really.
00:16:58 Obviously on the back of the last commitment ceremony, things weren't great for us.
00:17:05 At the time, I felt like I wasn't seeing the best side of Bronte.
00:17:19 I felt like there was a lot of deceit and disingenuousness going on in our relationship.
00:17:24 What changed for me, to Bronte's credit, she came and apologised and made amends.
00:17:32 And that was like an opportunity for me to show acceptance and forgiveness to Bronte.
00:17:38 And it fixed us.
00:17:42 Okay, well if we pivot now to the dinner party.
00:17:45 There was a lot that went on last night.
00:17:48 But one of the things that particularly came out was that we heard that Harrison had gone out with some people within the group here.
00:17:55 And Harrison got the number of a girl.
00:17:58 Harrison was a married man.
00:18:03 And he was a bit of a sissy.
00:18:07 Harrison was a married man. Why did you take the girl's number in the first place?
00:18:12 I just wanted the conversation over and done with.
00:18:16 I just wanted to navigate away from that without any conflict.
00:18:20 And I felt like, in the moment, I felt like I was just being sympathetic to her feelings.
00:18:24 How lovely of you.
00:18:26 Was there any part of you that thought, "I'm going to say no, I'm in a relationship, that would be inappropriate"?
00:18:35 Yes.
00:18:37 But?
00:18:45 Why didn't you act on that?
00:18:48 I just wanted to humour her.
00:18:52 I didn't want to escalate the situation and I just wanted to, I left after that.
00:18:57 Bronte, did that not make you question things?
00:19:03 Yeah. Look, I'm a very secure woman.
00:19:07 I know that women are going to hit on him. I get it. It's human nature, it happens. He's a good looking guy.
00:19:16 At the end of the day, I've got to build that trust and that's why I'm here.
00:19:24 And I'm choosing to trust him.
00:19:27 I'm choosing to do that.
00:19:31 I'm choosing to do that and if I keep having doubts, there's no point in me being here.
00:19:35 I don't get it. I actually don't get it.
00:19:41 So what you're saying is that because he's, to some people, good looking, it's not his fault?
00:19:49 I don't think that's what my wife's saying, no.
00:19:56 I'm asking her.
00:19:59 No, look, everybody's got responsibility and at the end of the day, it is up to Harrison to how he plays that out.
00:20:07 But I can't control every single situation.
00:20:11 I don't like it one bit.
00:20:16 I commend Bronte for being so secure in herself, but it just doesn't sit well with me at all.
00:20:23 It actually makes me sick to my stomach.
00:20:25 Yeah, me too.
00:20:28 I think it's a really simple thing to say, "Sorry, I'm married."
00:20:31 Thank you, no thank you.
00:20:33 There's intent behind taking someone's number and that speaks louder than, yeah, it just doesn't sit well with me.
00:20:40 Look, I get your point. I do.
00:20:55 I guess one of the questions I've got for you, Harrison, is why is it wrong when you're in a relationship to get the number of another girl?
00:21:02 It's, um…
00:21:11 I suppose it could be seen as a breach of trust.
00:21:23 [Music]
00:21:25 Suppose?
00:21:30 What do you think it is?
00:21:32 Well, I mean, I've explained the situation, I know that, but if I say to you, "Is this a behaviour that you see as a breach of trust?"
00:21:41 Um…
00:21:48 [Music]
00:21:50 Yes.
00:21:54 This guy's funny-ish.
00:22:00 Do you think you would have told her if the group hadn't started talking about it?
00:22:08 [Music]
00:22:12 I don't know.
00:22:13 [Music]
00:22:17 I don't know.
00:22:19 [Music]
00:22:22 I don't know.
00:22:24 [Music]
00:22:27 I don't know.
00:22:29 [Music]
00:22:31 I don't know.
00:22:33 [Music]
00:22:36 I don't know.
00:22:39 I don't know.
00:22:40 [Music]
00:22:43 At this stage, probably not.
00:22:51 [Music]
00:22:54 I didn't think anything good would come from it.
00:23:01 Under normal circumstances, I would have told her exactly what happened as soon as it happened.
00:23:08 But we're not there yet.
00:23:09 So…
00:23:11 Bronte…
00:23:14 Do you trust Harrison at this very moment?
00:23:18 [Music]
00:23:21 Yeah, I do.
00:23:30 I do.
00:23:32 [Music]
00:23:37 You know, Harrison and I have been through a lot.
00:23:39 And it's been a lot worse than a number.
00:23:43 And I'm here to learn to trust.
00:23:46 And yes, he's testing my limits 100%.
00:23:49 But I want him to want to be better.
00:23:52 And to want to be able to communicate those sort of things with me.
00:23:56 [Music]
00:23:58 Yeah, I'm trying.
00:24:00 I'm trying. I'm taking every day as it comes.
00:24:04 Because I feel like I'm seeing now, for the first time in a long time, the girl that I met at the wedding.
00:24:09 [Music]
00:24:11 You know, that girl…
00:24:17 That girl came back this week.
00:24:19 And I want more of that.
00:24:21 And I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust.
00:24:25 [Music]
00:24:27 We've just heard it.
00:24:33 We've just heard it.
00:24:34 You'll do whatever it takes.
00:24:37 [Music]
00:24:39 We are going to hold you to that.
00:24:42 You have got to do better.
00:24:45 There is a pattern there.
00:24:47 And you can make a choice, tonight, to do it different.
00:24:51 And that's what we want for you.
00:24:53 I'm not going out anymore.
00:24:56 I'm just staying home from now on.
00:24:59 That's not how you deal with it.
00:25:02 [Music]
00:25:03 Alright, decision time, you two.
00:25:05 Stay or leave, we'll go with you first, Bronte.
00:25:08 Okay. Well, obviously, I feel like Harrison and I have a long way to go.
00:25:16 And we've made some really good progress.
00:25:20 So, I risk it.
00:25:23 [Music]
00:25:25 [Applause]
00:25:27 Now, Harrison, over to you.
00:25:31 [Music]
00:25:32 Yeah, I feel like I got Bronte back this week.
00:25:35 And I like that, so I'm going to stay.
00:25:37 Mmm, big turnaround.
00:25:39 [Applause]
00:25:41 You can go back to the group.
00:25:43 [Applause]
00:25:45 Look, I can understand everybody's concern.
00:25:48 But I'm choosing to trust him.
00:25:50 And if at the end of this, I end up with an egg on my face, then it's a lesson learnt.
00:25:55 You know, so hopefully the positives just start to outgrow the negative.
00:26:00 [Music]
00:26:01 Up next, we'd like to invite Sandy and Dan to come up to the couch.
00:26:05 [Applause]
00:26:07 [Music]
00:26:11 Hello.
00:26:13 Hey, you two.
00:26:15 When we saw you last night, there was so much going on.
00:26:19 And the last that we saw of you last night, the vibes were very different from when I last saw you a few days ago.
00:26:27 So, Daniel, I wonder if you can tell me what it was like for you.
00:26:32 So, dinner party was going great last night.
00:26:36 And Harrison grabbed me and pulled me aside and said, "Hey, can we have a chat?"
00:26:40 He said, "I just had a conversation with Janelle and Adam about the night that we were out."
00:26:48 And part of that conversation was that I got a number as well and did the same thing.
00:26:54 And I said straight up, like, I didn't get a number or anything like that.
00:26:57 I felt at that point in time, my integrity was under question.
00:27:03 And I wanted to make it very, very clear that the accusations that were thrown around weren't accurate at all whatsoever.
00:27:12 Tell me, Sandy, this is your first relationship and the trusting and the feeling that you can really trust somebody has been a huge issue for you entering this relationship.
00:27:23 I'd like for you to explain to me what was going through your mind.
00:27:27 Well, because obviously I'm opening up more to Dan and being more vulnerable.
00:27:32 So, with that comes obviously my trust as well.
00:27:35 So, I was upset because, yeah, if he has taken a number, that doesn't sit well with me.
00:27:40 Maybe Bronte is a better woman than I am and more secure.
00:27:44 But I, no.
00:27:50 For me, if you're a married man, you don't do that.
00:27:53 Because I'm here for marriage. I mean, I've left a lot behind.
00:27:56 If we're going to be wasting our time going out getting other people's numbers, I'm not here for that.
00:28:02 How do you feel about the situation now, Sandy? Do you believe Dan?
00:28:08 Up until now, Dan hasn't given me any reason not to trust him.
00:28:12 He hasn't done anything. He has a good moral compass.
00:28:17 We, our values align and where the information was coming from is from people that, whose moral compass, I haven't really seen it.
00:28:23 I haven't seen trust from those people.
00:28:25 Who are you referring to?
00:28:33 Well, Harrison.
00:28:37 It's no lie that I don't agree with the way he does, has been with Bronte in the past and the things he's said and done.
00:28:45 He doesn't sit well with me, so I'm not going to trust his word.
00:28:47 I just saw Dan's phone out, but I'll let you clarify.
00:28:51 I'm not putting any blame on you. What I'm saying is that the information came from you and I don't trust you.
00:28:56 So I'm not going to believe something coming out of your mouth over my partner who has shown me trust.
00:29:01 Yes, girl.
00:29:11 I feel that this experience, having gone through this hurdle at this moment, is helping you, you know, just build and strengthen this relationship.
00:29:18 He's seen a side of me now that that firecracker you were talking about came out yesterday.
00:29:23 Yeah, the butaka came out because you mess with me, yeah, you're f***ed.
00:29:27 Because that's who I am. I'm not going to hold back and be like, yeah, walk all over me. It's cool. You know, you can break my job. It's not going to happen.
00:29:37 I'm not here for that. So, yeah, I mean, you got to see that side. So, yeah.
00:29:43 All right. Let's get to the decision. Daniel.
00:29:50 Me first?
00:29:52 You first.
00:29:53 Okay. Well, yeah, it's been a big week, intimacy week. It's definitely, I think, shone the light on a lot of things for us.
00:30:02 I think she's got a beautiful mind and she's just a beautiful, stunning woman. So I'd like to spend another week with my butaka.
00:30:10 Lovely. Absolutely sweet.
00:30:14 Sandy.
00:30:17 Yeah, I mean, I'm feeling good about how things are going. So that's why I need Tuesday.
00:30:28 Cheers.
00:30:29 Wynna, have a great week, you guys.
00:30:35 Well done, you too.
00:30:36 Good work, guys.
00:30:37 Well done, you guys.
00:30:39 At the end of the day, I am here for a marriage. The whole point of this experiment is to let your guard down and maybe be in uncomfortable situations that you're not used to.
00:30:50 Good job. Good job.
00:30:53 If anything, I feel even more reassured. I think I'm very lucky that I am with someone like Dani.
00:30:57 Coming up, confessions on the couch.
00:31:02 Now, what possessed you to tell us that right now?
00:31:06 Just it.
00:31:07 Become too much for Josh.
00:31:12 Next up on the couch.
00:31:13 Tani and Oli.
00:31:22 Hey, guys.
00:31:26 Hello.
00:31:27 I'm wondering about this week.
00:31:31 I'm wondering about this week.
00:31:33 I'm wondering about this week.
00:31:35 I'm wondering about this week.
00:31:38 I'm wondering about this week. How have feelings developed?
00:31:42 I guess more and more each day, my feelings get stronger for Oli.
00:31:46 It makes me proud that, you know, he's here with me. Like, I think I have the best husband, but, you know.
00:31:51 How about you, Oli? Can you see yourself falling for Tani?
00:31:56 Yeah, 100%.
00:32:01 I can't put it into words yet, but the trajectory is really positive, I think.
00:32:07 Whatever expectations I had, it succeeded, like quite a lot.
00:32:11 Seriously?
00:32:13 The little people.
00:32:15 Speaks volumes.
00:32:17 I don't even think that we are going to have any doubt what's on your cards this week.
00:32:22 Can we do it together?
00:32:24 Would you like to do it together?
00:32:25 There you go. Boom.
00:32:26 Yay!
00:32:30 Thank you.
00:32:31 Thank you.
00:32:32 Well done, you guys.
00:32:33 Great work.
00:32:35 Good job. You little cutie pies.
00:32:38 Let's get our next couple up. Janelle and Adam.
00:32:42 How's this week been, you two?
00:32:44 You really threw us some fun challenges this week.
00:32:47 I feel like I got stitched up a little bit because I thought everyone was doing that photography challenge.
00:32:53 It was special.
00:32:56 Adam really leaned into it and I was really impressed because I made him squeeze tomatoes over his face.
00:33:01 And he made me eat a banana, sexually.
00:33:06 Seductively eat a banana.
00:33:07 Seductively eat a banana.
00:33:08 It was good. I feel like we needed it as well because coming off the back of last week, you know, we weren't in the best spot after that.
00:33:16 So, like, that was the perfect thing for us.
00:33:18 I feel like we're in the best place that we've been in the experiment.
00:33:22 Yeah, definitely.
00:33:23 Well, I think we should go to the decision.
00:33:25 Well, I've decided to stay, obviously.
00:33:27 Good stuff. I also wrote stay.
00:33:30 Fabulous. Good on you guys.
00:33:32 Thank you.
00:33:33 Thank you.
00:33:34 Our next couple up, Melinda and Leighton.
00:33:37 How's your week been?
00:33:39 Interesting.
00:33:41 What are the issues that you're facing as a couple?
00:33:44 I think probably communication styles is our biggest issue.
00:33:47 When we argue, it gets really heated because we're both really passionate.
00:33:52 We can't, like, have a conversation with somehow the other one not taking offense or not getting triggered.
00:33:57 So there's a disconnect there.
00:33:59 And we need to be acknowledging that.
00:34:02 You both really need to just get curious and show the other that you're curious about them.
00:34:08 You guys need to start focusing on listening to each other, giving each other space to have those different approaches.
00:34:16 But first, we need to go to the decision.
00:34:20 I think we are at a strong point.
00:34:22 We just need to work on the communication.
00:34:24 So I've said stay.
00:34:26 Wonderful.
00:34:28 I would also like to say...
00:34:30 Well, that's lovely. Thank you, guys.
00:34:32 Thank you.
00:34:34 And our next couple tonight...
00:34:37 Melissa and Josh.
00:34:46 [Applause]
00:34:50 What's going on here?
00:34:58 There's been a significant change here in you guys.
00:35:02 Why don't you go first?
00:35:04 How are we going?
00:35:06 Not great.
00:35:11 Oh, yeah.
00:35:14 Okay, so what's happened?
00:35:15 You guys entered into this experiment and initially had a very strong sexual connection.
00:35:21 So how has this week been with more of that focus on that emotional connection?
00:35:27 Well, the last week...
00:35:30 We started off in a messy week in a difficult position.
00:35:35 And then tried to hit the reset button with some dates, some quality time together.
00:35:43 Some physical intimacy.
00:35:46 And that didn't seem to really work.
00:35:50 Just felt like the wheels fell off again.
00:35:53 Why didn't it work?
00:35:59 Well, I think because...
00:36:01 Can I say?
00:36:03 I think because we're still talking about sex, it's still really bloody awkward.
00:36:09 So for intimacy week, this for me was like my ultimate favourite week, you know?
00:36:14 I watch the seasons and I'm like, "Woohoo! Intimacy week, you know? What can I bring?"
00:36:19 It's like my favourite week.
00:36:21 I'm like, "Ooh, like suppressed."
00:36:23 And I'm like, "Don't talk about sex. Don't talk about it because I don't want to upset..."
00:36:28 Like Josh is really conservative and I respect that.
00:36:31 But then it's just like, it suppresses me and then I feel like...
00:36:39 I'm the alpha in the relationship.
00:36:41 I just feel in this relationship, I'm definitely more dominant and it's just showing.
00:36:50 Can I jump in there?
00:36:58 Because you're saying that I'm some kind of shrew or 40-year-old virgin, which I am not in any way, shape or form.
00:37:06 We were intimate on Friday and Saturday, just this past last couple of days.
00:37:12 I cannot sit here and take this because it is untrue.
00:37:18 And I want to now speak my truth and talk about something that I actually think is at the heart of the issue.
00:37:24 There is a significant issue in this relationship about control.
00:37:28 In this relationship, Melissa has attempted to restrict my access to the TV.
00:37:36 She's attempted to restrict my access to my mobile phone.
00:37:39 She's trying to place limitations on the times that I can read my books.
00:37:44 She's trying to tell me when I can go out, where I can go out, who I talk to, when I talk to them.
00:37:51 And last week you heard her talk about the fact that she's going to limit intimacy.
00:37:55 That was never something I agreed to.
00:37:57 She has used degrading and dehumanising language to me, questioning my manhood.
00:38:03 So when we talk about getting at the core of the issue, that is the core of the issue right there.
00:38:13 And can I say that if I was a woman saying these things, the crowd would feel very differently about me.
00:38:25 I agree.
00:38:28 I'm a woman.
00:38:29 Melissa, I didn't see this.
00:38:33 Melissa, did you question his manhood?
00:38:38 Um, when did I question your manhood? What did I say about your manhood?
00:38:42 You said repeatedly, I need a man. I came here to meet a man.
00:38:46 Oh yeah, I have said that.
00:38:48 So, is Josh not man enough for you?
00:38:56 I just feel like he's not a big, like, man.
00:39:00 I don't feel protected by Josh.
00:39:05 And I feel like I'm protecting him and I feel no protection or love or support or anything from him.
00:39:13 And it's not something I'm used to. I'm used to a man. Just, you know, I want a manly man.
00:39:20 Oh gosh, she needs to stop talking.
00:39:24 I reckon one of the most frustrating things is when somebody says, you're not a man. Like, what is a man?
00:39:29 A man is someone who can really talk about their emotions and get deep and like be vulnerable. That's a man.
00:39:37 What a man isn't is someone who just wants to chop it up and not talk about anything. That's like, to me, that's not a man.
00:39:44 Any indication of a man, I've got that from Josh more than anyone else.
00:39:48 Yeah.
00:39:51 [Music plays]
00:39:58 Are you able to put yourself in his shoes right now? Let's reverse it.
00:40:03 Let's say he's looking at you and saying, you're not enough of a woman for me. You're a little girl. You're not a woman.
00:40:10 How would that feel?
00:40:13 Really hurtful.
00:40:19 Because also to, I've got to say, that intimacy night, during intimacy week, it was just sex.
00:40:30 It was just a transaction.
00:40:34 Like, I didn't feel like it was a genuine thing.
00:40:47 It wasn't how I imagined to have an amazing sex life with someone. It was just physical. And that was quite awful.
00:40:56 We were really drunk and it was just really awkward.
00:41:15 [Music plays]
00:41:19 Too much.
00:41:21 Um, now what possessed you to tell us that right now? What might you hope from saying that?
00:41:30 [Music plays]
00:41:43 I've got to say, that intimacy night, during intimacy week, it was just sex. It was just a transaction.
00:41:52 [Music plays]
00:41:59 Like, I didn't feel like it was a genuine thing.
00:42:03 It wasn't kissing, loving, how I imagined to have an amazing sex life with someone. It was just physical.
00:42:12 We were really drunk and it was just really awkward.
00:42:15 [Music plays]
00:42:20 Too much.
00:42:22 It wasn't nice.
00:42:24 Um, now what possessed you to tell us that right now? What might you hope from saying that?
00:42:36 Like, how do I say? I don't know, like…
00:42:43 It felt like a low blow, particularly at the timing of it.
00:42:48 Because you look at him, he's not really able to cope with that sort of comment.
00:42:58 When you're looking at him and you know what he's told you tonight.
00:43:03 Those words have an awful lot of power because you're diminishing him as a person.
00:43:10 Yep.
00:43:12 [Music plays]
00:43:18 [Music plays]
00:43:33 Josh, can you let us know how you're feeling and what's going on?
00:43:38 Um, it's just, uh, it's just overwhelming. Yeah.
00:43:48 [Music plays]
00:43:50 It's hard because, um, you come out of a long-term relationship.
00:44:01 [Music plays]
00:44:11 This doesn't help, you know, um, I'm wondering whether you're enough and then, yeah, I just feel like I'm pretty broken.
00:44:21 [Music plays]
00:44:28 [Music plays]
00:44:38 [Music plays]
00:44:51 I just, I can't, I can't handle it anymore.
00:44:55 [Bleep]
00:44:57 [Bleep]
00:44:59 I did not know this was going on.
00:45:03 It's an archaic way of talking about what a man is. It's what people said men were 60 years ago.
00:45:09 That was him.
00:45:11 What do you need?
00:45:12 Oh, I've got to go in there and show him.
00:45:14 You alright?
00:45:15 Yeah.
00:45:16 Okay, good. Well, just know that we've got you, okay?
00:45:18 You alright?
00:45:20 I'm alright.
00:45:23 [Music plays]
00:45:43 I haven't seen any of this from Josh in the weeks.
00:45:47 I had no idea that this was happening for him.
00:45:50 I would have come to you sooner.
00:45:52 Have you guys been living together?
00:45:53 Yeah, but we don't talk.
00:45:55 Okay, so in the course of your, you know, everyday life.
00:45:58 We don't talk. This is a thing.
00:46:00 This is not true at all. It's not true at all.
00:46:04 I had no idea.
00:46:05 Josh, why are you here?
00:46:06 You could have told me.
00:46:07 We talk all the time.
00:46:08 Not about this. Whatever I've said, you could have said, "Hey Mel, that just really hurt me," or whatever in that argument. I would have addressed it.
00:46:16 Why does the owner sit on me to tell you that the words that you say are really horrible?
00:46:20 Because we were in a fight. Lots of words got said. I was hurt too.
00:46:25 Well, just so you know, the only thing that I've ever attacked you on, I feel, is your honesty and communication, and that's it.
00:46:32 The things that you come back to me on are all personal things.
00:46:36 I definitely think I have a huge bite, and I definitely know I've said some horrible shit, and I'm so apologetic.
00:46:44 I appreciate that, but it's...
00:46:47 I get it.
00:46:49 Yeah.
00:46:50 Sorry, Josh.
00:46:56 Yeah.
00:46:58 I said all those shitty things, and I'm really sorry.
00:47:00 I think we need to get to the decision.
00:47:02 But let's go with you first, Josh. What do you want to do? Stay or leave?
00:47:06 I'm leaving. I can't stay here anymore. I want to go home and see my kids.
00:47:18 What about you, Melissa? What have you got? Stay or leave?
00:47:20 So I did say leave, and then I decided to say stay.
00:47:27 Ah.
00:47:32 Oh my God, why? I have no f***ing idea. Oh my God.
00:47:39 Why would you decide it's right to stay?
00:47:47 Josh is a really nice, great guy.
00:47:50 He's a great guy. So why would you not want to stay with him?
00:47:57 He's really, really kind, and...
00:48:01 When we look at, you know, what you're saying to him, which is, "He's not enough of a man for you," you know, these are heavy, emotionally charged words that you're throwing at him.
00:48:15 Josh, we can see clearly that you're pretty broken right now.
00:48:21 Considering what we've seen tonight and what we've heard, I'm going to do something that I've never done before.
00:48:29 Because I have never seen a relationship like this before in the experiment.
00:48:35 And we've also been in a relationship for a long time.
00:48:42 And we've also been around long enough to know that there is no coming back for you in this experiment, Josh.
00:48:53 And we're not going to subject you any longer to this.
00:48:57 But this clearly is an option that you have to be offered.
00:49:07 As you know, if one person writes "stay" and the other person writes "leave," then that couple stays in the experiment for another week to see if they can turn it around.
00:49:15 Melissa, you wrote "stay."
00:49:19 But right now, it's up to you, Josh, what you want to do from this point forward.
00:49:36 Thanks, I'd like to leave.
00:49:38 So we're going to respect your request, Josh.
00:49:44 Josh, Melissa, we wish you all the best.
00:49:48 You can go back to the group now.
00:49:53 [applause]
00:49:56 And our next couple on the couch tonight...
00:50:15 ...is Alyssa and Duncan.
00:50:21 [applause]
00:50:24 How are you going, you guys?
00:50:27 Good.
00:50:28 Very good.
00:50:29 Oh, very good?
00:50:30 Yeah.
00:50:31 Why don't we start there?
00:50:32 Look, it was a great intimacy week.
00:50:35 How great did it get?
00:50:36 Uh...
00:50:37 Yeah, look, so...
00:50:40 It was a great balance of dominance and delicacy, I think.
00:50:46 Dominance and delicacy?
00:50:49 Yeah, like I was being delicate in some ways, but at the same time...
00:50:53 We don't have to get into details, it's alright.
00:50:55 Save that for next week.
00:50:58 It ended with a bang.
00:50:59 There it is.
00:51:01 [applause]
00:51:04 Well done, you guys.
00:51:08 And so how has your relationship changed this week?
00:51:11 It just made us even closer, obviously.
00:51:14 I really resonated with Alessandra's workshop saying...
00:51:17 ...the most comfortable way you can start talking about sex is just talking about it.
00:51:21 Thanks, Alessandra. You're the best.
00:51:23 No, really?
00:51:24 I owe you my life.
00:51:25 You owe yourself that you gave yourself the opportunity this week to go there.
00:51:29 And I think you're reaping the benefits of your work in this relationship, so congratulations.
00:51:34 Keep up the good work.
00:51:35 Thank you.
00:51:36 Thanks.
00:51:37 How about we go to the decision?
00:51:38 Oh, it's gonna be a tough one.
00:51:40 Surprisingly, road's safe.
00:51:43 I also think you're gonna have to kick us out.
00:51:46 Enjoy the next week, guys.
00:51:48 [applause]
00:51:51 Let's have our next couple up.
00:52:00 Lindal and Pat.
00:52:04 [applause]
00:52:11 You're looking very comfortable there together on the couch.
00:52:14 However, last night, you didn't seem as close and connected.
00:52:19 Why don't you catch us up on how things have been throughout the week?
00:52:24 So we had a good week with intimacy week.
00:52:27 But over the weekend, Lindal seen Shannon with another person.
00:52:32 Assuming it was the ex and his daughter.
00:52:36 Which then Lindal said something to me about it.
00:52:39 And I pretty much just said, I'm just gonna stick in my own lane for this one.
00:52:42 I'm not getting involved.
00:52:44 I just didn't want this to then conflict our relationship.
00:52:48 I just wanted a bit of support, maybe like a backboard.
00:52:52 Like we could, you know, brainstorm kind of how to approach it.
00:52:55 But I kind of got like a brick wall response from Cam in terms of I don't want anything to do with it.
00:53:01 Just wondering, Cam, if there's a middle ground here for you to say to Lindal, you know,
00:53:07 I appreciate that you've got strong views on this.
00:53:09 I support you, but I'm not going to get involved myself.
00:53:12 That's pretty much what I said.
00:53:14 Lindal, I noticed you're smirking there.
00:53:17 I think just the way that it was said was quite blunt and it kind of hurt me.
00:53:21 Probably the way that I said it is like you are your own person, say what you want.
00:53:26 I can't tell you what you can and can't say.
00:53:28 I probably could have said it in a nicer tone.
00:53:29 Okay.
00:53:30 So I apologise if that's the message you got.
00:53:32 [Music]
00:53:36 Cam, this is your first relationship, you know, and we get that.
00:53:40 So we're not expecting you to go from zero to 100 in, you know, the first three weeks.
00:53:45 You have to find that balance where you can each maintain who you are,
00:53:50 but are able to be yourselves, your full selves,
00:53:53 without fear that the other person is going to judge and perhaps leave.
00:53:59 This is a learning process and that's going to have hurdles along the way.
00:54:03 So just persevere with it.
00:54:05 Alright, let's go to the decision.
00:54:11 There has been a rocky road for us, but I feel that we're pretty confident of, you know,
00:54:16 getting over that and moving forward.
00:54:18 So I wrote stay.
00:54:20 Wonderful.
00:54:21 [Applause]
00:54:25 Obviously there's been to be bumps, but I've had a really fun week this week.
00:54:29 So I wrote stay.
00:54:31 Wonderful.
00:54:32 Have a great week.
00:54:33 Thank you.
00:54:34 Thank you guys.
00:54:35 Good on you guys.
00:54:36 [Applause]
00:54:38 Good stuff.
00:54:45 Let's get our last couple up.
00:54:47 Caitlin and Shannon.
00:54:49 [Applause]
00:54:52 Interesting.
00:54:55 Alright, where's the popcorn?
00:54:57 Where to start? Last night.
00:55:03 I've got to say, it was a big one.
00:55:07 What was your take on it, Shannon?
00:55:10 Quite honestly, I thought it was a lot better than I thought it would have been,
00:55:16 because I was anticipating a lot worse.
00:55:18 What were you afraid of or worried about?
00:55:23 How Caitlin was going to react, because last time I spoke to her,
00:55:27 there was things that I said that were insulting.
00:55:31 What exactly did Shannon say to you, Caitlin?
00:55:35 For me, I think like the most hurtful things he said was,
00:55:42 "I'm not attracted to you. There's no attraction here."
00:55:50 He then said that I'm a good looking girl, not to him.
00:55:54 But I think the most hurtful thing for me was after that,
00:56:00 he said if there was someone that walked down the aisle that wowed him,
00:56:03 he would have cut it off with his ex then and there.
00:56:05 And because I didn't wow him,
00:56:10 that is why what happened with his ex happened.
00:56:19 How does it make you feel when the person you're in a romantic relationship with
00:56:24 floors you with insults?
00:56:27 I didn't feel human.
00:56:31 To me, I would never treat another human being like that.
00:56:35 Not a stranger, not a friend.
00:56:37 Which is why I did ask for a separate room,
00:56:40 because how am I meant to sleep in the same bed as someone who thinks this way of me?
00:56:44 Shannon, frankly, what we've heard, your behavior towards Caitlin,
00:56:50 the way you spoke to her, that really was really disgusting.
00:56:57 Why did you feel the need to say all those things to Caitlin?
00:57:04 [Music]
00:57:17 Why?
00:57:18 I don't really even have an answer for you.
00:57:22 Just own it and answer the question.
00:57:26 What's your motivation to saying those things that are insulting and deeply hurtful?
00:57:33 [Music]
00:57:38 Does it matter?
00:57:39 It doesn't.
00:57:41 Yeah, it's right at the core issue here of why this is broken.
00:57:46 Were you trying to hurt her?
00:57:49 Explain yourself.
00:57:55 I said them just to hurt her.
00:58:01 [Music]
00:58:27 I'm really sorry that I've done this.
00:58:30 [Music]
00:58:54 Let's get to the decision.
00:58:56 Shannon, what have you got for us?
00:59:00 Stay or leave?
00:59:01 As much as what I've done is disgusting, what I've said is repulsing, not noticing it.
00:59:09 And how deeply, deeply sorry I am to you guys, to you guys,
00:59:18 but most importantly, I'm really, really sorry.
00:59:26 I'm gutted.
00:59:32 [Music]
00:59:38 But I want to stay.
00:59:41 [Music]
00:59:49 Oh, Shannon, man.
00:59:51 [Music]
00:59:58 As much as what I've done is disgusting, what I've said is repulsing, not noticing it.
01:00:04 And how deeply, deeply sorry I am to you guys, to you guys,
01:00:13 but most importantly, I'm really, really sorry.
01:00:17 But I want to stay.
01:00:20 [Music]
01:00:36 Shannon, you're not talking a lot of sense.
01:00:38 Why would you say you want to stay after everything you've said to her
01:00:44 and the cruel treatment that you've dished out to Caitlin?
01:00:49 Because there's still that gut feeling inside me that says stay.
01:00:52 I don't want to give up.
01:00:56 Now, I've got to jump in. I mean, come on.
01:01:01 When you say you don't want to give up, you have been 100% focused on giving up this week.
01:01:11 It is glaringly obvious that any chance that you get, you have tried to push her away and to hurt her.
01:01:23 Why should we believe now that you're going to change?
01:01:32 [Music]
01:01:42 I want an answer.
01:01:43 [Music]
01:01:47 What exactly are you going to do to change the way you treat Caitlin?
01:01:52 [Music]
01:02:05 I need to listen to her and actually take into account with what she's saying and how she's saying it
01:02:10 and not just being on the defence end, just trying to belittle her.
01:02:14 Turn to Caitlin and tell her how you're going to be better this week.
01:02:21 [Music]
01:02:26 Just come back to the house and give me one more chance.
01:02:33 I'm going to be better this week because I just want to actually get along.
01:02:39 At least just for one more week, just so I can just at least, we can just end up at least just being friends
01:02:48 and I can just get along with you because I don't want to end up like this with anybody.
01:02:52 How? Spell it out. How are you going to be better?
01:02:59 To definitely have a big reflection of my attitude.
01:03:04 That doesn't answer the question. Get specific. Give me the how-to's.
01:03:12 I'll buy her flowers, I'll, they're materialistic things. I just want to even just have a conversation
01:03:18 where I just give her even just the slightest bit of respect.
01:03:21 How actually? What else are you going to do?
01:03:25 [Music]
01:03:36 He can't answer the question.
01:03:38 [Music]
01:03:42 What else?
01:03:43 [Music]
01:03:46 I mean I'd love to give her a hug right now but honestly it's like I'd have to take baby steps
01:03:50 and I don't even really think that she'd want that.
01:03:52 [Music]
01:03:56 Because I'm a monster.
01:03:57 [Music]
01:04:03 Why do you think you're a monster?
01:04:05 [Music]
01:04:19 Because it seems like any relationship that I have, all I do is just put people down.
01:04:22 [Music]
01:04:28 To make me feel better about myself.
01:04:30 [Music]
01:04:36 Where does that come from?
01:04:37 [Music]
01:04:49 Yeah, this is the problem.
01:04:50 When we hold your feet to the fire and we need accountability,
01:04:57 you shrug your shoulders and you say I don't know.
01:05:01 I have never seen a relationship like this before in the experiment.
01:05:07 Caitlin, right now it's up to you what you want to do from this point forward.
01:05:16 If you want to stay, then you stay.
01:05:24 But if you decide that he is not for you and he is not worth sticking around for,
01:05:30 then you can leave.
01:05:32 [Music]
01:05:36 It's entirely up to you.
01:05:38 [Music]
01:05:50 Caitlin, right now it's up to you what you want to do from this point forward.
01:05:56 [Music]
01:05:59 If you want to stay, then you stay.
01:06:02 [Music]
01:06:05 But if you decide that he is not for you and he is not worth sticking around for,
01:06:11 then you can leave.
01:06:13 [Music]
01:06:19 It's entirely up to you.
01:06:21 [Music]
01:06:25 Last time we sat here too and it was I need to do better and I'll own it.
01:06:29 And we can't keep moving forward on the premise of I'll own it,
01:06:34 but no action of actually doing better.
01:06:38 It's an apology that is followed by anger and aggression and defensiveness,
01:06:45 not an apology that is actioned.
01:06:47 [Music]
01:06:50 I deserve to be respected.
01:06:52 [Music]
01:06:54 I deserve to feel wanted. I deserve to be treated like a human being.
01:06:59 [Music]
01:07:03 You don't deserve me.
01:07:05 [Music]
01:07:08 I came in here really hoping to meet someone who I could love and who would love me.
01:07:13 [Crying]
01:07:15 [Music]
01:07:17 Oh, babe.
01:07:19 [Music]
01:07:26 For me, I wanted someone to be proud of being with me.
01:07:31 I wanted someone to appreciate me.
01:07:34 [Music]
01:07:41 I wanted to be someone's someone because I've never been that for somebody before.
01:07:45 [Music]
01:07:57 But this here,
01:07:59 [Music]
01:08:02 this isn't what I wanted.
01:08:04 And if I'm being honest,
01:08:07 if I could do it all over again with someone else, I would.
01:08:11 Because I deserve that chance, but this man does not deserve me.
01:08:15 [Music]
01:08:19 So I will be leaving.
01:08:21 [Music]
01:08:32 Good.
01:08:34 [Music]
01:08:43 What's worthwhile pointing out here, Caitlin,
01:08:46 is that this experiment at times for you
01:08:51 got really, really nasty.
01:08:54 [Music]
01:08:57 But throughout all of that, you maintained your dignity.
01:09:00 [Music]
01:09:02 You kept believing that maybe you could turn this around.
01:09:06 And let me be very clear, you are worthy.
01:09:10 Thank you.
01:09:12 You are a great catch.
01:09:14 And you will make someone very happy.
01:09:18 [Music]
01:09:21 Thank you.
01:09:23 [Music]
01:09:26 Wonderful.
01:09:28 [Music]
01:09:40 You're incredible.
01:09:42 [Music]
01:09:47 You are a queen.
01:09:48 I will never forget you.
01:09:50 [Music]
